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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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The figures following the letter r indicate the number of the road on which the party resides, and will be found by reference to the map in the back part of this work. Where no road number is given the party is suppossed to reside in the village.

Figures placed after the occupation of acres owned or leased.

The word street is implied.
Highlight keywords:
Adams Archibald. (S. Peacham) formerly in woolen-mill, aeed 72 years.
ADAMS CHARLES, r 31 and 33, 600 sugar trees, 9 grade Jersey cows, farmer 95, soldier in Cos. G and B, 4th Vt. Vols., 3 years.
Aiken Hiram, r 54, farmer 78.
Ainsworth Benjamin F., (S. Peacham) butcher and meat peddler.
Ainsworth Harrison E., r 68, farmer 141.
Allen Archie L., r 25, mill hand with Fred B. Allen.
ALLEN FRED B , r 25, manager John Ewell's saw, shingle and grist-mill.
Armstrong John W., r 1, farmer 95.
Ash William H., (S. Peacham) asst. postmaster, general merchant, farmer 8, served in Co. C, 3d Vt. Vols., 3 years.
Atkins Leonard. (S. Cabot) r 53, farmer 160.
Atwell John, prop. Peacham Hotel, farmer 50.
Badger Amasa, r 25, mail carrier from South Danville to East Barnet, farmer 11.
Bagley Charles E., farmer.
Bailaw Edward, r 53, farmer 65.
Bailey Alexander, farmer 32.
Bailey Clara, r 51, widow of Joseph, summer boarding, Prospect House.
Bailey Emeline H., widow of Franklin, h North.
Bailey Laura C., dressmaker, daughter of Franklin.
Bailey Mary E., r 51, school teacher, daughrer of Joseph.
Bailey Nellie I,., milliner, daughter of Joseph.
Bailey Robert N., r 49, 12 cows, farmer 70.
Bandy John, (W. Danville) e 2, 1,200 sugar trees, 5 cows, farmer 95.
BAYLEY WALTER H., harnessmaker and carriage trimmer, dealer in all kinds of harnesses, carriage robes, blankets, etc., h East Main.
Beckley Abel, (S. Cabot) r 21, 1,500 sugar trees, 17 grade Jersey cows, 15 head other stock, farmer 330.
BICKFORD ALBERT G., r 18 cor 23, 1,000 sugar trees, 18 grade Jersey cows. 10 head of other stock, farmer 200, and woodland 100.
Bigelow George H., r 54, 600 sugar trees, farmer 76.
Bingham Thomas P., r 36, prop. rake factory, saw-mill, farmer 75.
Blair George D., r 26, farmer 25.
Blake Daniel W , (Lanesboro, Washington Co.) r 71, farmer 100.
Blake Rebecca C., r 50, (Mrs. Joseph) farm 2.
BLANCHARD ABBIE M., r 56, widow of John C., 16 grade Jersey cows, 12 head other stock, 500 sugar trees, farmer 250.
Blanchard Daniel E., dealer in live stock, bds Peacham Hotel.
BLANCHARD EDMUND C., r 50, 800 sugar trees: 10 grade Jersey cows, farmer 98, woodland 50, and owns with widow of John C. 150.
BLANCHARD FERDINAND, r 57 cor 49, physician and surgeon, graduate of Dartmouth college, class of '77.
BLANCHARD FRANKLIN F., (S. Peacham) mail carrier from Peacham to Barnet.
BLANCHARD WALTER N., r 56, farmer with his mother, Abbie M.
Bolton Henry D., r 63, 175 sugar trees, 7 grade Jersey cows, 150 apple trees, farmer 90, soldier Co. A, 1st Vt. Heavy Artillery, 2 years and 10 months.
Bolton Martin S., r 63, farmer 112.
BOLTON PLYNN, breeder of Jersey cattle, farmer 28.
Boynton Moody M., r 18, carpenter and joiner, lives with H. Ewell.
BROWN CHANCY L., r 26 cor 32, photographer, 300 sugar trees, farmer 65.
Brown Orrin, r 63, resident with M. S. Bolton.
Brown Willard T., r 63. 400 sugar trees, 5 cows, farmer 105
Brownell Caroline, dressmaker, widow of H. M.
Brownell Carrie, dressmaker, daughter of H. M.
Bunker Charles A., State senator, teacher Caledonia Co. grammar school, bds with Miss Sarah M. Eastman, W. Main.
Calder Mary, formerly milliner, h Main.
Carpenter & Darling, (Lanesboro, Wash. Co.) r 71, lumber mill, wood land 600.
Cawley E. J., r 54, farmer, manager of town farm.
Chandler Frank G., r 8, farmer, owns in Cabot 122.
CHANDLER GEORGE D., r 18, 900 sugar trees, Morgan horses, farmer 150, and pasture land in Cabot 60.
CHANDLER JOHN S., r 18, farmer, works for his father, George D.
CHAPMAN JOHN, r 29. manuf. butter stamps, 300 sugar trees, 4 cows, farmer 73.
CHAPMAN WILLIAM A., r 29, farmer with his father, John.
Chase Loring, r 30, carpenter and builder, 10 grade Jersey cows, 400 sugar trees, farmer 120.
Choate David W., formerly farmer and merchant, h Main.
Clark Charles A , r 42, student, son of Ephraim W.
Clark Ephraim W., r 42, farmer 100.
Clark Florella, r 42, teacher, daughter of E. W.
CLARK GEORGE W., r 34, 500 sugar trees, 8 grade Jersey cows, 100 apple trees, farmer 100.
Clark James P., r 43, farmer, son of Thomas C.
Clark Jesse M.. r 42, farmer with his father, Ephraim W.
Clark Martha J., r 42, teacher, daughter of E. W.
Clark Nettie, r 43, school teacher, daughter of Thomas C.
Clark Simon B , r 43, farmer with his father, Thomas C.
Clark Thomas C., r 43, 200 sugar trees, farmer 82.
Colby Frank P., (W. Danville) r 5, carries on farm for Benjamin Woodard 75.
Cole Susan C., widow of Nathan, h Main.
COOK FRANK W., (W. Danvllle) r 8, 1,000 sugar trees, 15 cows, farmer 200.
Corbet David R., r 26, carpenter and joiner, owns 40 acres.
Corliss Andrew S., r 55, farmer 50, and pasture and wood land 50.
COWLES LAURA A., widow of John O., farm 25 and wood land 50, h Church.
COWLES SUSIE F. Miss, dealer in watches, clocks, jewelry, silver and plated ware, toilet goods, drugs and medicines, also repairer, lives with her mother, Laura A.
Craig James, r 13 cor 17, 500 sugar trees, 10 grade Jersey cows, 10 sheep, farmer 121.
Dana Lewis C., r 39, farmer.
Dana Royal, r 39, laborer, farmer 2.
Dana William, r 18, 400 sugar trees, farmer 100.
Daniels James M., (W. Danville) r 2, farmer 100, and pasturage 50.
DARLING BENJAMIN, r 63, 300 sugar trees, 8 grade Jersey cows, farmer 200.
Darling George W., r 63, farmer, son of Benjamin.
Darling Leonard E., r 63, carries on W. T. Brown's farm.
Davis Margaret, widow of James, h Main.
Davison Oliver H., r 52, farm laborer, farmer 4.
Devenger Joseph. off r 29, farmer 35.
Dewey Bela S , (S. Peacham) farmer 16.
Donohue Sarah A., r 33, florist. h Peacham Hollow.
Douse George M., r 19, farmer 125.
Drown Reuben A., r 40, laborer.
Dume Hugh 2d, r 20, 8 cows, 500 sugar trees, farmer 112.
Eastman Sarah M., daughter of Thomas M., h W. Main.
Emery George A., pastor M. E. church, parsonage Main.
ESDEN HARLAN J., r 30, farmer with his father, James.
ESDEN JAMES, r 30, breeder and dealer in Morgan horses and Hereford cattle, 600 sugar trees, 15 cows, 12 head cattle. farmer 175.
ESDEN ROBERT, r 33, 700 sugar trees, 14 grade Jersey cows, farmer 175.
Evans George C., (S. Peacham) farmer 5.
Ewell Hattie L., school teacher, daughter of Horace.
Ewell Horace, off r 18, 500 sugar trees, 200 apple trees, 18 grade rersey cows. 12 head other stock. 10 sheep. farmer 220.
Ewell John, r 25, prop. of grist, saw and shingle-mill, farmer 50.
FARNUM ALVIN B., (A. B. Farnum & Son).
FARNUIM A. B & SON, (Alvin B. and Scott M.) wagon blacksmiths and general repair shop, farmers 15.
FARNUM SCOTT M., r 25, (A. B. Farnum & Son).
Farrow Franklin, r 53, 500 sugar trees, 12 grade Jersey cows, owns with his, son, Millen, farm 61.
Farrow Millen J., r 53, carpenter and joiner, farmer, owns with Franklin 61.
FARROW SAMUEL M., (S. Peacham) r 60, farmer with his father, Theodore G., 161.
FARROW THEODORE G., (S. Peacham) r 60, 400 sugar trees, 10 cows, farmer with his son, Samuel M., 161.
Ferguson Burt A., r 17, farmer with his father, Paul F.
Ferguson Paul F., r 17, 1,200 sugar trees, farmer 140, pasture and woodland 60.
Ford Elmer S., (S. Peacham) r 49, son of F. S., owns farm 13.
FORD FOWLER S., (Lower Cabot) r 59, manuf. of butter boxes, sash, blinds, doors, etc., at Lower Cabot.
Foster George F., (S. Peacham) r 62. farm laborer.
Gates Harriet, widow of John S., h Main.
Gibson Oscar J., r 70, 800 sugar trees, 6 cows, farmer 230.
Gill Harriet, (S. Peacham) widow of James, h and lot.
Goodenough Frank, (W Danville) r 4, farmer.
Goodenough Phineas, (W. Danville) r 4, farmer.
GOSS ALBERT, (W. Danville) off r 5, 400 sugar trees, 17 cows, farmer 215.
Coss Harvey, r 25, farmer 100.
Gracy John, r 43, shoemaker, farmer 15.
Gracy John C., off r 18, 300 sugar trees, 8 cows, farmer 130, soldier in Co. D., 1st Vt. Cavalry, 4 years.
Graham Henry B.,r 26, retired farmer, lives Peacham Hollow, h and 2 acres.
Graham John K., (W. Barnet) r 48, 8 grade Jersey cows, farmer, leases 50.
Graham Samuel B, r 26, farm laborer, son of H. B.
Greenwood Jerry, (W. Danville) r 6, farmer 80.
GUTHRIE JOSEPH C., (S. Peacham) (Guthrie & Milligan).
GUTHRIE & MILLIGAN, (S. Peacham) r 59, (C. Guthrie and George Mulligan) manuf of butter prints and butter carrying trunks.
Guy Roxana E., widow of Chester W., h East.
Hall James B , (S. Danville) r 34, farmer 47.
HAND HARMON, r 63, 600 sugar trees, 10 grade Jersey cows, farmer 100 and woodland 160.
Hand John B., formerly farmer, h and 3 acres, aged 76.
HARRIMAN FRED S., r 45, farmer with his father, Sprague E.
Harriman Sarah A., r 45, school teacher, daughter of Sprague E.
HARRIMAN SPRAGUE E., r 45, 800 sugar trees, 10 grade Jersey cows, farmer 124.
Harvey Margaret S., r 26, farmer 14.
HASKELL ROBERT, r 52, summer boarding Mt. Pleasant, breeder and dealer Holstein cattle, farmer 50, pasture and woodland 50, served in Co. A. 10th Vt. Vols. 3 years.
Hastie Andrew, (W. Barnet) r 60: farmer 23.
Hatch George B. & Co., (Lanesboro, Washington Co.) (Dr. George B., of Newbury, Oscar and John Hatch) props. of steam lumber mill and 600 acres.
Hatch John, (Lanesboro, Washington Co.) (George B. Hatch & Co.) lumber manuf.
Hatch Oscar C., (Lanesboro, Washington Co.) off r 53, (GeorgeB. Hatch & Co.) lumber manuf.
Hawes George E., r 21, farmer 100.
Henderson Mary E., r 36, school teacher, daughter of William.
HENDERSON WILLIAM, r 36, 600 sugar trees, 9 grade Jersey cows, farmer 200.
Hidden Martin S , carpenter and builder, h and 2 acres.
Hobert Simeon L., r 68, farmer 50.
HOOKER BERTON S., (S. Peacham) r 61, miller, son of Sanford B.
HOOKER HERBERT P., off r 56, 3d selectman, 500 sugar trees, farmer, leases of Orman P. 250.
Hooker Mary B., widow of Orman P., h and lot, East.
HOOKER ORMAN P., r 43, farmer 250. (Died October 10, 1885.)
HOOKER SANFORD B., (S. Peacham) r 61, prop. grist-mill, dealer in grain, flour, feed, etc., farmer 30.
Hopkins John L., r 33, carpenter and joiner, h Peacham Hollow.
HOUGHTON JAMES W., r 30, carpenter and builder, 10 Devon cows, 450 sugar trees, farmer 118.
Hoyt Asa, r 33, cooper at Peacham Hollow, h and 4 acres.
Hubbard Roswell, r 27, 800 sugar trees, lives on Claud Somers' farm 100.
Hunt Augusta J., r 50 cor 43, (Mrs. M. S.) postmistress, millinery and general merchant.
Hunt Charles M., r 7, cooper.
Hunt Joab, r 28, farmer 80.
Hunt Lester M., r 7, 200 sugar trees, 5 cows, farm 111.
Hunt Merritt S., r 50 cor 43, clerk.
HUTCHlNSON CHARLES A., r 39 and 40, 1,000 sugar trees, 15 grade Jersey cows, live stock dealer, also dealer in farm and dairy implements, farmer 250,
Jennison Harvey H., farmer.
Jennison Maria K., r 26, widow of L. W. Brown and William Jennison.
JENNISON IRA J., r 63, farmer 112.
Jennison Moses, r 64, farm laborer.
JENNISON OKIN M., r 63, prop. lumber mill on Martin Pond brook, farmer 60.
Jennison Sarah, r 64, widow of John, 500 sugar trees, farmer 100.
Jennison William, r 18, laborer with Harrison McLachlin.
Johnson Leonard, formerly farmer, h Main. (Born in town 1797.)
Jones Robert E., formerly merchant, farm 4, h E. Main.
JUDKINS JAMES L., (S. Peacham) r 61 cor 59, manuf. of wagons, carriages and sleighs, general repair shop, sawing, planing, turning, blacksmithing, &c.
Kellogg Irvin J., (S. Cabot) r 53, farmer 256.
Kenerson Gardner A., r 68, 900 sugar trees, farmer 250.
Kenerson Jefferson, retired farmer, lives with his son, G. A., aged 82.
Kidder Benjamin, r 21, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 244.
Kimball Benjamin, r 52, 500 sugar trees, farmer 160.
Kimball Frank, r 52, farmer 14.
Kinerson Charles F., r 17, with J. R.
KINERSON JAMES R. Dea., r 17, 400 sugar trees, 25 grade Jersey cows, manuf. and prop. of Kinerson's combination butter print, farmer 275,
Kinerson Russell B., r 17, farmer, owns with James R. 202.
King Eliza. (W. Danville) r 2, widow of Charles, farm 11.
Laird Winchester, (Lanesboro, Washington Co.) r 54, farmer 100.
Livingston Alexander, r 45, farmer 98.
Livingston Harvey B., (S. Peacham) mason and farmer 108.
Livingston Smith B., (S. Peacham) teamster and laborer.
Livingston Will E., (S. Peacham) with S. B.
Lord Dell M., r 25, wagon maker for A. B. Farnum & Son.
Loveland Francis, (Lanesboro, Washington Co.) r 71, formerly farmer, lives with James.
Loveland James, (Lanesboro, Washington Co.) r 71, farmer 50.
Lynds Harris, (S. Peacham) r 49, 350 sugar trees, 10 grade Jersey cows, farmer, carries on 75, and pasturage 50.
Lynds William H., r 63, 1,000 sugar trees, 18 grade Jersey cows, farmer, carries on 200.
MACDONALD ABEL B., r 26, farmer 25.
MARTIN ASHBEL, 1,000 sugar trees, breeder and dealer in Hereford cattle, 20 grade Devon cows, 30 head other stock, farmer 350, and pasture and woodland 150.
Martin Edwin A., r 62, son of Ashbel.
Martin George W., r 63, repair shop, farmer 36, and woodland 100.
Martin Mary L, teacher, daughter of Mrs John M.
MARTIN MOSES IV., r 62, farmer with his father, Ashbel.
Martin Nancy D , widow of John M., h Church.
Martin Oliver, (W. Danville) r 8, farm laborer.
Martin Orrin, formerly farmer 6, owns woodland 100.
Martin Sylvia, r 54, widow of Warner E., 400 sugar trees, farmer 115.
MARTIN TRUMAN, (S. Peacham) 1,000 sugar trees, 11 grade Jersey cows, farmer 112.
Martyn Sanford S., pastor Cong. church, parsonage E. Main.
McClary Andrew, r 26, cooper and farmer 5.
McCLARY IRA L.. r 49, dealer in dry goods. groceries, boots and shoes, hardware, tinware, crockery. patent medicines, &c., farmer 3.
McDonald Alexander, r 26, formerly farmer, aged 84.
McDonald Anson S., r 26, labeler.
McDonald Harry A., r 26, laborer. farmer, sun of Anson.
McLachlin Archibald, (S. Peacham) r 67, farmer.
McLachlin Beattie. (S. Peacham) with John.
McLachlin Edward H., r 43. principal High school, Westborough, Mass.
McLACHLIN HARRISON A., r 18, 350 sugar trees. 15 cows, carries on Archibald McLachlin's farm, formerly Isaac Kimball's farm, 200.
McLACHLIN JAMES, (S. Peacham) r 49, 300 sugar trees, dealer in hay and produce, farmer 100, pasture and woodland 75.
McLachlin John, (S. Peacham) 500 sugar trees, farmer 150.
McLACHLIN LEWIS C., (S. Peacham) r 67, 1,000 sugar trees, 15 cows, 30 sheep, farmer 275.
McLachlin William, r 43, 700 sugar trees, farmer 250.
McLachlin William V., r 49, farmer 90, pasture and woodland 50, owns with J. J. timber land 100.
McLaughlin Martha. widow of Arthur, h East.
MERRILL MARTON E., widow of Hazen E., W. Main.
MILLIGAN GEORGE, (S. Peacham) (Guthrie & Milligan) manuf., etc.
Miner Ethan N., r 23, farmer 20.
Miner Nellie H., r 50, school teacher, daughter of E. N.
Moody Fred W., farmer. with his father, Scribner.
MOODY HIRAM, r 58 cor 65, 1st selectman, 250 sugar trees, breeder of thoroughbred Jersey cattle, 14 cows. farmer 135.
Moody Scribner, r 37, 600 sugar trees, farmer 100.
Morse John F., r 42, farmer 11.
Morse William W., r 16. lister, and farmer 105. owns with J. Robbins 125.
MOULTON VAN NESS D., r 42, 200 sugar strees, 14 cows, 10 head other stock, farmer 130.
Northrop Clark H.. r 28, farmer with his father, H. W.
NORTHROP HENRY W., r 28, 1,000 sugar trees, 20 high grade Jersey cows, 14 head other stock, farmer 230.
NORTHROP JOHN C., r 8, 15 grade Durham cows, 20 sheep, 600 sugar trees, farmer 280.
Palmer Edward D., (W. Barnet) r 60, farmer 21.
Palmer Frank E., r 42 cor 33, farmer at Peacham Hollow, proprietor of tannery, owns 312 acres timber land.
PARKER LUTHER F., r 49, town representative, president board of trustees Caledonia Co. Crammer school, physician and surgeon, farmer 12.
Pattridge Albert G., farmer 100.
PATTRIDGE FRANCIS W., r 65, 11 grade Jersey cows. 500 sugar trees, farmer 100.
Pattridge George C., with A. G.
Pattridge Harvey W., with A. G.
PATTRIDGE LOKEN E., r 65, farmer, with his father, Francis W.
Peacham Hotel, r 50, John Atwell, prop.
Peak Albert L., r 25, farmer, with his father, Joseph, 85.
Peak Joseph, r 25, farmer with A. L. 85.
Pearson Augusta C., daughter of Ora, h E. Main.
Pearson Lucretia K., daughter of Ora, E. Main.
Phelps Anthony J., r 17, farmer 96.
Pollard Frank B., laborer.
Pollard George W., shoemaker and farmer 9.
Priest Cummings, harnessmaker for Walter H. Bayley.
Prospect House, r 51, Clara Bailey, prop.
Ray John, farmer 48.
Read Harriet E., (S. Peacham) Widow of Ezekiel P., h and lot.
RICKER WILLIAM A., r 26, (William Ricker & Son) commission merchants.
RICKER WILLIAM & SON, r 26, (William, of Wells River, and William A.) commission dealers in cattle, sheep. hogs, butter, eggs, poultry, etc.
Robbios Alonzo, r 56, resident with W. W. Morse.
ROBBINS JONAS W., 700 sugar trees, farmer 100.
Robinson John W., r 26, mason, Peacham Hollow.
Robinson William H., r 56, 500 sugar trees, farmer 90.
ROWE EDWARD L., r 28, farmer with his father, Ichabod.
ROWE ICHABOD, r 28, 350 sugar trees, 8 grade Jersey cows, dealer in Morgan horses, farmer 150.
Russell Ira, r 51, farm laborer.
Sanborn Hannah, widow of Trustram, farmer 135.
SANBORN HARVEY, town agent, mason, farmer 2, h E. Main.
Sanborn Hiram A., r 52. farmer, son of William.
Sanborn William, r 22 cor 52, 10 cows, farmer 185.
SARGEANT ASA, r 43, retired tanner, h and lot.
Sargeant Charles E., r 33 cor 34, 600 sugar trees, 12 grade Jersey cows, farmer 140.
Shaw Frank, (S. Peacham) farmer, son of Richard.
Shaw James, (S. Peacharn) retired farmer, aged 86.
Shaw Richard B , (S. Peacham) 15 cows, farmer 150.
Shields David, (W. Barnet) r 47, wheelwright, 400 sugar trees, 10 grade Jersey cows, farmer 127.
Shields Jane, (W. Barnet) r 17, widow of Alexander, farmer with her son, David.
Somers Edward D., (E. D. Somers & Co.)
Somers Edward D. & Co.. r 50 cor 43, (E. D. Somers and H. E. Wilson) general merchants.
Somers Henry H., off r 8, 10 cows, farmer 120.
Steele Mathew, r 44, laborer, Pracham Hollow.
Steele Mathew W., r 26, blacksmith and general repair shop, Peacham Hollow.
STEELE WILLIAM, blacksmith, farmer 50, Church, h do.
Stevens Charles E., (S. Peacham) farmer and laborer.
Stevenson Robert, 600 sugar trees, farmer 97.
Stewart Dugald, r 65, 500 sugar trees, 12 grade Jersey cows, farmer 128.
Stoddard George A., r 15, 6 cows, farmer 120.
Strobridge Fayette T., son of Lafayette.
Strobridge Lafayette, 15 grade Jersey cows, farmer 150.
Taisey Robert, r 54, 700 sugar trees, 7 grade Jersey cows, farmer, with Sylvia 100, and woodland 127.
Thresher Charles F., r 13, cattle dealer, 1,000 sugar trees, 12 cows, 10 head other stock , 20 sheep, farmer 214.
TRUSSELL JACOB, r 52, town representative 1884-5: justice of the peace: lister, town agent, attorney and counselor at law, and farmer 500.
Underwood Mary S., widow of Silas, h Main.
VARNUM BENJAMIN F., r 29, 350 sugar trees, 11 cows, 15 head other stock, farmer 145.
VARNUM BETSEY H., r 33, widow of Franklin, who died in 1880, farmer 2.
Varnum Charles, r 28, 1,000 sugar trees, 18 Jersey cows, farmer 200.
Varnum George L., r 29 cor 35, farmer with his father, B. F.
VARNUM JOHN, JR., r 50 cor 57, 16 years town clerk, town treasurer, justice of the peace, clerk and treasurer of Caledonia County Grammer School, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, boots, shoes, etc., agent for Vt. Mutual Insurance Co.
Yarnum Laura, r 33, school teacher, daughter of Franklin.
Varnum Leonard R., sexton of Cong. church, farmer 38, and wild land 100, agent for H. R. Mack, marble dealer:
Walbridge Marietta, r 43. widow of D. A.
Warden Isabella M., (S. Peacham) widow of William, farm 5.
Watson John, r 62, formerly cloth dresser and farmer, aged 80 years.
Watson Wilbur M,., r 62, 800 sugar trees, farmer 130.
Watts Ellen B., widow of Isaac N.
Way Charles H., r 19, 800 sugar trees, 10 cows, farmer 240.
Way Jacob, r 31, 12 grade Jersey cows, farmer 214.
Way John, r 19, 1,200 sugar trees, 14 grade Jersey cows, farmer 270.
Weeks Edward G., r 25, laborer and cooper.
Weeks Fred E., r 25, with E. G.
Weeks William H. B., r 16, manuf. of sash, doors and blinds, carpenter and joiner, farmer 60.
Welch John M., (S. Danville) r 35, farmer with his father, William.
WELCH LEONARD, r 62, 1,000 sugar trees, 12 grade Jersey cows, farmer 150, and pasturage and woodland 136.
Welch Wiiliam, (S. Danville) r 35, 10 high grade Jersey cows, farmer 130.
Welch William F., (S. Danville) r 35, farmer with his father, William.
WEST WILLIAM N., house painter and undertaker, h Main.
Wheeler Elwin M., r 38, farmer with his father, Mark M.
WHEELER MARK M., r 38, 250 sugar trees, 6 grade Jersey cows, farmer 84.
Whitcher Joseph C., r 38, 1,700 sugar trees, 12 grade Jersey cows, 10 head other stock, farmer 220.
White Luther, (W. Danville) off r 8, 500 sugar trees, 5 cows, farmer 125.
WHITEHILL ANDREW, r 65, 16 grade Jersey cows, 15 head other stock, 30 sheep, farmer 180.
Whitehill Peter, (S. Peacham) farmer 45.
WHITING ELIJAH A., (W. Danville) r 8, 15 cows, breeder of Jersey cattle, farmer 175.
WILLEY SILAS G., r 26, carpenter and joiner, farmer 40.
Williams Charles F., r 28, 550 sugar trees, 12 cows, farmer 185.
Williams William, dealer in stoves, tinware, Main, h do.
Wilson Renwick L., r 70, farmer with William.
Wilson William, r 70, farmer 200.
Winter Ira W., r 41, 300 sugar trees, 60 sheep, farmer 90, and pasture land 60.
Wood William H., (Lanesboro, Washington Co.) r 71, farmer 100.
Woodcock Amasa T., r 25, blacksmith for A. B. Farnum & Son.
WOODS FRANK T., (W. Danville) r 4, 400 sugar trees, farmer 75.
Woodward Benjamin, (W. Danville) farm 75.
Woodward Ora J., (W. Danville) r 4, farmer 10, and in Danville 40,
Young Alexander W., r 20, farmer, owns with his father, William, farm 160.
Young Charles G., r 20, farmer with his father, Alexander W.
Young James T., r 20, farmer 75.
Young John A., r 19 cor 20, farmer 140.
Young William, r 20, 8 cows, owns with Alexander W., 1,000 sugar trees, and farm 160.

ab, above; agt, agent; ave or av, avenue; b or bds, boards; bel, below;
bet, between; bldg, building; com, commission; do, ditto; E, east;
ex, express; F V, Fairbanks Village; ins, insurance; h, house; n, near;
N, north; opp, opposite; prop, proprietor; P V, Paddock's Village; r, rear;
RR, railroad; S, south; sq, square; st, street; S, Sommerville;
W, west; MCRR, Maine Central Railroad;

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