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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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Groom Bride Town & Date Issue Date
Abbe, Orrin Tucker, Miss Dimis Middlebury  11/10/1829
Abbot, David of Barton Sanford, ___ Widow of Irasburg Irasburg 12/21/1816
Abbott, Dr. Nicholas of Deer Isle, ME Jewett, Miss Mira dau of editor of Farmer's Herald St Johnsbury 9/1/1829
Abbott, Flagg Norris, Miss Mary Barre 5/29/1832
Abbott, George Van, Miss Olive Troy 3/1/1831
Adams, Buckley Hutchinson, Miss Betsey Concord, VT 4/11/1812
Aiken, Daniel Morse, Miss Ruth N. Benson 6/29/1830
Aiken, Solomon Jr. of Hardwick Rice, Miss Susan of Lowell Providence 12/3/1832
Alber, Benjamin Vance, Miss Sophia Barton 3/30/1816
Aldrich, George Farnham, Miss Lurana S. St Johnsbury East 11/29/1831
Aldrich, Hazen of Troy Hand, Miss Polly of Peacham Peacham Jan 29 3/27/1827
Aldrich, Wheeler of Barre Woodbury, Miss Eliza Berlin 6/7/1831
Aldrich, Whipple of Danville Thayer, Miss Orpha of St J Danville  19th inst 12/2/1828
Aldridge, William of Concord, NH Whipple, Miss Hannah St Johnsbury 2/25/1814
Alexander, William age 60 Allen, Miss Rebecca age 30 Bradford 9/1/1829
Allen, George Esq. of Burlington Hancock, Miss Mary of Boston Boston 7/26/1831
Allen, Harvey Eastabrooks, Miss Lavinia Chelsea 11/5/1832
Allen, Heman of Dunham, LC Streeter, Miss Cynthia of Lowell / Kellyvale Lowell  15th inst 11/29/1831
Allen, Hiram of Panton Middlebrooks, Miss Patience Ferrisburg 11/17/1829
Ames, Almerin Strong, Miss Henrietta Marlboro 2/1/1831
Ames, William B. Dr of Wheelock Ufford, Miss Sophronia of Glover Glover 3/20/1818
Anderson, James Bread, Miss Anne Black Lake, L I 2/26/1828
Andrews, Charles of Dudswell Rolph, Miss Lovisa of Ascot Stanstead, LC 7/19/1831
Andrus, Eniess Allard, Miss Nancy Vershire 11/19/1832
Andrus, Ethan Esq. Roberts, Mrs. Anna Middlebury 11/19/1832
Annas, Jonathan Annas, Miss Anna Sutton 2/10/1829
Armstrong, Ira of Fletcher Boynton, Miss Lucy Cambridge 12/28/1820
Arnold, Sprague of Brookfield Carley, Miss Sally of Randolph Randolph  10th inst 3/24/1829
Ashley, Elisha Jr. of Milton, VT Thomas, Miss Rachel Malone, NY 10/11/1831
Aspenwall, Rev. Nathaniel W.  M'Gaffey, Miss Laura of Lyndon Lyndon 12/12/1826
Atwood, Peter Walter, Miss Harriot Burke 12/7/1820
Austin, Ira Wooster, Miss Pamelia Middlebury 1/18/1831
Austin, Nathaniel of Hinesburgh Davis, Miss Emely of Hardwick Greensboro 2/1/1821
Ba(bor), Jacob Jun Higgins, Miss Sally Hardwick      10/17/1817
Babbit, Hiram of Walden Sias, Miss Maria of Danville Danville last Thur 6/19/1827
Babbit, Jacob Jr. of Irasburg Scott, Miss Betsey E. of Craftsbury Craftsbury 1/20/1824
Bachelder, Moses of Danville Heaviland, Miss Deborah of Danville Danville  Sun last 4/14/1807
Bachelder, Peter H. Badger, Miss Almira Danville 3/6/1827
Bacheldor, Asa of Danville Thayor, Miss Mary of St. Johnsbury   4/4/1822
Backus, Charles Dr Mansfield, Miss Mary P. E. Randolph  13th ult 6/9/1829
Bacon, Joel McLane, Miss Margaret Burlington 8/30/1831
Badger, Amasa of Barnet Baldwin, Miss Hannah of Waterford Barnet 5/16/1812
Bailey, Flavel Chamberlin, Miss Mary Peacham 5/9/1808
Bailey, Joseph Noy, Miss Ann Sutton  5th inst 6/28/1825
Bailey, Rev. Alvan Ide, Miss Emily Cambridge 11/1/1831
Baker, Joel Katham, Miss Louisa Lyndon  Nov 14 12/11/1827
Baker, Samuel of Greensboro Wheatly, Mrs. Mary Wid/of Andrew Wheatly Plainfield 10/29/1832
Baldwin, German Cook, Miss Amanda E. Addison 5/29/1832
Baldwin, Orlo J., of Hinesburg Sherman, Miss Polly Ann of Charlotte Charlotte 10/1/1832
Baldwin, Rev Theron of Ill Wilder, Miss Caroline Burlington 7/5/1831
Ball, Levi Chase, Miss Delight Concord, Vt 12/9/1815
Ballard, Orren of Georgia Grout, Miss Catharine Fairfax 3/15/1821
Bancroft, Eleazer of Bellows Falls Bissell, Miss Eliza Randolph 12/20/1831
Bangs, Abel T. of ____ton, LC Bartlett, Miss Olive Barton 3/22/1831
Bangs, J. E. Knight, Miss Lovisa Stanstead, LC 5/26/1829
Bangs, Theodore of Stanstead, LC Glines, Miss Mary of Stanstead Derby 4/1/1815
Banister, Elisha Jr. Hale, Miss Olive Windsor 6/21/1831
Banister, Franklin  Worcester, Miss Harriet Windsor 6/21/1831
Barber, Horace Wheeler, Miss Sarah Derby 9/30/1828
Barber, Peter Hunt, Miss Mary Danville 1/15/1828
Barker, Daniel of Concord Nichols, Miss Eliza of Concord Concord, VT 10th inst 4/29/1823
Barker, John Hoit, Miss Ruth St Johnsbury 2/21/1817
Barker, Silas of Walden Farnsworth, Miss Phebe of Walden Walden 4/26/1821
Barnes, Christopher of Stanstead, LC Darling, Miss Ruth of Wheelock Wheelock 3/20/1827
Barns, Ira of Plainfield Coburn, Miss Lucy of Cabot Cabot  4th inst 12/16/1823
Barrows, Ebenezer Jr. Russell, Miss Sarah H. Stowe 11/19/1832
Barrows, Jacob of Dolton, NH Waterman, Miss Emily of Norwich Norwich, VT 4/30/1814
Bartlett, Rev Gardner Hurd, Miss Sarah Eaton, LC 11/1/1831
Bartlett, Samuel M. of Bath Brown, Miss Mary of Danville Bath, NH 3/22/1831
Barton, A. W.  Conant, Miss Mary of Barre, MA Swanton 5/17/1831
Barton, Cyrus Esq. Hale, Miss Hannah Keene, NH 7/14/1829
Batchelder, David T. Leach, Miss Maria  Danville  12th inst 11/18/1828
Batchelder, Ebenezer Hill, Miss Sabra Essex 3/1/1831
Batchelder, Otis Foster, Miss Adaline S. Orange 2/1/1831
Bates, H. M. of Hartland Chapman, Miss Nancy F. of Woodstock, NH Woodstock, NH 10/8/1832
Baxter, Benjamin S. Strong, Miss Sophia Berlin 6/9/1832
Bayley, Abijah Hildreth, Miss Lydia Greensboro  6th inst 1/15/1828
Beach, Benjamin F. Drury, Miss Harriet Westford 10/22/1832
Bean, Abner E., Esq. Wheeler, Miss Laura of Cambridge   5/11/1811
Bean, Hiram Munson, Miss Caroline Maria Colchester 11/17/1829
Bean, Royall Stiles, Miss Betsey Danville 12/11/1827
Bean, Samuel A. of Sheffield Jennis, Miss Electa of Sheffield Sheffield 3/20/1827
Bean, Simon Little, Miss Sarah Hatley, LC 4/19/1831
Beardsley, Jerome J., Esq., of Franklin Wainwright, Miss Lovina Middlebury 10/8/1832
Beaton, Hewey Hadlock, Miss Betsey St Johnsbury 2/1/1825
Beattie, James Gillespe, Miss Margaret Jane Ryegate 4/25/1808
Bebee, Mr. of Richmond Sherman, Miss Mary Waterbury 6/22/1830
Beckwith, John Esq Shaw, Miss Matilda Sutton 4/12/1821
Bedee, Aaron Cheney, Miss Clarissa Corinth 11/23/1816
Beede, John of Danville Langmaid, Miss Sally of Danville Kelleyvale 3/6/1827
Beeman, Lucas R. Story, Miss Lucinda Fairfax 4/11/1817
Belding, Henry of Grenville Soule, Miss Mary of Castleton Granville, NY 5/24/1831
Bellows, John Elliott, Miss Cynthia Lenoxville, LC 11/29/1831
Bennett, Epenetus A. of Greensboro Nye, Miss Susan Montpelier 8/23/1831
Bennett, Humphrey Esq Mattocks, Miss Celinda Danville    Sunday last 3/6/1818
Benton, Reuben C. of St J. Fletcher, Miss Almira of Littleton, NH Haverhill, NH 4/28/1829
Berry, Solomon of Sheffield Fitz, Mrs. Elizabeth of Sutton Sutton 3/20/1827
Bickensales, Stephen Hoodgden, Miss Polly Sheffield 5/9/1822
Bickford, Henry  Parcher, Miss Lucy of Waterbury Stowe 9/14/1830
Bickford, John Colby, Miss Maria Danville 1/20/1824
Bickford, Samuel Wheeler, Miss Biamea Danville 9/8/1810
Bigelow, Rufus of Wheelock Pillsbury, Miss Sally of Danville Danville 12/25/1827
Bigelow, Samuel of Wheelock Davis, Miss Sally of Wheelock Wheelock 3/20/1827
Bigsby, William Smith, Miss Louisa Montpelier 5/17/1831
Billings, Benjamin of Huntington Hooker, Miss Caroline of Keesville, NY Williston 2/22/1831
Bills, William Stickney, Miss Susan Montpelier 3/1/1831
Bingham, Hiram Joy, Miss Mary Morristown 2/14/1832
Bingham, Rodney Jackson of New London Black, Miss Harriet of New London, NH Lempster, NH 6/28/1831
Bingham, Warner Wheeler, Miss Lucy Concord, NH 2/12/1814
Blair, Medad Hubbard, Miss Lucy Fletcher 10/8/1832
Blair, Robert of Goshen Gore Hooker, Miss Mary Ann of Danville Danville      2/14/1832
Blaisdell, Jefferson Kiblinger, Miss Eliza Strafford 4/12/1831
Blaisdell, Josiah of Richford Munsell, Miss Clara Swanton 10/8/1832
Blake, David of Sutton Lord, Miss Nancy Barton    9th ult 12/3/1819
Blake, Elijah Baker, Miss Mary Keene, NH 2/12/1828
Blake, Henry Freeman, Miss Joyse H. Greensboro 7/19/1831
Blake, Jonathan Powers, Miss Olive Burke 10/13/1829
Blakesley, John Blake, Miss Barshebe Dolton, NH 4/30/1814
Blanch, Martin of Sudbury, VT Tenny, Miss Lucy of Lockport Lockport, NY 3/1/1831
Blanchard, Capt. Simeon Sumner, Mrs. Miriam of Danville Peacham 1/17/1826
Blanchard, Erastus of Rutland Fletcher, Miss Jane of Clarendon Clarendon 11/17/1829
Blanchard, Jacob Col of Peacham Cameron, Miss T. J. of Ryegate Ryegate  27th ult 2/10/1824
Blanchard, Josiah of Brookfield Allen, Miss Minerva Barre  30th ult 7/14/1829
Blin, Roy Larned, Miss Almira Milton 10/12/1830
Bliss, Israel Jr. Allen, Miss Philena Chelsea 7/6/1830
Bliss, Martin of Springfield Streeter, Miss Eunice Vernon 11/17/1829
Bliss, Sylvanus Woodbury, Miss Nancy - sister of Sophia Concord, VT   7th ult 8/3/1811
Blodget, Darius Jr.  of Walden Hyndman, Miss Angeline of Lyman Lyman, NH Sept 4 10/14/1828
Blood, Oliver Amsden, Mrs. Susan Reading 4/19/1831
Blood, Peter of Franklin Bates, Miss Sylvia of Westford Westford 12/31/1832
Bloss, Josiah of St Johnsbury Williams, Miss Mary of Lunenburgh Lunenburgh 2/21/1817
Blount, Jere Gordon, Mrs. Betsey Danville  Dec 16 1/20/1829
Boardman, William of Norwich, VT Benton, Miss Mary of St J Danville  Feb 22 3/15/1831
Bolton, Luther C. Hooker, Miss Julia Danville 1/25/1821
Boswick, Henry H. of Burlington Perry, Miss Laura A. Vergennes 12/17/1832
Bowers, Jonathan W. Stewart, Miss Relief Kelleyvale 1/23/1813
Bowers, Stephen B. Miles, Miss Diana Danville 2/20/1827
Bowin, Anthony  Hopkinson, Sally of David Hopkinson, Esq. Guildhall    1/24/1812
Bowlings, Asa of Barnet Callder, Miss Nancy Barnet 3/30/1816
Boyse, William Burnham, Miss Sally Johnson 1/11/1817
Brackett, Dr Anson of Haverhill, NH Chamberlin, Miss Mary     Lyndon  1st inst 7/14/1829
Bradley, Hiel of Wheelock Page, Miss Caroline of Wheelock Wheelock 3/20/1827
Bradley, Jonathan Dorr Esq. Crosman, Miss Susan Mine Bellows Falls 9/8/1829
Bradley, Levi Sherburne, Miss Mary Danville 1/29/1819
Bradley, Sewall of Wheelock Chase, Miss Eliza of Wheelock Wheelock 3/20/1827
Bragg, Solon Reny, Miss Sarah Waltham 11/24/1829
Brainard, Lawrence Gadcomb, Miss Phidella B St Albans 1/23/1819
Brainerd, Asa Melvin, Miss Azuba Danville, VT 10/14/1823
Brainerd, Asa Hazeltine, Miss Sarah Danville  Thur last 7/5/1831
Brainerd, Ira of Danville Page, Miss Patty of Danville Bath, NH  Wed last 1/18/1831
Breed, Foster of Crown Point, NY Washburn, Miss Sarah A. of Middlebury Middlebury 10/15/1832
Brewster, Capt Hiram Crane, Miss Clarinda Richmond    8/11/1829
Brewster, Leonard Holmes, Miss Fanny of Coyt's Gore Cambridge 2/21/1817
Briggs, Luther of Woodstock Mansfield, Miss Abigail A. of Randolph Randolph 5/17/1831
Briggs, Lyman of Montpelier Stebbins, Miss Mary Ann Williamstown 11/24/1829
Brigham, Aaron Ramsey, Miss Phebe Charleston, VT 10/12/1830
Bristol, Enos  Hawkins, Miss Sylvia Fairhaven 11/17/1829
Brock, James McDole, Widow Rebecca Ryegate since Jan 1 4/8/1828
Brock, Robert of Newbury Strong, Miss Sabra of Newbury Ryegate   Feb 22 3/9/1816
Brockway, Geo W. of Sutton Graves, Miss Catharine of Stratford Strafford, VT 3/27/1827
Bronson, William H. of St Albans Smith, Miss Harriet of Georgia Georgia 12/31/1832
Brooks, Alonzo of St Albans Connor, Miss Martha of Wheelock Wheelock   23rd ult 10/8/1832
Brooks, Hamilton Heneris, Miss Sophia St Albans 10/15/1832
Brooks, Levi Elkins, Miss Eveline Franconia, NH 8/26/1823
Brooks, Levi Weeks, Miss Cynthia St. Albans 3/20/1827
Brown, Albert G. of Fairlee Daniels, Miss Betsey Orford, NH 6/28/1831
Brown, Alfred of Coventry Huntoon, Miss Roxiania Brownington 3/30/1816
Brown, Harry Potter, Miss Amy Danville 5/30/1822
Brown, Ira Powers, Miss Mary Waterford 3/6/1827
Brown, Isaac  Stevens, Miss Lydia Johnson 11/13/1818
Brown, James of Johnson Little, Miss Sally  Morristown 1/11/1817
Brown, Jesse I. of St. Johnsbury Haines, Miss Hannah of St. Johnsbury   4/4/1822
Brown, John of Georgia Storey, Miss Fanny Fairfield 9/30/1819
Brown, Jonas Durkee, Miss Mary Sheldon 8/6/1832
Brown, Lemuel Gale, Miss Lucy Lyndon    10/13/1829
Brown, Mr. of Barton Fenton, Miss Phebe of St J. St J  18th inst 12/2/1828
Brown, Richard Fuller, Mrs. Sally Bristol 6/9/1829
Brown, Zina of Jerico Bourn, Miss Abigail of Underhill Underhill 10/22/1832
Bruce, Jonathan of Duxbury Spooner, Miss Sally of Woodstock Woodstock 9/8/1829
Brundage, William Barns, Miss Lucretia Williston 6/9/1829
Brunson, Timothy Haman, Miss Mahala Hardwick 11/4/1828
Brush, Abner Jun. of Cambridge Hulbord, Miss Laura of Cambridge Cambridge 3/15/1821
Brush, Jonathan age 42 Holden, Miss Sarah age 21 Fairfax 12/23/1819
Buck, Amasa, Jr. Smith, Miss Mary Bath, NH 9/9/1809
Buck, Joseph W. Fuller, Miss Adaline S. Reading 4/26/1831
Buck, Walter Jr. Haseltine, Miss Sally 2d Barnet 12/17/1832
Buckman, Isaiah Jr. of Bethel Davis, Miss Ruth H. Montpelier 1/18/1831
Buckman, Twing Curtis, Miss Amanda Bethel 1/18/1831
Bugbee, Harris Sinclair, Miss Hannah Hardwick 4/8/1823
Bugbey, Caleb of Waterford McMenas, Widow Grace St Johnsbury 5/22/1818
Bullard, Dr C. of New Haven Aubery, Miss Wealthy Burlington     9/15/1829
Bullions, Rev. Alexander of Cambridge, NY Goodwillie, Miss Mary of Barnet Barnet   28th ult 10/13/1810
Bullock, Christopher C. of Berlin Nye, Miss Orlena of Montpelier Montpelier 8/2/1831
Bunker, Ezekiel Scribner, Miss Eliza Ann Middlesex 8/30/1831
Burbank, Alphonso  Tyler, Miss Caroline Hatley, LC 4/19/1831
Burbank, Dr. of Pomfret Ware, Mrs. Emily C. Danville  5th inst 6/16/1829
Burke, Ezra of Mount Holly Gibson, Miss Sally Wallingford 11/17/1829
Burnet, Stephen P. French, Miss Emily Whitingham 8/2/1831
Burnett, Elijah W. of Castleton Colvin, Miss Catharine of Ira Castleton 8/6/1832
Burpee, Abiel Maj. Woodbury, Miss Mary Messinger New London, NH 7/3/1828
Burroughs, Capt Elijah of Irasburg Cobb, Miss Sabrina of Coventry Irasburg 5/23/1826
Burroughs, Reuben Hyde, Miss Mary Strafford 4/26/1831
Burt, Sampson Hoskins, Miss Louisa Morristown 1/30/1818
Burt, Warner Austin, Miss Mary Townshend 12/20/1831
Burton, Harvey Esq. of Norwich Brooks, Miss Harriet Hartford 2/15/1831
Bus(   )l, Leonard of Huntington Hust(en), Miss Martha Starksboro 11/17/1829
Bushnell, John W. of Starksboro Ward, Miss Fanny of Monkton Starksboro 11/17/1829
Buswell, John of Glover Abbot, Miss Prudence Barton 3/30/1816
Butler,  E. H. Warner, Miss Lucy Fairfax 8/6/1832
Butler, C. W. Esq. of Stowe Gillet, Miss Ann Fairfax   14th ult 7/7/1829
Butler, Ezekiel Shaw, Miss Eunice Sutton 10/5/1816
Butler, Solomon of Canton, NY Brown, Miss Emily A. of St Albans St Albans 9/6/1831
Button, David B. Weeks, Miss Olivia Clarendon 10/4/1831
Butts, Daniel age 15 Matton, Miss Elizabeth  age 11 Vienna, NY 4/16/1819
Buzzel, Samuel Rice, Miss Almira of Thetford Strafford 8/11/1829
Byington, Wesley of Charlotte Brown, Miss Louisa Essex 11/17/1829
Cadey, Alpheus Farwell, Miss Eliza Randolph 2/1/1831
Cady, Morris H. of Randolph Mills, Miss Martha Windsor, VT 6/9/1829
Cahoon, Samuel Farnsworth, Miss Luthera Westford 3/15/1821
Caine, Barney of Rutland Brown, Miss Alzina Clarendon 9/8/1829
Caldwell, Charles M. of Philadelphia Parker, Miss Laura R. Castleton 10/15/1832
Calkins, Ezra Esterbrooks, Miss Sally Waterford 10/19/1816
Calkins, Lucius of Buffalo, NY Haynes, Miss Hannah Bennington 9/20/1831
Cameron, Uz of Walden Farrington, Miss Susan of Walden Walden 12/10/1832
Camp, Zebina C. Worcester, Mrs. Hannah Montpelier 12/31/1832
Capron, John Newell, Miss Patty Tinmouth 9/1/1829
Carlton, Enoch Jr Shadwick, Miss Rosamaud Cambridge 1/18/1817
Carpenter, Abel Jr. Smith, Miss Betsey    Danville 5/20/1828
Carpenter, Danford Mattocks, Sally of Wm. Mattocks Esq. Danville  Thur last  12/14/1824
Carpenter, Justin of Guilford Howard, Miss Irene Townshend 7/6/1830
Carr, Lieut John Niles, Miss Sally Danville  Thur last  12/11/1827
Carr, Samuel Hadlock, Miss Prudence Peacham 3/3/1820
Carr, Timothy of Lyndon Miner, Miss Alvira Danville 12/10/1819
Carr, William Fisher, Widow Sally Danville 5/23/1822
Carrich, James Gaskill, Miss Susannah P. Brunswick 12/3/1832
Carver, Harry of Granville, NY Chase, Miss Fanny D. Bennington 8/11/1829
Cass, Jehial Scott, Miss Julia Lyndon 12/11/1827
Cavally, Samuel Daniels, Miss Patty Sheffield 5/9/1822
Chaddock, Thomas Capt Bodwell, Mrs Mary of Danville Waterford 2/25/1814
Chadwick, David Hinman, Miss Mary Derby 5/23/1822
Chaffee, Hiram Parish, Miss Sophia Morristown 2/14/1832
Chamberlin, Cyrus of Barton Burton, Miss Pluma of Irasburg Irasburg 12/21/1816
Chamberlin, Daniel of Craftsbury Upham, Miss Isabella of Craftsbury Craftsbury 11/7/1807
Chamberlin, Ezra C. Esq. Shedd, Miss Deborah Peacham  March 22 5/8/1827
Chamberlin, Guy Clard, Miss Sarah F. Peacham 4/1/1828
Chamberlin, William Pillsbury, Miss Lydia Danville 5/23/1826
Chandler, Mr. Blake, Miss Mehitabel Peacham 4/11/1808
Chapin, Capt Alanson of Swanton A(rms), Miss Emily of Kelleyvale Kelleyvale 8/23/1831
Chaplen, John of Waterford Whipple, Miss Sally of St Johnsbury St Johnsbury 12/21/1816
Chapman, Arvin Gillet, Miss Athella Hartford 9/15/1829
Chapman, Elijah Lamb, Miss Almira Middlebury 10/22/1832
Chapman, Joseph Esq Stanley, Miss Mary Greensboro 4/17/1818
Chapman, Joseph Esq age 35 Stanley, Miss Mary age 15 Greensboro May 25th 6/12/1818
Chapman, Willard Patterson, Miss Lucinda Tunbridge 4/26/1831
Chase, Calvin of Wheelock Hoyt, Miss Valinda F. of Lyndon Lyndon 1/25/1831
Chase, David 3d Tainter, Miss Betsey Whitingham 11/24/1829
Chase, John of Concord Spaulding, Miss Sally of St J St J  Jan 4 1/20/1829
Chase, Moses 2d of Cornish Alden, Miss Fidelia Claremont, NH 5/22/1832
Chase, Newton Burdick, Miss Rosanna Fairfax 11/8/1831
Chassell, Rev. David of Cambridge, NY Olin, Miss Austiss of Hon. John H. Olin Shaftsbury 12/6/1821
Cheever, Josiah Brunson, Miss Candace Hardwick  Jan 1 2/10/1829
Cheney, Ebenezer Weeks, Widow Abigail Danville 7/5/1825
Cheney, Peter Thomas, Miss Sarah Waterville 12/31/1832
Cheney, William Hunt, Miss Roxa Silena Danville 4/8/1823
Chessel, David  of Peacham Elkins, Miss Lucinda Peacham 12/8/1810
Child, Augustus of Berkshire Perley, Miss Elvira Berlin 6/22/1830
Child, David of Craftsbury Jones, Miss Abigail of Eden Crafts since 12/6/21 2/21/1822
Child, Eber Hazeltine, Miss Fanny Moretown 6/16/1829
Child, John M. of Bath, NH Randal, Miss Sally of Danville Danville   2/5/1828
Church, Azel Jr. of St Albans Alger, Miss Betsey Strafford 11/3/1829
Clark, Alfred Dr Simons, Miss Mindwell Johnson 2/24/1816
Clark, Calvin of Burlington Olmstead, Miss Susan Shelburne 11/8/1831
Clark, Capt. Luther of St. J. Porter, Miss Pamelia of Danville Danville 12/29/1810
Clark, Elipha Munger, Miss Nancy Whiting 7/10/1832
Clark, George Baxter, Miss Burthee B. Moretown 2/14/1832
Clark, Nathaniel W. Chelsey, Miss Lydia of Wheelock Danville 3/7/1826
Clark, Robert of Groton Smith, Miss Mary of Hardwick Hardwick 5/6/1823
Clark, Samuel  Hannum, Miss Mary of E. Hampton, MA Brattleboro 8/23/1831
Clark, Seth Jun. of Burke Hubbard, Miss Hester of Chesterfield Chesterfield, NH 4/12/1821
Clark, Thomas  Carroll, Miss Ellen Swanton 12/31/1832
Clark, William May, Miss Electa Derby 3/1/1831
Clarke, Rhodolphus C. of Martinsburg, NY Snow, Miss Julia Woodstock 10/15/1832
Cleaves, Solomon Blanden, Miss Submit Bethlehem, NH 9/8/1810
Clefford, Daniel of Barnet Hall, Miss Betsey Sheffield 12/14/1820
Clefford, Edward of Barnet Whitcher, Miss Cynthia of Danville Danville 5/31/1821
Clefford, Joseph Tice, Miss Anna Danville, VT 4/1/1823
Clefford, Rufus Badger, Miss Lydia Danville 10/4/1825
Clefford, Zechariah of Barnet Cheney, Deborah of Barnet Barnet   Oct 7 10/17/1822
Clement, Amos Esq. Davis, Miss Sarah Danville 12/3/1832
Cleveland, William of Cleveland, Ohio Brooks, Miss Martha B. of Burlington Burlington 6/2/1832
Closson, Henry of Whitingham Whitney, Miss Emily Marlboro 6/22/1830
Clough, Bailey Williams, Miss Phebe Ryegate since Jan 1 4/8/1828
Cobb, Gains P. of Woodstock Cobb, Miss Lucia E. of Hartland Hartland 8/24/1830
Cocklee, Samuel of Swanton Clough, Miss Hannah Washington 6/9/1829
Coggswell, Jeremy Jewell, Miss Joanna of Dea. John Jewell Concord, NH 3/24/1810
Colburn, Edward of Cabot Dutton, Miss Hannah of Hartford Hartford 2/15/1831
Colburn, Oren Cole, Miss Sally Waterford 11/27/1813
Colby, Bagly of Concord Couch, Miss Abigail of Salisbury, NH Sandwich 2/17/1810
Colby, Gideon Marsh, Miss Olive Danville 12/10/1819
Colby, John C. Dr. of Franconia Morrill, Miss Susannah of Danville Danville  last Tues 2/6/1827
Cole, Carver Goodwin, Miss Susan Charleston, VT 10/12/1830
Cole, Harvey of Navy Hutchinson, Nancy of Capt David Hutchinson of Brownington Navy 11/2/1816
Collins, Dr. Samuel Pope, Miss Susanna M. Danville 12/5/1812
Collins, Julius Davison, Mifs Elizabeth T. Craftsbury   3/27/1813
Colrin, Mr. ______ Alden, Miss Laura L of Hinesburg, VT Lawrence, NY 10/1/1832
Colston, William of Windsor Cutting, Miss Clarissa P. of Woodstock Woodstock 10/12/1830
Conner, Trustom Gray, Miss Polly Sheffield 5/9/1822
Cook, Amos of Chester Arnold, Miss Freelove of Chester Windham 11/17/1829
Cook, Charles Jr. Huntington, Miss Caroline Greensboro 2/8/1831
Cook, Charles Jr. Huntington, Miss Caroline Greensboro 3/15/1831
Cook, Joshua Jackman, Miss Sarah Corinth 11/23/1816
Cooper, Samuel T. Hawley, Elizabeth of Capt Samuel Hawley Danville 2/17/1824
Corbin, Capt William Strong, Miss Mary Craftsbury 2/20/1827
Corbin, Pliny M. of Craftsbury Griswold, Fanny F. of Hon. Wm. A. Griswold Burlington  26th ult 9/7/1824
Corkins, John of Kirby Newton, Miss Sarah of Lyndon Lyndon 1/20/1829
Corliss, Daniel MD of Montpelier Taplin, Miss Caroline Corinth 11/17/1829
Corliss, Hiram Brown, Miss Prudence Corinth 10/22/1832
Cory, Ralph Holton, Miss Esther Craftsbury 4/4/1817
Cotting, Charles G. of Rutland Dyke, Miss Sally C. Richmond 11/17/1829
Covill, Elijah H. Poor, Miss Sarah Berlin 11/17/1829
Cowan, David Jesseman, Miss Polly Concord, NH 1/15/1814
Cowdry, Isaac Newton, Miss Lucy Reading 4/26/1831
Cox, Mr. (Is--e) of Woodstock Maxham, Miss Nancy Bridgewater 11/8/1831
Craig, James Dickle, Margaret Miss Ryegate 4/25/1808
Craig, John of Ryegate Miller, Miss Jean of Ryegate Ryegate      3rd inst 3/14/1808
Crandall, John of Lancaster Martin, Miss Sally of Bradford Bradford, Vt 1/13/1816
Crane, Ichabod Hook, Miss Susannah New(stead) 1/3/1826
Crawford, John Hall, Miss Huldah Barnet 9/4/1813
Crosby, Hiram of Newport Jackson, Miss Huldah of Cornish, NH Cornish, NH 6/9/1832
Crosby, Orra Stevens, Miss Julia Hardwick       28th ult 5/8/1818
Crosman, Stephen Esq. age 83 Weeks, Widow Lydia age 70 Peacham 9/27/1825
Cross, Lysander Cheever, Miss Lorana Hardwick 1/25/1831
Crossfield, Onias Scott, Miss Alice Craftsbury 4/17/1818
Crossman, Joseph Esq Stanley, Miss Mary Greensboro 4/10/1818
Crowell, James Trescott, Miss Clarisa Danville 2/25/1820
Crowell, Samuel Jones, Miss Jenny Johnson 4/17/1818
Cumings, Cyrus Prouty, Miss Chloe Waterford 10/20/1829
Cummings, Gilman T Lockwood, Miss Amy Woodstock 6/2/1832
Cummins, Cyrus Pratt, Miss Ruth Ann Barnet 12/17/1832
Cuningham, John of Windsor Bingham, Miss Orpha of Chesterfield Chesterfield 1/5/1811
Currier, Jacob of Sutton, NH Smith, Miss Betsey Irasburg 3/30/1816
Currier, Rev John Foster, Miss Martha Walden 6/22/1830
Curtis, Hull Barney, Miss Julia D. St Johnsbury 5/24/1831
Curtis, Jasper, Maj., of St Albans Conroy, Miss Melvina St Johns, L. C.  10/8/1832
Curtis, Lyman C. Peck, Miss Sarah Lyndon 12/14/1820
Curtis, Rev Otis F. of Irasburg Wright, Miss Marilla Hanover, NH 10/6/1829
Curtis, Stephen Powers, Miss Hannah Hardwick      12/28/1820
Cushman, Ezra Haskins, Miss Esther Middlesex 7/19/1831
Cushman, Gustavus G. of Newbury Haddock, Miss Mary E. of Buffalo, NY Haverhill, NH 6/10/1828
Cushman, Nathaniel of Hancock Pulsipher, Miss Anna of Rochester Hancock 8/31/1830
Cushman, Royal S. of Georgia Wood, Miss Frances E. Swanton 9/20/1831
Dallaba, Solomon Sr. O'Connor, Miss Betsey Poultney 9/1/1829
Daman, Isaac Watkins, Miss Angeline Kirby, VT 2/15/1831
Daman, John, Esq Strong, Miss Nancy Cabot 4/17/1818
Dan, Hollis Gardner, Miss Loisa Coventry 3/30/1816
Dana, John Page, Miss Betsey of Hardwick Walden      1/2/1823
Dana, Josiah Lee, Miss Huldah Peacham 4/11/1808
Danforth, Capt Albert H. of Barnard Bosworth, Miss Elvira Royalton 4/12/1831
Danforth, Francis C. of Greensboro Smith, Miss Jane of Greensboro Hardwick      4/26/1821
Danforth, John Heath, Miss Susannah Starksboro 5/24/1831
Daniels, Dr Thomas G. Abell, Miss Wealthy S. Swanton 8/16/1831
Daniels, Hiram Cretia, Miss Mehitable Danville 2/19/1828
Daniels, James of Sheffield Haynes, Miss Sally of Sheffield Sheffield 3/20/1827
Daniels, Luke Kenniston, Miss Maria Danville  3/9/1824
Darby, Isaac Jun Moulton, Miss Eliza of Kilkany Lancaster, NH 4/20/1816
Darling, Aaron Junkins, Miss Judith Groton 4/4/1826
Darling, Daniel of Groton Bigelow, Miss Elizabeth of Ryegate Ryegate 1/15/1828
Darling, Edward N. of Lyndon Leavenworth, Miss Fanny of Wheelock Wheelock 3/20/1827
Darling, George J. of Peacham Sulham, Miss Charity W. of Danville Danville 12/3/1832
Darling, Heze P. Hobart, Miss ____ Cambridge 12/28/1820
Darling, John Walker, Miss Raura Peacham 4/1/1828
Davenport, Lot of Danville Wells, Eliza of Barnet Barnet   Sept 19 10/17/1822
Davis, Bliss N. Esq. of Hardwick Bell, Miss Hepsibah of Walden Hardwick 1/22/1828
Davis, Elisha Jr. of Wheelock Randal, Miss Arrabell Danville 12/6/1825
Davis, Harvey Boardman, Miss Lucinda Morristown 11/1/1831
Davis, Keene W. of Washington Watson, Miss Eliza of Williamstown Williamstown 9/14/1830
Davis, Lorenzo of Putney, VT Gale, Miss Roxana Royalton, MA 7/26/1831
Davis, Salma of Danville Seaver, Miss Mary of Craftsbury Craftsbury     June 14 7/3/1832
Davison, Daniel age 87 Whitney, Widow age 41 Craftsbury 11/2/1824
Dean, Joseph Wheeler, Miss Jane Danville 3/24/1820
Dee, Warren Blakely, Miss Maria Georgia 11/29/1831
Delano, Zebulon Esq. of Hartford Dodge, Miss Mary of Stowe Stowe 11/1/1831
Deleno, Frederick Spalding, Miss Pamela Craftsbury 4/4/1817
Deming, Charles Sawyer, Miss Betsey Plymouth 9/6/1831
Deming, Leonard of Boston Taylor, Miss Dorothy of Williston Williston 5/31/1831
Deming, Reuben H. of St Johnsbury Cahoon, Miss Charlotte C. of Lyndon Lyndon   21st inst 7/25/1822
Denison, Lucius of Burke Bemiss, Miss Catherine of Lyndon Lyndon   Nov 25 12/11/1827
Denison, Nathan of Burke Stoddard, Miss Sily of Sutton Sutton 9/14/1830
Dewey, Alonzo B. Capt. Washburn, Miss Emeline Brookfield 11/19/1832
Dewey, John Hon M.D. of Guildhall Carlisle, Miss Mary Persis of Lancaster NH Lancaster, NH 2/14/1832
Dewey, John of Milton Stone, Miss Emily Amelia Fairfax 11/19/1819
Dewey, Reuben  Lovegrove, Miss Caroline Fairfax 11/8/1831
Dickerson, Ira of Cambridge Storey, Miss Patty Fairfield 9/30/1819
Dickinson, Rev J. T. of Norwich, CT Hickok, Miss Mary of Burlington Burlington 12/10/1832
Dickson, John Stevens, Miss Lorinda Danville 12/10/1832
Dodge, Daniel O. of Stowe Simmons, Miss Susan D. of Woodstock Woodstock 9/13/1831
Dodge, Samuel Ellingwood, Miss Nancy Johnson 12/19/1817
Dodge, Samuel B Parsons, Miss Laverna L. Fairfax   14th inst 1/29/1819
Dodge, Shadwick of Newbury Redding, Miss Sophia of Barnet Barnet 11/24/1810
Doe, Mattson Merrill, Miss Sally Corinth 4/19/1831
Dole, Enoch Dexter, Miss Harriet P. Danville    last Wed 2/2/1811
Doloff, Levi Huntley, Miss Almira Sutton 12/10/1832
Doolittle, John L. of MA Lightbody, Mrs. Agnes Chaverick 4/13/1824
Dow, Hazen Buck, Miss Sarah Walden 11/13/1818
Dow, Jeremiah W. Durant, Miss Sophia Walden 10/25/1831
Downer, Curtis Witherby, Miss Isabella Fletcher 6/9/1832
Downer, Richard Barns, Miss Catharine Barton   12th inst 7/25/1812
Drake, David B. of Stockholm, NY Wilson, Miss Caroline Weybridge 7/6/1830
Drew, Asahel Bradley, Miss Sally Stanstead, L. C. 11/5/1832
Drew, George W. Esq. of Danville Douglass, Miss Sophia of Danville Chelsea 6/7/1831
Drown, Daniel Abbott, Miss Mehitable Sheffield 5/9/1822
Drown, Job Gray, Miss Sheffield 5/9/1822
Drown, Joseph Smith, Miss Hannah Sheffield 5/9/1822
Drown, Nathaniel of Sheffield Libbey, Miss Charity of Sheffield Sheffield 3/20/1827
Drown, Stephen Jr. of Sheffield Cate, Miss Deborah of Wheelock Sheffield 3/21/1826
Drown, Stephen Jr. of Sheffield Cate, Miss Deborah of Wheelock Sheffield  12th ult 12/11/1827
Dunham, Hector Leonard, Miss Mary Woodstock 6/21/1831
Duntley, Amos of Wheelock Orcutt, Miss Anna of Derby Derby 2/24/1829
Duntly, Moses Jesseman, Miss Jemima Concord, NH 1/15/1814
Dunton, Hiram E. Janes, Miss Lucy C. Georgia 10/6/1829
Dutton, Capt Marvin of Stowe Hazen, Miss Eunice Hartford 6/29/1830
Dutton, Ezra Darling, Miss Huldah C. Stowe 11/29/1831
Dutton, Salmon F. Esq. of Cavendish Barlow, Miss Sarah Jane Windsor 4/26/1831
Dwire, David Bartholomew, Miss Emily Brownington Nov 2 12/2/1828
Eames, Cyrus W. Fletcher, Miss Eliza L. of Charlestown, NH Stewartstown Sept 18 10/7/1828
Eastman, Ebenezer Morrill, Miss Sally      Danville  17th ult 8/12/1828
Eastman, James of Thetford Barton, Miss Sylvia of Croydon Croydon, NH 4/12/1831
Eastman, John Annis, Miss Martha Corinth 11/23/1816
Eaton, Dr Horace  Fuller, Miss Cordelia H. L. Enosburg 8/30/1831
Eaton, Dr. John E. of Brookfield, MA Paine, Miss Arsula Woodstock, CT 11/25/1809
Edson, John P. of Pembroke, NY Edson, Miss Electa of Brookfield Brookfield 12/20/1831
Edwards, John Stark Esq., of Warren, CT Morris, Louisa Marie of Hon. Lewis R. Morris Springfield 3/24/1807
Eggleston, Anson Blair, Miss Catherine Burke 2/24/1829
Eggleston, Mr. of Chatauguay, NY Love, Miss Sally of Wheelock Wheelock 3/20/1827
Egleston, Simon of Northfield Dole, Miss Sally of Danville Danville 11/14/1822
Eldridge, Julius L. of Stockholm, NY Cowles, Miss Polly New Haven 8/18/1829
Elingwood, Thomas Lathrop, Miss Ellis Hyde Park 11/11/1815
Elkins, Dr. Bishop, Miss Poly Concord, NH 3/24/1810
Elkins, Ralph B of Greensboro Hill, Miss Mary of Greensboro Greensboro 2/1/1821
Elkins, William Chandler, Miss Phebe Concord, NH 2/12/1828
Elliot, Theodore of Coventry True, Miss Mary of Hardwick Hardwick       July 1 7/6/1816
Ellis, Horace Davis, Miss Susan Maria Castleton 5/31/1831
(E)llison, Linus Stone, Miss Sally Chester  11/17/1829
Ellsworth,  Horace Walker, Miss Maria Cambridge 10/11/1831
Ellsworth, Anson Kezard, Miss Mary Hatley, LC 4/19/1831
Ellsworth, Henry of NY Mason, Miss Harriet L Woodstock 6/19/1832
Ellsworth, John C Tolman, Miss Eliza Greensboro 4/18/1817
Emerson, Jonathan Jr. Tilton, Miss Mary Danville    12/26/1822
En(ife), William, age 59 Rice, Miss Prudence, age 17 Barnet 10/12/1816
Esterbrooks, David Calkins, Miss Sophia Waterford 10/19/1816
Evans, Imri Lany, Miss Phebe Hartland 2/1/1831
Farley, John Morrill, Miss Nancy Danville 9/6/1831
Farmer, Bradley Cushman, Miss Lydia Charleston, VT 10/12/1830
Farmer, Hiram of Burke Snow, Miss Selina Sutton 1/18/1821
Farnsworth, Elo(n) Esq. of Detroit Blake, Miss Hannah Woodstock 8/17/1830
Farnsworth, Simeon of Walden Dow, Miss Eleanor of Hardwick Hardwick ?  9th inst 12/13/1821
Farnum, Afher    [Asher] Pearl, Widow Philura Waterford 11/27/1813
Farr, Samuel of Sutton Davis, Miss Thursy of Burke Burke 9/1/1829
Farrand, Jared Randall, Miss Sally  Essex 2/8/1831
Farrar, Isaac B. Jr. of Fairfax Farrar, Miss Evelina of Middlebury Middlebury 11/10/1829
Ferguson, Archibald Farwell, Miss Dorothy Fairfax 11/19/1819
Fessenden, William  Holbrook, Patty of John Holbrook of Brattleboro Brattleboro 11/7/1807
Fey, Harvey G. Hill, Miss Lucy Concord, VT  22d ult 11/25/1823
Field, Daniel G. of Montpelier Town, Miss Eliza of Montpelier Brandon 12/10/1832
Field, Francis Willey, Mrs ____ Lyndon 4/12/1821
Field, Rev Moses Green, Miss Harriet Rutland 7/5/1831
Fielding, Geo Willis Wood, Miss Abigail St Johnsbury 9/7/1824
Fifield, Levi of New Haven Tracy, Miss Amy Monkton 10/6/1829
Filley, Charles Butterfield, Miss Martha B. Rutland 10/12/1830
Fillmore, Lavius McNeil, Miss Alvira New Haven 8/18/1829
Fish, Orrin Ross, Miss Mary C.  Ira 9/20/1831
Fisher, Allen Webster, Miss Sally Danville 12/10/1819
Fisher, David Goodwin, Miss Abigail Ryegate since Jan 1 4/8/1828
Fisher, Ira  Randall, Miss Lucy of Barre, MA Rutland 8/31/1830
Fisher, Jared Bush, Miss Rowenna Montpelier 5/31/1831
Fisher, Timothy Johnson, Miss Millison Irasburg 3/30/1816
Fitch, Appleton Esq. of Pawlet Davis, Miss Mary Montpelier 10/29/1832
Fitch, Chauncey Rev., of Gambier, Ohio Henshaw, Margaret S. of Middlebury Middlebury 10/22/1832
Flagg, Daniel Carter, Widow Corinth 11/23/1816
Flagg, John Fry, Mifs Sufannah Danville 3/27/1813
Flanders, Christopher Powers, Miss Sally Landaff, NH 8/3/1811
Fletcher, Howard Hoit, Miss Roansey Lyndon 2/24/1829
Fletcher, Samuel Kellogg, Miss Sarah Castleton 8/9/1831
Fling, William Marsh, Miss Hannah Maria Derby 9/20/1831
Flint, Alvin Heath, Mrs Joanna Lyman   5/4/1816
Folsom, David of Sutton Madison, Miss Martha of Lyndon Lyndon  Nov 20 12/11/1827
Foot, Lucius A. of Moriah, NY Smith, Miss Emily P. of Addison Addison 5/3/1831
Forbes, Capt Edward Pomeroy, Miss Abba L. Windsor 11/17/1829
Forbes, Edward of Shelburne Lathrop, Miss Laura of Groton Groton 4/4/1826
Ford, Daniel Harmon, Miss Electa Cornwall 6/29/1830
Foss, Joshua Holmes, Miss Lucretia Eaton, L. C.  5/15/1827
Foster, Ephraim  Vining, Mrs. Eunice Peacham Jan 25 3/27/1827
Foster, Ephraim of Hardwick Perkins, Miss Emily of Wheelock Wheelock 11/19/1832
Foster, George Page, Miss Miranda Reading 9/15/1829
Foster, Isaac G. Mayo, Miss Elizabeth P. Moretown 12/17/1832
Foster, Leonard R. Johnson, Miss Jane B. Moretown 10/22/1832
Freeman, Forrest of Plainfield, NH Penniman, Miss Nancy Windsor 8/2/1831
French, Alvah K. of Craftsbury Curtis, Miss Amelia M. of Hanover Hanover, NH 4/3/1827
French, Asa L. of Craftsbury Wright, Miss Laura Barnet 10/28/1828
French, Fordyce Ames, Miss Abigail Danville  27th ult 4/1/1823
French, L. age 37 Hardy, Miss Lucy age 14 Charleston, NH 7/21/1829
French, Lyndon of Craftsbury Farnam, Miss Anna Hardwick      4/26/1821
French, Michael Dodge, Miss Lucinda Barre 2/8/1831
French, Mr. Nye, Mrs. Jerusha Irasburg 9/20/1831
French, Orin Bean, Miss Phebe Glover 11/30/1830
French, Orrin Bean, Miss Charlotte Glover 11/12/1832
Frost, Eb' r of Glover French, Miss Keziah of Glover Glover 12/21/1816
Frost, Freedom Cole, Miss Lucy H. Mount Holly 6/9/1832
Fry, Samuel Colby, Miss Sally Danville 4/18/1822
Frye, Joseph of Concord, VT Perkins, Miss Nancy of Guildhall Guildhall 2/12/1828
Frye, Porter of Danville Whipple, Miss Adaline of Haverhill, NH Danville  16th inst 6/22/1830
Fuller, Dea. Thomas, Esq.  Kimball, Miss Mary of Norwich, VT Hardwick  24th ult 12/6/1811
Fuller, Dennis of Charleston Buck, Miss Naomi Waterford 11/29/1831
Fuller, James P. of Lebanon, NH Hall, Miss Eunice of Lebanon, NH New London, NH 6/28/1831
Fuller, Levi Bagley, Mrs. Rebecca St Johnsbury 10/25/1825
Fuller, Micha, age 22 Winchester, Miss Kitty, age 62 Bristol, Eng. 5/19/1807
Fuller, Nathan Esq. Trussell, Miss Freelove A. Danville 7/17/1827
Fuller, T. P. of Hardwick, Vt Duncan, Miss Rebecca of Hancock Hancock, NH 11/30/1816
Fullerton, Elijah Reed, Miss Lydia Thetford 7/14/1829
Fyler, Barton N. of Bradford Houghton, Miss Harriet of Sutton Sutton 1/25/1831
Gage, George Spencer, Miss Mary C. St Johnsbury 5/26/1829
Gardner, Aden of Danville Sinclair, Miss Anna Hardwick      12/28/1820
Gardner, Dr. Abiathar Thompson, Miss Sarah Pownal 6/9/1829
Gaskill, Silas of St J. Lee, Miss Eliza of Waterford Waterford 6/7/1825
Gates, Henry of Lyndon Wires, Miss Persis of Lyndon Lyndon     March 4 3/15/1821
Gates, Lovel of Morestown Coats, Miss Hannah of Hydepark Hydepark 3/9/1816
Gates, Moses Willey, Miss Eliza Ryegate since June 1 7/27/1824
Gates, Moses Hall, Miss Margaret Ryegate since Jan 1 4/8/1828
George, Moses of Walden Wakefield, Mrs. Mindwell of Hardwick Hardwick 4/14/1829
Gibb, Stephen C. of Danville Lane, Miss Hannah of Sanbornton Sanbornton, NH 8/31/1811
Gibb, Thomas W. Doty, Mifs Lucretia Hardwick 9/12/1817
Gibbs, Silas Abbot, Miss Lemira Shoreham 6/22/1830
Gibson, Alexander Gardner, Miss Joan Ryegate 5/21/1814
Giffen, George Ward, Miss Sarah Hardwick      11/16/1820
Gilbert, Abial of Cabot Hamilton, Miss Charlotte of Concord Concord 12/21/1816
Gilfillan, Claudius of Barnet Blanchard, Miss Nancy of Peacham Peacham  March 22 5/8/1827
Gilfillan, Walter of Ryegate Bachon, Miss Margaret of Ryegate Ryegate 5/2/1826
Gilfillan, William of Danville Dickson, Miss Jane of Barnet Barnet 1/6/1829
Gillet, Azro Stone, Miss Emily Hartford 12/22/1829
Gillett, Bela Tilden, Miss Mary Hartford 8/27/1832
Gillman, Stephen Atwood, Miss Dolly Billymead 11/22/1811
Gilman, Harvey L. of Marshfield Whittle, Miss Adaline M. of Danville Marshfield 3/18/1828
Gilson, Wilder Dinsmoore, Miss Leafy Georgia 11/29/1831
Glines, Asa Sinclair, Miss Roxana Danville 10/17/1817
Glines, Rev Jeremiah of Lunenburg Wood, Miss Welthea of Kirby Kirby  8th inst 5/15/1827
Glines, Stephen B. of Stanstead Sinclear, Miss Sarah of Peacham Peacham 4/3/1827
Godfrey, Ira Latham, Miss Abigail Chelsea 11/29/1831
Goodale, Daniel Sanborn, Miss Dolly Billymead  6th inst 2/14/1812
Goodell, Frederick  Ranney, Miss Lydia Westminster 4/26/1831
Goodenough, Asa Gage, Miss Sophia Danville 5/23/1826
Goodenough, Ithamar Paddock, Miss Sally Derby 7/18/1812
Goodenough, Joseph Lincoln, Miss Hannah Irasburg 3/12/1814
Goodenough, Levi Jr. of Peacham Poor, Miss Clarissa  Danville  5th inst 12/19/1822
Goodhall, David of Littleton, NH Page, Miss Adaline H. of Concord Concord 10/22/1832
Goodhue, Ira Capt of Westminster, VT Sawyer, Miss Almira of Heath, Mass Heath, Mass 11/12/1832
Goodnow, Ezra of Shoreham Cook, Miss Maria of West Haven West Haven 10/6/1829
Goodnow, Milton N. Eastman, Miss Mary Ann St Albans 12/31/1832
Goodrich, Harvey Langworthy, Miss Sophia Middlebury 3/22/1831
Goodrich, Theodore Hunkins, Miss Abigail Fletcher 11/8/1831
Goodridge, Oliver of Westford Glading, Miss Miriam Fairfax 12/5/1817
Goodwin, Reuben Page, Miss Rachel Groton 2/19/1828
Gordon, Hale Remington, Miss Mahala Huntington 8/31/1830
Gordon, Ira of Bath, NH Tilletson, Miss Mary of Waterford Waterford 11/30/1830
Goss, Emery Aldrich, Miss Caroline St Johnsbury 3/31/1829
Goss, Luke of Hardwick Ellsworth, Miss Sophia B. of Greensboro Greensboro 7/10/1818
Gould, Edward S. of Walden Smith, Miss Betsey of Danville Danville 3/11/1828
Gould, Hiram K. Ingalls, Miss Mary R. Walden 4/26/1831
Gould, John Lt Haines, Miss Sarah Walden  5th inst 12/26/1822
Gould, William Jr of Barton Whitney, Miss Lucinda Glover 3/30/1816
Govan, Andrew Rev., of Barnet Swett, Miss Mary P.  Bath, NH 5/22/1832
Graham, Andrew age 50 Maxwell, Helen age 15 Barnet 11/12/1814
Grant, David W. of Windsor, Ct Denison, Miss Alice D. or Royalton Royalton 10/15/1832
Grant, William Nelson, Miss Finette Newbury 4/19/1831
Graves, Mr. of Hatfield, MA Lawrence, Miss Mary Ann of Stanstead Derby 6/14/1831
Gray, Alanson Kellogg, Miss Rosetta Dorset 4/12/1831
Gray, Jacob Twombly, Miss Sally Sheffield 5/9/1822
Gray, James Hawkins, Widow Sheffield 5/9/1822
Gray, James 3d Thomas, Miss Judith Sheffield 5/9/1822
Gray, Joseph Hutchinson, Miss Ruth Charleston, VT 10/12/1830
Gray, Wells Woodman, Miss Sally Wheelock 3/17/1829
Greele, James Capt. of Lyndon Smith, Nancy Widow of St Johnsbury St Johnsbury 6/19/1832
Greely, James of St. Johnsbury Balch, Charlott of St. Johnsbury   4/4/1822
Green, Ahira Mears, Miss Roxana Danville 1/13/1829
Green, Eli Graves, Miss Lucinda Waterford 2/29/1812
Green, George B.  Jones, Miss Mary Windsor 11/24/1829
Green, Luther Brown, Miss Patty Waterford 1/13/1816
Green, Nathan Huntington, Miss Sarah G. Lincoln 9/20/1831
Green, Sewall Hoyt, Miss Phebe Danville 11/28/1826
Gregory, Daniel Wyman, Miss Keziah Concord, Vt 5/22/1818
Gregory, Josiah Hibbard, Miss Delia Concord, Vt 12/9/1815
Griffith, Michael age 107 Martin, Miss Polly age 17 Richmond, VA May 14 7/7/1829
Griswold, Howard M'Intire, Miss Nancy E. Randolph  19th ult 6/9/1829
Grout, Elijah K. Meeker, Miss Sophronia Fairfax 8/6/1832
Grown, Calvin S. of Salem, VT Sargent, Miss Susan M. Hartland 3/1/1831
Grown, Silas of Craftsbury Wallbridge, Miss L. of Cambridge   3/21/1822
Guild, Samuel Stevens, Miss Roxana Westminster 11/17/1829
Guy, Chester Ramsdel, Miss Roxana St Johnsbury 4/12/1831
Hadlock, Reuben Flanders, Mifs Rhodia Lyman, NH 5/22/1813
Hadlock, Stephen of Bath, NH Alton, Miss Sally of Barnet, Vt Barnet 12/21/1816
Halcomb, Milo Hasscom, Miss Fanny Starksboro 8/23/1831
Hale, Henry Norris, Miss Ruth Corinth 11/23/1816
Hale, Jonathan Hale, Miss Rhoda Corinth 11/23/1816
Hale, Josiah Huntington, Miss Betsey Greensboro 6/28/1831
Hale, Justus of Danville Smith, Miss Harriet of Danville Hardwick    6th inst 12/13/1821
Hale, Nathan Dole, Miss Betsey Danville 12/5/1812
Hale, William Esq. Gibson, Miss Ancy Rockingham 9/20/1831
Hall, Capt. William Hall, Miss Samantha Whitingham 11/24/1829
Hall, Daniel  Heath, Miss Hannah Sheffield 5/9/1822
Hall, Ephraim of Waterford Robbins, Miss Efther of Littleton Waterford 11/27/1813
Hall, Ezekiel of Bethlehem Cooley, Miss Axey of Franconia, NH Franconia, NH 2/17/1810
Hall, Ifaac Waters, Mifs Neome Lyman, NH 5/22/1813
Hall, Lieut. Benjamin Bunker, Miss Hannah New London, NH 7/3/1828
Hall, Nathaniel Kidder, Miss Sarah L. Barnet  8th 1/20/1829
Hall, Ransom Caswell, Miss Anna Waterford 12/17/1832
Hall, Stephen Shepard, Mrs. Abigail Brandon 10/22/1832
Hall, Taylor G. of Boston Tileston, Miss Abigail Windsor 7/5/1831
Hall, Willis Spooner, Miss Hannah N. Woodstock 10/13/1829
Hallet, Freeman Fuller, Miss Sophronia St Johnsbury 3/15/1831
Ham(mond), Edward J. Remreb, Miss Mary Danville   12th inst 12/21/1830
Ham, Otis of Sheffield Willey, Miss Lydia of Sheffield Sheffield 3/20/1827
Hand, Rev Richard C. of Grosvenor, NY Hoyt, Miss Rhoda New Haven 3/29/1831
Harback, William H. of Grafton, Mass Lamson, Miss Eliza of Randolph Randolph 10/22/1832
Harkness, Albert Ferguson, Miss Delia Starksboro 12/31/1832
Harran, George W. of Danville Abbott, Miss Mary Ann of Montpelier Woodbury 12/31/1832
Harrington, Harry Locke, Miss Betsey Kirby, VT 11/3/1829
Harrington, Jubal of St Johnsbury Hill, Miss Arable of Waterford Waterford 1/13/1829
Harrington, Wm of Williamstown Whitcomb, Miss Joanna Washington  6/9/1829
Harris, Abraham of Moriah, NY Barrows, Miss Maria W. Addison 3/29/1831
Harris, Enoch of Danville Little, Miss Phebe of Danville Danville 2/29/1808
Harris, Melvin Cutler, Miss Polly Orange 4/12/1831
Harrison, George of Waterville, VT Hines, Miss Lydia P. Sandy Hill, NY 8/30/1831
Hart, John of Addison age 28 Bell, Miss Nancy of Addison age 14 Moriah, NY 7/26/1831
Hart, L. M. Stowell, Miss Emeline Middlesex 8/30/1831
Hartshorn, Lieut. Charles C. P. West, Miss Hannah Danville, VT 2/20/1823
Harvey, Alden  Hazeltine, Miss Polly Barnet 1st inst 1/20/1829
Harvey, Capt  Alexander of Ryegate Cameron, Miss Betsey of Ryegate Ryegate   1/10/1822
Harvey, Charles Newell, Miss Cloe Burke 2/24/1829
Harvey, Cloud Strowbridge, Miss Parnell  Barnet 3/16/1816
Harvey, Daniel Daman, Miss Sally M. Kirby, VT 2/15/1831
Harvey, Edmund O. of Thetford Carter, Miss Masy Peacham 11/8/1831
Harvey, Robert of Cabot Coburn, Louisa of Elihu Coburn of Cabot Cabot  12th inst 8/17/1824
Haseltine, John Buck, Mrs. Aurora Waterford 4/17/1827
Haseltine, John of Barnet & Troy Pierce, Miss Ann of Troy Troy, NY 9/27/1831
Haseltine, Joseph 2d Woods, Miss Efey Barnet 12/9/1815
Haselton, George W. Stanley, Miss Lois  Lyman, NH 5/22/1832
Haskell, Daniel T.  Spaulding, Miss Betsey of St J Calais  12th ult 2/21/1826
Haskell, Micah Haskell, Miss Betsey Lyndon 3/7/1822
Hastings, Willard Ives, Miss Lorinda Ludlow 10/1/1832
Hatch, Charles P. Taylor, Miss Lydia M. Hardwick 2/1/1831
Hatch, Leavett Morgan, Miss Lucy Lyndon 11/3/1829
Haven, Simeon Hall, Mifs Susanna Waterford 5/22/1813
Haviland, Jesse G. Minor, Miss Mary Danville  last Wed 3/11/1828
Hawkins, Isaac Willis, Miss Maria Calais 3/24/1807
Hawkins, Olney of St. Johnsbury Duncan, Widow Sally of St. Johnsbury   4/4/1822
Hawley, Richard P. Danforth, Miss Melinda R. Danville 5/29/1827
Hawley, William A Gorham, Miss Cynthia P Danville   July 3d 8/17/1820
Hayford, James of Salem, NY Waste, Miss Chloe of Brandon Brandon 5/22/1832
Hazeltine, Enoch Leavenworth, Miss Catherine Danville 11/7/1812
Hazeltine, Moses Bostwick, Miss Aurilla Starksboro 3/9/1824
Hazeltine, Nathaniel Dea. Hoyt, Miss Meriam Danville 12/10/1819
Hazeltine, Nathaniel of Danville Moore, Miss Caroline of Danville Danville 11/22/1811
Hazeltine, Stephen of Stanstead Ward, Miss Hannah F. of Peacham Peacham 10/9/1827
Hazen, Allen of Hartford, VT Dana, Miss Hannah P. of Danville Danville     15th inst 2/14/1832
Hazen, Austin Rev of Hartford, Vt Dana, Miss Frances M. of Danville Danville  1st inst 6/4/1819
Hazen, Horace Boardman, Miss Martia Morristown 2/14/1832
Head, Asa of Fryburgh, ME Smith, Miss Mary L. Brownington 3/30/1816
Heard, Luke Hubbard, Miss Persis Stanstead  Dec 23 2/24/1829
Heath, Benjamin Curtis, Miss Sally A. Wheelock 1/20/1829
Heath, J. M.  Shaw, Widow Mary Cambridge 11/8/1831
Heath, Jacob Bickford, Miss Salome Sheffield 5/9/1822
Heath, Thomas Sly, Miss Vodica Lovewell Ryegate 4/25/1808
Heaton, King C. Page, Miss Abigail Ryegate since Jan 1 4/8/1828
Hedge, George Field, Miss Caroline Black Rock, NY 9/27/1831
Hemenway, Joseph Legan, Mrs. Mary Woodstock 6/14/1831
Henderson, Alexander Whitelaw, Miss Abigail Ryegate 11/24/1810
Herriman, Leonard Dunbar, Miss Eveline Craftsbury 1/15/1828
Hibbard, Albert of Hadley, MA Skerry, Miss Lydia of N Brookfield N. Brookfield 2/7/1826
Hildreth, Calvin Whipple, Miss Lydia Richmond 11/1/1831
Hill, Col Simeon of Waterford Lowell, Miss Rhoda Drewsville, NH 7/6/1830
Hill, Daniel Esq. Holbrook, Miss Mary Waterford 11/30/1830
Hill, George W. of Montpelier Woodbury, Miss Sabrina of Antrim Antrim, NH 20th ult 6/10/1828
Hill, Gilson of Charlestown, NH Archer, Miss Harriet Weston      4/26/1831
Hill, John H. Fuller, Miss Philinda St Johnsbury 10/28/1828
Hill, Mark Ruggles, Miss Arvilla Lyndon   Nov 14 12/11/1827
Hill, Samuel A. Capt Sheldon, Mrs. Abigail Danville  29th ult 4/7/1829
Hindman, Alexander Gammel, Miss Sarah Barnet 11/12/1808
Hinds, Caleb of Wheelock Bartholomew, Miss Almira of Greensboro Greensboro 2/1/1821
Hines, Lyndon of Wheelock Hanson, Miss Hannah of Barnston, LC Wheelock 8/3/1811
Hinman, Samuel of Plattsburg, NY Strong, Miss Lucy M. of Rutland Rutland 6/21/1831
Hinman, Walter N. of Rochester, NY Mourdy, Miss Hannah of Brownington Brownington 3/17/1829
Hinman, William Chase, Miss Sophronia Charleston, VT 10/12/1830
Hockley, Thomas Esq. Warner, Miss Betsey Burlington 6/28/1831
Hodge, Stephen Andrews, Miss Lydia Landaff, NH 12/8/1810
Hodgman, Paschal P. Thomas, Miss Bathsheba Hartland 2/1/1831
Hoit, Ziba W. Morrill, Miss Mary Wheelock  27th inst 12/31/1832
Hollister, Edward of Danville Trumbull, Miss Mary of Salem, MA Salem, MA 9/16/1823
Holman, Moses Trescott, Mifs Betsey St. Johnsbury 4/17/1813
Holmes, Joseph Cole, Miss Hannah Woodstock 1/25/1831
Holmes, Rev William E. of ST Johnsbury Niles, Miss Mary E. of W. Fairlee Thetford 3/29/1831
Holt, Loami of Ryegate Hooker, Miss Maria Newbury 11/30/1830
Honey, John W. Esq. Austin, Miss Mary S. Herculaneum, Miss 5/17/1821
Hood, Joshia M. Cook, Miss Betsey Sheffield 5/9/1822
Hood, Samuel L. of Craftsbury Stevens, Miss Averilla P. Chelsea 7/19/1831
Hopkins, Henry of Enosburgh Blasdell, Miss Lois of Cambridge Cambridge 3/15/1821
Horner, Hazen of Cambridge Burnham, Miss Mary of Cambridge Cambridge 9/10/1814
Hosmore, Zelotas of Boston Lawrence, Miss Louisa of Stanstead Derby 9/25/1827
Hough, Lent S. Smith, Miss Hannah Northfield 8/23/1831
Houghton, Abraham Esq. Coursier, Miss Matilda Lyndon 5/17/1831
Houghton, Andrew Montgomery, Miss Nancy Rupert 2/15/1831
Houghton, Clark Potter, Miss Hannah Barnet 3/15/1831
Houghton, Harris Balch, Miss Adaline Lyndon 2/15/1831
Houghton, Hiram of Barnet Danforth, Miss Cynthia P. Danville 5/10/1831
Houghton, Nehemiah Hill, Miss Elizabeth Burlington 1/25/1831
Houghton, Richardson Perkins, Miss Eliza of Charlamont, MA Guilford 11/17/1829
House, Alvin Capt Fuller, Miss Rebecca P. Hardwick      10/29/1819
How, Haltes Pierce, Miss Lucinda Lunenburg, Vt 2/7/1822
Howard, Alexander  Cilley, Miss Polly Topsham 8/9/1831
Howard, Benjamin Watkins, Miss Mary Pomfret 11/17/1829
Howard, Theron Esq. of Cabot Webster, Miss Calista of Danville Danville  Wed last 12/11/1827
Howard, Zenas Pillsbury, Miss Catherine Derby 5/23/1822
Howe, Capt. Roswell Turner, Miss Caroline Waitsfield 11/17/1829
Howe, Henry C. of Moretown Griggs, Miss Lucinda of Fayston Fayston 12/31/1832
Howe, James Ganet, Miss Ann Burlington 8/30/1831
Howe, Joseph of Lunenburg Woodbury, Miss Mahala of Concord Concord, VT 6th inst 4/29/1823
Hoyt, Abner Sargeant, Miss Betsey Danville 6/16/1829
Hoyt, David of Craftsbury Hatch, Miss Betsey of Greensboro Crafts since 12/6/21 2/21/1822
Hoyt, David of Lyndon Sanborn, Miss Mary of Wheelock Wheelock 3/20/1827
Hoyt, Harvey of New Haven Winn, Miss Hannah L. of Middlebury Middlebury 10/8/1832
Hoyt, Sargeant Page, Miss Mary T. Danville  6/19/1827
Hoyt, Willard of Craftsbury Jeness, Miss Eleanor of Craftsbury Crafts since 12/6/21 2/21/1822
Hubbard, Asahel of Whiting Huston, Miss Judith of Middlebury Middlebury 11/10/1829
Hubbard, Dr Benjamin T. of Lebanon Bruce, Miss Abby of Boston White River 7/6/1830
Hubbard, Erastus Pennoyer, Miss Isabella Compton, LC 6/14/1831
Hubbell, Cyrus Esq. of Champlain, NY Paddock, Miss Ruth M. Berlin  9th inst 7/21/1829
Hull, Milton of Sutton Scales, Miss Juliett G. of Cabot Cabot 2/10/1829
Hull, Sewall Rea, Miss Lucy Danville 12/10/1819
Hunking, Benjamin Dr Everett, Mifs Druzilla Lancaster, NH 6/4/1814
Hunkins, Sergeant R. Whitcher, Miss Rebecca Danville 10/4/1825
Hunt, Capt. Henry of Danville
        (rescinded 10/7/1828)
Chickering, Miss Mary of Danville Walden  Dec. 6/10/1828
Hunt, Erastus Clarke, Miss Abigail B. Danville 3/21/1826
Hunt, Henry Webber, Mifs Hannah Danville 5/29/1813
Hunt, James of Bradford age 74 Green, Widow Mary of Peacham age 82 Peacham last Friday 4/6/1824
Hunter, Franklin Maj of Windsor Cottrel, Isabelle of Gen Zebina Curtis of Windsor Windsor, VT 4/13/1824
Hunter, Johnson  Morgan, Miss Mehitable Lyndon 8/23/1831
Huntington, Prof. G. R. of Burlington, VT Law, Miss Ann Plattsburgh, NY 10/22/1832
Huntoon, Horace of Coventry Pierce, Miss Almira of Coventry Coventry 12/21/1816
Hurlbutt, Eli Dewey, Miss Lydia Hanover, NH 6/14/1831
Hurlbutt, Rufus of Waterford Goodell, Miss Elvira of Barnet Barnet 1/20/1829
Hurlbutt, Samuel Abbot, Miss Diantha Barre   1st inst 7/28/1829
Huse, John  C(ol)by, Miss Sylvia Danville  29th ult 11/7/1826
Hutchins, Alph's Greenleaf, Miss Eunice Lancaster, NH 4/18/1817
Hutchins, David Bishop, Miss Harriet E. Woodstock 1/25/1831
Hutchins, Pearly of Wolcott Peake, Miss Persis Morristown 7/10/1818
Hutchins, William Witherell, Miss Louisa Montpelier 9/21/1830
Hutchinson, Amos Badcock, Miss Ruth Concord, VT 8/24/1811
Hutchinson, Edwin Esq. Dana, Miss Eunice E. Woodstock 11/17/1829
Hutchinson, Joseph of Montpelier Cadwell, Miss Ella Ann of Montpelier Berlin 12/17/1832
Hyde, Hiram Wellman, Miss Rachael of Brooklyn Hydepark 3/9/1816
Hyde, Oliver of Middlebury Crook, Miss Luclia of Salisbury Brandon 10/1/1832
Ide, Capt Hiram H. Hawkins, Miss Frinda St Johnsbury 11/10/1829
Ide, Rev George B. of Derby Walker, Miss Harriet Cornwall 3/1/1831
Ide, Truman Marcy, Miss Frances W. Windsor 5/29/1827
Ingalls, Samuel Rankin, Miss Marion Danville 12/8/1810
Ingalls, Stephen S Griswold, Miss Nancy Johnson 11/13/1818
Ingersoll, Master Chester Birdick, Miss Mary Fairfax 4/20/1816
Ingham, Oliver Hon, of Canaan, Vt Newell, Widow Catherine of Peacham Peacham   18th inst 2/24/1816
Ives, Warren Esq. of Topsham Ladd, Miss Louisa B. Newbury 7/28/1829
Ives, William Potter, Miss Lydia Cambridge 10/15/1832
Jackson, Caleb Copp, Miss Sally Guildhall, Vt 5/21/1814
Jackson, T. M. Elder Perkins, Miss Matilda Cabot  20th ult 2/7/1826
Jacobs, Enoch of Brooklyn Whitney, Miss Electa Whitingham 8/2/1831
James, Jonathan of Johnson Pratt, Miss Sally Peacham 10/29/1819
Jenks, Mr. Hurlbutt, Miss Cordelia Hanover, NH 7/7/1829
Jennes, Phineas Gray, Miss Eunice Sheffield 5/9/1822
Jenness, George Gray, Miss Sally Sheffield 5/9/1822
Jennings, Justin Hill, Miss Harriet Hubbardton 7/6/1830
Jennison, Jason H. Gage, Miss Lydia Shellburn 2/14/1832
Jenny, Prince Rev., late of Kingston Sargents, Miss Susannah Ludlow 7/10/1832
Jerrals, Daniel Nurse, Miss Lucy Littleton 1/15/1814
Jesseman, George Jr. of Concord Jewell, Miss Phebe of Sandwich, NH Sandwich 2/17/1810
Jeudevine, Cornelius Esq. of Concord, VT Cushman, Miss Eliza of Littleton Dalton, NH  29th ult 6/12/1827
Jewett, Charles Lilley, Miss Betsey Concord 12/21/1816
Johnson, Charles K. Sturtivant, Miss Huldah Derby 5/23/1822
Johnson, David    Goodrich, Miss Ruth Georgia 11/29/1831
Johnson, David of Newbury Smith, Miss Elvira  Franklin, NH 3/1/1831
Johnson, John of Stanstead LC Parkhurst, Miss Charity of Royalton Royalton, Vt 3/15/1821
Johnson, Obid Palmer, Miss Mary Newark 11/9/1820
Johnson, Reuben Fletcher, Miss Betsey Newport, NH 9/27/1831
Johnson, Sabin of Lyman, NH Johnson, Miss Julia Ann of Walden Walden 10/25/1831
Johnson, Stephen of Craftsbury Broughton, Miss Julia Ann Irasburg 3/1/1831
Johnson, Thomas H. of New Longiale, UC Morehouse, Miss Adelia of Georgia Georgia 2/22/1831
Johnson, William of Montpelier Taplin, Miss Betsey Corinth 7/10/1832
Johnston, Spear Smith, Miss Susan Newbury 11/24/1829
Jones, Capt Horace  Porter, Miss Elinor Essex 3/1/1831
Jones, Darius Hatch, Miss Eliza of Reubin Hatch Esq. Weathersfield 3/24/1807
Jones, David Jr. of Topsham Hosmer, Miss Susannah of Groton Groton 4/4/1826
Jones, Ebenezer Bishop, Miss Lydia St Johnsbury 11/30/1830
Jones, Jesse Kendrick, Miss Anna Newbury 3/1/1831
Jones, Joel of Pawlet Wakefield, Miss Harriet M. of Manchester Manchester 10/29/1832
Jones, Mr. Gale, Miss Mary Ann Westford 11/3/1829
Jones, Silas Beldin, Miss Eunice Clarendon 10/11/1831
Jones, William L. of Burke Hoyt, Miss Lydia B. of Danville Danville 4/26/1831
Keeler, Frederic M'Kinistry, Miss Jane Hydepark 3/9/1816
Keeler, Silas G. of Brandon Woods, Miss Barcinia Rutland 5/24/1831
Keith, Oliver A Esq of St Albans Brooks, Miss Martha of Lincoln, MA St Albans  Feb 10 2/27/1818
Kelly, Daniel Durgan, Widow Danville  3/9/1824
Kelly, Willard of Stanstead Way, Miss Aurelia of Derby Derby 2/24/1829
Kelsey, Major John of Danville Porter, Miss Sarah C. of Danville Danville  Last Wed 12/19/1826
Kelsey, Robert of Danville Bacheldor, Miss Judith of Stanstead Derby 3/9/1824
Kendall, Langdon Woods, Miss Louisa Passumpsic 12/17/1832
Kendall, Reuben Whitcomb, Miss Abigail Lincoln, NH 9/5/1812
Kendsly, Daniel Wait, Miss Fanny Cambridge 10/8/1832
Kenny, Joseph of Mount Vernon Hitchcock, Miss Emily Westfield 9/14/1830
Kent, Rev. Eliphalet Capron, Miss Fanny Tinmouth 9/8/1829
Keyes, Freeman of Newbury Jewett, Miss Emeline St Johnsbury 11/29/1831
Keyes, James Houghton, Miss Laura Putney 10/15/1832
Keyes, Stephen S. Esq. of Highgate Barlow, Miss Deborah Fairfield 6/9/1829
Keyes, Washington Robinson, Mrs. Eliza Reading 10/25/1831
Keyes, William W. of Highgate Drury, Miss Emeline Beckmantown, NY 2/14/1832
Killam, Sabin Davis, Miss Lydia Irasburg 3/30/1816
Kimball, J. L. of Landaff, NH Meigs, Miss Meora Barnet 2/22/1831
Kimball, Jesse of Newport Colton, Miss Emily Claremont, NH 11/8/1831
Kimball, John Esq. of Barton Chamberlin, Miss Harriet of Danville Danville  17th inst 10/23/1827
Kimball, Moses Rev. of Randolph, VT Bartlett, Miss Abby O. of Haverhill Haverhill, Mass 10/15/1832
Kimball, Robert Esq of Morristown Willis, Miss Fanny Wolcott 12/5/1817
Kimball, Rufus  Thompson, Miss Nancy Danville 3/9/1824
Kingsley, Harvey of Clarendon Gleason, Miss Elvira Shrewsbury 6/14/1831
Kinnoston, John Clefford, Miss Sally Sheffield 5/9/1822
Kinnoston, Joseph Glidden, Miss Sally Sheffield 5/9/1822
Kirkham, Hiram Esq. of St. Lawrence, NY Bissell, Miss Polly of Shoreham Shoreham 9/1/1829
Kittredge, Benjamin F. Cheney, Miss Sophia B. Danville 5/10/1821
Kittredge, James Jr of Danville Lovwell, Miss Betsey of Lancaster, NH Lancaster, NH 5/23/1822
Kittredge, William Esq. of Fairhaven Adams, Miss Harriet N. Castleton 9/20/1831
Knapp, John of Salem Easty, Miss Nabby of Coventry   6/1/1811
Knapp, Maj Ebenezer of Danville Sprague, Miss Eliza Covington, NY Nov 8 2/5/1828
Knapp, Oliver Fulsom, Miss Nancy Corinth 11/23/1816
Knapp, Peter Jun. Hartshorn, Miss Zeruiah Danville    Wed last 4/24/1812
Knapp, Rollin O. Bishop, Miss Susan Berlin 1/18/1831
Kneeland, Willard H. Woods, Miss Cleara Passumpsic 2/15/1831
Knight, Amos Cross, Miss Lidia Landaff, NH 12/29/1810
Ladd, Edward of Peacham Gookin, Miss Sophia of Danville Danville  2nd inst 11/7/1826
Ladd, Hollis Taylor, Miss Elvira Peacham  31st ult 1/13/1829
Ladd, John Somers, Widow Sarah Danville, VT 11/25/1823
Ladd, Joseph of Washington Newton, Miss Caroline Orange 6/19/1832
Ladd, Nathaniel G. MD of Morgan Mead, Miss Abigail K. of Derby Derby 1/3/1826
Ladd, Senecca Brooks, Miss Pamelia P. Danville 5/6/1828
Laird, Peter of Barnet Pate, Miss Catherine of Danville Danville 3/16/1816
Lamb, Levi Fairbank, Miss Lucy Whitingham 10/12/1830
Lamb, Luther Smith, Miss Fanny West Fairlee 10/13/1829
Lamphear, John M. Meader, Miss Mary Ann Wells River 10/20/1829
Lamphire, Lewis age 36 Adams, Miss Emeline age 12 Jericho  4th ult 9/7/1824
Lamphire, Shepherd of Windsor Huntley, Miss Rebecca of Windsor Cavendish 11/17/1829
Lampson, Samuel Jr. of Windsor Ralph, Miss Sarah W. Reading 2/8/1831
Lamson, Joseph King, Miss Polly Corinth 11/23/1816
Lane, Goarham of Lunenburgh Chesman, Mifs Lephe of Lancaster Lancaster, NH 6/4/1814
Lane, Lester Snow, Miss Betsey Lunenburg 2/12/1828
Lang, William age 29 Gilbraith, Miss Jennet age 26 Barnet  10th inst 3/22/1831
Lawrence, Asa Genison, Miss Naomi Greensboro   1/15/1828
Lawrence, Charles Reed, Miss Abigail H. Orange 5/26/1829
Lawrence, Nathan of Craftsbury Hill, Miss Betsey of Craftsbury Greensboro 4/26/1821
Lawson, Samuel of Barre Babbit, Miss Rebecca of Greensboro Greensboro 13th inst 2/19/1828
Leavenworth, Henry Morrison, Betsey marriage legally dissolved 2/14/1812
Leavenworth, Henry Esq. Hickok, Miss Jane Burlington 10/12/1830
Leavitt, Asa of Wheelock Carter, Miss Mary of Wheelock Wheelock 3/20/1827
Leavitt, Gideon of Wheelock Cate, Miss Lucy of Wheelock Wheelock 4/13/1811
Lee, David Stiles, Miss Sally St J  15th inst 10/28/1828
Leslie, Myron Esq. of Derby Gillet, Miss Catharine of Wells River Wells River 11/24/1829
Lettle, Henry  [Little prob] of St. Johnsbury Fuller, Miss Ruth of St. Johnsbury   4/4/1822
Levere, James Clark, Miss Phoebe Waterford 9/10/1814
Leverett, Thomas H. of Windsor Dutton, Miss Sarah of Hillsboro Hillsboro, NH 6/21/1831
Lewis, Joel of Littleton, NH Lawyer, Miss Lucy of Waterford Waterford 4/7/1810
Libbey, Benjamin Berry, Miss Joanna Sheffield 5/9/1822
Lincoln, Samuel Clinton, Miss Hannah Irasburg 3/12/1814
Lincoln, Willard Cook, Miss Eliza Greensboro 4/10/1818
Lindsey, David of Stanstead, LC Ide, Miss Lucretia  Coventry 3/30/1816
Little, Isaac Esq. of Concord Stacy, Miss Sally of Concord Concord, VT 20th inst 4/29/1823
Livingston, Amasa Bailey, Miss Sally Peacham 4/11/1808
Livingston, David Shepard, Miss Sally Goshen Gore 8/9/1831
Lock, Asa Dutton, Miss Esther Duxbury 8/6/1832
Lock, David Bickford, Miss Olivia Corinth 11/23/1816
Lockie, Andrew Johnson, Miss Betsey Danville  Wed last 3/17/1829
Lockie, John of Ryegate Woodward, Miss Sophronia of Peacham Peacham 4/17/1827
Lord, Peter C West, Miss Lois D St Johnsbury 2/21/1817
Lovejoy, Jacob B. Cotton, Miss V. D. Hardwick      6/17/1819
Lovell, Ovid Deming, Miss Harriet Danville 10/23/1813
Lovell, Ovid of Albany Wendell, Mrs. Gertrude dau of late John Visscher Esq. Troy, NY 4/11/1826
Lovely, James Lampson, Miss Marion Hinesburg 11/19/1832
Loverin, Rodney of Stanstead, LC Woodward, Miss Lois of Danville Danville 4/1/1828
Low, Asa, Esq. of Bradford Brooks, Miss Lucinda of S. Brooks, Esq of Stanstead Derby 10/12/1824
Lusk, Alvin Dr. Johnson, Miss Betsey Montgomery 8/27/1832
Lyman, Noah of Jericho Curtis, Miss Eliza Burlington 11/17/1829
Lyman, Simeon Potter, Miss Lucretia Emmy Johnson 5/22/1818
Lyon, Porter Morse, Miss Elvira Salem 1/25/1831
Lyon, Stephen Lamb, Miss Rebecca South Carolina, Jan 1st 2/21/1817
Mack, John Esq. Wilson, Miss Rene Plainfield 9/6/1831
Mack, Silas Davis, Miss Dorothy Stanstead, L. C. 10/29/1832
Mackey, Willis Gillett, Miss Clarissa Fairfax 3/15/1821
Magoon, Joseph Carr, Miss Polly Corinth 11/23/1816
Magoon, Randal of Wheelock Stevens, Miss Harriet of Danville Danville 2/27/1827
Manchester, Stephen Dorr, Miss Sally Barnet 1/27/1829
Mann, Richard Esq. Little, Miss Rebecca Maria Roxbury, MA 8/6/1832
Mann, Samuel Jr. Flint, Miss Caroline Lucina dau of Martin Flint Esq. Randolph 6/9/1832
Mann, Solomon Jr. of Littleton, NH Killam, Miss Fanny C Irasburg 3/30/1816
Mann, William of Waterford Hazeltine, Miss Ruth of Barnet Barnet 12/14/1816
Manning, Joshua of Russeltown, LC Smith, Miss Elvira L. Swanton 3/1/1831
Manser, George B. Esq. of Williston Clarke, Miss Mary of Hon. A. Clarke of Danville Danville  12th inst 6/21/1831
Mansfield, Artemas Powers, Miss Olive St Johnsbury 2/15/1831
March, Amos age 14 Sherwood, Miss Ann  age 35 New Milford, Ct 4/16/1819
Marcy, Hiram of Hartland Blackwell, Miss Bethany Woodstock 6/7/1831
Marsh, Jonathan of Danville Kimball, Miss Sarah of Haverhill Haverhill, MA 9/23/1824
Martin, Amos Aldrich, Miss Sally Concord, VT 1/5/1811
Martin, Ashley Hoyt, Miss Meriam Peacham 11/7/1807
Martin, Capt Moses  Dana, Miss Almira of Elijah Dana Peacham  Oct 15 11/13/1827
Martin, John M. of Albion, NY Sprague, Miss Martha O. Peacham  25th ult 12/23/1828
Martin, T. H.  Thurber, Miss Adaline Corinth 4/19/1831
Marvin, Samuel B. S.  Gates, Miss Viena Berkshire 10/8/1832
Mason, George  of Ryegate Page, Miss Elizabeth of Ryegate Ryegate      1/10/1822
Mason, Jacob of Craftsbury Dunham, Widow Dorothy Morristown 4/26/1821
Mason, Mr. Gage, Miss Minerva Charleston, VT 10/12/1830
Mason, Oliver Smaley, Miss Alpa Craftsbury 9/15/1829
Mason, Tyler MD of Craftsbury True, Miss Lucinda of Albany   4/22/1828
Matthew, Francis  Aldrich, Miss Roxana Derby 5/23/1822
Matthews, John M. Esq. Garvin, Miss Elvira P. Hydepark 11/8/1831
Mattocks, Samuel B. Esq. Choate, Miss Harriet Danville  Thur last  12/11/1827
Maxfield, Harvey Ingersoll, Miss Sophia Westford  6th inst 10/19/1816
May, Capt Dennis of Concord Freeman, Miss Caroline R. Waterford 12/17/1832
May, Elisha Guernsey, Miss Ann Berlin 8/23/1831
Maynard, Asa Powers, Miss Almira Rutland 10/4/1831
McCallum, John  of Barnet Tuttle, Miss Maria of Peacham Peacham  25th ult 3/10/1829
McCasco, John Russell, Miss Deborah Danville 12/11/1827
McDaniels, Alexander Jr. Taylor, Miss Betsey Peacham 11/28/1826
McDaniels, Jacob of Peacham Otis, Miss Betsey of Peacham Peacham 7/6/1824
McDonald, Daniel Thomas, Miss Nancy Ryegate 8/22/1826
McElroy, John of Roxbury, MA Wilkinson, Miss Wealthy Townshend 4/19/1831
McEwen, George Stanley, Chloe of Hon ( ) Stanley of Greensboro Hinesburg 3/22/1831
McFarland, Reuben of Northumberland Smith, Miss Lucy of Lunenburgh Lunenburgh 2/21/1817
McGaffey, Andrew Morse, Miss Florinda Danville  last Wed 12/23/1828
McGaffey, John Hawkins, Miss Sally of St Johnsbury Lyndon 6/19/1832
McGaffey, Neale Hubbard, Miss Betsey Lyndon 2/8/1821
McGaffey, Stephen Hoyt, Miss Sally Wheelock 4/17/1818
McGaffey, Welcome Meigs, Miss Chastena of Eld. Heman Meigs Lyndon 3/20/1827
McH(u)rd, Hinsdale Smith, Miss Julia Ann of Weybridge Middlebury 2/8/1831
McKinestry, George Sinclair, Miss Hannah Morristown 11/7/1817
McLaren, Elijah of Barnet McNabb, Miss Mary of Barnet Barnet 1/2/1813
McLearn, William Hall, Miss Sally Barnet 12/9/1815
McMillan, Andrew of Fryburg, ME Dana, Miss Emily E. of Danville Danville  last Wed 12/2/1828
McNabb, Duncan Leavenworth, Miss Eunice E. Danville  Aug 4 12/14/1824
McNeal, Paul Newton, Miss Abigail Derby 5/23/1822
McQueen, James Higgins, Miss Harriet Ryegate 8/22/1826
McVaree, John Sommers, Miss Susannah Barnet 8/2/1825
Meacham, A. A.  Rosseter, Miss Harriet Brandon 10/4/1831
Meacham, Marshall Esq. Dyer, Miss Catharine Benson 7/3/1832
Mears, John Chapman, Miss Eliza Danville 3/6/1818
Meder, Daniel of Ryegate Higgins, Miss Betsey of Ryegate Ryegate   1/10/1822
Meder, Samuel  Higgins, Miss Elvira Ryegate  April 5 4/15/1823
Melvin, Hiram Bigelow, Miss Caroline Wheelock 10/12/1830
Merrill, Jesse Dr of Salisbury, NH Johnson, Miss Sally of Peacham Peacham 6/29/1820
Merrill, John R. Tracy, Miss Sally Chelsea 11/19/1832
Merrill, Samuel Loverin, Miss Mary Corinth 11/23/1816
Metcalf, Albert Pickering, Miss Mary Washington 4/19/1831
Metcalf, Dea Theron of Newport Crosby, Widow Tamisen Croydon, NH 1/18/1831
Miles, Reubin Campbell, Miss Laura Cambridge 12/28/1820
Miles, Royal of Barton Leonard, Miss Mariett of Montpelier Glover 2/14/1832
Miller, Alexander Caldwell, Miss Jane Ryegate since June 1 7/27/1824
Miller, Edward of Ryegate Gardner, Miss Isbell of Ryegate Ryegate  1/10/1822
Mills, Clark Olds, Miss Lucy Johnson 3/9/1816
Mills, Thomas Ames, Miss Caroline S. Burlington  24th ult 7/7/1829
M'Indoe, James Baker, Miss Abigail Barnet 11/24/1810
Minor, Abner of Lyndon Kinister, Widow Dorothy of Cabot Danville  11th inst 12/19/1826
Mitchell, William of Lancaster Martain, Miss Rebeckah of Lancaster Lancaster 5/2/1812
M'Nall, Philip Smith, Miss Mary Franconia, NH 12/5/1812
Montague, Rufus Kelton, Miss Mandana C. Middlesex 7/14/1829
Montgomery, David  Barnum, Miss Harriet Monkton 6/21/1831
Montgomery, Ira Winslow, Miss Abigail Walden    1/27/1829
Montgomery, Sereno of Walden Foster, Miss Hannah of Walden Walden  4th inst 12/24/1832
Moore, Abel of Dolton, NH Johnson, Miss Anne of Holliston Holliston, Mass 4/30/1814
Moore, George C.  Ellis, Miss Hannah Berlin 11/17/1829
Moore, John Wright, Miss Harriet Barnet 12/2/1828
Moore, Joseph Franklin, Miss Priscilla Plymouth 9/6/1831
Moore, Maj Lovel Fuller, Miss Lucy St Johnsbury 12/23/1828
More, Judah Capt. Gillit, Mrs. Beulah Wilmington 7/3/1832
Mores, Hiram of St Armonds, LC Willoughby, Miss Louisa Cambridge 3/15/1821
Mores, Philip of St Armonds Stone, Miss Harriet St Albans 3/15/1821
Morey, George A. Elsworth, Miss Sally Greensboro 2/1/1821
Morey, Hiram Morey, Miss Olive C. Poultney 11/10/1829
Morgan, Ira of Cambridge Philips, Miss Mary of Cambridge Cambridge 4/4/1817
Morgan, Presson Trescott, Miss Sabrina Danville 11/7/1817
Morrill, Abel 3d of Hatley, LC Lean, Miss Margaret M. of Cabot Cabot  4th inst 3/10/1829
Morrill, Amos C. of Peacham Stocker, Miss Mehetabel of Danville Danville 12/15/1829
Morrill, Benjamin Morse, Miss Delia Danville   1st inst 11/5/1832
Morrill, Cyrus  Kelsey, Miss Sarah Danville 1/2/1823
Morrill, Ebenezer M'Lean, Miss Jennet Danville 7/10/1813
Morrill, Hezekiah S. of Danville Parks, Miss Cynthia of Danville Danville 12/10/1814
Morrill, Isaac Jr. of Danville Page, Miss Martha of Ryegate Ryegate 9/27/1825
Morrill, Isaac of Danville Pope, Miss Mary of Danville Danville 3/11/1809
Morrill, James Drew, Miss Hannah Danville 6/16/1829
Morrill, Jeremiah Jr. Bryant, Miss Rosamond Irasburg 12/6/1825
Morrill, Jeremiah of Tunbridge Morrill, Miss Sally of Danville Danville  14th inst 3/16/1824
Morrill, John Pillsbury, Miss Betsey M. Danville  Dec 4 1/20/1829
Morrill, Joseph 3d Mason, Miss Olive Danville 4/1/1815
Morrill, Moses Dow, Miss Mary Danville 2/8/1821
Morrill, Samuel How, Miss Susanna Landaff, NH 12/29/1810
Morrill, Trew Chamberlin, Miss Pamelia Danville 4/5/1821
Morrison, William Neilson, Miss Margaret Ryegate 2/1/1825
Morse, Amos Clefford, Miss Esther of Barnet Danville 5/31/1821
Morse, David Morse, Miss Betsey Concord, Vt 12/9/1815
Morse, James of Sutton Atwood, Miss Mary of Sutton Sutton, VT 3/16/1824
Morse, Jotham of Kirby Cleveland, Miss Elizabeth of Bath Bath, NH 9/9/1809
Morse, Leonard L. Stearns, Miss Elizabeth Waterbury 6/16/1829
Morse, Samuel of Craftsbury Cook, Miss Judith of Greensboro Greensboro 2/1/1821
Morton, Mr. of Wolcott Spaulding, Miss Mary of St J St J  Jan 6 1/20/1829
Mosher, Zadock Brown, Miss Bethiah Barton     9/11/1813
Moulton, William Wadsworth, Miss Lucy Castleton 12/31/1832
Mudget, Jesse Kinsley, Miss Rhoda of Fletcher Cambridge 3/15/1821
Munger, Harvey of Windsor Robinson, Miss Nancy of Hartford Hartford 12/22/1829
Murphy, Royal age 17 Warren, Miss Mary Ann age 15 S. Pembroke, NY 10/13/1829
Murphy, Thomas Lawrence, Miss Mary Ann Middlebury 10/29/1832
Murray, Asa Seymour, Miss Susan New Haven 11/17/1829
Murray, John Kelley, Mrs. Eliza Burlington 11/29/1831
Nash, Henry of Duxbury Atherton, Miss Lucretia Ann Moretown 11/8/1831
Neilson, John Esq Duncun, Miss Jean Barnet 4/2/1814
Nesmith, John of Lowell, Mass Bell, Miss Eliza Chester, NH 8/27/1832
Nevens, E. N.  Dix, Miss Julia Royalton 10/4/1831
Nevis, David McKinister, Miss Lucindy Hyde Park  11/11/1815
Newell, Truman Beckwith, Miss Betsy of Billymead Burke 1/26/1811
Newland, James Cate, Miss Deborah Wolcott 11/13/1818
Newton, Heman Dee, Miss Polly Georgia 11/29/1831
Newton, Isaac Merritt, Miss Eliza Georgia 11/10/1829
Newton, Orin S. Rattender, Miss Almira Bennington 8/27/1832
Newton, Solon Blanchard, Miss Matilda Hartford 12/22/1829
Nichols, Asa Hitchcock, Eliza Hardwick 3/22/1831
Nichols, Asa Hitchcock, Miss Eliza Hardwick 5/10/1831
Nichols, David Winslow, Miss Mary Concord, VT 2/2/1811
Nichols, Erastus G. Blanchard, Miss Betsey G. Concord, VT 5th ult 4/29/1823
Nichols, Horace L. of Williston Hawley, Miss Lucy Waterbury 10/13/1829
Nichols, James of Northfield Dole, Miss Annis A. of Danville Danville  last Sun 1/3/1826
Nichols, Luke of Johnson Carlton, Miss Hannah of Cambridge Cambridge 1/18/1817
Nichols, Samuel Daniels, Miss Nancy Danville 6/16/1829
Nichols, William 2d of Concord Brown, Miss Abigail of Concord Waterford 12/21/1816
Nichols, William A. Leland, Miss Harriet Middlesex 7/14/1829
Niles, Noah B Pomeroy, Miss Almira M St Albans    1/23/1819
Noble, Alden C. Esq. Smith, Miss Sarah Royalton 7/10/1832
Norris, Ezekiel Wells, Miss Polly Corinth 11/23/1816
Norris, Justus Kinne, Miss Mary Ann of Waterford Peacham 10/20/1829
Norris, Ward B. of Danville Hosmer, Miss Louisa of Gilsum, NH Gilsum, NH 2/14/1832
Norris, Ward of Hardwick Hibbard, Miss Harriet Walden 1/25/1831
Norton, Nathan Wing, Miss Sally Glover 3/30/1816
Noyes, Benjamin A. Thompson, Lucia Ann W. Hartland 6/22/1830
Noyes, Henry Noyes, Miss Areanath Landaff, NH 8/24/1811
Noyes, Samuel Noyes, Miss Betsey Landaff, NH 12/8/1810
Nurse, John Shattock, Miss Vashtr Bethlehem 1/15/1814
Nutter, Josiah of Concord, VT Mann, Mrs. Fanny M. of Bradleyvale Bradleyvale 2/14/1832
Nutting, Jonathan Root, Miss Laura Danville 5/31/1821
Nutting, Jonathan of Danville Somers, Miss Helen of Barnet Barnet 6/28/1825
Nye, Norman of Brownington Brown, Miss Clarissa of Barton Barton      3/24/1829
Nye, Salmon Esq. of Irasburgh Spencer, Miss of Brownington   3/21/1822
Oakes, George L. Pratt, Miss Jane G. Wareham, MA 4/12/1831
Oaks, John Wyman, Rebecca Waterville 12/31/1832
Olds, James Griswold, Miss Eunice Johnson 11/2/1816
Olmstead, Anson of Elmore Walbridge, Miss Betsey of Wolcott Wolcott 5/30/1822
Onion, Capt Alford Deming, Miss Frances Putney 11/10/1829
Orn, James Bean, Miss Theresa Sutton 2/8/1831
Orr, James Harvey, Miss Margaret Ryegate since Jan 1 4/8/1828
Osgood, Harvey Gay, Miss Lucy E. Randolph  19th ult 6/9/1829
Paddock, Ephraim of Danville Phelps, Miss Abby of Danville Danville 11/7/1807
Paddock, John C. of Waterville Lovell, Miss Charlotte St Johnsbury 11/8/1831
Page, Abraham Esq. of Ryegate Clark, Miss Sarah Ann of Thetford Thetford 2/15/1831
Page, George Grow, Miss Betsey Greensborough 3/20/1827
Page, Paul Dea. of Hardwick Weeser, Widow Mary of Danville Danville  last Tues 10/23/1827
Page, Reuben of Danville Work, Miss Elizabeth Newburyport Nov 4 2/12/1828
Page, Thomas of Hardwick Ward, Miss Mercy Walden      1/2/1823
Page, Ward Esq. Thompson, Miss Betsey Cambridge 11/8/1831
Page, William G. Col Noble, Miss Amelia Chelsea 10/29/1832
Page, William P.  Coburn, Miss Rebecca Ryegate since Jan 1 4/8/1828
Paige, Ralph W. of W. Rutland Chamberlin, Miss Olive of Granville Granville, NY 9/1/1829
Palmer, Hon William A. Esq. Blanchard, Miss Sally Danville 10/23/1813
Palmer, James Colby, Miss Nancy Navy 1/13/1816
Palmer, Orrin Haskins, Miss Almira Franklin 12/17/1832
Park, John     (or Farr ?) McCullock, Miss Jane Ryegate 4/25/1808
Park, Samuel of Lyndon Chamberlin, Miss Mary Ann of Irasburg Irasburg 1/20/1829
Park, Stephen L. Leverett, Miss Clarissa Lyndon 9/25/1827
Parker, Aaron of Arscott, LC Stafford, Miss Experience Barton    17th inst 12/3/1819
Parker, Amos Brockelbank, Widow Mary Concord, VT 8/24/1811
Parker, Carlos Hill, Miss Susan Waterford 3/29/1831
Parker, Isaac of Coventry Cobb, Miss Airabella of Coventry Coventry   Dec 24th 1/23/1819
Parker, Nathaniel of Williston Harris, Miss Cynthia of Williston Topsham  25th inst 6/10/1828
Parker, Otis of Cambridge Howboth, Miss Lydia of Cambridge Cambridge 3/15/1821
Parker, Quincy B. McGaffey, Miss Electa Lyndon 3/20/1827
Parker, Samuel Taggart, Miss Martha Danville   Wed last 5/2/1817
Parkhurst, Lemuel Leonard, Miss Bethiah Sharon 6/21/1831
Parks, Nathan of Danville Mears, Miss Lydia of Danville   5/18/1811
Parlin, Amos Perkins, Miss Nancy    Charleston, VT 10/12/1830
Parsons, Lucas of Danville Gibson, Miss Anna Maria of Boston Boston 2/25/1820
Parsons, Samuel A. Esq Boardman, Miss Sarah Ann Lancaster, NH 6/29/1816
Partridge, Addison Bowman, Miss Maria Westford 11/3/1829
Partridge, Ely Storesgrove, Miss Eunice Derby 5/23/1822
Patch, Josiah of Lunenburg Nothing, Miss Eleanor of Scituate Quincy 12/22/1829
Pattee, James Wightman, Miss Mary Georgia 11/10/1829
Patterson, Ebenezer Johnson, Mrs. Mary  Peacham  March 27 5/8/1827
Patterson, Ephraim of Barre Thayer, Miss Susan of Greensboro Hardwick 9/29/1829
Patterson, Isaac Johnson, Miss Rozilla W. Peacham 6/28/1831
Paul, Amos of Windsor Choate, Miss Mary Ann Danville   Tues last 7/1/1819
Payne, John French, Miss Deborah Barre 3/1/1831
Peach, James Gardner, Miss Nancy Ryegate since Jan 1 4/8/1828
Pearsons, Alvin White, Miss Philena Craftsbury 12/21/1830
Pease, Elijah Foster, Miss Polly Weston  25th ult 7/14/1829
Peaslee, Henry of Essex Butler, Miss Emily Essex 8/23/1831
Peasly, Geo W. Peasly, Mrs. Lucy wid of Hon. Daniel Peasly Washington 10/13/1829
Peck, Ebenezer Esq. of Montreal Walker, Miss Caroline of Peacham Peacham March 12 3/27/1827
Peck, Eliphalet Jr. Peck, Miss Deborah Greenwich, CT 4/20/1824
Peck, John Q. A. Cutler, Miss Fanny Middlebury 6/19/1832
Peck, Lucius B. Esq. Day, Miss Martha dau of Ira Day, Esq. Barre 5/22/1832
Peck, Martin H. of Lyndon Clough, Miss Susan of Danville Danville 6/26/1827
Peck, Samuel Woods, Miss Sophia Barnet 3/6/1827
Pennock, Samuel Morrill, Miss Betsey Strafford 4/19/1831
Pennoyer, Charles of Melbourne Bellows, Miss Nancy Lenoxville, LC 11/29/1831
Perkins, Ezra Page, Miss Miriam Danville, VT 4/1/1823
Perkins, James Wells, Miss Sophronia Danville    4th inst 11/12/1832
Perkins, John A. Esq. of Wheelock Mower, Miss Margaret Montreal  Dec 30 1/25/1831
Perkins, John of Castleton Morton, Miss Lucy Fairhaven 2/15/1831
Perley, Capt James Kneeland, Miss Prudence Berlin 11/1/1831
Perry, Calvin Rider, Miss Adaliza Swanton 6/16/1829
Perry, Dr. Ely of Ryegate Wetherbee, Miss Azubah of Newbury Ryegate  Oct 30 12/18/1827
Perry, Micah age 59 Woodbury, Miss Susanna age 22 Concord, Vt 5/22/1818
Persival, Thomas of St. Johnsbury Brown, Miss Maria of St. Johnsbury   4/4/1822
Pettengill, Isaac Bachelder, Miss Polly Danville 3/24/1820
Petty, Dummer Smith, Miss Eliza of Castleton Poultney 7/3/1832
Phelps, Asa Dr. Spooner, Miss Polly Marshfield 11/19/1832
Pierce, Capt. Augustine of Danville Carter, Miss Sarah E. of Concord Concord, NH 5/23/1826
Pierce, John F. of Berkshire Beaton, Miss Nancy of Berkshire Berkshire 12/19/1826
Pierce, John S. of Craftsbury Hill, Miss Ann of Craftsbury Greensboro 12/21/1830
Pierce, Noah Jr. of Calais Hill, Miss Amanda Woodbury 10/29/1832
Pike, Benjamin Deadham, Miss Lydia Montpelier 9/1/1829
Pike, Horace of Marshfield Barnes, Miss Betsey Danville 1/20/1824
Pike, Samuel Miller, Miss Catherine Lyman, NH 4/11/1812
Pike, William Hitchcock, Miss Nancy Morristown 2/14/1832
Pillsbury, James of Barton Haywood, Miss Lydia of Glover Glover 12/21/1816
Pillsbury, Merrill Dow, Miss Betsey Danville 11/20/1818
Pinney, Jabez Esq. of Greensboro Sherman, Miss Sophia D. of Greensboro Greensboro  17th inst 4/24/1827
Pitkin, Silvester Randel, Miss Hannah Cabot 2/21/1817
Place, Joseph of Colchester Hatch, Miss Lydia Burlington 11/8/1831
Plumb, Rev E. W. of Pawlet Woodman, Miss Sarah M. Brattleboro 8/9/1831
Plumley, Samuel Coom, Miss Huldah E. Randolph 13th ult 6/9/1829
Poindexter, George Hon. of Miss Hewes, Miss Ann of Boston, Mass Washington 6/2/1832
Pollard, Emerson Webber, Miss Susanna Ryegate since June 1 7/27/1824
Pollard, Emmerson Hand, Miss Mary Ryegate since Jan 1 4/8/1828
Poor, Erastus of VT Smith, Miss Elizabeth of NY Cincinnati  May 29 7/8/1823
Pope, Eliab of Danville Stocker, Miss Sally P. of Danville Danville 12/12/1826
Pope, Israel P. Babbitt, Miss Melinda C Danville 3/31/1820
Pope, Joseph 2d of Danville Webster, Miss Betsey of Hartland Hartland 4/19/1821
Porter, Aaron Esq. Blanchard, Rebeckah of Capt. Peter Blanchard Danville 11/7/1807
Porter, Isaac A. Capt of Danville Kent, Miss Mary Concord, NH 9/4/1818
Post, Harlow Cushman, Miss Calista Georgia 3/15/1821
Potter, Aaron of Danville Ladd, Miss Mary of Peacham Peacham 12/19/1822
Potter, Thaddeus Goodell, Widow Alice Waterford 12/17/1832
Powers, Daniel W. of Thetford Page, Miss Helen of Ryegate Ryegate 4/3/1827
Powers, Horace French, Miss Olive C. Woodstock 10/15/1832
Powers, Isaac Hobart, Widow Rachel of Essex Hardwick      1/18/1821
Powers, John Cooke, Miss Elena Corinth 11/23/1816
Powers, John D. Carlton, Miss Jane Hartland 1/25/1831
Powers, Michael Coffie, Miss Anna Burlington 12/17/1832
Pratt, John, of Vershire Torrey, Miss Sabra Corinth 6/19/1832
Prescott, Amasa of Waterford, Vt Hildreth, Miss Clarisa of Littleton Littleton, NH 1/13/1816
Prescott, Hiram  Evans, Miss Eunice Sutton 1/20/1829
Presson, Isaac Wright, Miss Martha Berlin 3/15/1831
Prouty, Elijah K. of Waterford Loomis, Miss Cynthia Boston, MA 10/20/1829
Prouty, Ira C. Nixon, Miss Mary Middlebury 7/26/1831
Putnam, David of Cambridge Straight, Miss Loda of Fletcher Fletcher  Oct 22 10/31/1812
Quimby, Truman of Lyndon Ciblin, Miss Caroline of Stratford Stratford 2/17/1829
Quirk, Lawrence Sharkey, Miss Mary Swanton 12/31/1832
Ramsay, Abner of Durham Adams, Mrs. Eliza of Stanstead Derby 11/29/1831
Ramsey, David of Billymead Butler, Miss Lydia of Billymead Billymead  23rd inst 1/31/1812
Ramsey, William of Billymead Hibbard, Miss Elizabeth of Dea. David Hibbard of C Concord, VT 24th ult 11/1/1811
Randal, Orange of Danville Miles, Miss Naomi of Lyndon Lyndon 4/18/1826
Randal, Robert O. Webber, Widow Hannah Danville  Sun last 6/20/1826
Randal, Thomas Jr. Thompson, Miss Sally Danville 3/10/1829
Randall, Daniel Rev. formerly of Danville Odell, Miss Hannah dau of Hon. Richard Odell Conway, NH 7/3/1832
Randall, John  Gardner, Miss Elizabeth Ryegate since Jan 1 4/8/1828
Randall, Judkins Pillsbury, Miss Pleumy Danville  3/9/1824
Randall, Lewis of Pike, NY Lathrop, Miss Melinda of Bethel Bethel 10/4/1831
Ranny, Mark  Smith, Miss Columba of Salisbury Cornwall 1/18/1831
Raymond, George C. Phillips, Miss Judith H. Woodstock 6/7/1831
Read, Leavitt Hubbard, Miss Emeline Dummerston 7/6/1830
Read, Samuel S. Joselyn, Miss Louisa S. Concord 12/6/1825
Reed, Lyman of Baltimore Harris, Miss Marcia A. Strafford 11/5/1832
Reid, David age 7(6) Kincaid, Mrs. Polly age 38 Ryegate 1/13/1816
Remick, Page Ward, Miss Laura Brownington 3/17/1829
Renfrew, Andrew Neilson, Miss Elizabeth Ryegate since June 1 7/27/1824
Rice, Col. Bushrod W. Fletcher, Miss Marcella Woodstock 8/31/1830
Rice, Harvey of Greensborough Fellows, Miss Abigail of Wheelock Wheelock 4/10/1827
Rich, Daniel Colum, Miss Sally Berlin 3/1/1831
Rich, Daniel Coburn, Miss Sally Berlin 4/12/1831
Richards, Jacob of Navy age 15 Downing, Miss Mary of Ascott Ascott, LC 3/30/1816
Richardson, ______ Northway, Miss Eunice M.   6/9/1832
Richardson, Benjamin age 19 Root, Widow Lydia age 38 Fairfax 2/24/1816
Richardson, Dr. Frederick Jordan, Mrs. Betsey Waitsfield 10/13/1829
Richardson, Frederick Brown, Miss Laura C. Waterford 3/6/1827
Richardson, Harry Capt Mann, Miss Maria A. Montpelier 9/8/1829
Richardson, Joseph Dana, Miss Lucy Peacham 1/18/1831
Richardson, Leland Piper, Miss Cynthia Weston      9/15/1829
Richardson, Luther Mowe, Miss Sally Concord 12/6/1825
Richardson, Zadock Foster, Miss Hannah Orange  21st ult 7/7/1829
Richmond, Danforth of Ashford, CT Danforth, Miss Clarissa  H. Weathersfield 2/21/1822
Richmond, Rollin of Barnard Marsh, Miss Mary of Bethel Woodstock 8/27/1832
Rix, Caleb Morrill, Miss Eliza Landaff, NH 8/3/1811
Robbins, Philander Hyde, Miss Harriet Chelsea 11/5/1832
Roberts, Hiram Willey, Miss Mary St Johnsbury 11/19/1832
Robertson, Rowell of Bellows Falls Williams, Miss Mary Newfane 2/15/1831
Rodgers, Benajor of Claremont, NH Hartshorn, Miss Sally of Danville Danville   Sunday last 10/15/1814
Rogers, Frederick W. Hadley, Miss Arania Hartland 2/1/1831
Rogers, George W. of Vergennes Emmons, Miss Jane C.  Sandy Hill, NY 8/30/1831
Rogers, James Chamberlin, Miss Nancy Albany 2/1/1831
Rogers, John Hadly, Miss Hepzibah Corinth 11/23/1816
Rollings, Sherburne of Greensboro Thompson, Miss Jane M. Walden 1/25/1831
Root, George W. of Middlebury Corning, Miss Julia Hartford, CT 8/23/1831
Root, Rufus Jr. Banister, Miss Lucy Windsor 6/21/1831
Root, William H. Esq. of Ogdensburg, NY Haswell, Miss Jane M. of Burlington Burlington 11/1/1831
Rowe, Isaiah of St Johnsbury Williams, Miss Deborah  Wheelock 3/29/1831
Rowland, Hopkin of St. Johnsbury Fuller, Miss Violetta of St. Johnsbury   4/4/1822
Rowland, John Bugbee, Laura Miss St Johnsbury 2/1/1831
Rowley, Truman of Montreal Willey, Miss Candace New Haven 9/20/1831
Ruggles, Stillman Royce, Miss Fanney B. Roxbury  12/24/1832
Russel, Luther of St J. Woods, Miss Anna of Kirby Kirby 2/1/1825
Russell, Allen of Danville Dow, Miss Ellen of Peacham Peacham 12/20/1825
Russell, Ebenezer Barton, Widow Matilda  (also listed as Trescott) Danville  24th ult 5/3/1831
Russell, George of Highgate Orcutt, Miss Cynthia Swanton 2/15/1831
Russell, Ira of Danville Woodward, Miss Priscilla of Peacham Peacham 12/20/1831
Russell, Melea Langmaid, Miss Rachel Danville 6/7/1825
Russell, William of Newbury Heath, Miss Almira of Newbury Wells River 11/18/1828
Russell, Winthrop Kelley, Miss Catharine Danville 8/27/1832
Rust, Jacob T. Allen, Miss Marinda Kelleyvale 9/6/1825
Rutherford, Dr Ira W. of Albany, NY Leonard, Miss Sarah Middlebury 7/5/1831
Safford, Jonas Lord, Miss Azuba Cambridge 12/28/1820
Sage, Levi Wilder, Miss Maria Jamaica 4/19/1831
Sanborn, Ira S. of Peru, NY Ames, Miss Cynthia of Royalton Royalton 10/6/1829
Sanborn, Joel R. Haviland, Miss Charlotte M. Danville  last Thurs 9/15/1829
Sanborn, Levi of Lebanon, NH Tolman, Miss Louisa of Greensboro Greensboro   1st inst 9/5/1817
Sanborn, Stephen C. of Newbury, VT Stevens, Miss Cassandra W. of Newbury New Chester, NH 6/16/1829
Sandborn, David Jr. of Chelsea Cummings, Mrs. Rachel T. of Washington Washington 10/22/1832
Sandford, James M. Smith, Miss Fanny Windsor 8/27/1832
Sargeant, William Hough, Miss Elizabeth Middlebury 5/24/1831
Sargent, John Danforth, Miss Mary Danville 12/10/1832
Sartwill, John of Glover Meriam, Percy, widow of Wm. Meriam Barton 12/3/1819
Sawin, Jonathan of Westminster Thomson, Mary Ann Londonderry 7/6/1830
Sawyer, Charles Shepard, Miss Sarah Danville 1/2/1823
Scott, Benjamin F. Scales, Miss Experience Cabot 11/28/1826
Scott, Harvey Esq. of Craftsbury Nelson, Miss Helena of Craftsbury Crafts since 12/6/21 2/21/1822
Seavy, Hiram Priest, Miss Susan Brownington Nov 9 12/9/1828
Sexton, Mr. of Benson Fales, Miss Harriet Rutland 11/17/1829
Shattock, Gardner H Mason, Miss Hepzibah Craftsbury 4/4/1817
Shattock, Samuel F. of Wheelock Mears, Miss Abigail B. Danville 12/6/1825
Shattuck, Anson Heath, Miss Mattie Wheelock 1/13/1829
Shattuck, Ira of Montpelier Cottrill, Miss Lucinda of Middlebury Middlebury 6/19/1832
Shaw, Ansel of Bridgewater Richmond, Miss Demis H of Bridgewater Northfield 6/22/1830
Shaw, Bela, Jr. Johnson, Miss Julia Lyndon 1/5/1811
Shaw, George B. Esq. of Danville Bigelow, Miss Nancy H. of Keene Keene, NH 6/29/1830
Shaw, Marcus  Kingsbury, Miss Cyrene Fairfax 11/7/1817
Shedd, Christopher Swan, Miss Charlotte Woodstock 10/13/1829
Shedd, Josiah Dr. Chamberlin, Lydia of Hon. Wm. Chamberlin Peacham  1st inst 3/14/1812
Sheldon, Heze F. Collins, Miss Abigail Danville   12th inst 12/20/1811
Sheldon, Samuel B. Higgins, Mrs. Sophia C. Sheldon 5/17/1831
Shepard, Moses Sherburne, Miss Sally Greensboro 1/25/1831
Shepard, Thomas Cheney, Miss Sally Danville 3/24/1820
Shepardson, Ansel Story, Miss Aurilla Fairfax 4/20/1816
Shepardson, Joel of Fairfax Goodridge, Miss Huldah Westford      12/5/1817
Sherman, Hathaway of Richmond Williams, Miss Louisa of Huntington Essex 6/22/1830
Shettle, Joseph St. Pier, Mrs. Charlotte Sheldon 5/17/1831
Shorey, Miles Woods, Miss Fanny Barnet 7th 1/20/1829
Shrew, John Wallace, Miss Maranda Lancaster, NH 1/13/1816
Shuff, Jeremiah Woodbury, Miss Sophia - sister of Nancy Guildhall   7th ult 8/3/1811
Sias, Benjamin  Stevens, Miss Orpha Danville  last Thur 2/27/1827
Sias, Hon. Samuel of Danville Chamberlin, Miss Sophia C. of Barton Barton  8th inst 10/28/1828
Sias, John Cheney, Miss Betsey Danville 9/2/1819
Sias, Solomon Rev  Hewes, Mrs. Amelia Boston, MA 8/9/1825
Sias, William Capt. Hall, Miss Chloe B Danville, Wed last 6/2/1832
Sibley, Hiram Foster, Miss Mary Montpelier 1/18/1831
Simons, William A. Phillips, Miss Hannah P. Greensboro 5/26/1829
Simpson, Joseph Clough, Miss Sheffield 5/9/1822
Skinner, Samuel S. Lincoln, Miss Angelica Castleton 2/21/1832
Sleeper, Robert Eaton, Miss Jane Corinth 11/23/1816
Slyfield, William Lilley, Miss Syrena Concord   12/21/1816
Smith, A. D. MD of Dashville, NY Reed, Miss M. Augusta of Castleton Castleton 10/15/1832
Smith, Arnold of Barre Goodenough, Miss Belinda of Berlin Berlin 9/14/1830
Smith, Austin of Burlington Moore, Miss Almira of Hartford Hartford, CT 7/5/1831
Smith, Bush Humphrey, Miss Esther Orwell 3/22/1831
Smith, Calvin Griswold, Miss Betsey Johnson 9/30/1819
Smith, Calvin H. of Hinesburg Stanley, Miss Eunice of Greensboro Greensboro 7/3/1828
Smith, Chauncy of Washington Hale, Miss Stella Jane Chelsea 5/17/1831
Smith, Daniel Bemiss, Miss Content Lyndon  25th ult 1/3/1822
Smith, Dr Horatio of Monkton Bell, Miss Jerusha Burlington 9/15/1829
Smith, Eli Bemiss, Miss Clarissa Lyndon 3/31/1820
Smith, George C. Granger, Miss Jane Castleton 12/20/1831
Smith, Hamilton Esq. of Washington Hall, Miss Martha of Bellows Falls Bellows Falls 8/27/1832
Smith, Hiram M. of Milton Hall, Miss Mary L of Brandon Brandon 6/2/1832
Smith, Hiram of Enosburg Goff, Miss Selinda of St Albans St Albans 12/20/1831
Smith, Joel Plumb, Miss Lucy Burke 8/16/1831
Smith, Lewis Mann, Miss Mary Derby 5/23/1822
Smith, Nehemiah Norris, Miss Huldah Craftsbury 4/4/1817
Smith, Ransom of Rutland Mack, Miss Sarah T. of Salem Salem, NY 10/11/1831
Smith, Rev. Lowell of Heath, Mass Tenney, Miss Abba W. of Brandon Brandon 10/22/1832
Smith, Samuel Stafford, Miss Sally Derby 5/23/1822
Smith, Samuel I. Clement, Miss Harriet Wolcott        11/13/1818
Smith, Theodore of Orwell Nichols, Miss Lucy of Whiting Whiting  3/22/1831
Smith, William Flagg, Widow Susannah Danville 4/17/1818
Snow, John Reed, Miss Rachel Dolton, NH 4/30/1814
Somer, James of Barnet Hall, Miss Elizabeth of Ryegate Ryegate 10/17/1826
Sommers, Hugh 3d Sanderland, Miss Martha Barnet 12/17/1832
South, Marvin Do(w), Miss Nancy Windsor 8/11/1829
Southard, James Cronk, Miss Armitta of Starksboro Burlington 8/30/1831
Southgate, Rev. Robert Swan, Miss Frances Woodstock 10/22/1832
Spaulding, Capt Ira of Proctorsville Collins, Miss Amanda of Ira Ira 2/8/1831
Spaulding, John of Hinesburg Wait, Miss Avoline Waterbury 11/17/1829
Spaulding, Nathan P. of Claremont, NH Spaulding, Miss Maria Hartland 10/25/1831
Spear, Seavey Merrill, Miss Susan Corinth 11/23/1816
Spencer, Harry  Rockwell, Miss Eveline Brandon 6/2/1832
Spencer, Leonard B. Chapin, Miss Nancy P. Woodstock 9/14/1830
Spencer, William of Derby Hubbard, Miss Sophronia of Stanstead, PQ Morgan 3/20/1827
Spooner, William Jr. Cook, Miss Emily Westhaven 6/19/1832
Sprague, George F. Robbins, Miss Martha Peacham 5/5/1829
Sprague, Loammi of Nottingham, NH Putnam, Miss Roxana of Marshfield Marshfield 9/29/1829
Sprague, Melvin Newton, Miss Jennette Hartford 8/16/1831
Squires, David Peck, Miss Laura Bennington 12/21/1830
St. Pier, Edward Hurlbutt, Miss Elvira Sheldon 5/17/1831
Stacy, Henry B Corning, Miss Maria Burlington 11/19/1832
Stafford, Abel Leach, Miss Prudence of Caleb Leach, Esq. Irasburg 3/12/1814
Stanford, Curtis of Burke Sanborn, Miss Abigail M. of Danville Danville 8/17/1830
Stanford, Joseph of Irasburg Co(le), Miss Sally of Irasburg Irasburg 12/21/1816
Stanley, Phineas Fairbanks, Miss Betsey Johnson 12/28/1820
Stanley, William age 63 Waterman, Miss Julia, age 15 Birmingham, Eng. 5/19/1807
Stanton, John A Stevens, Miss Tamson Danville 4/11/1812
Stark, Levi Caul, Miss Olive Bolton 6/16/1829
Starr, J. Johnson of Burlington Hurlbutt, Miss Wealthy Ann of Windsor Windsor 8/6/1832
Stearns, Capt Daniel of Burlington Hawley, Mrs. Urania of St Armand, LC Berkshire 8/30/1831
Stebbins, Brainerd Pierce, Miss Betsey G. Walden 6/28/1831
Steel, John Cronin, Mrs. Elizabeth Swanton 12/31/1832
Steele, Solomon White, Miss Eliza Stanstead, L. C.  2/14/1832
Stephens, Cyrus of Orwell Manly, Miss Eveline of Brandon Brandon 11/17/1829
Sterling, Nathaniel of Barre age 18 Leslie, Miss Ann age 41 Hardwick  11th inst 12/23/1828
Stevens, Dr. Morrie Arnold, Miss Lucy G. St Johnsbury 1/17/1826
Stevens, Edward L. of Boston Fullerton, Miss Mary Ann Chester 7/10/1832
Stevens, Elder Amos of Strafford Lampson, Miss Lucinda E. Randolph  14th ult 6/9/1829
Stevens, Ira A. of Danville Davis, Miss Lois of Stanstead, L. Canada Derby 11/22/1821
Stevens, Isaac of Goshen Gore Gould, Miss Rachel of Walden Walden 5/23/1822
Stevens, John G. B. of Waterford Sawyer, Miss Sophia of Waterford Waterford 11/1/1811
Stevens, Moses Swaney, Miss Lydia Danville 10/4/1825
Stevens, Phineas Grout, Miss Fanny Barnet 11/12/1808
Stevens, Solomon Cushman, Miss Sally Barnet 12/21/1816
Stevens, Stephen Chamberlain, Miss Lydia Danville, VT 4/1/1823
Stevens, Stephen F. Byrd, Miss Rachel Ferrisburg 9/1/1829
Stevens, Truman of Littleton, NH Carlton, Miss Malvina A. of St J St Johnsbury 6/12/1827
Stevens, Willard of Barnet Shelden, Miss Polly of Windsor Windsor, Vt 12/9/1815
Stewart, John Jr. Paul, Miss Eliza Berlin 1/18/1831
Stewart, William of Barnet Whitelaw, Miss Jane of Ryegate Ryegate   4th inst 1/10/1822
Stiles, Benjamin Hackett, Miss Betsey Stanstead, LC 10/16/1827
Stiles, Calvin age 16 Cheney, Miss Roxana age 15 Danville 11/2/1824
Stiles, Mark of Groton Powers, Miss Nancy of Waterford Waterford 4/17/1827
Stiles, Nathaniel Tice, Miss Abigail Danville 4/8/1828
Stinson, Capt Charles of Dunbarton, NH Cochran, Miss Susan L. of Sharon Sharon 6/28/1831
Stocker, John of Lancaster, NH McCoy, Miss Hannah of Lyndon Lyndon 6/29/1830
Stockwell, Eleazer Green, Miss Nanrilla Bolton 6/16/1829
Stoddard, J. D.  Parks, Miss Jane Concord  Nov 8 12/6/1825
Stoddard, Jesse W. Benton, Miss Hannah S. Waterford 3/24/1829
Stoddard, Simeon Jr. Smith, Miss Clarissa Waitsfield 3/1/1831
Stone, Calvin of St. Johnsbury Wing, Miss Susan of St. Johnsbury   4/4/1822
Stone, George Dexter Russell, Miss Mary Danville 8/6/1832
Stone, Levi H. Lieut. Osgood, Miss Clarissa Cabot 6/2/1829
Stone, Rev George of Sandgate, VT Lawton, Miss Eleutheria F. Hardwick, MA 8/16/1831
Storms, Samuel J. Storms, Miss Ann Maria New York 9/13/1831
Story, Mr. of Windsor Pillsbury, Miss Rhody Barton 3/12/1814
Story, Roger K. of Fairfield Beeman, Miss Lucy of Fairfax   10/18/1821
Stowe, Gardner Esq. of Keeseville, NY Patrick, Miss Sophia of Windsor Windsor 6/21/1831
Stratton, Horace of Craftsbury Chase, Miss Abigail of Orford Orford, NH 1/25/1831
Streeter, Joseph Fry, Miss Rebecca Concord, Vt 12/9/1815
Strong, Elnathan of Hardwick Chamberlin, Miss ______ Peacham 12/28/1820
Strong, Timothy F. of Danville Clark, Miss Olivia of Chesterfield Chesterfield, NY 5/15/1827
Sturtevant, Cyrus of Barton Wyman, Miss Phoebe Irasburg 3/30/1816
Sturtevant, Ezra late of Barton Merrefield, Miss Lucy Craftsbury 3/30/1816
Sturtevant, Safford E. of Perkinsville Short, Miss Mary Ann Hartland 12/3/1832
Sulham, William Jr. Woodward, Miss Mercy Danville 4/17/1827
Summers, Robert of Barnet Shelden, Miss Harriet St. Johnsbury 12/8/1810
Summers, William Pierce, Miss Amy Barnet 2/2/1811
Sumner, Henry of Barnet Hoit, Miss Mary Peacham 4/11/1808
Sutton, Daniel of Barnstead, LC Hunnex, Miss Nancy of Lancaster Lancaster, NH 4/1/1815
Swain, Joseph D. Scribner, Miss Marcia Maria Burlington 11/10/1829
Sweat, William Fish, Miss Sophronia Danby 2/14/1832
Swett, John of Hardwick Gates, Miss Sarah of Morristown Walden      1/2/1823
Tabor, Gideon S. Conger, Miss Perline R. Danby 8/31/1830
Taggard, Archibald Ball, Miss Delight Concord, VT 5/16/1812
Tamphere, Lyman of Hydepark Hubbel, Miss Clarisa Wolcott 10/29/1819
Taplin, Caleb P. Johnson, Miss Atlantis Corinth 11/17/1829
Taylor, Benjamin Atwill, Miss Polly Cambridge 12/28/1820
Taylor, Ebenezer Clement, Miss Hannah Wolcott     2d inst 11/13/1818
Taylor, Gideon M. Walbridge, Miss Phoebe Wolcott 5/13/1816
Taylor, Jonathan Drown, Miss Mercy Wheelock 4/5/1825
Taylor, Luther of Bangor, NY Judson, Miss Hepsibeth Fairfax 12/10/1819
Teel, Benjamin G. of Shekonk, Mass Merriam, Miss Esther Barton 3/30/1816
Templeton, Hiram Merritt, Miss Sarah Montpelier  11/26/1832
Templeton, Paul Wheeler, Miss Rhoda W. Montpelier 12/17/1832
Tenney, Asa P. Rev of Groton, NH Tenney, Miss Mary Newbury 6/23/1829
Tenney, Rev Erdix of Lyme, NH Kendrick, Miss Mary L. Thetford 9/27/1831
Tenny, Amos C. Taplin, Miss Lavina Corinth 11/23/1816
Thayer, Sanford Aldrich, Miss Patience St Johnsbury 5/26/1829
Thomas, Chester Ingalls, Miss Olive Brandon 7/6/1830
Thomas, Enoch Snow, Miss Clarisa Lancaster, NH 2/20/1813
Thomas, Stevens Chamberlin, Miss Susan Fairfield 9/30/1819
Thomas, Uriah , age 65 Moore, Miss Peggy of Sharon, age 15 Virginia 5/19/1807
Thompson, Aaron L. of Boston Weston, Miss Randilla Springfield 8/24/1830
Thompson, Amasa  Holmes, Miss Mary Cambridge 11/1/1831
Thompson, D. P. Esq. of Montpelier Robinson, Miss E. K. of Hardwick Hardwick  30th ult 9/6/1831
Thompson, Dr. Horatio of Hardwick Whittle, Miss Betsey of Cabot Cabot 3/11/1809
Thompson, J. Heneris, Miss Julia St Albans 8/31/1830
Thrall, Reubin R. Esq. Gove, Miss Elizabeth Rutland 8/4/1829
Thurstin, Joseph of Orange Knapp, Miss Mary Ann Berlin 11/29/1831
Tice, Isaac T. of Danville Kimball, Miss Mehetable of Haverhill Haverhill, NH 17th inst 3/24/1829
Tice, James of Danville Johnston, Miss Mary of Craftsbury Craftsbury        12/10/1832
Tichenor, Joseph of Shoreham Moore, Miss Betsey of Bridport Bridport 1/25/1831
Tift, Samuel of Danby Tower, Miss Sally F. Wallingford 7/28/1829
Tilton, Benjamin F. Howe, Miss Lucia D. Danville 10/8/1832
Tilton, John Cummings, Miss Sabrina Danville, VT 6/17/1823
Tinker, George Taylor, Miss Abigail Hydepark 9/21/1816
Tinkham, Squire Hoisington, Mrs. Belinda Windsor   6/16/1829
Tompson, Benjamin of Coventry Powers, Miss Rebecca of Coventry   3/21/1822
Torry, Rev. Joseph Paine, Miss Mary Burlington 8/24/1830
Towle, Reuben of Craftsbury Freeman, Miss Zurviah of Orford Orford 8/24/1811
Town, (  )phus Simmons, Miss Rebecca Waterbury 6/16/1829
Tracy, Capt Hiram Shedd, Miss Jane Eliza Wells River 9/27/1831
Trescott, Jona'n of St Johnsbury Clement, Miss Dilla of Danville Danville 7/13/1816
Trumbull, Capt James of Craftsbury Pate, Miss Jenet of Danville Crafts since 12/6/21 2/21/1822
Trussel, John  Hawley, Miss Hannah Danville 4/18/1822
Tucker, Elder T. M.  Perkins, Miss Matilda Cabot  20th ult 1/3/1826
Turner, Jeremiah of Lyman Stoddard, Miss Sarah of Lyman Lyman, NH 11/1/1811
Turner, Jesse age 75 Ward, Miss Patty age 16 Bolton, LC 31st ult 4/8/1823
Turner, Prof. Edward Storrs, Miss Sophronia Middlebury 9/15/1829
Tuttle, George Cale, Mrs. Rutland 11/17/1829
Tuttle, Harry of Manchester Deming, Miss Altha of Castleton Castleton 11/8/1831
Tuttle, William Jr. of Alstead, NH Stowell, Miss Polly Rockingham 2/1/1831
Tyron, Marvin of Montpelier Dewey, Miss Parthena Berlin     11/17/1829
Underhill, Ira S. Williams, Miss Caroline Chelsea 11/3/1829
Underwood, Samuel (age 15) Matthews, Widow Fanny (age 36) Danville 8/24/1811
Upham, Emerson F. of Boston Emerson, Miss Ann H. Norwich 8/2/1831
Upham, Samuel of Montpelier Herrick, Miss Philena Randolph 5/31/1831
Upham, Samuel, Esq. of Craftsbury Scott, Anna of Wm Scott Esq. of Craftsbury Craftsbury   2/20/1813
Utley, Levi Ra(n)ts, Miss Melinda Goshen Gore 11/1/1831
Vance, John L. Kelley, Miss Abigail Wallingford 11/17/1829
Venor, Anwell Darling, Miss Lucinda Groton 1/15/1828
Vrooman, Jacob of Castile Dow, Miss Hannah of Danville Castile, NY 2/27/1827
Wadley, Samuel of Hatley, LC Evans, Miss Mary Lyndon 10/5/1820
Wainwright, Albert of Burlington Jones, Miss Saphrone Hanover, NH 5/31/1831
Walbridge, Daniel of Wolcott Brown, Miss Roxana of Peacham Wolcott    5/30/1822
Walbridge, Henry of Wolcott Wakefield, Miss Roxana of Hardwick Hardwick      4/26/1821
Walden, William Clark, Miss Peggy Bath, NH 8/3/1811
Waldo, John of Royalton Shepard, Miss Ruth Sharon 6/7/1831
Walker, Capt A.  Ellsworth, Miss Sarah Jane Fletcher 10/11/1831
Walker, Ferdinand L. Randall, Miss Sarah Lyndon 3/29/1831
Walker, Jeremiah Russel, Miss Hannah Danville 10/29/1819
Walker, Lewis M. Shepardson, Miss Adah Clarendon 6/9/1829
Walker, Moses Kimpton, Miss Dulcena Croydon, NH 2/15/1831
Walker, Seth H of Bethel Stoddard, Miss Louisa Waitsfield 10/1/1832
Waller, Marshall S. of Middlebury Ketchum, Mary Ann of Sudbury Sudbury 11/17/1829
Walsh, John Castle, Miss Dorothy Woodstock 2/22/1831
Walter, Ira Jr Humphrey, Miss Polly Burke 11/16/1820
Wardell, John Jr., of Newbury Wheeler, Miss Mary of Hardwick Hardwick 2/14/1832
Ware, Major John of Danville Smith, Eunice Emily of Maj Elisha Smith of P. Pomfret   19th inst 2/28/1822
Warner, James Dodge, Miss Sally Johnson 12/28/1820
Warner, Otis of Bernardston, MA Felton, Miss Eunice C. of Franklin Franklin  11/29/1831
Warner, William Reynolds, Miss Lydia Sudbury 8/9/1831
Warren, Leander Taylor, Miss Susan Montpelier 11/29/1831
Warren, Maj John of Royalton Webster, Miss Anna of Salisbury, NH Salisbury, NH 6/28/1831
Warters, Lyman Blanchard, Miss Hannah Barre 10/29/1832
Washburn, Ephraim H. of Montpelier Bigelow, Miss Susan W. Middlebury 2/14/1832
Washburn, J. E.  Tinkham, Miss Mary Ann Windsor 4/19/1831
Wasson, M(os)es Dearborn, Miss Polly Corinth 11/23/1816
Waterman, Joseph of Johnson (Hud)bell, Miss Laura of Jerico Jerico 4/11/1817
Wead, Ezbon Wead, Miss Chloe Cambridge 3/1/1831
Wealch, Thomas Beard, Miss Hannah Barnet 11/12/1808
Webster, Dr Jonathan Washburn, Miss Philena of Windsor Springfield 8/24/1830
Webster, Isaac of Ferrisburg Vessey, Miss Ann Maria of Vergennes Panton 11/17/1829
Weeks, John  Brown, Miss Rosama Danville 5/10/1821
Weeks, Jonathan Huse, Widow Betsey Danville 1/30/1818
Weeks, Nehemiah Brown, Miss Lucinda Danville, Sunday last 11/6/1818
Weeks, Philo of Caldwell Manor, LC Beard, Miss Mary Ann of Sheldon Sheldon 3/1/1831
Weeks, Robert Johnson, Miss Polly Walden 4/30/1819
Weeks, Samuel Jr. Brown, Miss Rhoda Canterbury, NH 10/17/1826
Welch, Uriah of Proctorsville Proctor, Miss Irena S. of Lowell Lowell    11/29/1831
Weld, Daniel of Berkshire Fuller, Miss Lydia of Hardwick Hardwick   31st ult 1/4/1808
Weld, Horatio H. Esq. of Lowell, MA Wright, Miss Sophia A Springfield, VT 12/17/1832
Weld, Ludovicus of Clermont, OH Ingraham, Miss Sophia Hartford 8/2/1831
Wells, Jonathan Jr. of St Albans Chase, Miss Prudence of Fletcher Fletcher 11/19/1832
Wells, Robert M. of Hatley, LC Chamberlin, Miss Olive A. of Peacham Peacham 2/10/1829
Wells, William Forbes, Miss Minerva Windsor 11/17/1829
Wells, William W. Carpenter, Miss Eliza Waterbury 1/25/1831
Welton, Josiah of Lyndon Brainerd, Miss Amanda of Danville Lyndon 3/22/1831
Wesson, Robert Rogers, Miss Betsey Corinth 11/23/1816
West, John of Danville Buel, Miss Harriot of Danville Danville 2/14/1812
West, Noah Jun. Wheeler, Miss Eliza Danville 5/31/1821
West, Stillman of Northfield Sessions, Miss Eliza E. Pomfret 2/15/1831
Wheat, Horatio N. Dyer, Miss Betsey Royalton 10/6/1829
Wheaton, Ephraim of St. Johnsbury Snell, Miss Loisa of St. Johnsbury   4/4/1822
Wheaton, Zalman of St. Johnsbury Goss, Miss Lucy of Waterford   4/4/1822
Wheeler, Asaph Gilman, Miss Anna Lyndon 2/24/1829
Wheeler, Col. William of Peacham Skeele, Miss Rhoda of Peacham Peacham 10/24/1826
Wheelock, Henry Ferry, Miss Eleanor Johnson 2/24/1816
Whipple, David Aldrich, Miss Sarah Concord, NH 9/8/1810
Whipple, John of New Boston, NH Reed, Miss Philantha of Barre Barre 2/1/1831
Whipple, William of Malone Nichols, Miss Philena of Concord, Vt Scroon, NY 11/3/1829
White, Arza Dunbar, Miss Caroline Craftsbury 3/20/1827
White, Capt Ira Reed, Miss Eliza Newbury 2/10/1824
White, David of Woodstock Cady, Miss Gracia of Windsor Woodstock 6/14/1831
White, Jason of Craftsbury Hills, Miss Betsey of Craftsbury Craftsbury 4/26/1821
White, Robert Perry, Miss Sally Ryegate 5/21/1814
Whitehill, James Holmes, Miss Margaret Ryegate since Jan 1 4/8/1828
Whitemore, John of St Albans Kingsbury, Miss Alluna Fairfax 11/19/1819
Whiting, Jacob age 64 Sabin, Miss Dencey age 19, his niece Halifax, VT Nov 30 1/9/1827
Whitney, George H. Vance, Miss Anna Wolcott 10/29/1819
Whitney, Jacob age 64 Sabin, Miss Dennis age 14 his niece Halifax 2/14/1832
Whitney, John of Hardwick Sawins, Miss Phebe of Marshfield Walden      1/2/1823
Wilcox, Harvey  Curtis, Miss Mary Middlebury  11/10/1829
Wilcox, Jeremiah of Georgia Farnsworth, Miss Chloe Fairfax 3/15/1821
Wilder, Willis Huston, Miss Laura Middlebury 8/4/1829
Willard, Capt Israel of Bradford Sanders, Mrs. Mehitabel Newbury 11/8/1831
Willard, Lyman Charlton, Mifs Rebecca Littleton, NH 5/29/1813
Willey, Perkins Vining, Miss Naomi Derby 6/2/1832
Willey, Seth Glines, Miss Abigail Danville 3/6/1818
Willey, William Jr. of Glover Wiggins, Miss Sally Barton 11/1/1831
Williams, Asahel of Pittsford Johnson, Miss Louisa Stafford 7/7/1829
Williams, Daniel Bryan(t), Mrs. Elizabeth Randolph 6/9/1832
Williams, Elijah Graves, Mrs. Sally Middletown 10/29/1832
Williams, Geo P. Edson, Miss Elizabeth Randolph 10/13/1829
Williams, John Stocker, Miss Nancy Adaline Danville 10/15/1832
Williams, Thomas of Danville Ames, Miss Mary of Peacham Peacham  3d inst 12/16/1828
Williams, William H., Rev. of Tuscaloosa, Ala. White, Miss Abbey L. Putney 7/10/1832
Wilson, David of Johnson Robinson, Miss Chastina Cambridge 12/28/1820
Wilson, James of Danville Stiles, Miss Sally of Danville Danville 2/14/1812
Wilson, Samuel 3d Godfrey, Miss Martha C. Corinth 11/29/1831
Wilson, Thomas M'Kinistry, Miss Huldah of Hydepark Johnson 3/9/1816
Wilson, William Morse, Miss Sally Danville  last Thur 8/9/1821
Winchell, Martin of CT Miller, Miss Rosanna Fairfax 3/15/1831
Wing, Isaac Bagley, Widow Mary St Johnsbury 2/21/1817
Wing, Lewis Hallet, Miss Sabrina St Johnsbury 9/20/1831
Winn, Moses Bachelder, Miss Nancy Danville 11/16/1824
Winslow, Thomas Dr. Baxter, Miss Harriet Sharon 6/2/1832
Witherell, Thomas D. Sawyer, Miss Mary Leicester 8/31/1830
Wolcott, Emerson Jr. Morse, Miss Hannah Barnet 3/24/1810
Wolcott, Solomon Cady, Miss Keziah Lyman, NH 1/11/1817
Wood, Charles Thomas, Miss Eliza Westford 3/15/1821
Wood, Dexter of Fletcher Wetherbee, Miss Cynthia  Fairfax 11/8/1831
Wood, Ezekiel Foss, Miss Emily Barre 6/22/1830
Wood, James Quimby, Miss Pathune Wolcott 5/30/1822
Wood, John D. Dr. of St Albans Merrill, Miss Jane M. of Burlington Burlington 6/14/1831
Wood, Zenas Kimball, Miss Eliza P. Montpelier 9/15/1829
Woodbury, Isaac Woodbury, Miss Dolly Concord 12/21/1816
Woodbury, Rufus H. of Concord Hutchinson, Miss Amanda of Concord Concord 2/20/1827
Woodcock, Peter of Marshfield Meder, Miss Ruth Danville  17th inst 3/24/1829
Woodman, David Gray, Miss Abigail Sheffield 5/9/1822
Woods, Elias Brown, Miss Anna Waterford 3/6/1827
Woods, Elihu N. of Waterford Field, Miss Mary of Peacham Peacham 2/17/1824
Woods, Nathaniel A. of Wilmot, NH Warren, Miss Caroline Woodstock 12/22/1829
Woods, Oliver of Kellyvale Powers, Miss Polly Kirby   5th inst 1/9/1818
Woodward, Amaziah of Peacham Rollins, widow Sarah of Danville Danville 8/9/1825
Woodward, Benjamin of Peacham Sulham, Miss Nancy M. of Danville Danville 1/22/1828
Woodward, Edward T. Mears, Miss Phebe Peacham 2/10/1829
Woodward, Samuel  Mears, Miss Rhoda Peacham 12/11/1827
Woodworth, Samuel Reeder, Miss Lydia NY, NY 10/13/1810
Wooster, Rev. John of Kingston, NH Stebbins, Miss Fanny R. of Walden Danville    30th ult 11/5/1832
Worcester, Dean Anthony, Miss Mary Rutland 7/3/1832
Wright, Anson Wait, Miss Elizabeth Waterbury 11/17/1829
Wright, Col Simeon Stebbins, Miss Betsey R. Williamstown 11/3/1829
Wright, Doc. Thomas of Craftsbury Huntington, Miss Sophia of Greensboro Crafts since 12/6/21 2/21/1822
Wright, Emerson of St. Johnsbury Ware, Miss Fanny of St. Johnsbury   4/4/1822
Wright, Isaac Esq. of Pownal Adams, Miss Delia  Castleton 10/22/1832
Wright, James Stevens, Miss Sarah Barnet 11/24/1810
Wright, John A.  Hebard, Miss Amanda Brookfield  12th inst 3/24/1829
Wright, John D. Robinson, Miss Emily Royalton 10/12/1830
Wright, Ruel Spooner, Miss Rhoda Ann Woodstock 8/4/1829
Wyman, Jesse of Irasburgh Chamberlain, Widow Martha Craftsbury   3/12/1814
Young, Guilford of Middlebury Graham, Laura of late Joseph Graham of NY New York 8/31/1830
Young, Ira Esq. Young, Miss Sally C. Orwell 10/11/1831
Young, Nathan of Warren, Penn Burton, Miss Lucy Irasburg 3/30/1816

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