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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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has generously donated this listing to
the Northeast Kingdom Genealogy web page.
Highlight keywords:
Picture Class of 1933
Picture Glee Club
Picture of Students from Out of Town
Picture Student Council
Picture Track Team
Adams, Jean Laduke, Clarence
Aiken, Ruth Lanctot, Philip
Ailes, Merton Laughton, Frederick
Albiser, Alice Ling, Theodore
Bahrt, Nellie McElreavy, Elsie
Baker, Esther McKenzie, Melvin
Barrett, Richard McKinstry, Howard
Bartlett, Arnold Moffett, Harold
Bennett, Leona Moore, Lillias
Bona, Loretta Morrison, Paul
Bonett, Marion Murphy, Irene
Brown, Calvin Newell, Graham
Brown, Paul Olds, Robert
Burns, Gordon Orcutt, Margaret
Bushway, Collin Osgood, Robert
Caldbeck, Francis Page, Lois
Calderwood, Marjorie Peake, Emerson
Canning, Albert Pierce, Howard
Chaffee, Phyllis Pinnix, Edgar
Colby, Lloyd Piper, Mildred
Conly, George Prescott, Rachel
Counsell, Merrick, Jr. Rattigan, Eleanor
Cox, Joseph Renfrew, Margaret
Cross, Myrtle Rogers, Katherine
Dahlbergh, Arthur St. Louis, Hazel
Drummond, Lloyd Safford, Clinton
Dwinell, Marion Safford, Henry, Jr.
Farnham, John Simpson, Avis
Farr, Collins Spaulding, Thorne
Flood, Dwight Sprague, Arthur
Fuller, Elizabeth Stetson, Dorothy
Furbush, Richard Stillman, Margaret
Galbraith, Marion Sunberg, Evelyn
George, James Teachout, Jean
Goodrich, Jean Elizabeth Twombly, Barbara
Guganig, Howard West, Doris
Hastings, Ralph Wheeler, Gladys
Hemingway, Edith Wilfore, Evelyn
High, Edith Wilkie, Donald
Hill, Benjamin Wilkie, Theodore
Humphrey, Marion Whitehill, Alvin
Kilburn, Elsmore Witters, Virginia
Kittredge, Harold Woods, Evelyn
Lackie, Henry Woods, Genevieve
Ladd, Walter  

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