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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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Ministers Served
Breck, Rev. Daniel 1789 to 1795
Cheever, Dr. Samuel 1797 to 1804
Delano, Rev. Samuel 1828 to 1838
Squier, Rev. E. H. 1846 to 1852
Delano, Rev. Samuel 1852 to 1856
Blake, Rev. J. F. 1857
Rood, Rev. H. 1858 to 1864
Clark, Rev. Charles W. 1864 to 1869
Bittenger, Rev. J. Q. 1869 to 1874
Miller, Rev. R. D. 1875 to 1879
Winch, Rev. C. M. 1880 to 1882
Scott, Rev. Charles 1882 to 1884
Noyes, Rev. W. L. 1884 to 1888
Hazen, Rev. Allen, D. D. 1889 to 1893
Sturtevant, Rev. E. W. 1893 to 1896
Lansing, Rev. Mr. 189(7) [handwritten in]
Macgeehon, Rev. S. E. 1897 to 1900
Wild, Rev. Levi 1900 to 1901
Rand, Rev. Wilbur 1902 to 1903
Stuart, Rev. I. W. 1903 to 1906
Gill, Rev. C. O. 1906 to
Brown, Rev. F. K. [handwritten in]
Lohmann, Rev. Hermann [handwritten in]
Parker, Rev. Francis 1913 to [handwritten in]
Other Officers of the church Current list for 1906
McArthur, Mrs. J. A. Clerk
Underwood, J. G. Assistant Clerk
McArthur, Mrs. J. A. Treasurer
Fletcher, H. T. Deacon
Webster, John P. Deacon
Lamb, Miss Clara A. Auditor
Webster, John P. Sunday School Superintendent
Stuart, Rev. I. W. Standing Committee
Stuart, Mrs. I. W. Standing Committee
Fletcher, Deacon Standing Committee
Webster, Deacon Standing Committee
Webster, Mrs. John P. Standing Committee
Ainsworth, Mrs. E. S. Standing Committee
Resident Members as of November 1, 1906
Webster, John P. Harlow, Mrs. Fred B.
Richardson, John P. Stuart, Mrs. I. W.
Sturtevant, Rev. E. W. Bates, Mrs. James
Fletcher, Henry T. Bates, Mrs. Augusta
Smith, Lawrence W. Ainsworth, Mrs. Hattie
Webster, Daniel C. Webster, Miss Mary
Walker, R. Hiram Lamb, Mrs. Julius
Harlow, Fred B. Lamb, Miss Clara
Stuart, Rev. Irving W. Turner, Mrs. W. A. J.
Harlow, Fred B., Jr. Merritt, Mrs. Asa
Chase, Thomas J. Reed, Mrs. Ida Metz
Underwood, Jay G. Headle, Mrs. Marion M.
Chase, Arthur Penniman, Miss Jessie
McArthur, Leonard W. Sturtevant, Mrs. Nettie
Labaree, Mrs. B. F. Smith, Mrs. Ellen G.
Lamb, Mrs. Lucy Martin, Miss Maud M.
Lamb, Miss Lizzie Goss, Miss Maud
Harlow, Miss Elizabeth Chase, Miss Julia
Bond, Mrs. Phylura Lobdell, Miss Mildred
Bates, Miss Elizabeth Hadley, Miss Julia
McArthur, Mrs. Mary S. Lobdell, Miss Blanche
Webster, Mrs. Cora McArthur Lobdell, Miss Ruth
Webster, Mrs. Mary R. Hadley, Mrs. George L.
Sturtevant, Mrs. Fannie R. Britton, Mrs. Mary E.
Jones, Mrs. George Britton, Miss Helen F.
Webster, Miss Marion Martin, Mrs. Allan W.
Ketchum, Mrs. Ellen B. Walker, Mrs. R. Hiram
Underwood, Mrs. Pearl E. Webster, Miss Sarah E.
Sturtevant, Mrs. Louise R. Hoisington, Miss Abbie
Chase, Mrs. Thomas J. Webster, Mrs. Lucia W.
  McArthur, Mrs. Minnie B.
Non - Resident Members as of November 1, 1906
Miller, John C. Melrose Highlands, Mass
Hoisington, Edwin West Roxbury, Mass
Spear, Arthur Windsor, VT
Walker, Mrs. Mary B. Bellows Falls, VT
Hoisington, Mrs. Edwin West Roxbury, Mass
Wilder, Mrs. Mary B. 20 Arlington Ave., Westmont, Montreal, PQ
Estabrook, Mrs. Julia G. 33 Cosgrove St., Lowell, Mass
Russell, Mrs. Abijah Ballardvale, Mass
Spear, Mrs. Maud H. Woodstock, VT
Barbour, Miss Minnie Montpelier, VT
Spear, Mrs. Lucy Windsor, VT
Elder, Mrs. H. L. Dickinson White River Jct., VT
Gilson, Mrs. Ellen B. Montpelier, VT

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