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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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Fairbanks, Thaddeus President
Thayer, Rev. William W.  
Fairbanks, Horace  
Fairbanks, Rev. Henry  
Fairbanks, Franklin  
Fairbanks, Rev. Edward T.  
Fuller, Homer T. Secretary & Treasurer
Fuller, Rev. Homer T., A.M. Principal & Teacher of Greek, Mental & Moral Science
Putney, Charles E., A. M. Teacher of Latin, Greek, and History
Brackett, Solomon H., A.M. Teacher of Natural Science, and Higher Mathematics
Colby, Miss L. Jennie Teacher of Latin, French, and English Literature
Cummings, Miss Mary E. Teacher of Mathematics & English Grammar
Hubbard, Miss Emily Teacher of Latin, Geometry and German  
Marie, Madame Emma Teacher of French
Paddock, Miss Orris Teacher of Instrumental Music
Stiles, William M. Teacher of Penmanship
Students - Males
Senior Class Residence Rooms
Blodgett, Pearl F. St Johnsbury P. D. Blodgett's
Balch, Phineas S. St Johnsbury J. W. Balch's
Elliot, Andrew R. Keene, NH C. V. Eastman's
Howe, Frank H. St Johnsbury George E. Howe's
Johnson, Perley A. St Johnsbury William B. Johnson's
Keyes, Herbert W. Keene, NH C. V. Eastman's
Kyle, Thomas B. Dayton, OH Charles S. Dana's
Low, Harry N. Columbia, SC C. V. Eastman's
Magoon, Edward D. St Johnsbury I. P. Magoon's
Maynard, Herbert B. Washington, C. H., O. C. V. Eastman's
Page, Charles P. Haverhill, NH 29 South Hall
Parker, Edward T. East Derry, NH Rev. W. W. Thayer's
Parker, Henry H. Hanover, NH C. S. Dana's
Patterson, G. Willis Hanover, NH C. S. Dana's
Porter, Edward F. Stowe C. V. Eastman's
Prescott, Prentice P. St Johnsbury J. W. Prescott's
Rice, William H. Westford 13 South Hall
Robinson, Frederic A. Detroit, MI Mrs. L. Knappen's
Streeter, Edward K. Waterford 13 South Hall
Taylor, Bertrand E. St Johnsbury Miss C. Thayer's
Tyler, William C. Natal, So. Africa Miss C. Thayer's
Ward, Charles S. St Johnsbury Thomas Ward's
Wheatley, Hannibal P. E. Brookfield N. P. Bowman's
Middle Class Residence Rooms
Adams, Robert N. Island Pond N. P. Bowman's
Bishop, Willard C. St Johnsbury L. Bishop's
Chapman, Herman D. St Johnsbury D. Chapman's
Cook, Walter G. St Johnsbury W. H. Cook's
Dean, George E. Huntingville, PQ Dr. S. T. Brooks'
Farwell, Albert L. Sherbrooke, P.Q. Dr. S. T. Brooks'
Gallup, George Northfield J. W. Balch's
Gates, Owen H. St Johnsbury Rev. M. A. Gates'
Goss, Herbert I. Lower Waterford L. B. Flint's
Hale, Edson D. Chester Rev. H. W. Jones'
Huntington, Bela S. Olympia, W. T. 31 South Hall
Jewett, George A. Swanton St Johnsbury House
Lines, Ernest H. Fredonia, NY P. D. Blodgett's
Mathewson, Charles F. Barton A. B. Mathewson's
Morrill, Charles A. North Danville 25 South Hall
Norton, James H. Boston, MA Mrs. J. Page's
Nutting, Wallace H. St Johnsbury William H. Nutting's
Porter, William G. Thetford Centre Mrs. A. G. Chadwick's
Prouty, Harley H. Newport Mrs. J. Page's
Puffer, William M. St Johnsbury Rev. W. R. Puffer's
Sargent, William H. St Johnsbury Cyrus Sargent's
Silver, Edward V. Brooklyn, NY D. Boynton's
Silver, Lewis M. Brooklyn, NY D. Boynton's
Smith, Emerson H. N. Tunbridge 31 South Hall
Smith, Hosmer W. St Johnsbury Mrs. A. J. Smith's
Stanley, Alfred Barnet Dr. H. C. Newell's
True, Robert F. Centre Harbor, NH 23 South Hall
Wells, J. Henry Sugar Hill, NH 29 South Hall
West, Samuel B. Hartford 35 South Hall
Whitcher, Lewis E. Wentworth, NH Academy Boarding House
Wright, Fred B. Lunenburg Academy Boarding House
Junior Class Residence Rooms
Anderson, John K. St Johnsbury H. K. Anderson's
Baker, Thomas Jr. Barton 45 South Hall
Balch, George A. Lunenburg 27 South Hall
Barrett, William E. St Johnsbury W. E. Barrett's
Bartholomew, Ernest I. Hartford 35 South Hall
Bartholomew, Walter H. Hartford 35 South Hall
Beattie, James G. McIndoes B. G. Corser's
Bigelow, William H. St Johnsbury B. S. Hastings'
Bishop, Leslie I. St Johnsbury L. Bishop's
Blake, George F. Athol, MA 23 South Hall
Bogue, Herbert E. Irasburgh 13 South Hall
Brewer, Frederic A. West Concord L. Russell's
Bryant, Frank D. St Johnsbury A. N. Bryant's
Carpenter, Arthur H. Bath, NH Mrs. I. P. Dana's
Carrick, Bruce Barnet 25 South Hall
Clarke, George R. St Johnsbury E. F. Brown's
Cole, Byron P. West Danville J. Cole's
Dearborn, Richard H. West Fairlee Mrs. A. G. Chadwick's
Denio, Herbert W. St Johnsbury Horace Denio's
Dickey, James F. Acworth, NH 39 South Hall
Dodge, Willis E. Barton 45 South Hall
Dole, Charles S. Danville Eleazar Dole's
Dole, Nelson A. Danville J. R. Dole's
Drew, William L. North Danville Dr. Cushing's
Fairbanks, Arthur St Johnsbury Rev. Henry Fairbanks'
Folsom, Irving J. St Johnsbury Dr. J. D. Folsom's
Fuller, Elmer W. St Johnsbury William Fuller's
Gaines, John H. North Troy 39 South Hall
Gates, Charles W. Franklin W. S. Hill's
Gilfillan, Charles J. Passumpsic 37 South Hall
Gillette, Edward A. Hartford Mrs. I. P. Dana's
Griswold, Charles S. Haverhill, NH 55 South Hall
Hayes, William H. St Johnsbury J. F. Hayes'
Hooker, Frank B. St Johnsbury O. V. Hooker's
Ingalls, Edward B. North Danville 33 South Hall
Lane, Robert C. Newport W. S. Hill's
Morse, George H. Danville 25 South Hall
Newcomb, William D. Chicago, IL C. V. Eastman's
Nutt, Hiram L. Norwich 37 South Hall
Patterson, Thomas N. South Albany 37 South Hall
Peck, Charles E. Passumpsic W. E. Peck's
Pierce, Charles S. St Johnsbury Center J. Clarke's
Randall, Edson N. St Johnsbury S. Randall's
Robertson, Samuel W. Muskokee, Ind. Ter. Rev. H. W. Jones'
Sargeant, Frank B. St Johnsbury A. G. Sargeant's
Sargent, Frederic J. Enosburgh 31 South Hall
Simmons, Frederic B. Quechee C. V. Eastman's
Smith, Charles D. Brunswick Academy Boarding House
Spencer, Carl M. St Johnsbury G. W. Spencer's
Stanton, George H. North Danville W. S. Hill's
Stanton, Jere B. Danville I. P. Hill's
Stiles, William M. Montgomery Centre 13 South Hall
Stone, Arthur F. St Johnsbury C. M. Stone's
Symonds, Irving F. Acworth, NH 47 South Hall
Truax, Harry L. St Johnsbury L. H. Truax
Walker, Frederic W. Auburndale, MA 47 South Hall
Warden, Charles S. Passumpsic 37 South Hall
Wheeler, Charles D. Littleton, NH 57 South Hall
Wheeler, Edward O. Littleton, NH 57 South Hall
Willard, Stephen R. St Johnsbury A. G. Willard's
Sub-Juniors Residence Rooms
Armstrong, Arthur E. West Berkshire 41 South Hall
Batchelder, James E. St Johnsbury J. R. Batchelder's
Beattie, William W. Lawrence, MA 41 South Hall
Blodgett, Herbert W. St Johnsbury E. D. Blodgett's
Brackett, Frank P. St Johnsbury S. H. Brackett's
Brown, Dwight R. Lower Waterford L. B. Flint's
Coe, Orlo A. East Burke 57 South Hall
Curtis, Clarence E. Barnet 51 South Hall
Foster, Harry H. Cabot 13 South Hall
Gibson, William A. Ryegate W. S. Hill's
Hale, Everett E. Lower Waterford 33 South Hall
Hale, Perley G. Passumpsic 49 South Hall
Heath, James A. North Troy 35 South Hall
Herrick, Joseph T. Auburndale, MA 47 South Hall
Hill, Minot W. Waterford Philemon Hill's
Holmes, William H. Boston, MA 27 South Hall
Hovey, William C. St Johnsbury J. G. Hovey's
Knapp, Charles H. St Johnsbury B. D. Burnham's
Leith, George E. Haverhill, NH 33 South Hall
Mattocks, Samuel J. Danville J. B. Mattock's
McFarland, Leon D. North Danville R. A. Farnsworth's
Morse, George W. Plymouth, NH C. V. Eastman's
Morse, Stephen O. Danville I. P. Hill's
Page, Frederic W. Haverhill, NH 29 South Hall
Peck, George W. Passumpsic W. E. Peck's
Rogers, James B. Cabot 49 South Hall
Shedd, George H. St Johnsbury L. Packard's
Stevens, James D. Danville Mrs. N. Steven's
Stevens, Truman E. St Johnsbury Center J. R. Stevens'
Stoddard, Frank J. Lower Waterford 33 South Hall
Stone, Frederic E. St Johnsbury Center E. H. Stone's
Swett, Murray E. Lower Waterford 37 South Hall
Underwood, J. Clarence St Johnsbury Horace Underwood's
Varnum, Byron Danville J. G. Varnum's
Wilson, Homer C. Lyndonville S. J. Wilson's
Wheatley, Irving N. E. Brookfield N. P. Bowman's
White, Willis C. Westmoreland, NH 49 South Hall
Woods, Willis F. Passumpsic J. B. Woods'
Students - Females
Resident Graduates Residence Rooms
Clark, Emily L. St Johnsbury B. B. Clark's
Stuart, Edna A. St Johnsbury A. Stuart's
Ward, Ida J. St Johnsbury Thomas Ward's
Senior Advanced Class Residence Rooms
Adgate, Hattie W. East Hardwick Mrs. L. E. Pearl's
Carleton, Mary F. Lunenburg 40 South Hall
Hancock, Alice M. St Johnsbury J. M. Hancock's
Ross, Helen M. St Johnsbury Jona. Ross'
Ross, Julia St Johnsbury Jona. Ross'
Williams, Minnie L. Glover 22 South Hall
Senior Class Residence Rooms
Bagby, Sarah E. St Johnsbury Mrs. L. M. Bagby's
Cheney, Cora C. Lunenburg C. E. Putney's
Clarke, Ellen W. Norwich C. E. Putney's
Conant, Helen M. Greensboro H. Paddock's
Fairbanks, Agnes St Johnsbury Horace Fairbanks'
Fairbanks, Mary F. St Johnsbury Franklin Fairbanks'
Greene, Nellie A. Lower Waterford L. B. Flint's
Hancock, Nellie S. St Johnsbury J. M. Hancock's
Hovey, Lucy N. St Johnsbury Richard Hovey's
Hoyt, Hittie E. Lyndon A. J. Willard's
Ingalls, Florence M. Greensboro E. T. Howard's
Little, Cora A. St Johnsbury W. A. Little's
Mason, Martha J. Waterford 28 South Hall
Parker, Mary M. Sutton F. Switzer's
Preston, Willametta A. Danville W. H. Preston's
Randall, Bettie E. North Danville L. B. Flint's
Savage, Clara E. Lancaster, NH 40 South Hall
Stone, Mary E. St Johnsbury C. M. Stone's
Trull, Addie I. West Burke D. Trull's
Middle Class Residence Rooms
Brooks, Laura L. St Johnsbury Dr. S. T. Brooks'
Brown, S. Ellen Norwich E. T. Howard's
Crossman, Addie R. St Johnsbury W. S. Hill's
Darling, Lucy B. Concord 30 South Hall
Darling, Mary R. Concord 30 South Hall
Fairman, Jennie E. Wolcott R. B. Flint's
Folsom, Nellie A. St Johnsbury Dr. J. D. Folsom's
Gates, Isora A. East St Johnsbury Mrs. R. S. Grout's
Hartshorn, Cora L. Lunenburg C. A. Sylvester's
Hibbard, Adaline P. St Johnsbury B. F. Hibbard's
Houghton, Emily E. Lower Waterford L. B. Flint's
Howe, Jennie M. North Thetford Mrs. A. L. Ide's
Kinney, Elma R. Craftsbury D. Morrison's
McLam, Sophia M. Ryegate 28 South Hall
Morrison, Callie T. Passumpsic 24 South Hall
Moulton, Julia E. St Johnsbury 32 South Hall
Nelson, Lizzie B. Ryegate Mrs. A. L. Ide's
Pearl, Ida S. Lyndonville J. Sanborn's
Potter, Lizzie A. Worcester, MA Dr. J. Smith's
Ranney, Nellie M. West Concord L. B. Flint's
Ross, Helen E. St Johnsbury Henry Ross'
Stockwell, Irene A. West Concord 30 South Hall
Sylvester, Nellie M. St Johnsbury C. A. Sylvester's
Thomas, Laura C. Stowe Dr. S. T. Brooks'
Underwood, Flora I. St Johnsbury E. L. Underwood's
Underwood, Persis E. St Johnsbury E. L. Underwood's
Wilkinson, Jennie C. West Glover 22 South Hall
Woodward, Marcia M. West Concord H. C. Woodward's
Junior Class Residence Rooms
Baker, Cora E. West Glover H. W. Gaskill's
Bemis, Mabel C. Lyndonville J. W. Bemis'
Brown, Abbie P. St Johnsbury E. F. Brown's
Brown, Julia A. St Johnsbury A. L. Bailey's
Clark, Susie E. St Johnsbury B. B. Clark's
Dean, Carrie M. St Johnsbury C. F. Dean's
Denio, Ellen A. St Johnsbury Horace Denio's
Denio, Lizzie F. West Glover H. W. Gaskill's
Dole, Katie C. Danville Wm. M. Dole's
Dwinell, Loraine A. St Johnsbury C. A. Dwinell's
Evans, Mary E. St Johnsbury J. B. Evan's
Fairbanks, Mira T. St Johnsbury W. P. Fairbanks'
Flint, Ella M. St Johnsbury R. B. Flint's
Foster, Rebecca W. Passumpsic 38 South Hall
Gordon, May M. St Johnsbury W. R. Gordon's
Goss, Mary E. Lower Waterford 14 South Hall
Hale, Abbie M. Passumpsic 42 South Hall
Hale, Carrie B. St Johnsbury John D. Hale's
Hale, Wilma F. Passumpsic 14 South Hall
Hall, Agnes H. St Johnsbury Mrs. C. C. Hall's
Hallett, Sarah F. East St Johnsbury Mrs. F. Griswold's
Harvey, Adelle East St Johnsbury O. F. Harvey's
Henderson, Capitola K. Ryegate 40 South Hall
Higgins, Alice M. St Johnsbury S. Higgins'
Hinman, Jennie E. West Concord R. S. Hinman's
Jewett, Jennie M. San Francisco, CA Mrs. T. L. Hall's
Johnston, Lizzie J. Ryegate Mrs. A. L. Ide's
Joslin, Ella E. West Concord Henry Joslin's
Knapp, Alice R. St Johnsbury Uriah Knapp's
Knight, Ella S. Irasburgh 36 South Hall
Leach, Julia L. Irasburgh 36 South Hall
Lee, Alice E. West Concord Mrs. P. Lee's
Marsh, Cornelia Littleton, NH H. T. Fuller's
May, Jennie B. St Johnsbury Geo. May's
Norton, Lutie B. Memphis, Tenn. A. S. Hopkins'
Pearl, Alice E. St Johnsbury Mrs. L. E. Pearl's
Powers, Jessie M. West Burke J. Powers'
Ranney, Jennie P. West Concord L. B. Flint's
Rockwood, Carrie W. New York City H. T. Fuller's
Root, Carrie A. North Craftsbury J. Hicks'
Ross, Mattie E. St Johnsbury Jona. Ross'
Russell, Clara M. West Danville 42 South Hall
Russell, Susie S. West Danville 42 South Hall
Sanborn, Jennie L. Lower Waterford 14 South Hall
Silsby, Jennie A. Lunenburg E. T. Howard's
Silsby, Mittie S. East St Johnsbury A. E. Lee's
Silsby, Nellie J. Lunenburg E. T. Howard's
Speare, Mary L. Charlestown, MA C. V. Eastman's
Stevens, Abbie C. St Johnsbury Center 26 South Hall
Stevens, Jessie F. St Johnsbury Center Mrs. Wise's
Thompson, Olive A. St Johnsbury D. Thompson's
Tilton, Jennie C. West Concord A. Tilton's
Vaughan, Mary E. St Johnsbury 26 South Hall
Wakefield, Alice E. West Concord O. P. Wakefield's
Warden, Cora H. Passumpsic 28 South Hall
Webber, Annie Troy, NY C. E. Putney's
Weeks, Belle C. St Johnsbury Center Hiram Weeks'
Weeks, Clara M. North Danville L. B. Flint's
Willey, Hattie P. St Johnsbury D. Willey's
Woodbury, Sarah E. West Concord J. E. Woodbury's
Sub-Juniors Residence Rooms
Barker, Etta F. Passumpsic Hoyt's Block
Bartlett, Clara I. St Johnsbury S. S. Bartlett's
Beman, Jessie B. Chateaugay, NY Mrs. L. Knappen's
Bevan, Mary E. East St Johnsbury Rev. J. P. Humphrey's
Clark, Carrie S. Danville N. Badger's
Clifford, Nellie M. Danville M. Clifford's
Cowling, Belle W. St Johnsbury George Cowling's
Gage, Clara M. St Johnsbury L. L. Kendall's
Goss, Helen A. Lower Waterford 32 South Hall
Gould, Mabel A. West Concord S. S. Gould's
Hall, Jennie C. Passumpsic Hoyt's Block
Harvey, Carrie A. St Johnsbury Alvah Harvey's
Haskell, Clara S. St Johnsbury J. W. Haskell's
Hurlbutt, Rosa N. St Johnsbury G. W. Hurlbutt's
Ide, Katie D. Passumpsic E. T. Ide's
Johnson, Lillie M. St Johnsbury N. M. Johnson's
Knight, Mattie L. St Johnsbury Mrs. L. W. Knight's
Magoon, Hattie E. St Johnsbury I. P. Magoon's
Morrill, Margaret E. Danville Luther Morrill's
Pierce, Sarah S. St Johnsbury Center C. O. Pierce's
Powers, Emily M. St Johnsbury J. W. Powers'
Shattuck, Nellie L. St Johnsbury B. B. Shattuck's
Smith, Rosa C. Passumpsic L. G. Smith's
Stevens, Corrilla A. Danville I. P. Hill's
Stiles, Lois St Johnsbury Center A. W. Hawkins'
Story, Hattie J. Victory G. R. Story's
Webster, Lizzie A. Passumpsic 46 South Hall
Wilcox, Emily J. Victory Mrs. A. L. Ide's
Williams, Nellie M. East St Johnsbury G. F. Hallet's
Young, Addie E. East St Johnsbury J. C. Young's

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