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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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Fairbanks, Thaddeus (deceased) President  
Fairbanks, Horace Trustee  
Fairbanks, Rev. Henry Trustee  
Fairbanks, Franklin Trustee  
Fuller, Rev. Homer T. Trustee  
Ross, Jonathan Trustee  
Fairbanks, Rev. Edward T. Secretary & Treasurer  
Putney, Charles E. Trustee  
Putney, Charles E., Ph D Principal Teacher of Latin & Greek
Hardy, Audubon L., A.M. Teacher of Mathematics & Political Economy
Brackett, Solomon H., A.M. Teacher of Natural Sciences & Higher Mathematics
Dakin, Franklin A., A. B. Teacher of Latin
Mitchell, Miss Abby F. Teacher of History & English
Ross, Miss Julia Teacher of Latin & English
Hewitt, Miss Persis D. Teacher of Algebra
Parsons, Miss Harriet G. Teacher of French & English Literature
Glines, Miss Welthea M. Teacher of German
Guy, Miss Tirzah M. Teacher of Drawing
Cowles, P. J. Teacher of Penmanship
Hazen, Mrs. Minnie B. Teacher of Instrumental Music
Wallace, Mrs. E. L. Teacher of Vocal Music
Students - Post Graduates Residences Rooms
Bottome, Frank A. Tuckahoe, NY O. Chase's
Kemp, Henry G. East Corinth Mrs. C. B. Hadley's
Richardson, Fred E. Lancaster, NH H. S. Goodwin's
Sargent, William H. St. Johnsbury Cyrus Sargent's
Fisher, Edith St. Johnsbury F. S. Fisher's
Lane, Lucia D. West Derby E. D. Blodgett's
Perkins, Isabel E. St. Johnsbury Dr. J. L. Perkin's
Putney, Emma Middletown, MA C. E. Putney's
Smith, Mabel Richford South Hall
Wiswell, Gertrude L. Cabot O. Chase's
Students - Senior Class Residences Rooms
Abbott, William T. Wells River Mrs. E. F. Cady's
Bangs, Dwight F. Flint, Mich. South Hall
Berry, Henry W. St. Johnsbury J. A. Berry's
Bishop, Harry W. Summerville L. I. Bishop's
Boynton, Perry S. Lisbon, NH I. H. Frost's
Cady, Jason M. St. Johnsbury Mrs. E. F. Cady's
Carpenter, Ezra P. West Waterford South Hall
Case, George B. Woodstock South Hall
Corbin, F. Royal Evanston, IL South Hall
Danforth, William R. Coos, NH Mrs. N. M. Shorey's
Davison, Frank P. Lunenburg South Hall
Dolloff, Eugene M. St. Johnsbury J. C. Dolloff's
Drew, Edward P. West Charleston South Hall
Eastman, Welcome P. Sutton South Hall
Elkins, Fred W. North Troy Mrs. C. B. Hadley's
Fleetwood, F. Gleed Morrisville D. D. Patterson's
French, Carl D. Barton Landing L. Sulloway's
Gilman, Burton S. Randolph Academy
Grover, Frederic O. St. Johnsbury Center Rev. N. W. Grover's
Hale, J. Otis St. Johnsbury J. O. Hale's
Haviland, Charles F. Danville South Hall
Holt, Dan B. Plainfield I. J. Robinson's
Johnson, Herbert N. St. Johnsbury W. B. Johnson's
Kendall, Frank L. St. Johnsbury L. L. Kendall's
Kyburg, George W. Flint, Mich. South Hall
Leach, James A. Pawlet South Hall
Libbey, Milford F. Whitefield, NH G. H. Smith's
Luce, Alfred E. Danville F. Bingham's
Macomber, James H. Westford H. S. Goodwin's
Martin, H. Bey Union Village I. J. Robinson's
May, George E. Post Mills South Hall
May, Preston E. St. Johnsbury D. E. May's
Moore, George H. St. Johnsbury G. P. Moore's
Morse, Ira E. Cambridge Club House
Morse, William W. St. Johnsbury Rev. C. F. Morse's
Penfield, Thornton B. New York City H. S. Goodwin's
Preston, Clarence W. St. Johnsbury W. H. Preston's
Putnam, John F. Salt Lake City, Utah D. D. Patterson's
Raymond, Edward D. Bridgewater G. H. Taplin's
Reed, Will E. Weeping Water, Neb. South Hall
Robinson, George A. Detroit, Mich. G. H. Taplin's
Searle, Alvah L. Newport C. C. Bingham's
Simpson, Arthur P. St. Johnsbury A. W. Simpson's
Smith, Charles I. McIndoe's Falls Mrs. A. L. Davis
Smith, Harvey G. Bridgewater H. S. Goodwin's
Smith, Oliver C. Flint, Mich. Miss E. Taylor's
Stoughton, William G. St. Sylvester, Que. O. Chase's
White, Leon E. Barton O. A. White's
Whitney, Henry D. Wilmington South Hall
Wilder, James E. Lennoxville, Que. South Hall
Woods, William A. Bath, NH I. H. Frost's
Woolson, William D. Springfield G. W. Spencer's
Bonett, Emma St. Johnsbury Geo. W. Bonett's
Brackett, Mabel S. St. Johnsbury S. H. Brackett's
Brooks, Helen T. St. Johnsbury Dr. S. T. Brooks'
Burke, Eva S. St. Johnsbury Mrs. O. S. Burke's
Carleton, Lena B. Haverhill, NH T. C. Haynes'
Case, Abbie M. Woodstock South Hall
Clark, Alice G. St. Johnsbury B. B. Clark's
Elkins, Mary North Troy Mrs. C. B. Hadley's
Ely, Mary L. Champlain, NY Miss E. Taylor's
Hovey, Edith L. Summerville E. L. Hovey's
Johnson, Mattie S. Post Mills South Hall
Johnson, Ruby A. Post Mills South Hall
Kidder, Mabel E. East Hardwick South Hall
Kinney, Isabel A. St. Johnsbury E. A. Walker's
Lawrie, Margaret C. Newbury Mrs. C. B. Hadley's
May, Virginia H. St. Johnsbury D. E. May's
Morrill, Edith M. Dover, NH E. Hall's
Oughtred, Bessie R. Lennoxville, Que. Dr. S. T. Brooks'
Paine, Mattie H. St. Johnsbury P. E. Paine's
Robie, M. Addie St. Johnsbury W. H. Robie's
Smith, Annie A. Richford S. H. Brackett's
Thompson, Bessie St. Johnsbury D. Thompson's
Underwood, Carrie P. St. Johnsbury E. Underwood's
Whitney, Nellie A. Barton M. M. Whitney's
Young, Emma A. Lisbon, NH I. H. Frost's
Students - Middle Class Residences Rooms
Aldrich, Walter J. Fairlee South Hall
Bartlett, Charles J. Barton Landing J. Bartlett's
Beattie, William J. Ryegate Mrs. C. H. Marshall's
Bliss, Sylvester S. Constantinople, Turkey G. Ranney's
Bowles, Ralph A. Lisbon, NH Mrs. A. L. Davis
Brooks, Frank H. St. Johnsbury Dr. S. T. Brooks'
Brown, Frank D. West Rutland Mrs. E. L. Keyes'
Crawford, Frank Colebrook, NH South Hall
Davis, Bliss N. St. Johnsbury Mrs. C. H. Marshall's
Eaton, Arthur W. Plymouth, NH C. C. Bingham's
Edson, Marshall O. Jersey City, NJ Mrs. E. Shattuck's
Frost, Charles H. New York City Mrs. H. Thayer's
Goodrich, Joseph A. East Hardwick South Hall
Godfrey, Marshall H., Jr. Detroit, Mich. H. V. Lane's
Hale, George H. St. Johnsbury J. O. Hale's
Higgins, Albert J. St. Johnsbury William Higgin's
Houghton, Bert Pittsfield South Hall
Johnson, Edwin L. St. Johnsbury W. B. Johnson's
Johnson, Elwin N. St. Johnsbury W. B. Johnson's
Jones, Levis O. Springfield South Hall
Kemp, Charles L. East Corinth Mrs. C. H. Marshall's
Kenerson, Vertner Cambridge, MA South Hall
Keniston, Frank P. North Craftsbury F. Perigo's
King, Victor J. Bridgewater H. V. Lane's
Leavenworth, Philip R. Castleton South Hall
Matthews, Charles P. Fort Covington, NY G. H. Cross'
McFarland, Oscar A. Johnson C. C. Bingham's
Moore, F. Frank L. Shoreham S. H. Brackett's
Parker, Ridley Waterbury G. Ranney's
Puffer, William H. Chelsea Academy
Richardson, Dan C. Waterbury G. W. Spencer's
Romer, Irving J. New York City Mrs. C. H. Marshall's
Ruggles, Ray B. West Burke J. F. Ruggles'
Samson, Willie D. East Berkshire G. H. Taplin's
Smith, Charles M. West Rutland South Hall
Smith, Willis O. North Rupert South Hall
Sprague, Edward G. East Brookfield Mrs. E. Shattuck's
Stevens, Charles B. North Danville South Hall
Tinker, William J. White River Junction South Hall
Trull, J. Frank St. Johnsbury D. Trull's
Wild, Payson S. Newport Miss E. Taylor's
Willard, Charles W. Montpelier Miss E. Taylor's
Willey, Clarence H. Barton Landing A. W. Willey's
Williams, Herbert D. West Randolph South Hall
Balch, Daisie E. St. Johnsbury Mrs. I. M. Balch's
Burgess, M. Nellie Lyndon Mrs. E. L. Keyes'
Buswell, Ada M. West Burke C. S. Buswell's
Chase, Annie W. St. Johnsbury O. Chase's
Chase, Henrietta Lyndon H. Chase's
Clark, Alma H. Plymouth, NH G. Ranney's
Clark, Katie B. East Cabot South Hall
Corriveau, Lucy C. St. Johnsbury E. Corriveau's
Davis, Nellie M. St. Johnsbury H. B. Davis'
Drew, Mary A. J. West Charleston South Hall
Ely, Ellen N. St. Johnsbury H. G. Ely's
Fenno, Lula M. St. Johnsbury M. T. Fenno's
Fisher, Hattie F. Danville South Hall
Gilfillan, Emily E. Barnet South Hall
Gove, Anna M. Whitefield, NH E. Hall's
Graham, Etta A. St. Johnsbury W. A. Graham's
Hall, Alice E. St. Johnsbury Mrs. T. L. Hall's
Harvey, Carrie St. Johnsbury N. F. Harvey's
Hazen, Margaret E. St. Johnsbury L. D. Hazen's
Hazen, Maria T. Whitefield, NH E. Hall's
Hibbard, Mary J. Franklin Mrs. L. A. Hibbard's
Hovey, Mabel F. Summerville E. L. Hovey's
Howe, Gertrude H. St. Johnsbury B. G. Howe's
Morgan, Jessie M. Rochester E. D. Blodgett's
Morrill, Thena St. Johnsbury Mrs. E. B. Morrill's
Newell, Margaret F. St. Johnsbury Dr. H. C. Newell's
Parker, Julia P. Waterbury G. Ranney's
Potter, Sarah E. Acworth, NH L. G. Spencer's
Rankin, Mary P. St. Johnsbury A. E. Rankin's
Ross, Birdie H. Tontogany, Ohio S. H. Brackett's
Ross, M. May St. Johnsbury H. Ross'
Sherry, Ida M. ST Johnsbury Center J. W. Sherry's
Smith, Abbie M. St. Johnsbury South Hall
Spencer, Annie E. St. Johnsbury G. W. Spencer's
Thompson, Persis St. Johnsbury D. Thompson's
Wead, Fannie E. Sheldon Miss E. Taylor's
Wood, Mabel A. Acworth, NH L. G. Spencer's
Wood, Mary K. Lebanon, NH South Hall
Students - Junior Class Residences Rooms
Alden, George G. Barton Landing Mrs. S. K. Alden's
Allen, Clarence S. ST Johnsbury Center G. F. Miner's
Allison, George F. St. Johnsbury F. Allison's
Barrows, Delmar A. Barton Landing H. W. Barrow's
Bass, Joel A. Williamstown S. H. Brackett's
Batchelder, Samuel R. St. Johnsbury Mrs. D. W. Batchelder's
Bemis, Fred C. East Burke G. W. Spencer's
Bouton, Sherman A. Chicago, IL Miss E. Taylor's
Braley, Charles G. St. Johnsbury John Braley's
Brigham, Charles C. St. Johnsbury C. T. Brigham's
Burnham, Harold Portland, ME Mrs. C. H. Marshall's
Burroughs, Wesley West Concord D. C. Burrough's
Conley, Arthur L. Summerville C. W. Conley's
Cook, John E. St. Johnsbury William Cook's
Crosby, Fred M. St. Johnsbury G. R. Crosby's
Davis, Hiram N. Glover South Hall
Davis, William J. Windsor G. W. Spencer's
Dow, Charles E. West Glover South Hall
Emerson, Harley J. St. Johnsbury South Hall
Farnham, Herbert A. East Hardwick C. M. Carpenter's
Fletcher, Carl C. St. Johnsbury T. C. Fletcher's
Furber, Edwin E. Bridgewater H. V. Lane's
Gaylord, Earl A. Brookfield South Hall
Gray, Carl St. Johnsbury J. C. Gray's
Grover, Edwin O. ST Johnsbury Center Rev. N. W. Grover's
Grow, Albion E. Brownington South Hall
Gustin, Eugene W. St. Johnsbury I. B. Gustin's
Hall, Lewis E. Wells River Mrs. E. Chalmer's
Hazelton, Robert H. Barnet John Clark's
Heald, Harry L. Summerville L. B. Heald's
Hill, Hoyt F. St. Johnsbury Mrs. S. M. Hill's
Howard, Ervin W. St. Johnsbury Mrs. M. W. Howard's
Hunt, Ancil B. East Hardwick A. C. Babbit's
Harvey, Wesley C. St. Johnsbury N. F. Harvey's
Ide, Philip S. St. Johnsbury H. K. Ide's
Jackman, Alfred C. East Corinth H. S. Goodwin's
Kelsey, Charles A. North Danville G. F. Miner's
Kelsea, Frank S. Lisbon, NH Mrs. A. L. Davis
Leach, Orrin A. Irasburgh L. Sulloway's
Lutz, John A., Jr. Lincoln, IL Miss E. Taylor's
Mason, Albert Waterford South Hall
McCleod, Charles St. Johnsbury R. H. McCleod's
Montgomery, Frank S. East Hardwick South Hall
Montgomery, George East Hardwick South Hall
Morse, Andrew G. St. Johnsbury Amasa Morse's
North, Julius B. Shoreham G. W. Spencer's
Norton, Joseph M. Middletown Springs South Hall
Pike, Chester F. Windsor John Clark's
Ponce, Emiliano Panama, U.S.C., S. A. Dr. Smith's
Preston, Frank H. St. Johnsbury W. H. Preston's
Randall, Arthur C. St. Johnsbury S. Randall's
Rhoads, George Richmond South Hall
Rogers, Albert E. Piermont, NH South Hall
Rogers, Edward S. Piermont, NH South Hall
Russell, George W. South Bombay, NY H. V. Lane's
Russlow, Lewis A. North Danville H. S. Clark's
Sheldon, Augustus E. Rutland Mrs. L. E. Keyes'
Smith, Ellis G. Greensboro Bend I. H. Frost's
Spaulding, Jesse C. St. Johnsbury Mrs. A. M. Spaulding's
Stanley, Whitman P. West Berkshire Mrs. L. A. Hibbard's
Stevens, Charles E. Jonesville South Hall
Stevens, Charles O. Coos, NH Mrs. N. M. Shorey's
Stevens, William L. St. Johnsbury Mrs. E. Bowker's
Taylor, Frank L. St. Johnsbury T. W. Taylor's
Wakefield, John F. Brownington South Hall
Wakefield, Williard P. Brownington J. Ross'
Williamson, William A. St. Johnsbury A. Williamson's
Woods, Bert E. Passumpsic Mrs. E. E. Woods'
Woods, George H. St. Johnsbury H. I. Woods'
Young, Edward Waterford G. F. Miner's
Allen, Mary S. ST Johnsbury Center G. F. Miner's
Annis, Hattie M. Passumpsic A. A. Annis'
Annis, Rosa J. Passumpsic A. A. Annis'
Baker, Sarah M. Farmington Falls, ME J. W. Haskell's
Beals, Mary V. Granby South Hall
Bedell, Jennie F. Bath, NH O. C. Chamberlain's
Blodgett, Carrie M. North Danville Mrs. H. Thayer's
Braley, Carrie St. Johnsbury J. B. Braley's
Burt, Isa E. Lunenburg South Hall
Conant, Myrtie P. Bath, NH E. Hall's
Cross, Jennie P. St. Johnsbury G. H. Cross'
Cummings, Helen E. East Coventry South Hall
Daley, Mary E. St. Johnsbury N. W. Daley's
Dean, Etta L. West Burke G. M. Dean's
Dodge, Hannah E. Lunenburg South Hall
Dudley, Laura P. St. Johnsbury H. Dudley's
Goodrich, Ada L. West Berkshire South Hall
Goodwin, Mabel E. St. Johnsbury H. S. Goodwin's
Graham, Mertie L. St. Johnsbury W. A. Graham's
Hall, Elizabeth L. South Ryegate I. H. Frost's
Harvey, May Louise Royalton South Hall
Hazelton, Chattie A. Barnet E. H. Gaskill's
Hovey, Myrtie M. East St. Johnsbury Mrs. G. E. Goodall's
Johnson, Jennie E. West Burke Mrs. E. A. Johnson's
Kassen, Carrie E. South Ryegate I. H. Frost's
Kelsey, Lillian North Danville G. F. Miner's
Kinney, Flora E. St. Johnsbury H. W. Kinney's
Lamson, Marian H. St. Johnsbury Rev. C. M. Lamson's
Luce, Emily R. Danville F. Bingham's
Martin, Carrie A. St. Johnsbury Mrs. J. S. Martin's
Martin, Gertrude M. Waterford South Hall
Merriam, Jennie M. Coos, NH G. H. Cross'
Morrill, Nellie J. St. Johnsbury C. E. Morrill's
Nelson, Isabel A. Ryegate Mrs. C. H. Marshall's
Nevers, Delia C. St. Johnsbury W. P. Smith's
Parker, Juliette A. St. Johnsbury F. P. Parker's
Parkhurst, Fannie M. St. Johnsbury S. W. Parkhurst's
Patterson, Belle J. Lyndon Center South Hall
Patterson, Marian D. St. Johnsbury D. D. Patterson's
Poole, Julia B. St. Johnsbury C. C. Poole's
Reed, Winnie M. West Concord South Hall
Roberts, Helen D. North Danville H. A. Wheeler's
Ross, Edith St. Johnsbury J. Ross'
Savage, Annie M. St. Johnsbury Mrs. M. M. Savage's
Smith, Alice M. St. Johnsbury Abijah Smith's
Smith, Nellie R. East Burke O. Smith's
Soper, May St. Johnsbury L. Soper's
Stanton, Alice M. North Danville Mrs. H. Thayer's
Stark, Fanny H. ST Johnsbury Center G. W. Carr's
Stewart, Katie I. Bristol G. Ranney's
Stowe, Anniebel Stowe Miss E. Taylor's
Tolman, Mattie A. Greensboro O. Chase's
Underwood, Lizzie M. St. Johnsbury S. Underwood's
Ward, Emma A. North Danville G. W. Ward's
Warren, Nellie A. West Burke L. Warren's
Wells, Carrie North Danville G. F. Miner's
Willard, Elisa M. Montpelier Miss E. Taylor's
Woods, Josie M. Passumpsic Mrs. E. E. Woods'
Students - Sub-Junior Residences Rooms
Alger, Clarence K. Brownington South Hall
Bates, J. Dick St. Johnsbury H. C. Bates'
Beane, Fred C. Candia, NH D. A. Clifford's
Blodgett, Winthrop W. St. Johnsbury P. D. Blodgett's
Brooks, Joe H. St. Johnsbury Dr. S. T. Brooks'
Chalmers, Calvin S. St. Johnsbury Mrs. E. Chalmer's
Corliss, Allen T. St. Johnsbury J. L. C. Corliss'
Cummings, John R. St. Johnsbury F. Bingham's
Dalton, Fred B. St. Johnsbury L. B. Flint's
Harris, Charles E. Waterford South Hall
Ide, Henry C. St. Johnsbury E. T. Ide's
Jewett, Luther S. St. Johnsbury Mrs. S. Jewett's
Leslie, George R. Wells River O. Chase's
Lucas, Charles K. St. Johnsbury A. R. Lucas'
Merrill, Sherman A. Kennebunkport, ME South Hall
Miller, William L. Mamaroneck, NY S. W. Belden's
Moore, Urias A. Liberia, Africa Club House
Morrison, George W. St. Johnsbury J. Morrison's
Powell, Clarence Cambridge South Hall
Puffer, David E. Chelsea South Hall
Sargent, Manley M. Boltonville Club House
Steere, Horace Sherbrooke, Que. South Hall
Stone, Jott. A. Kennebunkport, ME South Hall
Thayer, Edwin E. St. Johnsbury C. H. Thayer's
Bullard, Rebecca St. Johnsbury Dr. G. B. Bullard's
Day, Flossie N. Victory South Hall
Farr, Loula E. St. Johnsbury Charles Farr's
Fitzpatrick, Minnie St. Johnsbury South Hall
Forrest, Hattie West Burke J. E. Forrest's
Gibson, Belle J. South Ryegate Mrs. C. B. Hadley's
Goodall, May C. St. Johnsbury Mrs. G. E. Goodall's
Hammell, Chestiner L. Danville Mrs. H. Thayer's
Harvey, Kate L. St. Johnsbury A. C. Harvey's
Heald, Hattie N. Summerville L. B. Heald's
Holmes, Annie F. South Ryegate S. Holmes'
Houghton, Belle Pittsfield South Hall
Leavens, Susie C. West Berkshire P. D. Blodgett's
Libbey, Blance P. Alder Brook, NH Dr. S. T. Brooks'
Miller, Jennie M. St. Johnsbury S. W. Miller's
Mitchell, Julia J. Sheffield M. F. Simpson's
Morse, Emma D. St. Johnsbury Rev. C. F. Morse's
Morse, Flora E. St. Johnsbury Rev. C. F. Morse's
Morse, Hattie A. St. Johnsbury Amasa Morse's
Moulton, Mamie C. St. Johnsbury E. P. Moulton's
Owen, Lizzie E. Waterford Mrs. G. E. Goodall's
Paddock, Isabel M. St. Johnsbury H. Paddock's
Penniman, Ida M. St. Johnsbury L. Penniman's
Prouty, Alice L. East St. Johnsbury H. A. Wheeler's
Putney, Mary P. St. Johnsbury C. E. Putney's
Randall, Myrtie H. St. Johnsbury G. D. Randall's
Reed, Susie D. West Concord Mrs. J. Matthew's
Ross, Ella St. Johnsbury Henry Ross'
Sanborn, Birdie M. St. Johnsbury Mrs. C. C. Sanborn's
Sargent, Bertha J. St. Johnsbury G. F. Miner's
Shorey, Julia F. ST Johnsbury Center H. A. Wheeler's
Somers, Jennie E. Passumpsic Mrs. L. Park's
Soule, Elva C. St. Johnsbury R. N. Soule's
Storey, Ida M. Victory South Hall
Tyler, Nellie C. St. Johnsbury W. C. Tyler's
Wheaton, Mattie L. Passumpsic L. Soper's

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