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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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The figures following the letter r indicate the number of the road on which the party resides, and will be found by reference to the map in the back part of this work. Where no road number is given the party is suppossed to reside in the village.

Figures placed after the occupation of acres owned or leased.

The word street is implied.
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Abbott Edward N., (Island Pond) express messenger G. T. Ry., h Cross.
Achilles Emery H., (Island Pond) r 18, laborer.
Aldrich Columbus, (Island Pond) brakeman G. T. Ry.
Aldrich Edwin, (Island Pond) r 14, emp. G. T. Ry., h Lake road.
Aldrich Gad, (Island Pond) r 14, laborer, h and lot Lake.
Aldrich Gad E., (Island Pond) r 14, emp. G. T. Ry.
Aldrich Henry P., (Island Pond) laborer, Mill.
Aldrich John, (Island Pond) fireman G. T. Ry., h and lot Mountain.
Aldrich John, (Island Pond) r rq, laborer.
Allbee G. Henri, (Island Pond) r 6, teamster for W. R. Rosebrook.
Allbee John G., (Island Pond) r 1, retired farmer.
Allbee Lorenzo D., (Island Pond) retired farmer. h and lot Middle.
Andrew Joseph, (Island Pond) engineer G. T. Ry., h and lot Alder.
Archer David, (Island Pond) r 16, farmer 150.
Ash Lewis, (Island Pond) laborer.
Bachant George, (Island Pond) clerk, Derby.
Bailey Adolphe, (Island Pond) laborer.
Balduc Charles, (Island Pond) laborer, Back.
Ball Emory, M. I)., (Island Pond) r 9, farmer 76.
Barnes Edwin J., (Island Pond) r 18, farmer 125.
Barnes George W., (Island Pond) off r 14, farmer.
BARNEY GEORGE D., (Island Pond) prop. Village Hotel, livery connected, owns 88 acres. Cross.
BARTLETT ALVIN, (Island Pond) (A. Bartlett & Co.) h Cross cor Middle.
&BARTLETT A. & CO., (Island Pond) (A. B., J. M. B. and E. C. Robinson) dealers in dry and fancy goods, and ready-made clothing, real estate owners, Main.
Bartlett Elvln M., (Island Pond) clerk. bds Cross.
Beaudoin Joseph, (Island Pond) laborer.
Beland John A., (Island Pond) laborer, h Ferrin.
Beland Joseph, (Island Pond) off r 14, farmer 40.
Belanger Joseph, (Island Pond) prop. Brighton House, Lake.
Belanger Louis, (E. Brighton) laborer.
Belanger Pierre, (E. Brighton) laborer.
BEMIS ELIAS A., (Island Pond) r 6, apiarist, 500 sugar trees, farmer 200.
Bemis Rebecca, (Island Pond) r 6, widow of Alonzo, lives with her son, Elias A.
Benett Joseph, (E. Brighton) r 23, emp. Hohson's mill.
Bergeron Louis, (E. Brighton) r 23, farmer 38.
Bickford Runa P., (Island Pond) (Fogg & Bickford) bds Main.
Bickford Walter E., (Island Pondl) clerk, bds Main.
BIGELOW LEWIS F., (Island Pond) musician, h and lot, Derby.
Bishop Jeremiah, (Island Pond) retired farmer, h n Ferrin.
BISHOP WILLIAM H., (Island Pond) editor Essex County Herald, h Middle
Blake Alvah L, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h Ferrin.
Blake Charles, (Island Pond) r 14, laborer
Blake Clinton s. (Island Pond) r 15, farmer 157.
Blake Eliphalet A., (Island Pond) engineer G. T. Ry., bds Cross.
Blake Lucius D , (Island Pond) carpenter, h and lot.
Blake Mary, (Island Pond) r 14, seamstress.
BLANCHETTE MITCHEL, (Island Pond) merchant tailor, Cross cor Derby, h do.
Bolieo Felix, (Island Pond) laborer, Cross.
BONET T ABNER H , (Island Pond) dealer in merchandise, Cross, h do.
BONNEY NEWTON E, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry. office, h Mountain.
Bourbeau Phillip, (Island Pond) laborer, h and lot Ferrin.
Bourbeau William, (Island Pond) r 14, laborer.
Boutin David, (E. Brighton) r 23, farmer 38.
Boutin John, (E. Brighton) r 23, farmer 38.
Boutin Joseph, (E. Brighton) r 21, farmer.
Boutin Louis, (E. Brighton) r 23. farmer 76.
Boutin Louis, Jr., (E. Brighton) farmer 76.
Boutin Octave, (E Brighton) r 23, farmer 38.
Bowen Edward, (Island Pond) track foreman G. T. Ry.
Bowles William R., (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., Back.
Boyle Patrick, (Island Pond) blacksmith.
Boyle Patriah, (Island Pond) emp. of G. D. Barney, h Cross.
Brighton House, (Island Pond) Joseph Belanger, prop., Lake.
Brown John T., (Island Pond) blacksmith G. T Ry., h and lot.
Brown Thomas A, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., Main.
Bown Willie F., (Island Pond) fireman G. T. Ry.
Bryant Louis, (Island Pond) laborer, resides with John R. Morse.
Buck Martha M., (Island Pond) widow of Erastus, prop. boarding-house, h Alder.
BUCK WILLIE M., (Island Pond) manager Stewart House, South.
Buley Henry, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., Main.
Burnham Charles A, (Island Pond) carpenter, h and lot Ferrin.
BUTTERS' BOARDING HOUSE, (Island Pond) r 1, J. M. Butters, prop.
BUTTERS JAMES M., (Island Pond) r I, prop, steam sawmill, also dealer in dry goods and groceries, owns 2,300 acres of timber land.
Cabana Carl, (Island Pond) fireman G. T. Ky.
Cades James H., (Island Pond) stone mason, h Derby.
Cades James W., (Island Pond) laborer, Derby.
Cargill John, (Island Pond) resident.
Carr Eugene. (Island Pond) r 8. farmer 76.
Carren Edward, (Island Pond) laborer, South.
Carroll Timothy, (Island Pond) laborer, h and lot, North.
Carter Charles, (Island Pondj laborer, Mill.
Castonia Ambrose, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., Lake.
Castonia Octave, (Island Pond) r 7, farmer 76.
Cate Carlos G., (Island Pond) laborer, Derby.
CAUSEBROOK WILLLAM B., (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry. office, h and lot, Main.
Chadwick John, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ky., Main.
Charnblett Alexander, (Island Pond) emp. L. S. Strong, Main.
Chase Edgar J., (Island Park) painter, Derby.
Chase Frank, (Island Pond) r I, laborer.
Chase Fred, (Island Pond) r 1, laborer, owns 28 acres.
CHASE LEMUEL, (Island Pond) r 1, farmer 40.
CHENEY L0UIS H. , (Island Pond) carpenter and joiner, h Derby.
CHENEY WILLIAM W., (Island Pontl) barber, Stewart House, h Middle.
Clark George L , (Island Pond) lister, agent for sewing machines, steam cookers, etc., Derby.
Clark Olin S., (Island Pond) dealer in meats, groceries, confectionery, etc., Cross, bds Stewart House.
CLARKE GIBBS E., (Island Pond) dry goods, grocery, boots, shoes, grain, flour, salt, etc., Main cor Cross. h do
Cloud Ebenezer H., (Island Pond) r 9, farmer 76.
Cloud George W., (Island Pond) r 8: emp. in Rosebrook's mill.
Cobb Arthur P., (Island Pond) clerk. h and lot Ferrin.
Cobb Josiah P. Jr., (Island Pond) meat market and grocery, Main, h do.
Coe Abner, (Island Pond) carpenter, h and lot Derby.
Coffee James, (Island Pond) painter, h Derby.
Coffee Mary, (Island Pond) widow of Patrick, h Derby.
Coffee Patrick, Jr.. (Island Pond) painter, Derby.
COLBURN ALONZO, (Island Pond) r 8 cor 9, 200 sugar trees, farmer 76.
COLBURN WILLIE H., (Island Pond) r 8 cor 9, farmer with his father, Alonzo, 76.
COLE ALBURTUS, (Island Pond) r 3, farmer, son of Phineas.
Cole Phineas, (Island Pond) r 3, 400 sugar trees, farmer 100.
Companion Louis, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h Main.
Connolly Henry, (Island Pond) r 10, farmer 100.
Conta Edward, (Island Poud) laborer, Lake.
Conper James, (Island Pond) laborer, Mountain.
Corliss Stilman, (Island Pond) conductor G. T. Ry., h and lot Derby,
Corteau Dominic, (Island Pond) laborer.
Cothie Joseph. (Island Pond) laborer, Lake.
Couture Louis, (Island Pond) boarding-house, Lake.
Covieo Maxim A.. (Island Pond) emp. CT. T. Rv., h and lot Walnut.
Crane Thomas, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h and lot Mountain.
Curran Bartley J.. (Island Pond) barber, South.
Curran Mathias, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h Mountain.
Curran Michael, (Island Pond) train man G. T. Ry.
Curran Patrick, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h and lot Back.
CURRIER ALONZO J., (Island Pond) r 18, 300 sugar trees, farmer 136.
Currier Ed. J., (Island Pond) laborer.
CUKRIER ELBRIDGE H., (Island Pond) r 25, milkman, farmer 160.
Currier Ellsworth A., (Island Pond) r 18, farmer.
CURRIER GEORGE W., (Island Pond) r 2, milkman, 200 sugar trees, farmer 162.
CURRIER JASON, (Island Pond) r 4, 12 cows, 500 sugar trees, farmer 300.
Currier Leander F., (island Pond) r 18, farmer 62.
CURRIER MERRICK C., (Island Pond) r 4, farmer with his father, Jason.
CURRIER WILLIAM M., (Island Pond) selectman, farmer 300, served in Co. D, 3d Vt. Vols., h Derby.
Curtis Willard R., (Istnnd Pond) r 3, laborer, h and lot.
Cushing Frank, (Island Pond) laborer.
Cushing Moses A., (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h and lot Derby.
Cushman Fred C., (Island Pond) freight conductor on G. T. Ry., bds Essex House.
Cutier Uzeb, (E. Brighton) r 23. farmer.
Dale Benjamin M., (Island Pond) engineer G. T. Ry., owns 152 acres, h and lot Middle.
DALE GEORGE N. HON., (Island Pond} attorney and counselor at law, owns 152 acres, South, bds Stewart House.
Danforth Adam, (Island Pond) r 14, conductor G. T. Ry.
Danforth Christopher, (Island Pond) laborer, Main.
Danforth George, (Island Pond) r 14, h and lot and 10 acres.
Danforth Orlando C., (Island Pond) r 9, farmer 150.
Danforth Scott, (Island Pond) r 1, emp. in Butters's mill.
Danforth William R., (Island Pond) r 14, emp. G. T. Ry.
Danforth Wright, (Island Pond) r 14, emp. G. T. Ry.
Daniels Williams R., (Island Pond) r 14, iaborer.
Davis Asa, (Island Pond) retired farmer, aged 82, h North.
Davis Charles W., (Island Pond) r 10, 300 sugar trees, farmer 125.
DAVIS EDWARD, (Island Pond) engineer on G. T. Ry., h Derby.
DAVIS ELIJAH W., (Island Pond) engineer on G. T. Ry., owns 85 acres, h and lot Elm.
Davis George W., (Island Pond) r 13, brakeman G. T. Ry.
Davis Herbert L., (Island Pond) conductor on G. T. Ry., South.
Davis James J., (Island Pond) stone cutter, h and lot Oak.
Davis John M., (Island Pond) r 13, emp. in Fitzgerald's mill, h and lot.
Davis Marshall H., (Island Pond) general merchant, Derby, h do.
DAVIS MORTIMER C., (Island Pond) prop. Essex House, dealer in coal, lime, brick, cement, etc., also meat market.
DAVIS OSCAR T., (Island Pond) clerk Essex House.
DECHENE A. OLIVER, (Island Pond) clerk: locomotive department G. T. Ry., h Pleasant.
Deveny Patrick, (Island Pond) farmer 114, Mountain.
Donahue Martin, (Island Pond) laborer, h and lot Back.
Donahue Michael, ( Island Pond) laborer, Back.
Donahue Patlick, (Island Pond) laborer, h Back.
Donaldson John, (Island Pond) engineer G. T. Ry., h Main.
Doyle Gilbert E., (Island Pond) clerk, emp. G. E Clarke, Cross.
Doyle James M.. (Island Pond) off r 10. farmer, occupies 182.
DUNBAR ERVIN M., (Island Pond) dealer in hardware, tin aand hollowware, glassware, crockery and furniture, Cross, h North.
Dunham Frank T., (Island Pond) fireman G. T. Ry., h North.
Dunn James, (Island Pond) emp G. T. Ry.
Dyer Charles M., (Island Pond) manuf. lumber mills in Canaan, Vt , bds Stewart House.
Dyer Marshall L., (Island Pond) engineer G. T. Ry., bds Mountain.
Eglirbton John, (Island Pond) laborer, Lake.
ELIE ANTONIA, M. D., (Island Pond) physician and surgeon, Main.
ELKINS FLOYD A., (Island Pond) switchman. emp. G. T. Ry., h North.
EMERY FRANK J., (Island Pond) clerk. bds Main cor Cross.
ESSEX COUNTY HERALD, (Island Pond) W. H. Bishop, editor and prop., published every Friday. South.
ESSEX HOUSE, (Island Pond) M. C. Davis, prop., Derby.
Ewrns George W., (Island Pond) r 3, farmer.
Farmer Bradley, (Island Pond) resident with Charles C.
Farmer Charles C., (Island Pond) carpenter and joiner, Derby.
FARMER JOHN C, (Island Pond) r 6, son of Ladoit, farmer 100.
FARMER LADOIT, (Island Pond) r 6, 250 sugar trees, farmer 150.
Farr Charles W., (Island Pond) r 11 1/2, 400 sugar trees, farmer 172.
Farr Ellwood, (Island Pond) farmer.
Farr Herman, (Island Pond) off r 17. farmer.
Farr Rebecca M., (Island Pond) r 114, widow of William W.
Farrell James W., (Island Pond) train dispatcher, bds Stewart House.
Fecteau Fredinand, (Island Pond) laborer, Ferrin.
Felstead George, (Island Pond) laborer, Mountain.
Finnegan Edward, (Island Pond) r 1, emp. Butters's Mill.
Finigan John, (Island Pond) resident, Derby.
Fitzgerald Charles T., (Island Pond) lumberman, son of G. H., h Mountain.
FITZGERALD GEORGE, (Island Pond) retired lumber manuf., h Derby,
FITZGERAT,D GEORGE H., (Island Pond) (G. H. F. & Co.) (Robinson & Fitzgerald) owns about 2,500 acres in Brighton and 3/4 of Warren Gore, h Cross cor North.
FITZGERALD G. H. & CO., (Island Pond) (G. H. F., E. C. Robinson and E. J. Parsons) manufs. and dealers in all kinds of lumber, Mill.
Fitzgerald Henry E., (Island Pond) lumberman, son of G. H., bds do.
Flaherty Anthony, (Island Pond) farmer, h Mountain.
Flaherty Coleman J., (Island Pond) laborer, bds Mountain.
Flaherty Michael, (Island Pond) emp G. T. Ry.
Flaherty Patrick, (Island Pond) round-house watchman G. T. Ry., Lake.
Flaherty Patrick, (Island Pond) fireman G. T. Ry., h Mountain.
Flint Henry A., (Island Pond) laborer, Derby.
Fogg James C., (Island Pontl) (Fogs & Bickford) h Main.
Fogg & Bickford. (Island Pond) (James C. F. and Runa P. B. ) general merchants, Main.
Foley Coleman J., (Island Pond) laborer.
Foley John, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h Mountain.
Foley Patrick, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., Back
Foley Thomas (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h and 10 acres, Mountain.
Foley Thomas P., (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., Mountain.
FOLLETT LOUIS, (Island Pond) deputy collector and inspector U. S. customs, h Alder.
Forque Louis, (E Brighton) emp. in Hobson's mill
FOSS DON C , (Island Pond) emp. F. T. Ry., h cor Derby and Pleasant.
FOSS EUGENE, (Island Pond) fireman G. T. Ry., Derby.
Foster George F., (Island Pond) carpenter and joiner, h Main.
Fowler Dudley B., (Island Pond) r 10, farmer with N. A.
Fowler D. B. & N. A., (Island Pond) r 10, farmers 150.
Fowler Nahum A., (Island Pond) r 10. farmer with D. B.
Fowler William, (Island Pond) off r 10, farmer 76.
French Alvin J., (Island Pond) r 13, laborer.
French Joseph, (Island Pond) r 13, laborer.
Gagnon Alfred, (E. Brighton) emp. Hobson's mill.
Garland John H., (Island Pond) yard foreman for G. H. Fitzgerald & CO., bds Stewart House.
Cerrish John H., (Island Pond) shingle sawyer for C. H. Fltzgcrald & Co., bds Main.
Gill Thomas, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., owns 50 acres, h Mountain.
Gilman Alva, (Island Pond) r 18, farmer 50 acres.
Gilman James M., (Island Pond) r 18, farmer 100.
Gleason Dennis, (Island Pond) h and lot, Back.
Gleason Edward, (Island Pond) laborer, bds Back
Gonia Jerome, (E. Brighton) emp. Hobson's mills.
GONYA CHARLES, (Island Pond) train dispatcher, h Alder.
Gonya Edward E.. (Island Pond) engineer G. T. Ry., owns h and lot, bds Mountain.
Gonya John B., (Island Pond) retired carpenter, h Alder.
Gonya Sylvia, (E. Brighton) clerk at S. D. Hubson's.
Gosley Peter, (Island Pond) laborer.
Gosley Thomas, (E. Brighton) r 23, farmer.
Goulette Louis, (E. Brighton) emp. Hobson's mill.
Grady William, (Island Pond) laborer, South.
Graham John, (Island Pond) r 14, laborer.
Grant John B., (Island Pond) r 17, deputy collector and inspsctor Canadian customs, owns 13 acres.
Gravel Joseph, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h Lake.
Green Mountain House, (Island Pond) N. Warner, prop., Lake.
Griffin Mat, (Island Pond) sawyer, h Back.
Griffin Thomas, (Island Pond) laborer, South.
Grow Arthur, (Island Pond) r 7, farmer 76.
Crow Arthur F., (Island Pond) r 17, farmer 76.
Guilmett Anselm, (Island Pond) laborer, bds with Peter.
Guilmett Edmund, (Island Pond) laborer. bds with Peter.
Guilmett Peter, (Island Pond) machinist G. T. Ry., h and lot Walnut.
Gunn Barnard B., (Island Pond) retired carpenter, h Walnut.
Hall Austin H., (Island Pond) r 17, supt. of schools, farm 250, h Cross.
HALL THOMAS S., (Island Pond) clerk G. T. Ry., h Main.
Hancock Darwin, (Island Pond) r 19, farmer 50.
Hancock Jeremiah, (Island Pond) r 19, farmer 200.
Hancock Jerry A., (Island Pond) r 19, farmer, with Jeremiah.
Hardy Herbert T., (Island Pond) laborer, h and lot Derby.
Harman Elmer R. (Island Pond) brakeman, emp. G. T. Ry., bds Essex House.
Harmon Frank, (Island Pond) watchman, emp. G. T. Ry., h Oak.
Harmon Stephen M., (Island Pond) carpenter and joiner, h Oak.
Hawkins K. S , (Island Pond) r 2, laborer,
HAYNES DAVID A., (island Pond) prop. grist-mill, and dealer in flour, feed, etc., h and lot.
Herrin George D., (Island Pond) laborer, h Derby.
Hill George W., (Island Pond) deputy collector and inspector U. S. customs, bds Stewart House.
Hill John, (Island Pond) r 14, laborer.
Hill Silas F., (Island Pond) jeweler, Cross.
HINMAN TIMOTHY, (Island Pond) deputy collector and inspector U. S. customs, h Pleasant.
HOBBS C. WASHINGTON, (Island Pond) conductor G. T. Ry., h and lot Alder.
Hobson A. W., (E. Brighton) r 21, (S D. Hobson & Sons.)
Hobson Eugene F., (E. Brighton) (S. D. Hobson & Sons) postmaster and lister.
Hobson Howard H., (E. Brighton) r 21, (S D. Hobson & Sons )
HOBSON NATHAN, (Island Pond) dealer in hardware, tin and hollowware, furniture, cofins and caskets, owns 40 acres Cross, h and lot South.
Hobson Samuel D., [E. Brighton) r 14, (S. D. Hobson & Sons)
HOBSON S. D. & SONS, (E. Brighton) r 22, (S. D. H., H. H. H., E. F. H. and A. W.H.) general merchants, props. steam saw-mill, dealers in timber, clapboards, laths, shingle s, etc., owns 15,000 acres of land.
Hodsden Carl B., (Island Pond) engineer G. T. Ry., h Main.
Holleran John, (Island Pond) car repairer, emp. G. T. Ry., h Mountain.
Holmes John, (Island Pond) r 20, farmer 230.
Hopkins James, (Island Pond) laborer, Ferrin.
Hopkins Levi H., (Island Pond) r 3 cor 1, laborer.
Hopkins Selden: (Island Pond) r 19, laborer.
HORR GEORGE E., (Island Pond) engineer G. T. Ry., h and lot, Mountain.
Horr Percie W., (Island Pond) law student, Main, bds Mountain.
Hudson Edward J., (Island Pond) sawyer, h with J. Holmes.
Hudson H. Jerome, (E. Brighton) r 21, laborer.
Hunter George, (Island Pond) r 11 1/2, farmer 76.
Hunter George A., (Island Pond) farmer, son of George.
Jacque Joseph, (Island Pond) emp. in Fitsgerald's mill, h Ferrin.
Jean Lewis, (Island Pond) off r 17, farmer 38.
Jean Paul, (Island Pond) off r 17. farmer 38.
Jenne Loren M., (Island Pond) principal of.Island Pond Graded School, bds Ceoss.
Johnson Elhanan F., (Island Pond) clerk G. T. Ry., Derby.
Joy Arba, (Island Pond) r 1, farmer 175.
Judd Damon, (Island Pond) mechanic, brick mason, h South.
Judge Patrick, (Island Pond) shoemaker, Cross.
Kane Peter, (Island Pond) lnborer, Brick.
Kennedy Michael, (E. Brighton) ernp. in Hobson's mill.
Kilpatrick Cornelius, (Island Pond) emp G. T. Ky., h Back.
Kilpatrick Thomas, (Island Pond) lnborer, h Back.
Kimball Frank D., (Island Pond) watchman G. T. Ry.
King Lizzie, (Island Pond) widow of Mark S., Ferrin.
King Henry, (Island Pond) off r 17, farmer 76.
King Thomas, (Island Pond) blacksmith, h Alder.
Knapp Hubbard C., (Island Pond) emp. G. H. Fitzgerald & Co., owns 76 acres. h Mill.
Knapp Wallace W., (Island Pond) emp. Fitzgerald's mill, h and lot, Ferris.
Lachance Louis, Island Pond) ernp. L. S. Strong, Main.
Ladd Agnes. (Island Pond) widow of Harison, h and lot, North.
LAUD CHARLES D., (Island Pond) constable, blacksmith and carriage repairer, dealer in coffins and caskets, Cross.
Ladd John F., (Island Pond) brakeman G. T. Ry., h and lot.
Ladd Joseph, (Island Pond) resident with C. D.
LADD LUTHER, (Isla;ld Pond) carpenter and joiner, owns 85 acres, h Pleasant.
Ladd Martin B., (Island Pond) carpenter and joiner, h and lot, Pleasant.
Ladd William D., (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., Mountain.
Laffleur Sifris, (E. Brighton) r 23, farmer 76.
Lafleur Louis, (Island Pond) farmer wilh Siffrus.
Lafountain Henry, (E. Brighton) emp. at Hobson's mill.
Lafountain J. B , (Island Pond) h and lot.
Lamb Andrew, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h Park.
Lamere A., (Island Pond) mason, bds Cross.
Langmaid George A., (Island Pond) r 11 1/2, farmer.
Langmaid Riley, (Island Pond) emp. of G. H. Fitzgerald & Co.
Laundry Frank, (E. Brighton) r 23, emp. Hobson's mill.
Laurie John T., (Island Pond) train dispatcher, bds Stewart House.
Lefebvre Charles, (Island Pond) mail agent, British service, h Derby.
Lefebvre Peter L., (Island Pond) brakeman G. T. Ry.
Lefebvre Susie. (Island Pond) emp. Mrs. Nancy B. Nason, bds Derby.
Letarte Archie, (Island Pond) brakeman, bds Mountain.
LINDEN JOHN F., (Island Pond) r 6, emp. in Rosebrook's mill.
Lindsey Sylvester, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h North.
Linehan John H., (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., Lake.
Linnehan John, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry.
Locke Moses, (Island Pond) laborer.
LOMBARD WILLIAM W., (Island Pond) dealer in watches, jewelry and plated ware, Cross, h Alder.
Lougee Nelson B., (Island Pond) laborer, Derby.
Lynn John D.,.(Island Pond) r 11 1/2, farmer 152.
Lyon Charles, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h Ferrin.
Lyon James, (Island Pond) r 14, emp. G. T. Ry., Lake.
Mansur Joseph A, (Island Pond) deputy sheriff and tax collector, h Derby.
Mansur Orange L., (Island Pond) sewing machine agent, h Cross.
MANSUR ZOPHAR M., (Island Pond) attorney and counselor at law, Main, h Mountain, served in Co. K, 10th Vt. Vols. 3 years.
Maroney Francis, (Island Pond) laborer, bds Mountain.
Maroney Stephen, (Island Pond) steward Stewart House, South, owns 12 acres, h and lot 9 acres, Mountain.
Maroney Stephen, Jr, (Island Pond) clerk, bds Mountain.
Martin William, (Island Pond) r 11, laborer.
Mason Charles, (IsIand Pond) invalid, bds Lake road.
Mason George W., (Island Pond) laborer, h Lake road.
McCullough James, (Island Pond) r 1, emp Butters's mill.
McGee Charles, (Island Pond) engineer G. T. Ry., h and lot.
McGee Louis, (Island Pond) laborer, Derby.
McKELVEY JOSEPH H., (E. Brighton) r 22. farmer 80.
McKelvey Robert C., (E. Brighton) r 22, laborer.
McKenley Moses, (Island Pond) n r 18, farmer 62.
McKenzie David P., (Island Pond) barber, Main, h and lot Ferrin.
McKinney Bemis J., (Island Pond) truckman, h and lot 11 acres, Ferrin.
McKey Willlam, (Island Pond) stationary engineer for G. H. Fltzgerald.
McLaughlin John, (Island Pond) r 1, emp. Butters's mill
Meehan James W., (Island Pond) r 10, farmer 152.
Meehan Thomas, (Island Pond) off r 10, farmer 102.
Mercier Emery, (Island Pond) laborer, North.
Mercier Thomas, (E. Brighton) emp. in Hobson's mill.
Moffett Joseph, (Island Pond) laborer, h North.
Monaghan Patrick J,, (Island Pond) r 1, emp. Butters's mill.
MOON HIRAM, (Island Pond) mechanic, prop. boarding-house, Main.
Moor Edwin A, (Island Pond) r 3, farmer.
Moore W. George, (Island Pond) farmer,
Morin M., (E. Brighton) emp. Hobson's mill.
Morrisette A., (E. Brighton) emp. Hobson's mill.
Morrisette Joseph, (Island Pond) r 17, farmer 76.
MORSE DEARBORN, (Island Pond) house painter, h Main.
Morse Edwin D., (Island Pond) marker for Nulhegan Lumber Co, h Mountain.
Morse Horace, (Island Pond) laborer, h and 3 acres, Mountain.
Morse John R., (Island Pond) r 11, farmer, h and lot.
Morse Leon A, (Island Pond) laborer for G. D. Barney.
Morse Perry, (Island Pond) r 11, farmer.
Morse Sarah S., (Island Pond) (Mrs. D.) dressmaker, Main.
Morse Stedman D., (Island Pond) conductor G. T. Ry., h and lot North.
Mosher Frank C., (Island Pond) clerk, h North.
Mosher Richard, (Island Pond) harnessmaker, Derby.
Moulton Mark A., (Island Pond) carpenter, h and lot North.
Moye Frederick, (Island Pond) carpenter, bds Derby.
Moye George, (Island Pond) carpenter and joiner, h Derby.
Murphy Charles, (Island Pond) r 17, farmer.
Murphy John H., (E. Brighton) r 23, farmer 152.
Nadeau Frank, (Island Pond) laborer, h Back.
Nadeau Laurenr, (Island Pond) r 1, emp. Burrers's mill.
Nadeau Thomas, (E. Brighton) r 21, farmer.
Nason Nancy B , (Island Pond) widow of Porter, millinery and fancy goods, Cross, h do.
Needham Alton C., (Island Pond) engineer G. T. Ry., h Derby.
Nicholson William, (Island Pond) laborer, South.
Nolan Charles W,, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h Ferrin.
Norcross Edward F., (Island Pond) physician and surgeon, bds Stewart House.
Norton Henry B., (Island Pond) r 14, laborer, owns 12 acres.
NOYES GEORGE W., (Island Pond) foreman locomotive department G. T. Ry., h and lot Mountain.
O'Keefe James, (Island Pond) laborer, Lake.
O'Keefe Patrick, (Island Pond) dealer in groceries, Lake.
O'Reilly John, (Island Pond) emp. Fitzgerald's mill, Mill.
Paine Wilson A., (Island Pond) off r 10, farmer 76.
Paquet Frank, (E. Brighton) r 22, emp. S. D. Hobson & Sons.
Parker Albert, (Island Pond) emp G. T. Ry. office, h Derby.
Parker Amory, (Island Pond) laborer, Derby.
PARSONS EDWARD J., (Island Pond) (G. H. Fitzgerald & Co.) justice of the peace, h Cross.
Patterson Thomas, (Island Pond) emp. G. H. Fitzgerald & Co., h Cross.
Pease George N., (Island Pond) laborer. Derby.
Pelchie Joseph, (Island Pond) laborer, Back.
Pelchie Francis, (Island Pond) r 1, emp. Butters's mill.
Penfold Willlam H., (Island Pond) train dispatcher, h Main.
Percival Milo E., (Island Pond) livery and boarding stable, h and lot Cross.
Perkey Oliver, (Island Pond) emp. W. R. Rosebrook,
Perry George A., (Island Pond) r 14, laborer.
Perry Lawrence, (E. Brighton) r 16, emp. in Hobson's mill.
Perry Marcellus, (Island Pond) laborer, mill.
Perry Oscar, (Island Pond) laborer, h Lake road.
Pheeney Margaret, (Island Pond) widow of Patrick, h Mountain.
Pheeney Richard F., (Island Pond) fireman G. T. Ry., h Derby.
Pichie Leon, (Island Pond) laborer, Mill.
Pelkey John, (Island Pond) laborer, Derby.
Pinney Frank A., (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ky., Ferrin.
Pinney Levi, (Island Pond) farmer 100, h Main cor Alder.
Queen Bridget. (Island Pond) widow of Blanchard, h Mountain.
RANDALL HENRY E., (Island Pond) deputy collector and inspector U. S. customs h South.
RAWSON JOSEPH C., (Island Pond) pharmaceutist and dealer in drugs, medicines and fancy goods, Main, h do.
REEVE JOHN, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry. office, h Walnut.
RENELL MARTIN V., (Island Pond) sexton, h Derby.
Revoir Moses, (IsIand Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h Lake.
Revoir Peter, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h Lake.
Richardson Frank, (Island Pond) clerk Stewart House, South.
RICHARDSON WILLIAM A., (Island Pond) prop. Stewart House, South, and of Littleton House, Littleton, N. H.
Richford Peter, (Island Pond) r 14, laborer.
Riggie Bartholomew, (E. Brighton) emp S. D. Hobson.
Riggie John, (E. Brighton) stationery engineer, farmer 76.
Riggie John, Jr., (E. Brighton) emp. S. D. Hobson.
Riggie Louis. (E. Brighton) r 21. farmer 76.
Roberts Charles A., (Island Pond) carpenter, bds Mountain.
Robinson Converse, (Island Pond) resident with D. S. Storrs.
ROBINSON EBER C., (Island Pond) (R. & Fitzgerald and A. Bartlett & Co.) chief deputy collector U. S. customs, h South cor Mountain.
ROBTNSON GEORGE S., (Island Pond) town clerk, treasurer and general insurance agent, Main, h North.
Rollins Joseph A., (Island Pond) laborer, Ferrin.
Rosebrook Edward P., (Island Pond) r 6, emp. Rosebrook's mill.
Rosebrook Joel H., (Island Pond) r 8, farmer 80.
Rosebrook John P., (Island Pond) r 6, emp. Rosebrook's mill.
ROSEBROOK WILLIAM R, (Island Pond) r 8, lister, prop. saw-mill, 23 grade Jersey cows, 43 head cattle, 50 sheep, 8,000 sugar trees, farmer 300, and timber land 1,000.
ROSSINK LOUIS P., (Island Pond) physician and surgeon, Main.
Rowe Clinton S., (Island Pond) r 3, farmer.
Rowe Samuel C., (Island Pond) r 3, farmer 140.
Rundlett Louise L., (Island Pond) widow of Gardner, h Mill.
Sadleir Fred R., (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry. office, h Mountain.
Sadleir Malcolm F.. (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry. ofice, h Mountain.
Saul Fred W., (Island Pond) laborer, h Back.
Sawyer Luther H., (Island Pond) r 11 1/2, farmer 111.
Scholles Henry, (Island Pond) r 7, farmer 76.
Scott Alexander, (Island Pond) laborer. Ferrin.
Sellers John, (Island Pond) pastor of Christ church, btls Stewart House.
Seymour Thomas, (Island Pond) laborer, h Derby.
Skillings James W., (Island Pond) engineer Cr. T. Ry., owns 167 acres, h Cross cor Derby.
Sloan David, (Island Pond) r 14, emp. G. T. Ry.
Smith Adna, (Island Pond) r 18, farmer 76.
Smith Almon, (Island Pond) farmer, Ferrin.
Smith Almon, Jr, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h and lot, Ferrin.
Smith Charles H., (Island Pond) laborer, h Lake.
Smith George, (Island Pond) laborer, Lake
Smith Lewis M., (Island Pond) laborer, h and lot, Ferrin.
Smith Mike, (Island Pond) r 1. emp. Butters's mill.
Smith Osman IV., (Island Pond) r 20, 300 sugar trees, farmer 200.
Smith Volnev, (Island Pond) r 20, farm laborer.
Smithers Wilbur S., (Island Pond) pastor M. E. church, h Cross.
Steady Edw. A., (Island Pond) barber and musician, bds Maple.
Steady Jerry A, (Island Pond) carpenter. h Maple.
Steady Leonard, (Island Pond) fireman G. T. Ry., Oak.
Steady W. Henry, (IsIand Pond) fireman G. T. Ry.
Steele Edward J., (Island Pond) r I 7, express agent and farmer 200.
Steele George C., (Island Pond) r 17 farmer.
Stevens Calvin I,., (Island Pond) r 17, farmer for A. H. Hall, h and lot in village.
Stevens D. Charles, (Island Pond) dealer in fruits, confectionery, tobacco, cigars, etc , Cross, h do.
STEVENS H. RICHARD, (Island Pond) r 1, farmer 160.
Stevens Sarah A, (Island Pond) widow of E. B., Derby.
Stevens Susanna. (Island Pond) r I 7, widow of John W.
Stevens Wendall P., (Island Pond) compositor Essex County Herald, bds Cross.
STEWART HOUSE, (Island Pond) W. A. Richardson, prop., South.
STORRS DAVID S , (Island Pond) off r 17, attorney and counselor at law, 12 cows. farmer 250.
Stott Alexantler, (Island Pond) r 17, farmer 76.
STRATHERN JAMES, (Island Pond) station. and baggqe master G. T. Ry. office, h and lot Mountain.
Street Charles, (Island Pond) r 14, laborer, h and lot.
STRONG LEWIS S ,. (Island Pond) manuf. of harnesses, boots aqd shoes, and general repairing, Main, h and lot.
Swain Joseph B., (Island Pond) h Back.
Talbot Flavia, (E. Brighton) emp. in Hobson's mill.
Talbot John B., (E. Brighton) r 22, emp. Hobson's mill.
Taylor C. Fred, (Island Pond) farmer 62.
Taylor Henry, (Island Pond) r 1, emp. Butter's mill.
Taylor John, (Island Pond) laborer.
Terrier Peter, (Island Pond) emp. of G. H FItzgerald & Co.
Tibeault Henry, (Island Pond) laborer, Ferrin.
Tibeault Joseph, (E. Brighton) emp. in Hubson's mill.
Thomas George O., (Island Pond) r 5, farmer 100.
Thomas Orison M., (lsland Pond) r 5. farmer 36.
Thurston Charles D., (Island Pond) fireman G. T. Ry., Mountain.
Thurston John T., (Island Pond) engineer G. T. Ry., h and lot, Mountain.
THURSTON JOHN W., (Island Pond) deputy collector and inspector U. S. customs, North.
Tracy Andrew E., (Island Pond) r 12, farmer with Peter.
Tracy Charles F., (Island Pond) farmer with Michael.
TRACY JOHN E., (Island Pond) engineer G. T. Ry., h and lot, Mountain.
Tracy Michael, (Island Pond) farmer 79, Mountain.
Tracy Peter, (Island Pond) r 12, farmer 270, Mountain.
Trudeau Louis, (Island Pond) blacksmith, Cross.
Turgeon Edward, (Island Pond) laborer, Derby.
Turgeon Narcisse, (Island Pond) r 17, farmer.
Turner Charles, (Island Pond) laborer.
Vallee Charles A, (Island Pond) clerk, bds Alder.
Vallee Walter G., (Island Pond) emp N. Hobson, bds Center.
Vallee Willie C., (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., bds Center.
VILLAGE HOTEL, (Island Pond) G. D. Barney, prop., Cross.
Warner Nickerson, (Island Pond) prop. Green Mountain House, farmer 70, Lake.
Webster Horatio N., (Island Pond) laborer, Ferrin.
Webster Orson J., (Island Pond) farmer, owns farm in Morgan.
Webster Russell G., (Island Pond) r 1, farmer.
Welch James, (Island Pond) emp. G. H. Fitzgerald.
Welch Joseph, (Island Pond) r 1, emp. Butters's mill.
Whitcomb Jennie, (Islant Pond) widow of David, h Middle.
White Edmund, (Island Pond) emp G. T. Ry., Back.
White James, (Island Pond) emp. N. F. White, Main.
White John, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry. freight office.
White John, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., South.
WHITE NAPOLEON F., (Island Pond) carriage, house and sign painter, Main, bds Cross
White Thomas, (Island Pond) fuel foreman G. T. Ry., South.
Wiles Israel, (Island Pond) r 18, farmer.
Willey Henry, (Island Pond) section hand G. T. Ry., h Main.
Willey John, (Island Pond) laborer, Lake.
Willey Theophile, (Island Pond) laborer, Back.
Williams Frank T., (Island Pond) conductor G. T. Ry., Main.
Willoughby John, (Island Pond) ticket agent G. T. Ry., h Derby.
Wilmot William W., (Island Pond) emp. in Fitzgerald's mill, Derby.
Wilson George W., (Island Pond) r 11 1/2, farmer 65.
WING CALVIN, (Island Pond) mail agent and prop. stage line from Island Pond to Derbly Line, h Main.
Wing Fred, (E. Brighton) emp. S. D. Hobson.
Wood Peter, (Island Pond) r 7, laborer.
Woodbury Louis A., (Island Pond) postmaster, Main, h Derby.

ab, above; agt, agent; ave or av, avenue; b or bds, boards; bel, below;
bet, between; bldg, building; com, commission; do, ditto; E, east;
ex, express; F V, Fairbanks Village; ins, insurance; h, house; n, near;
N, north; opp, opposite; prop, proprietor; P V, Paddock's Village; r, rear;
RR, railroad; S, south; sq, square; st, street; S, Sommerville;
W, west; MCRR, Maine Central Railroad;

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