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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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The figures following the letter r indicate the number of the road on which the party resides, and will be found by reference to the map in the back part of this work. Where no road number is given the party is suppossed to reside in the village.

Figures placed after the occupation of acres owned or leased.

The word street is implied.
Highlight keywords:
All parties in business are designated by an asterisk [*]. The Post Offlee address is given when it differs from the name of the town. When no Post Office follows a name the Post Office is Watertord.
BAKER GEORGE, farmer, po Passumpsic
Ballou George E., farm hand, po Lower Waterford
Banks W. R., farmer, pp St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Bantette Joseph, laborer, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Barker Albert G. farmer, po Passumpsic
" Willis H., farmer, po Passumpsic
Barrett Jason H., moved to St. Johnsbnry
Bean Ervy, farmer
" Ivy, farmer
Blodgett Alma, wid of Frederick, Lower Waterford
" Austin E., fanner, po Lower Waterford
" Carl H., farmer, po St. Johnsbury
" Edward C., laborer, Lower Waterford
" Elbert H, farmer, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
" Ephraim A., farmer, po St. Johnsbury
" Floyd K., farm hand, po Lower Waterford
" Fred, laborer, moved to St. Johnsbury
" George F., farmer, po Lower Waterford
" Wilbur L., po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
* Boardman Frank, lumberman, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Blodgett Volney B., farmer, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Bonnette David B., moved to Whitefield, N. H.
" David C., farmer, po Lower Waterford
" Frank, farmer, po Concord
" James K., farmer, po Concord
" Samuel W, farmer, Lower Waterford
" Stanton E., farmer, po Passumpsic
Boucher Elzear, sawyer
" Joel, laborer
Bowman Charles H., farmer, St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
" * Edwin, prop Valley House, Lower Waterford
" Edwin A., farm hand, po Lower Waterford
Brown Edward M., farm hand
" Elisha W., farmer, town clerk and treasurer, po Lower Waterford
" Frank W., farmer
Bruso John, farmer, po Concord
Buck Jane, widow
* Bullock Fred M., farmer, overseer of the poor and carpenter, po Lower Waterfond
Burchill William H:, farm hand, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Burke Frank, farm hand, St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Bussy Horace, laborer, moved to St. Johnsbury
CAMPBELL JOHN W., farmer St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Carr Lester A., farmer, po St. Johnsbury
Carlton Jesse, farmer
Carpenter Allen F., farmer, Lower Waterford
" Ernest M., farm hand
" * Frank L., farmer and blacksmith, moved to Concord
" George M., farmer
" L. R., farmer, moved to Concord
Caswell Charles A., clerk
Caswell Lois Mrs., farmer, Waterford
Champany Napoleon I., laborer, po East Barnet
Chandler John U. farmer, po St. Johnsbury
Church Lyman B., farmer, Lower Waterford
" Stella R. Miss, school teacher. Lower Waterford
Clark Charles W., farmer, po Lower Waterford
Collins George C, farmer, moved to Canada
Corlis Arthur, farmer, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
" Frederick J., farmer, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Cormier Benjamin, laborer, moved to St. Johnsbury
" Fred, laborer
Curtis John E., farmer, moved to St. Johnsbury
Cushman Charles E., farmer, po Lower Waterford
" Hibbard, retired farmer, po Lower Waterford
" Charles F., laborer, Lower Waterford
" * Edgar O., farmer, wool and fur buyer and agt for fertilizers, po St. Johnsbury, East
" Edward B., farmer, po St. Johnsbury, East
" Walter B., laborer, po East St. Johnsbury
Cutting Frank A., farmer, po Lower Waterford
" Rupert, constable, po St. Johnsbury
DANIELS LUCIA MRS., wid, St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Davidson Henry C, farmer, Lower Waterford
Derby Bernis, moved to Canada
" George W., laborer, moved to Star King, N. H.
Dexter Frank E., farmer, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Dodge Charles E., laborer, po Lower Waterford
Dow William A., farmer, po Passumpsic
Drew George H., laborer, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Dube Gideon, farmer, St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
FAIRBANKS L. J., laborer, po Passumpsie
Farnum Elwin S.,. farmer, po St. Johnsbury
Fay Marshall A., farmer, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Felch Charles, farmer, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Fisher Albert L., farm hand
Freeman Ellie B., farmer, Lower Waterford
" Lorenzo D., died Jan 10, 1907, age 63 years
" Lucius S., farmer, po Lower Waterford
" Henry, laborer, Passumpsic
" John, laborer, Passumpsic
Gagnon Ora, farm hand, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Gero Will H., laborer, moved to Concord
* Goss Edward R., general store, Lower Waterford
" Harlan P., farmer, Lower Waterford
" * Herbert I., lawyer
* Graves Herbert K. (Bert), Holstein cattle and poultry breeder, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Gray George N., farmer, po Passumpsie
Greeley Dan P., farmer, moved to Mass.
" Willey O., farmer, moved to Mass.
Green Elizabeth E., widow
Griswold Horatio, po St. Johnsbury
Guyer Frederick, farm hand, po St. Johnsbury
" Gustave, farm hand, po St. Johnsbury
HALE EVERETT E., farmer, po Lower Waterford
" Harland P., farmer, St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Harris Charles D,., farmer, moved to Barnet
" Guy H., farmer, po Passumpsie
Harvey C. Irvin, farmer and constable
Haskell George M., farmer, po St. Johnsbury
Hastings Althea, school teacher, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
" Curtis S., farmer, St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
" Elbridge G., laborer, po St. Johnsbury
" Frank B., farmer, po St. Johnsbury
" Gilbert S., farmer, po St. Johnsbury
" Harold, farmer, St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
" Stephen J., farmer, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
" Willie H., laborer, moved to Concord
" Winfield S., died May 8, 1907, aged 55 years
Havens Thomas, farm hand, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Hemingway Charles L., farmer, po Lower Waterford
" Cyrus, farm hand, po Lower Waterford
" Sylvanus, farmer, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Herrick Merrill H., farm hand, po St. Johnsbury
Higgins James, laborer
" Madison J., farmer
* Hill Charles T., cider and grist mill, po St. Johnsbury, East
" Charlotte E. Miss; emp George A. Hill, bds C. T. Hill
" * George A., farmer, cider, box mfr, etc ,St. Johnsbury, East, po do
" Willard C. farmer, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Horr Stewart B., farmer
Hovey Emily, wid, po St. Johnsbury
" Guy C., farmer, po St. Johnsbury
" Henry A., moved to Concord
* Hubbard Guy W., farmer, po St. Johnsbury
" Fanny M., widow
Huntoon Clark L., farmer
" Edwin, farm hand
" Eugene L., farmer
Hutchinson Benjamin F., farmer, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
" C A., farm hand
" Edwin C, farm hand
" Rimaldo, farm hand
Johnson Ernest C, saw mill
" Leon E., farmer
" Abner T., farmer
" Niles G., farmer
KELLEY HENRY, farm hand
* Kinne Nathan, farmer and hotel keeper
" Wilmot, farmer, po Lower Waterford
Kittredge James E., farmer, po St Johnsbury, East
LA BONTE FRANK, farm hand, po St. Johnsbury
Ladd Milo E., farmer, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Langeis George C, farmer, pb St. Johnsbury
Lawrence David, farmer, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
" George L., laborer, St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
" Orville, died May 14, 1907, age 83
" * Richmond M., farmer, cider and grist mill, wheelwright and blacksmith, po St. Johnsbury
" Silas T., farmer, po St. Johnsbury
" Victor V., farmer, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Lee Albert, farmer, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Lenton John G., farmer,; St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Lewis Louis E.. farm hand, po St. Johnsbury
Little Edward P., electrician, pp Passumpsie
Lyster Alfred H., farmer, po St. Johssbury, rfd 1
" Morton D., farm hand, po St. Johnsbury
" Tobias H., farmer, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
" William H, farmer, po St: Johnsbury, rfd 1
MANN ROBERT J., farmer, po West Concord
Mason Martha Miss, farmer, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
MATTHEWS George, farmer
Mayhew Nelson J., farmer, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
McCullom Henry, farm hand, po St. Johnsbury
McIver John, farmer
" Norman, farm hand
McKee Samuel, farmer, St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Mehan Charles J., farmer, po Concord
Meacham Charles, farmer, po Concord
Miles Elmer H., farmer, po Passumpsic
Mitchell J. L., laborer
Morrill M. J. Mrs., po East St. Johnsbury
Morrison Catherine, widow, po Lower Waterford
" Florence Mrs., Lower Waterford
" George, died Nov 12, 1906, age 67
" Henry, farmer, po Lower Waterford
" Samuel, farmer, po Lower Waterford
" William J., millwright, po Lower Waterford
* Mulliken Gates L., farmer and machinist, po East Barnet
" Harry D., farmer, Lower Waterford
* NELSON DAVID H., clock repairer
" George H., laborer, Lower Waterford
Nichols William H., farmer, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Nolan John H., farmer, po St. Johnsibury
O'HEARN FRANK, laborer, moved to Canada
Owens Sylvanus, farmer, po St. Johnsbury, East
PARKER Ezra B., farmer, St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
" Francis, farmer
" Nellie A. Miss, po Lower Waterford
" Stephen A., died Oct 25, 1906, age 90
Parks Hiram M., farmer
Parsons Fred A., farm hand, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
" James, farmer, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Patrick Henry J., farmer and selectman, po St. Johnsbury
Perkins William B., farmer, Lower Waterford
Persons Durmond, farmer, St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
" Wilber M., farmer, Lower Waterford
Phillips Charles R., farmer, Lower Waterford
Pierce Ellery E., farm hand, St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Pike Harley E., farmer and selectman
" Julia Miss, school teacher
" Nathan, farmer
PIKE Robert T., farmer
" William, laborer
Plumley E. H., gardener, po St Johnsbury, rfd 1
Powers Allen K., farmer, po St. Jphnsbury, rfd 1
Prouty Albert, farmer, Owens district, po St. Johnsbury, R
Prue Buzzell, farm hand, po. Passumpsie
" Frank, farm hand, po Passumpsic
" George, laborer, po Passumpsic
RARY WILLIAM H., farm hand, po Passumpsic
* Reed. Nathaniel G., farmer, Lower Waterford
" Stephen H., blacksmith, moved to St, Johnsbury
" Waldo, laborer, moved to St. Johnsbury
Remick George S., farm hand, po Lower Waterford
" Harvey E., farmer, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
" Rufus W., farmer, po Lower Waterford
* Revor Medric, blacksmith
Richards Clarence, farmer, po East St. Johnsbury
" * Frank X., farmer, po St. Johnsbury, East
" Wallace F., laborer, po East St.' Jo.hnsbury
Richardson Armena, wid Stephen J, po St Johnsbory, rfd 1
" Fayette E., farmer, po St. Johnsbury; rfd 1
" Lucy M., widow
Roberts Fred, laborer, po Passumpsic
" Jared W., farmer, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Rogers William, St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Rollins Charles H., laborer, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Ross Arthur P., farmer, po Lower Waterford
" Royal M., died Jan 28, 1907, age 74 .
Rowell Mary, widow
Rudd Stephen J., farmer, po St. Johnsbury, East
" * Russell William L., farmer and lumber dealer, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
SEVERANCE GEORGE I., farmer, po Passumpsic
" Saphronia, farmer, po Passumpsic
* St. Johnsbury Acqueduct Co., office at St. Johnsbury
Shepherd Emma Mrs,, widow Francis H., po Passipnpsic
" Raymond E., farmer, po Passumpsic
" Ernest M., farmer, po Passumpsie
Silver Charles A., farm hand, po Lower Waterford
Skinner Charles H., farm hand, po Passumpsic
Smith.Byron R., farmer, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Somers Guy C, died Aug 17, 1907, aged 58 years
SPARROW William E. G., farm hand, po St. Johnsbury
Stearns Zimvi, farmer
Stetson Frank, laborer, .St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Stiles George W., farmer, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
Stoddard Frank J., farther, po Lower Waterford
" George A., farmer, po Lower Waterford
" Josiah W., farmer, po Lower Waterford
Stone Richard, laborer
Streeter Caroline H., farmer
Suitor David, farmer, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
* Sunbury Allen M., harness maker
" Howard A., laborer
" Maurice, farm hand
Symes Alfred, farmer, po Passumpsic
" Elmer A., farm hand, po Passumpsic
" * Creorge S., general store
" Nancy, widow
Waterford House, Nathan Kinne prop
Watts Robert G., laborer, po Passumpsie
West Herbert W., farmer; St. Johnsbury, rfd
Wheeler Albert H., laborer, Lower Waterford
" Charles H., laborer. Lower Waterford
Whipple Fred E., farm hand
" * Hiram L., millwright
" K Pearl, farm hand
Williams Claridus T., laborer
" Euclid I., farmer and selectman
" Leo, farmer
" Linn E., laborer
Witham Robert W., laborer, moved to St Johnsbury
Woods Milo E., farmer, po Passumpsie
" Willard G., died Feb 21, 1908, age 91
Wright Alfred W., laborer
" Edmund J., farmer, Lower Waterford
YOUNG ARTHUR T., farmer, po St. Johnsbury, rfd 1
" Edward, farmer, po St. Johnsbury
" John J., died Jan, 14, age 89

ab, above; agt, agent; ave or av, avenue; b or bds, boards; bel, below;
bet, between; bldg, building; com, commission; do, ditto; E, east;
ex, express; F V, Fairbanks Village; ins, insurance; h, house; n, near;
N, north; opp, opposite; prop, proprietor; P V, Paddock's Village; r, rear;
RR, railroad; S, south; sq, square; st, street; S, Sommerville;
W, west; MCRR, Maine Central Railroad;

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