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Section 1 of Mountain View Cemetery Listing
Last updated on June 23, 2003

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In memory of Nahum Ward ~~
deceafed May 7 1754
in ye 70th Year of his Age
In memory of Mrs Martha ye Relict of Nathum Ward
~~ ~~ July ~~ 1755 in yel 68 Year of her Age

Hon. Artemas Ward Esq.

Sacred to the memory of the Hon. Artemas Ward Esq. who was born in Shrewsbury Nov. 1727_ Graduated at Harvard College 1748. Being furnished with natural & acquired abilities for public & important truft; In 1751 he was commissioned to keep the peace_ In 1762 he was appointed a justice of the Court of common pleas in this County_ In 1776 was made president of s'd Court. His firm attachment to the rights of man induced him to take an active part in the cause of America; And when the controversy with great Britain was about to be decided by the sword he consented to take the command of the American Army & continued in command during a most critical period of the contest; In 1779 he was appointed a member of congress; and by the free suffrages of his fellow citizens was repeatedly elected a member under the federal Government; & continued in elevated public stations, until age & bodily infirmity constrained him to retire. Such was the firmness of his mind that he was swayed neither by the applause or censures of men but appeared ever to act under afence of being accountable to his God. In every public station he acquired himself with dignity, ability & integrity. And his memory will long be precious with the friends of Liberty & Religion. He departed this life Oct. 28, 1800,
in the 73 year of his age.
Here lieth buried the body of
Mrs Sarah Ward
Wife of the Hon. Artemas Ward Efq.
Who died Dec 15 1788 in the 63d year of her age
Here layeth buried the body of
Cap. Nahum Ward
fon of the Hon. Artemas Ward & Mrs. Sarah his wife
who died March 7th 1778 in the 24th year of his age
Here lieth buried the body Mifs Martha Ward
( daughter of the Hon. Arthemas Ward Efq & Mrs. Sarah his wife )
who died July 25th 1781 in the 22d year of her age
In memory of Mrs. Hannah Harrington wife of Mr. Thomas Harrington she died March 8th 1793 in ~ ***
Erected In memory of Mrs. Grace Eaton wife of Mr. Thomas Eaton who died Jany 14th 1813 ***
In memory of Capt. Thomas Harrington who died Dec. 20, 1834. ***
(all the letters N are backwards and the letters S are very slanted to the right.)
This stone erected in memory of Mrs. Sarah Mann who departed this life Sept 13 1766 77yr of her age ***
This stone erected in memory of Capt Nathl Allen who departed this life Nov. ~~ AD 1770 of the 71 yr of his age ***
The memory of Salome Brssms born in Stoddard ~~ April 3, 1808 Died in Worcester Mass April 14, 1898 ***
Muriel C. Heywood wife of Augustine L. Haywood October 11, 1887 October 24, 1981 ***
Elizabeth (Haywood) April 28 1924 Sept 24 1925 ***
Vincent E. Haywood January 20 1889 December 30 1980 ***
Mabel A. Wilson wife of Vincent E. Heywood July 30, 1903 November 9, 1980 ***
Cora M. Eaton wife of Charles H. Haywood July 26, 1860 July 1, 1944 ***
Charles H. Haywood February 21, 1862 June 11, 1913 ***
Charles Errol Haywood February 7, 1894 died July 3, 1980 in Errol N.H. birthplace of his father Charles Henry Haywood ***
Gladys C. Jones wife of Charles Errol Haywood October 23, 1892 February 7, 1978 ***
In memory of Mr. Emerson Keyes Son of Mr. Lewis & Mrs. Sally Keyes; and Grandson of Mr. Elisha Keyes; who died Dec. 2, 1816 Ę 22 ***
Erected in memory of Mr. Elisha Keyes who departed this life Feb. 18th 1811 Ęt 82 ***
In memory of Mrs. Katharine Keyes, wife of Mr. Elisha Keyes, who departed this life November 9th 1797, Aged 60 years ***
In memory of Molly Keyes, daug. Mr. Elisha & Mrs. Katharine Keyes, who departed this life October 26th 1784 In the 12th year of her age. ***
In memory of Mr. Lewis Keyes, who departed this life March 25th 1798. In the 29th year of his age. ***
In memory of Mrs. Sally Keyes, Wife of Mr. Lewes Keyes, who departed this life June 16th 1799. In the 26th year of her age. Note spelling
of Lewis
Wm. Taylor died Aug. 14, 1775, aged 84. Also Elizabeth, his wife died March 1763, aged 73. ***
Abner son of Mr. Daniel Johnson & Mrs. Martha his wife, died May 3, 1800, In the 21 year of his age. Also Newell son of Mr. Daniel Johnson & Mrs. Martha his wife, died July 30, 1786, Ę 2 years 4 months & 10 days. Childhood and Youth are vanity, Remember reader you have to die. ***
This stone is broken in three pieces and is leaning against the back of another stone. ***
In memory of Mrs. Grace Goddard, Relict of Mr. Benjamin Goddard, who died Oct. 28, 1803. In the 90 year of her age. ***
Here Lies Buried The Body of Mr. Benjamin Goddard, Who Departed This Life January ye 28 A.D 1754. In the 50 year of his age. ***
This Headstone is unreadable. Headstone No. 1
In memory of Mr. Hezekiah Rice, who departed this life Sept. 13th 1759. Aged 47 years 6 mont and 3 days ***
In memory of Mrs. Mary Rice, relict of Mr. Hezekiah Rice who departed this life April 25th 1796. In the 74 year of her age. ***
In memory of Mrs. Lydia Stone, confort of Mr. Joseph Stone, who departed this life May Ye 10th 1786. In 34th year of her age. ~terred with her infant child which expired on the day of (its?) birth. ***
In memory of Mrs. Zaavan Gros-Lewis, who departed this life November 19th 1766, Aged 55 years ***
In memory of Mrs. Mirian Rice, wife of Col. Asa Rice, who departed this life Jan 1st 1797. In the 55 year of her age. ***
Erected In Memory of Mr. Thomas H. Kemble, who died March 4th 1800 Ęt 30. Thomas Kemble son of Mr. Thomas H. & Mrs. Hanuah Kemble died ~~ ***
In memory of Mr. Levi Peas, who died June 20, 1808.
(a second stone with the following inscription.)
1739 - 1824
Capt. Levi Pease
1775 - Soldier, Govt. Forager Dispatch Bearer.
1783 - Organizer and Proprietor of first stage coach lines in the United States.
1786 - First Contractor for carrying U.S. Mail.
(Erected by Shrewsbury Historical Society 1900.
In Memory of Mr. Paul Knowlton, who departed this life June 27th 1799 In the 64th year of his age. ***
Mrs. Lucy, wife of Mr. Paul Knowlton, died May 8, 1837.
Ęt 85.
In Memory of Mr. Isaac Cutler, who died March 23, 1839, Ęt 49. ***
Ruth, wife of Isaac Cutler, died Jan. 4, 1860.
Ęt 72 yrs.
This Headstone is unreadable. Headstone No. 2
In Memory of Mr. Thomas Harrington, who died April 15th, 1791. ***
This Headstone is unreadable. ***
John H. Hastings, son of ~~ & Lucy Hastings, died May 5, 1799. ~~ years, ~~~ ***
This Headstone is unreadable. Headstone No. 3
Mr. Joseph Hastings Jr. died July 13, 1796. Ęt. 47 ys 10 ms
Mrs. Catherine, his wife, died Dec. 30, 1840, Ęt. 90 ys 8 ms
Master Robert Rand Eddy,
Son of Mr. Benjamin & Mrs. Martha Eddy.
died June 17, 17~6. Ęt. 15 ys.
Go fair exemplar of untained youth,
Of modest wisdom and pacific truth;
Go live for Heav'n's eternal year is thine,
Go and exalt thy morral to Divine.
Miss Eunice Eddy their daughter,
died July 20, 1796. Ęt. 20
And thou, blest maid, attendant on bis doom,
Pensive hast follow'd to the silent tomb:
Steer'd the same course, to the same quiet sbore,
Not parted long and now to part no more:
Go then, where only bliss sincere is known.
Go where to love, and to enjoy are one.
Yet take these tears, mortailty's relies.
And till we share your joys forgive our grief:
These little rites, a stone, a verse receive.
Tis all a Father ~~~ ~~~
In Memory of Robert Rand Eddy,
who died Sept. 13, 1778, Aged 4 years & half.
Sarah Eddy who died Sept. 11th 1778. Aged 8 years.
In Memory of Mrs. Sarah Wyman,
relict Capt. Ross Wyman who died Nov. 30, 1808
in the 88th year of her age.
To tell her virtues might afford relies,
And dull the piercing arrows of our g~~~
But comfort from a better source ~~~
In Memory of Capt. Ross Wyman,
who died Sept. 11, 1808
in the 92 yr of his age.
Few are our days, those few ~~
Sure is our fate to moulder ~~~
In Memory of Dinah, daughter of William Taylor
and wife of Capt. Ross Wyman,
March 27, 1727, -- November 23, 1759
In Memory of Capt. Thomas Harrington,
who died Dec. 20, 1834, Ęt. 79.
In Memory of Mrs. Hannah Harrington,
wife of Mr. Thomas Harrington,
who died March 8th, 1792, in
( The rest of the stone is buried.)
Daniel Goddard, died Sept. 20, 1807, aged 73 years.
Mary Goddard Jan. 13, 1796, aged 65 years
Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Mary Goddard,
confort of Lieut. Daniel Goddard,
who departed this life in full expectation of a better.
Jan. 13th, 1796,
in the 66th year of her age.
Sacred to the memory of Mr. Daniel Goddard jun,
who departed this life Oct. 3d, 1795,
in the 31th year of his age.
Erected to the memory of Mr. Seth Parker
who departed this life Oct. 7, 1828 Ęt. 35.
Mrs. Hannah, wife of Mr. Ithamer Parker
died July 3, 1845, Ęt. 80.
In memory of Mr. Ithamer Parker
who departed this life Dec. 29, 1799 Ętatis 40.
In memory of Mrs. Mary Parker
Relict of Mr. Simon Parker;
who departed this life August 21, 1800 Ętatis 78.
Mr. Simon Parker,
died Oct. 26th, 1794, in the 75th year of his age.
Asa Parker, died in Paxton.
May 17th, 1838, aged 80 years & 2 months.
Lydia Parker, wife of Asa Parker, died in Paxton.
September 24th, 1830, aged 69 years & 6 months.
Phebe Parker, died in Paxton.
January 29th, 1849, aged 71 years.
Sarah Parker, died in Shrewsbury.
November 24th, 1873, aged 69 years & 1 month.
Simon Parker,
died May 13th, 1849.
Here lies the body of Ann Drury Ann Drury
Here lies the body of Sarah Drury Sarah Drury
Here lies the body of Sarah the wife of Daniel Drury
des Nove ye 30, 1775, Agd 70 Yer & 8 Mon & 11 Days
Sarah Drury
Seth Wyman died June 18, 1865, Ęt. 78
Mrs. Lucy Wyman wife of Seth Wyman,
died Dec. 23, 1871, Ęt. 77
Jane Eveline Dau. of Seth & Lucy Wyman
died Oct. 31, 1831, Ęt. 2 ys.
Lucy M. Wyman died in St Louis Mo.
May 2, 1858. Ęt. 28 ys.
Henry Sawyer Son of Capt. John B. Wyman.
died Aug. 17, 1850, Ęt. 17m.
INFANT child of Oliver B. Wyman, died Sept. 18, 1854.
Col. John Baker son of Seth & Lucy Wyman.
Born in Shrewsbury July 12, 1817.
Fell at Vi~~burg, Miss Dec. 28, 1862. Ęt. 45.
Capt. Ross Wyman died Sept. 11, 1808. Ęt. 92
Dinah his wife died Nov. 15, 1759, Ęt. 39.
Col. Seth Wyman died Dec. 29, 1827. Ęt. 70.
Mary, his wife, died Jan. 14, 1829. Ęt. 71.
Capt. Oliver Wyman son of Col. Seth Wyman was drowned
in Lake Champlain Dec. 5, 1823. Ęt. 34.
Ross Wyman, son of Col. Seth Wyman
died Mar. 2, 1834. Ęt. 49.
Augustus Erving who took passage
on the ill fated steamer Pacific
Jan. 23, 1856. Ęt. 38 ys.
Also his wife Anna W. Erving, Ęt. 31 ys.
Henry S. youngest son of Seth & Lucy Wyman
died July 22, 1866. Ęt. 34 ys.
