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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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Enrollment of January 4, 1837:
1. David Stevens (other Stevens enumerated 1840 census)
2. John C. Tibbets (enumerated 1840 as Tibbot)
3. James Glidden (other Gliddens enumerated 1840 census)
4. Nathan Cutter (enumerated 1840 census)
5. Tabitha B. Cutter or Cutler (or Culters enumerated 1850)
6. L. F. Waterman
7. J. G. Stanley (enumerated 1840 census)
8. Polley Stanley
9. Laura A. Stanley
10. Joseph Stanley
11. Charles Sweney
12. Richard B. Ewen
13. Susan Ewen
14. Francis A. Munson
15. Mary K. Munson
16. Betsey Jaquith (enumerated 1850 Mt. Holly, Rutland Co., VT)
17. Sherburn Rollins (enumerated 1840)
18. David Rollins (enumerated 1840)
19. Otis Freeman (enumerated 1840 census)
20. Washington Lothrop
21. John Bush (both junior and senior enumerated 1850 census)
22. Hamilton Simpson or Stimpson (other Simpsons or Stimpsons enumerated 1840 and Timpsons in 1850 censuses)
23. Charles D. Ayers (other Ayers enumerated 1840)
24. A. W. Wright (other Wrights enumerated 1840)
25. Moses [Jaquith?] last name illegible/inferred 1840 and 1850 census
26. Thomas Haskell (enumerated census 1840)
Enrollment of March 5, 1844
1. W.[?] Hartshorn (lots of Hartshorns enumerated 1850)
2. S. F. Hammond
3. Samuel Hill (enumerated 1840 census; other Hills 1850 enumeration) [senior or junior?]
4. Thomas W. Wright (other Wrights enumerated 1840)
5. Noah Moulton (enumerated 1840 census; other Moultons 1850)
6. J. C. Tibbets (other Tibbets enumerated 1840)
7. James R. Waugh (other Waughs enumerated 1840)
8. Robert Waugh (enumerated 1840 census; Vaughs and Waughs in 1850 census)
First enrollment of February 16, 1848:
1. Charles D. Ayers (enumerated 1840)
2. Joseph Wilber
3. Samuel Hill II (enumerated 1840 census; other Hills 1850)
4. J.S.D. Waugh (other Waughs enumerated 1840; Vaughs and Waughs in 1850)
5. Aaron Hill (enumerated 1840 census)
6. Thomas M. Ayers (other Ayers enumerated 1840)
7. John S. Ayers (enumerated 1840)
8. George K. Waugh (enumerated 1840; Vaughs and Waughs in 1850)
Second enrollment of February 16, 1848:
1. L.D. Haskell (other Haskells enumerated 1840, esp. 1850)
2. A. W. Williams (other Williams enumerated 1840 and 1850)
3. Merrill Williams (enumerated 1840 and 1850 census)
4. John C. Tibbets (other Tibbets or Tibbots enumerated 1840)
5. Fred D. Marsh (enumerated 1850 with other Marshes)
6. Ms. Lu... Rutman
7. D. E. Howard
8. L. F. Marsh (other Marshes enumerated 1850)
9. Lenard W. Baily (other Baileys in 1840 and 1850 censuses)
10. Saul H. Hill
11. Joseph N. Hill (other Hills 1850 enumeration)
12. William B. Sawyer
13. J. A. Sawyer (enumerated 1840 census)
14. Josiah Sanborn

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