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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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The figures following the letter r indicate the number of the road on which the party resides, and will be found by reference to the map in the back part of this work. Where no road number is given the party is suppossed to reside in the village.

Figures placed after the occupation of acres owned or leased.

The word street is implied.
Highlight keywords:
Adams David H., (E. Concord) r 32, farmer 110.
Adams Emra, (E. Concord) r 32, farm laborer.
Adams George A., (N. Concord) r 6, carpenter and farmer, son of J. C.
Adams Jonathan C., (N. Concord) r 6, carpenter and mason, farmer 140.
Aldrich Alden, (Miles Pond) r 29, showman, electric lantern Bible scenes, h and 3 acres.
Allen William S , (W. Concord) harnessmaker and farmer 25, E. Main, h do.
Bailey Almedia M., (N. Concord) r 5, widow of Edmund S., boarding-house at depot.
Bailey Jonathan, (W. Concord) laborer, Prospect.
Baker Arthur E., (W. Concord) laborer, E. Main.
Baker Charles T., r 40, carries on G. I. Higgins's farm 175.
Baker George E., r 38, farmer.
Ball James B., (W. Concord) retired farmer 10, aged 77.
Ball Laura, (W. Concord) widow of Haskell, farm 11, Chase ave.
BALL WILLIAM E., (W. Concord) r 24, leases farm of Mrs. M. Hill.
Ballou Arville, (W. Concord) laborer, h Main.
Blrker Cora, (W. Concord) resident.
Barker John C., (W. Concord) carpenter and joiner.
Barker' Lucy, (E. Concord) r 49, widow of Samuel W., 500 sugar trees, farmer 45.
Bedell Fingal J , r 37, 800 sugar trees, 8 cows, farmer 150.
Beiden Alvah W., (N. Concord) r 5, teamster.
BINGHAM J. WARNER, (W. Concord) (Warden & Bingham.)
Bishop Lester I., (N. Concord) postmaster, station and express agent and telegraph operator.
Blancher William A, (N. Concord) r 1, farm laborer.
Bonett Frank, (W. Concord) farm laborer.
Bonette Julia A., widow of M. H., resident.
Bonnett Andrew, (W. Concord) r 20, farmer with his father, L. C.
Bonnett David, r 22, farm laborer.
Bonnett Luther C., (W. Concord) r 20, farmer 87.
Boulrisse Amos, (N. Concord) r 2, stationery engineer for Hastings & Follensby, h and 6 acres.
Boutwell I,. A., farmer.
Brakewood C. J., (E. Concord) laborer.
Brooks C. W., (W. Concord) laborer.
Bronston A. M., (E. Concord) laborer.
Buckminster Clyde I., (W. Concord) drug clerk.
Duckminstcr Lillian L., (W. Concord) music tcacher, daughter of Dr. P.
Bugbee Charles B . (St. Johnsbury E.) r 18, farmer with his brother, E. C.
BUGBEE ELERY C., (St. Johnsbury E.) r 18, 400 sugar trees, 10 cows, 20 sheep, farmer 160.
Burroughs Daniel C., (W. Concord) laborer, Chase ave.
Burroughs Horace A., (W. Concord) retired farmer, h Folsom ave.
Butler F. H.! (W. Concord) r 27, Free Will Baptist clergyman.
Brand H. F. G., (W. Concord) custom tailoring, dealer in dry goods, grocerits, ready-made clothing, ladies' and gents' furnishing goods, boots, sluxs, crockery, trunks and valises, E. Main, h do.
Brewer Fred A., (W. Concord) law student with 0. F. Harvey.
Brigham Julius II., (W. Concord) farmer 40.
BRlGHAM RUFUS S , (W. Concord) dealer in dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, crockery, flour, salt, nails, etc.
Bronson Almon O., (Waterford) r 55 cor 59, apiarist 5 swarms, 300 sugar trees, 8 cows, 10 head other stock, farmer 240.
Brown Samuel P., (E. Concord) botanic physician, Main, h do.
CARLETON DAVID C., (W. Concord) r 25, 1,000 sugar trees, 7 cows, 10 head other stock, 20 sheep. farmer 200.
Carleton Jesse, (W. Concord) r 25, farmer with his father D. C.
Carpenter George M.. (Waterford) farmer 100.
Carr George A., (E. Concord) dealer in live stock, farmer.
Caswell Alba S., (Waterford) r 59, 600 sugar trees, 15 cows, 25 head other stock, farmer 380.
Chapman Clara T., (W. Concord) widow of Orange, h Pleasant.
Chapman George, (W. Concord) R. R. section boss, farmer 13, Chase ave.
CHASE WILLARD, (W. Concord) r 11, 3.600 sugar trees, 10 cows, 20 head other stock, farmer 360, h and lot and 6 acres in W. Concord.
Church Curtis, r 41, farm laborer.
Clark John, (N. ConcorJ) r 3, railroad trackman.
Cobleigh Frank E., (W. Concord) r 12, farrmer 75.
Cobleigh Orville D., (W. Concord) deputy sheriff, telegraph operator, h Main.
Cole H. D., (E. Concord) laborer.
Cooley Wyman L., (E. Concord) farm laborer, h and 3 acres.
CORRUTH JAMES T., (E Concord) 400 sugar trees, farmer 277,
COX JOHN E., (W. Concord) carpenter and joiner, farmer 4.
Crawford Frank G., (E. Concord) fox hunter, farm laborer, farmer 25.
Crawford Henry, (E. Concord) farmer 12.
CUTTING ANSON V., (W. Concord) miller with A. G. Parson, lives with his mother.
CUTTING AUGUSTUS B., r 41, 2,000 sugar trees, 200 apple trees, 10 grade Jersey cows, 20 head other cattle, 30 sheep, farmer, owns with his father, Franklin. 3 I 6
CUTTING F. D. Mrs., (W. Concord) resident.
Cutting Franklin, r 41, farmer with his son, Augustus B.
CUTTING HORACE, (E. Concord) saw mill, farmer 62, pasturage and timber land 250.
CUTTING LUCY A., (W. Concord) widow of Nathaniel, h High.
CUTTING OLIVER B., (W. Concord) dealer in drugs, paints, oils, glass, putty, school books, toilet and smokers' goods, etc., E. Main, h do.
CUTTING ORLANDO G., r 54, carries on H. Judevine's farm.
CUTTING STILLMAN F., r 40 cor 41, 700 sugar trees, 10 cows, 10 head other stock, 25 sheep, farmer 148.
Damon Charles M., (N. Concord) r 4, farmer with his father, Job F.
Damon Job F , (N. Concord) r 1, 8 cows, farmer 175.
Darling James P., 1,000 sugax trees, 9 cows, 20 head other cattle, farmer 200.
Darling John M., farmer with his father, James P.
Darling William H., r 42, 1,600 sugar trees, 300 apple trees, 10 grade Durham cows, breeder and dealer in Durham cattle, farmer 160.
Davis John, (W. Concord) r 20, 100 sugar trees, farmer 75.
Dee A.ndrew, (W. Concord) off r 19, farmer 8.
DeMarsh Philip, (Miles Pond) r 28, emp. L. D. Hazen.
Dickerson---, (E. Concord) r 32, farm laborer.
Dodge Albert D., (N. Concord) r 1, farmer 180.
Dodge Fred J., (W. Concord) emp. D. W. Hibbard, h Chase ave.
Douglass Albert, (W. Concord) laborer.
Douglass Albert I,, (W. Concord) laborer, son of William.
Douglass Charles H., (W. Concord) off r 15, farmer.
Douglass Walter L , (W. Concord) r 17, farmer, with his father, William.
DOUGLASS WILLIAM, (W. Concord) r 17, 1,500 sugar trees, 100 apple trees, 25 cows, 30 head other cattle, 20 Southdown sheep, dealer in cattle, h and lot, farmer 600.
Douglass William E., (W. (Ioncord) r 17, farmer, with his father, William.
Dow Frank C., (W. Concord) salesman for R. S. Brigham.
Dow Walter, (W. Concord) sawyer and carpenter, Chase ave.
Dowse Charles W., (W. Concord) farmer with his father, T. H. B.
Dowse Hibbard, (W. Concord) tinsmith, works for D. W. Hibbard, h Chase ave.
Dowse Thadeus H. B., (W. Concord) farmer 95.
Drew Emmet, (W. Concord) laborer.
Drew Wesley, (W. Concord) resident.
DUDLEY CLARENCE II., (W. Concord) selectman, lumber manuf., farmer 325, and woodland 2,000.
Dudley Lizzie O., (W. Concord) postoffice clerk.
DUNN JAMES R., (W. Concord) off r 16, 8 cows, IO head other stock, farmer 145.
Dunton Charles E., (W. Concord) r 15, carpenter and joiner, h and lot.
Durgin David, laborer.
Durlan Sophronia S. Miss, (E. Concord) r 32, farmer 100.
Eastman John P., (W. Concord) pastor of Universalist church, bds at Wiliam C. Pratt's, Pleasant.
Emery Frank E., (W. Concord) r 11, farmer, with his father, George W.
Emery George Roscoe, (W. Concord) r 11, 800 sugar trees, IO cows, 30 sheep. farmer 129.
Emery George W., (W. Concord) r 11, farmer, with his son George R.
Fisher Austin D., (Miles Pond) r 28, farmer 42.
Fisher Carloss, (Miles Pond) r 38, farmer 75.
Fisher Clark J , (E. Concord) laborer.
Fisher Francis W., (E. Concord) farmer 25.
Fisher Goodale, (Miles Pond) laborer.
Fisher Harry O., (E Concord) farmer 50, and in Lunenburg 200.
Fisher James H., (Miles Pond) farmer, with his father, Carloss.
Fisher John W.: (Miles Pond) r 28, lives with his son, Austin D.
Fisher Leon, (E. Concord) fox hunter, farm laborer, farmer 20.
FOLLENSBY CURTIS C., (N. Concord) r 5, (Hastings & Follensby) h and lot.
FOLSOM CHARLES B, (W. Concord) cariage manuf., blacksmith and general repair shop, farmer 56.
Folsom Mary A., (W Concord) school teacher, daughter of C. B.
Ford Dan., (W. Concord) r 7, farmer, with his father, S. W.
Ford Luvia Ann, (Miles Pond) r 28, school teacher, daughter of Orin.
Ford Nellie Maria, (Miles Pond) r 28, music teacher, daughter of Orin.
Ford Orin, (Miles Pond) r 28, 400 sugar trees, farmer 70.
FORD SAMUEL W., (W. Concord) r 7, 1st selectman, 300 sugar trees, 8 cows, 35 head cattle, farmer 430.
Freedom Richardson, (Waterford) r 56, farmer.
Frye Albert J.. r 41 car 42, farm laborer with David M.
FRYE DAVID M., r 41 cor 42, 400 sugar trees, 6 cows, 10 head other stock, 15 sheep, farmer 160.
Frye Ebenezer, (W. Concord) farmer 25, h High.
Frye Henry O., (W. Concord) farmer 21.
Gee Charles, (W. Concord) farmer 30, School.
Gee Henry W., (Miles Pond) r 29, emp. L D. Hazen, h and lot.
George Gilbert N., (W. Concord) dealer in cattle, farmer 30.
GILBERT HORACE F., (W. Concord) dealer in cattle and sheep, sawmill in Victory, farmer 300, pasture and wood land 200, and wood land in Victory 400
Gilfillan Horace, (1V. Concord) (Warden & Bingham).
Gonyeau Nelson, (Miles Pond) r 28, laborer, h and lot.
Goodale Charles C., r 41, 700 sugar trees, leases farm of Harvey Judevine, W. Concord, 150.
Goodale Eben, r 41, cooper and basket maker, aged 72.
Goodreau Fred, (W. Concord) r 26, farm laborer, leases h of J. Lyon.
Gordon Charles C., (Waterford) h and lot, farmer.
Gordon John, (Waterford) retired farmer, with Charles.
GOULD WILLIAM D., (W. Concord) r 14, 400 sugar trees, 12 cows, 20 head other stock, farmer 175.
GOULD WILLIAM N , (W. Concord) r 14, farmer with his father, William D.
GRANT FRANK C., (E. Concord) r 32, superintendent of schools, 700 sugar trees, 200 apple trees, 16 Jersey cows, 15 head young stock, farmer - -, served in Co. A, 11th Vt. Vols. Heavy Artillery, 3 years.
Grant Ira, (E. Concord) farmer.
Gray Charles H.. (E. Concord) r 32. farm laborer.
Green Lorilla. (W. Concord) resident, h E. Main.
Creenwood Wallace, (N. Concord) r 5, teamster and laborer.
Grout Nancy, (W. Concord) resident, h E. Main.
Grout Selim E., (W. Concord) notary public, sheriff, station, express and insurance agent, h E. Main.
Grout S. E. Mrs., (W. Concord) millinery and fancy goods, E. Main, h do.
Hadlock George, (E Concord) laborer, Main.
HALE PLIN E., (W. Concord) (Reed & Hale) wagon and repair shop.
Hall Charles, (N. Concord) r 5, stone mason, farmer 40.
Hanno James C., (W. Concord) farmer.
Hanno Mary H.. (W. Concord) (Mrs. J. C.) farm 30.
HARDY NATHAN, (E:. Concord) r 48, farmer with his son, W. V.
HARDY WARNER V., (E. Concord) r 48, manuf. and wholesale dealer in Hickok patent clothes dryers and Gorham dish cloth forceps, 2,000 sugar trees, 9 cows, farrner 200, soldier Co. K, 15th Vt. Vols.
Hartshorn Walter, (E. Concord) r 32, farm laborer.
Harvey Oscar F., (W. Concord) (Harvey & Higgins) counselor at law, h W. Main.
Harvey & Higgins, (W. Concord) (Oscar F. H. and George I. H.) props. lumber mill, farmers 600 and wood land 400.
HASTTNGS HORACE, (W Cnnrord) r 27, 1,000 sugar trees, 400 apple trees, 10 cows, farmer 200.
Hastings Lafayette, r 38, farmer 80.
Hastings & Follensby, (N. Concord) r 5, (H. C. Hastings and C. C. Follensby) general merchants, props, planing, dressing and lumber mill, manufs. of dimension lumber and boards, farmers 250, and timber land 2,000.
Hatch John, (W. Concord) R. R. trackman, High.
Haywood Lewis, (Waterford) laborer.
Hazen Lucius D., (Miles Pond) r 28, lumber and dressing mill, manufs. About 3,500,000 feet annually, also owns lumber mill at East Concord, manuf. 600,000 feet annually, timber land 6,500 acres.
Herbert Woodbury, (E. Concord) farmer 60.
Heywood Harry H., (Waterford) r 38, farmer 40.
Heywood Samuel E., (Watertord) r 40, 1,000 sugar trees, 9 cows, 15 head other stock, 20 sheep, farmer 160.
Hibbard Caroline S., (W. Concord) resident, Prospect.
Hibbard David. Hon , (W. Concord) retired merchant, aged 76.
Hibbard David W., (W. Concord) manuf. sheet iron and copper ware, wholesale and retail dealer in stoves, sinks, pumps, lead pipe, hard and hollow ware, etc.
HICKS CYRUS P., (W. Concord) house, carriage, sign and ornamental painter and grainer, shop Mill, h Pleasant.
Hicks Samuel B., (W. Concord) book agent, farmer 6.
Higging Archibald, (Miles Pond) 150 apple trees, farmer 78.
Higgins E. G., (Miles Pond) farmer 140.
Higgins Fred L., (E. Concord) mill hand at Hazen's mill.
Higgins George I., (W. Concord) (Harvey & Higgins) farmer 450, in Lunenburg 100, and owns with 0. Harvey 1.000.
Higgins John D., (E. Concord) farmer with his son E. G.
HIGGINS JOHN F., (Miles Pond) farmer with his father, Archibald.
Higgins William K., (Miles Pond) r 28, farmer 78.
Hill Albert, (W. Concord) r 16, farmer and laborer.
Hill Cephas, (W. Concord) prop. custom carding-mill, built in 1871, h W. Main.
Hill Dyer H., (W. Concord) farmer, h Folsom ave.
Hill Emmett, (W. Concord) breeder and dealer in horses.
Hill Rose, (W. Concordj widow of James. h W. Main.
HILL SYRENA. (W. Concord) r 24, widow of Moses, farmer 40.
HINMAN ELIZABETH H., (W. Concord) (Mrs R. S.)
HINMAN ROBERT S., (\I'. Concord) formerly lumber manuf., farmer 240, owns timber land in N. H. 200.
Hobart Adam, (Miles Pond) r 28, mechanic, carpenter and joiner.
HOLTON LOIS Y., (W. Concord) widow of Joseph T.. h Main.
Holton Lyman T., (W. Concord) barber, farmer 300, h Main.
HOUSTON WILLIAM E., (N. Concord) r 2, stationery engineer.
HOVEY MARSON W., (W. Concord) r11I cor 12, 600 sugar trees, 10 cows, 16 head other stock, 15 sheep, farmer 196.
HOVEY MILES S., (W. Concurd) , r 7, 300 sugar trees, 8 cows, 10 head other stock, farmer 115.
Howard Charies H., farm laborer.
HOWARD GEORGE S., farmer with his father, William S.
Howard George W., farm laborer, son of James N.
Howard James N., postmaster, farmer 30.
Howard Leonard W., 400 sugar trees, farmer 400.
HOWARD WILLIAM S., farmer with his son George S.
HOWARD WILLIAM S. & SON, (William S. and George S.) 700 sugar trees, 15 grade Jersey and Durham cows, 45 sheep, farmers 370.
Howe George, (N. Concord) r 5 1/2, farmer 15.
Howe Levi, (W. Concord) retired farmer 40, Folsom ave.
Howland Andrew, (E. Concord) farm laborer.
Hudson Joseph T., r 36, 400 sugar trees, 6 cows, farmer 118.
HULL ALBERT J., (W. Concord) (Hull Brothers) h and lot.
HULL BROTHERS, (W. Concord) (Albert J. and Leon F.) manufs. of carriages, wagons, sleighs, etc., Depot.
HULL LEON F., (W. Concord) (Hull Brothers.)
Hutchinson Freeman A., r 27, farmer, works for his father, H. N.
Hutchinson George R., (W. Concord) groceries, Main.
HUTCHINSON HIRAM N., (W. Concord) r 27, 700 sugar trees, 500 apple trees, 8 cows, 20 head other stock, 25 sheep, farmer 300.
Hutchinson Samuel, resident.
Isham Benjamin, (E. Concord) r 32, farmer 16, aged 73.
Isham Dewitt Clinton, (E. Concord) r 45, farmer, for his mother, Abigail, 75.
Johnson Russell, (W. Concord) resident, h Main.
JOSLIN EDWIN, (Waterford) 2,000 sugar trees, 300 apple trees, 11 cows, 30 head other stock, farmer 200.
JOSLIN HENRY A., (W. Concord) r 15, 1,000 sugar trees, 8 grade Jersey cows, 20 head other stock, 36 sheep, farmer 350, soldier in Co. K, 15th vt. Vols.
JOSLIN SARAH A., (W. Concord) r 27, widow of James W., hop grower, owns with Arvilla Ballou farm 130.
Josliu William R., (W. Concord) painter, h Pleasant.
JEWELL HENRY H.. (W. Concord) homeo. physician and surgeon, residence and office over 0. B. Cutting's drug store.
Jock Frank, farm laborer.
JOHNSON RUSSELL T., (W. Concord) physician and surgeon, farmer 30.
JUDEVINE HARVEY, (W. Concord) lumber manuf., farmer 1,000, woodland 500.
Kellogg Arthusa, (W. Concord) widow of Benjamin P., h Pleasant.
KELLOGG SAMUEL H., (E. Concord) r 50, prop. lumber mill on Miles stream, manuf 600,000 feet yearly, farmer 40, soldier in Co K, rgth Vt. Vols., wounded at Gettysburg.
Kendall Clarence, (W. Concord) emp. Warden & Bingham.
Keneson Charles, (W. Concord) r 27, farmer 100.
Keneson George W., r 41 cor 42, carpenter.
Keneson James F., (E. Concord) dealer in dry goods. groceries, boots and shoes. hats, caps. hardware, proprietary medicines, Yankee notions. etc.
Kenison Thomas, (E. Concord) farmer 24.
KIDDER HORACE A., (W. Concord) (R. P. Kidder & Son.)
KIDDER ROLLIN P., (W. Concord) (R. P. Kidder & Son.)
KIDDER K. P. & SON, (W. Concord) (Rollin P. and Horace A.) dealers in groceries, provisions, flour and produce, Harvey block, own two houses and lots.
King Edward, (E. Concord) r 32, shoemaker.
King Modest, (Miles Pond) r 28, laborer.
King Richard S., (E. Concord) farmer 50.
KNAPP ARTHUR P., (E. Concord) blacksmith and general repair shop, Main, h do.
KNAPP CHARLES E., (E. Concord) blacksmith, with his father A. P.
Ladd Stephen, (N. Concord) r 2, 300 sugar trees, farmer 85.
Laduke Joseph, (Milles Pond) r 28, laborer, farmer 10.
Langner Lewis, (W. Concord) r 23, farm laborer, h and lot.
LAWRENCE ORRILLA M., (W. Concord) millinery and fancy goods, owns and occapies Woodbine block, opp. West Concord House. (Died, 1886.)
LAWRENCE SILAS T., (W. Concord) (Morton & Lawrence) grocery and meat market.
Lee Ira, (W. Concord) r 11, 300 sugar trees, 10 cows, 15 head other stock, farmer 200.
Lee Irvin, (W. Concord) laborer.
Lee Phebe, (W. Concord) widow of Asa, resident, farm 40, School.
Leland Fred, (West Concord) meat market, Taylor block.
Lewis Ira P., r 39, 600 sugar trees, 8 cows, farmer 220.
LINDSAY HORACE B., (W. Concord) r 24, 500 sugar trees, 6 cows, farmer 100.
Lindsay William, (W. Concord) r 24, farmer, with his son H. B.
Lindsay William H., (W. Concord) laborer. bds Folsom ave.
LYON ANDREW J., (W. Concord) r 26, 300 sugar trees, 10 grade Jersey cows, hop grower, and farmer 210.
Mann James, (W. Concord) laborer, Mill.
Mann John, (W. Concord) laborer, Mill.
MANN ROBERT, (W. Concord) laborer, Mill.
Martin William H., (E. Concord) farmer with S. A. Parker.
Mathews Stephen, (W. Concord) emp. Fabyan House: N. H., bds Chase ave.
May Ethan, (W. Concord) painter and paper hanger, h School.
McCurdy Thomas, (N. Concord) r 6, farmer 35, aged 85.
McDonald John, (Miles Pond) 500 sugar trees, farmer 100.
McGregor Jane P., (W. Concord) widow of William W., h Pleasant.
MrGregor Marion Miss, (W. Concord) resident, h Pleasant.
McKelvay ---, (E. Concord) emp. L. D. Hazen, h and lot.
McKelvay Robert A., (Miles Pond) r 28, manager for L. D. Hazen, h and lot.
McQueen Alexander, (.N. Concord) r 4, farmer 61.
RIerchant William, (W. Concord) r I I, farmer for Passumpsic Savings Bank, 160.
Mitchell Derrick, (W. Copcord) r 23, farm laborer and farmer 6.
Moody Sylvester, (W. Concord) watchmaker and jeweler, dealer in clocks, watches, jewelry, silver and plated ware? etc., Main, h do.
Morgan Albert W., (W. Concord) mill hand.
Morgan Charles W., (Miles Pond) sawyer for L. D. Hazen.
Morgan John: (W. Concord) mill hand.
Morrell Kyron, (E. Concord) farm laborer, farmer 3.
Morrill Freeman, (E. Concord) railroad hand.
Morris Nelson, (W. Concord) resident.
MORRISON WILLIAM H., (W. Concord) blacksmith and general repairer, shop Mill, h Vine.
MORSE E. ALLEN, stone cutter and mason.
Morse Arthur I,., (E. Concord) stone mason, apiarist 32 swarms, 200 sugar trees, 100 apple trees, farmer 70.
Morse Daniel B., (W. Concord) farmer 70.
Morse Freeman S., (Waterford) r 56, 300 sugar trees, 7 cows, farmer 160.
MORSE GEORGE, (Waterford) r 57, 500 sugar trees: 12 cows, 10 head other stock, 15 sheep, farmer 260.
Morse Hiram L., (Waterford) r 38, 400 sugar trees, farmer 70.
MORSE JAMES, (1Vaterford) r 57, 225 sugar trees, 6 cows, 25 head other stock, farmer 130.
Morse Seth F., (Watmford) farm laborer.
MORSE WILLIAM O., (E. Concord) stone and granite cutter, h and lot.
Morton David H., (W. Concord) laborer.
MORTON DYER H., (W. Concord) (Morton & Lawrence) grocery and meat market, owns farm in Waterford 70, and in Concord 27.
Morton Matt F., (W. Concord) ice peddler, h School.
MORTON & LAWRENCE, (W. Concorl) (Dyer H. M. and Silas T. L.) grocery and meat market, Union block.
Nelson David H., r 38, jeweler, watch and clock repairer, farmer 10.
Nolan John, (N. Concord) r 4, farmer 150.
Alcott Aaron T., (W. Concord) retired farmer, aged 88.
Owens Alonzo, (W. Concord) r 19, 8 cows, farmer 150.
Page Alvin, (E. Concord) r 32, farm laborer.
Paige H. E., (Miles Pond) r 29, emp. L D. Hazen, h and lot.
PALMER CHARLES P., (W. Concord) jeweler and postmaster.
Palmer Hollis, (W. Concord) r 18, farmer, carries on C. P. Palmer's farm 40.
Parker Amanda M., (W. Concord) r 18, widow of L. D., h and lot.
Parker Daniel W., (Waterford) 600 sugar trees, 10 cows, 20 head other stock, farmer 234.
Parker Daniel W., (E. Concord) r 32, carries on Frank Grant's farm.
Parker George A., (Waterford) farmer with his son D. W. 234.
Parker George W., (E. Concord) r 46. farmer 85.
Parker John C., (E. Concord) r 45, 700 sugar trees.
PARKER MOSES A., selectman, 2,000 sugar trees, 10 cows, 20 head cattle, farmer 147, owns with R. and G. Whipple and J. C. Parker sawmill and 80 acres, soldier in Co. C, 3d Vt.Vols., wounded at Savage Station, Va., June 27, 1862, re enlisted September 1, 1864, 2d Regt. U. S. Sharp Shooters.
Parker Stephen A., (E. Concord) farmer 120.
Parker Stephen J., farmer with his son Moses A. 140.
Parker Albert C.,. (N. Concord) laborer.
PARRIS GEORGE W.. (W. Concord) shoemaker, Main, h Prospect. Soldier Co. C, 19th Mass. Vols., wounded in the seven days fight, was at battles of Charles City and Cross Roads, lost left leg.
PARSONS ALBION G., (W. Concord) prop. of West Concord flouring mill, Mill, h Main.
Parsons James, (W. Concord) R. R. track hand, Folsom ave.
Perkins Frank A., (E. Concord) r 45: farmer 73.
PEKKY JACKSON M., (Watertord) 1,000 sugar trees, 7 cows, 12 head other stock, farmer 240, in Littleton 50.
Pike Daniel, (Waterford) r 59, 500 sugar trees, 6 cows, farmer 138.
Pike Don A (W. Concord) sawyer for D. W. Hibbard.
Pike George N., (Waterford) r 59, farmer with his father, Daniel.
Pike John S., (W. Concord) carpenter, h School.
Pike Summer J , (W. Concord) mill hand, h School.
Powers Frank G., (E. Concord) farm laborer and mill hand.
Pratt Charles L., (E. Concord) laborer.
PRATT HENRY R., (E. Concord) deputy sheriff, dealer in dry goods, groceries, provisions, Yankee notions, farmer 100, Main. h do, soldier in Co. K, 15th Vt. Vols.
PRATT JOHN, (W. Concord) r 25, 1,500 sugar trees 12 cows, 30 head other stock, farmer 400.
PRATT MARTHA A., (E. Concord) widow of L. W., farm 10, h and lot.
Pratt Riley D., (W. Concord) commercial traveler, farmer 28.
PRATT WILLIAM C., (W. Concord) town representative 1886 and 1887, carpenter and builder, h Pleasant.
QUIMBY ALONZO K., (W. Concord) r 15, mason and builder, farmer 33.
Quimby Daniel, (W. Concord) mason and farmer 45.
Quimby George W., (W. Concord) r 34, farmer 160.
Ranney Alrnira I., (W. Concord) r 15, teacher, daughter of Sullivan.
Ranney jennie P., (W. C oncord) r 15, teacher, daughter of Sullivan.
Ranney Nellie M., (W. Concord) r 15, teacher, daughter of Sullivan.
RANNEY SULLIVAN, (W. Concord) r 15, 8 cows, 60 head other cattle, 60 Cotswold sheep, farmer 298, pasturage in Kirby 230.
Ranney Willie E., (W. Concord) r 15, farmer with his father, Sullivan.
Reed Elmer, (W. Concord) r 16, farmer with his father, N. D.
Read Frank F., (W. Concord) emp. 1). W. H&bard, Folsom ave.
REED MARK L., (W. Concord) r 25, 700 sugar trees, 7 cows, 18 head
other stock, pasturage 70, farmer 170.
REED NATHANIEL D , (W. Concord) r 16, 350 sugar trees, 10 cows, 10 head other stock, 20 sheep, farmer 175.
REED STEPHEN H., (W. Concord) (Reed & Hale) wagon and repair shop.
REED & HALE, (W. Concord) (Stephen H. R. and Plin E. H.) wagon repairer and general custom work.
Richards Charles W., (W. Concord) laborer, bds High.
Richardson Frank M., (Waterford) r 56, farmer with his father, Jacob.
Richardson Fred E., (Waterford) farrner with his father, Jacob.
Richardson Freedom, (Waterfortl) r 54, laborer.
RlCHARDSON GEOKGE W., r 22, 8 grade Jersey cows, 20 head other stock, 7 horses, farmer 115.
RICHARDSON JACOB, (Waterford) r 54, 600 sugar trees, 15 cows, 25 head other cattle, farmer 280.
Richardson William T., r 22, farmer, with his father, George W.
Ricker David A, (W. Concord) photographer, Main.
Ripley John B., (W. Concord) r 15, molder, son of Rhoda B.
Ripley Ned,(W. Concord) r 15, machinist, works for E. & T. Fairbanks & CO.
Ripley Rhoda B., (W. Concord) r 15, h and lot.
Rivers J. W., (W. Concord) salesman for J. C. Taylor.
ROCHELEAU WILLIAM O., (W. Concord) barber and hair dresser, Hotel block, h E. Main.
Rogers Richard F., (W. Concord) portrait artist and photographer, h Main.
ROOT CHARLES D., (E. Concord) postmaster, dealer in dry and fancy goods, groceries, flour, produce, hardware, crockery, boots and shoes, farmer 300.
ROOT EMMA M., (E. Concord) (Mrs. C. D.) millinery and fancy geo.'s.
Russell Freeman I., (W. Concord) r 2.7, laborer, h and lot.
Russell Hector, (N. Concord) r 5, teamster, h and lot.
Russell Horace, (E. Concord) laborer.
Russell Luther, (N. Concord) r 5, station agent, postmaster, agent U. S. & C. express, owns in Kirby granite quarry and wood land 100.
Russell Luther \Y.. (W Concord) apiarist 50 swarms, dealer in sewing machines, agricultural implements, farmer 59.
RUSSELL WILLlAM L, (N. Concord) r 3, manager of Hastings & Follensby's lumber mills at North Concord, on Moose river.
Samson Dan B , (E. Concord) r 45, 300 sugar trees, farmer 66.
Sanborn Benjamin F., (W. Concord) off r 19, laborer.
Sanborn George F., (W. Concord) laborer, son of B. F.
Sartwell Edwin H., (W. Concord) laborer, Mill.
Sayers Edward E., (E. Concord) laborer, son of James.
Sayres James, (E. Concord) carpenter and joiner, h and lot.
Sayers Nelson H.: (E Concord) laborer, son of James.
Scales Edwin E., (E. Concord) r 49, house, carriage and sign painter, farmer 48.
Seavey Fred S., (W. Concord) dentist, h Prospect.
Sermund Henry, (W. Concord) tailor, resrdes with H. F. G. Brand.
SHACKFORD LUTHER L., (W. C oncord) manuf. and dealer in harnesses, saddles, bridles, whips, blankets, brushes, combs, etc ? Hotel block.
Smith Charles, (E. Concord) section boss R. R.
SMITH CHARLES H., (W. Concord) blacksmith and general repair shop, soldier in Navy, Railroad
Smith Charles P., (E. Concord) section boss B. & L. R. R.
Smith Dan M., (E. Concord) 400 sugar trees, farmer 234.
Smith Eli, (W. Concord) formerly lumberman, Railroad.
SMITH EMERY A., (E. Concord) mill hand for L. D. Hazen.
Smith George H., (E. Concord) farmer 60.
Smith Hosmer W., (Miles Pond) r 29, marker for L. D. Hazen.
Smith Hubbad A., (E. Concord) laborer.
Smith Selden G.. (E. Concord) 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 165.
Smith Sidney, (E Concord) teamster, bds Main.
Smith Solomon G.. (E. Concord) farmer 100.
Smith William R., (E. Concord) farmer 180.
SPAULDING MARK J., (W. Concord) r 27, 1,200 sugar trees, farmer, with Mrs. Sarah A Joslin.
Speller James. (W. Concard) carpenter and joiner, h E. Main.
Spencer Caroline, (W. Concord) widow of John, E. Main.
Spencer Edwin L , (W. Concord) tinsmith, h and lot.
Spencer Ira L., (W. Randolph) commercial traveler.
Spencer John C., (W. Concord) prop. West Concord House
STACY CURTIS L., (W. Concord) carpenter and builder, E. Main.
Staniey Denison, (W. Concord) 300 sugar trees. farmer 60.
STANLEY HERBERT A, (Miles Pond) r 26, salesman for L. D. Hazen.
Stanley Horace B., (W. Concord) farmer, with his father, Denison.
Stearns Leonzo, (W. Concord) carpenter and builder, farmer 14,
Stockwell Bernice, (E Concord) r 32, 350 sugar trees, 8 grade Jersey cows, 20 head other stock, farmer 240.
Stockwell Daniel B., (E:. Concord) farmer with his father, Bernice.
Stockwell Emmons, (W. Concord) r 18, carpenter and builder, farmer 4.
STREETER CHARLES N., r 34, farmer 3, soldier Co. I, 3d Vt. Vols., member G. A. R. Post No. 32.
Streeter George, laborer, son of Charles N.
Streeter Prescott B., (Waterford) 800 sugar trees, apiarist 100 swarms, farmer 150.
Suitor Robert, (E. Concord) laborer and stone cutter.
Sylce Lucius, (E Concord) farmer 18.
TAYLOR ARTHUR, (N. Concord) r 3, 5 cows, 25 head young stock,
farmer 100.
Taylor Julius C., (W. Concord) dealer in dry goods, groceries, provisions, flour, boots and shoes, ready-made clothing, gents furnishing goods, hats, caps, carpets, hardware, Yankee notions, etc., off r 15, farmer 159.
Temple John S , carpenter and builder, h and lot.
TEMPLE WARREN S., (W. Concord) r 18, cabinet maker, 2,000 sugar trees, 8 cows, farm 216.
Tencarrc Benjamin, (W. Concord) farm laborer, h Main.
Thomas Martin D., (Miles Pond) r 38, farmer 45.
Thomas Schuyler W., (Miles Pond) r 38, farmer with his father, M. D.
Thomss Willard S., (Miles Pond) r 38, farmer with his father, M. D.
Thomson Alfred, (E. Concord) shoemaker, farmer 35.
THORNTON MARGARET, (W. Concord) widow of Robert, resides with her daughter, Mrs. James Mann, Mill ; her son John, was a member of Co. G, 28tn Wis. Vols., died at Pine Bluff. July 2, 1864.
Tilton Aaron, (W. Concord) wheelwright and wagon maker, h and shop.
Tilton Charles H., (W. Concord) (Charles H. Tilton & Son) h Union block, W. Main.
Tilton Charles H. & Son, (W. Concord) (Charies H. and Haskell A) undertakers, manufs. and dealers in all kinds of furniture, coffins, caskets, robes, etc., Union block, W. Main.
Tilton Haskell A., (W. Concord) (Charles H. Tilton & Son) h Union block, W. Main.
Tilton Milo G., (Miles Pond) r 29. lawyer.
Tilton Susan, (Miles Pond) r 29, widow of E. G., h and lot.
True Frank P., (W. Concord) station agent, Hyde Park. home with his mother.
True Willie H., (W. Concord) R R. trackman, E. Main.
TURNER EDWIN R., (N. Concord) r 2, assistant county judge, 10 cows,
30 head other stock, 30 sheep, farmer 240, and with Horace T. Gilbert 200.
Turner Frank H., (N. Concord) r 2, farmer with his father, E. R.
UNDERWOOD MARIA E., (W. Concord) widow of Henry D., h E. Main.
VANCE ALDEN V., (E. Concord) optician, dealer in jewelry, musical instruments, etc., h Main.
VILAS MARY, (E. Concord) widow of Noah W., residence Main.
Vincent Kate W., (E. Concord) widow of William A., h Main.
WADLEIGH BENJAMIN F., (W. Concord) town clerk, farmer 3.
Wakefield George H., (Miles Pood) mill hand in Hazen's mill.
Wakefield Kate E., (W. Concord) school teacher, daughter of 0. P.
Waketield Neflie J.. (W Calcord) school teacher, daughter of 0. P.
Wakefield Philura N., (W. Concord) widow of Orenso P.. E Main.
WALBRIDGE JOHN H., (W. Concord) 500 sugar trees, 8 cows, breeder and dealer in Jersey cattle, 10 head other stock, 20 Cotswold sheep, fruit grower 150 trees, farmer 220.
Wallace Frank J., (E. Concord) r 48 cor 47, 600 sugar trees, farmer 80.
WALLACE JAMES B , r 33, 2,000 sugar trees, 400 apple trees, cider-mill, 10 grade Durham cows, 40 head other stock, 40 grade Southdown sheep, carries on farm for Richardson Graves 600.
WALLACE NEISON G., (E. Concord) r 50, carpenter and joiner, h. and 3 acres, soldier in Co. K, 15th Vt. Vols.
WAKDEN & BINGHAM, (W. Concord) (James W. and J. Warner B.) manufs of rake, fork and hoe handles, broom handles and pattern turned work, shop n R. R. station.
WARDEN JAMES, (W. Concord) (W. & Bingham) rake manuf. since 1844.
Weeks David, (Waterford) r 59, 500 sugar trees, 6 cows, 10 head other stock, farmer 150.
West Concord House, (W. Concord) John C. Spencer, prop., livery connected.
Wetherbee Fred W., (W. Concord) son of Ira.
WETHERBEE IRA, (W. Concord) dealer in dry goods, groceries, E. Main, h do.
Wheaton Charles E, (W. Concord) r 25, 500 sugar trees, 16 cows, 30 head other cattle, 20 sheep, farmer 250.
Whipple Edmund R., (E. Concord) r 14, cooper, works for George E.
WHlPPLE GEOKGE E., (E. Concord) r 14 cor 43, owns with M. A. Parker, saw and shingle mill on Mill Brook, farmer 100, and wood and pasture land 140.
WHIPPLE HIRAM L, (E. Concord) manager of L. D. Hazen's lumber and plaining mills built by Oliver Russell in 1852, manufs. 500,000 feet annually.
Whipple Joel G., (E. Concord) retired farmer, aged 81.
Willey Edward T., (W. Concord) farmer, Railroad.
Williams Euclid I., (Waterford) r 57, farmer with his father, J. W.
Williams Frank, (E. Concord) R. R. track hand.
Williams Hiram, (E. Concord) farmer 60.
Williams James, (W. Concord or Miles Pond) laborer.
Williams John W., (Waterford) r 57, 6 cows, 10 head other stock, farmer 100.
Williams Otis P., (E. Concord) laborer.
Williams Peter, (E. Concord) emp. in lumber mill.
Williams William, farm Laborer.
Williams William, (W. Concord) r 26, farmer 50.
Williamson Leslie G., r 37, 6 cows, carries on G. I. Higgins's farm 215.
Wilson Caroline, (W. Concord) daughter of Alexander, farm 4.
Winslow Josiah, (E. Concord) r 14, farm Lborer, h and lot.
Winslow Josiah G., (W. Concord) resident.
Woodbury Alden H., (W. Concord) lives at Russell.
Woodbury Benjamin F., (W. Concord) r 27, 2,000 sugar trees, 200 apple trees, farmer 50, carries on Mrs. James Corruth's farm 150, apiarist 40 swarms, soldier in Co. K, 15th Vt. Vols., and Co. A, 3d Vt. Vols.
WOODBURY CHARLES H., (W. Concord) 27, 350 sugar trees, 5 cows, 20 head other stock, farmer 130, soldier in Co. I, 3d Vt. Vols.
Woodbury Elisha, (W. Concord) laborer.
Woodbury Laray C , (Miles Pond) r 28, surveyor of lumber, apiarist 20 swarms, farmer 18.
WOODBURY LOTT G., (W. Concord) r 26, 150 sugar trees, 5 cows, hop grower and farmer 90.
Woodward Lucius C., (E. Concord) r 48, farmer 48.
WRIGHT BERIAH, (W. Concord) 100 sugar trees, 11 cows, 10 head other stock, farmer 200. (Died 1885.)
Wright Frank L., (W. Concord) farmer with his father, Beriah.
Wright Hosea D., (E. Concord) 200 apple trees, farmer 154.
WRIGHT MARY J., widow of Beriah, resident.

ab, above; agt, agent; ave or av, avenue; b or bds, boards; bel, below;
bet, between; bldg, building; com, commission; do, ditto; E, east;
ex, express; F V, Fairbanks Village; ins, insurance; h, house; n, near;
N, north; opp, opposite; prop, proprietor; P V, Paddock's Village; r, rear;
RR, railroad; S, south; sq, square; st, street; S, Sommerville;
W, west; MCRR, Maine Central Railroad;

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