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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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The figures following the letter r indicate the number of the road on which the party resides, and will be found by reference to the map in the back part of this work. Where no road number is given the party is suppossed to reside in the village.

Figures placed after the occupation of acres owned or leased.

The word street is implied.
Highlight keywords:
Aldrich Hosea, r 24, laborer.
Bilch Alden, r 33, 300 sugar trees, owns with his brother Newell, farm 300.
Balch Gardner, r 32, 300 sugar trees, farmer 165.
Balch George S., r 31. (George S. Balch & Son.)
Balch George S. & Son, (George S. and George A.), manufs. and dealers in fine carriages and sleighs, sole manufs. and agents for duplex gear, general undertaking, farmers 100.
Balch James, shoemaker, farmer 10.
Balch Karl Oscar, general agent for George S. Balch & Son, h S. Church.
Balch Newell, farmer with Alden 300.
BALCH WILLIAM E., r 31, taxidermist and naturalist, birds, animals and reptiles mounted in the best manner, orders by mail receive especial attens10n, W. Main, h do.
BALL HOPEE, r 10, (Mrs. Phineas) resident.
BALL PHINEAS, r 9, 300 sugar trees, 9 cows, 10 head young cattle, 15 sheep, farmer 112 1/2.
Ball Richard B., r 9, farmer with his father, Phineas.
Barnard Lotie A., r 11, teacher, daughter of Levi.
BARNARD LEVI, r 11, 1,200 sugar trees, 5 cows, 20 sheep, 15 head young stock, farmer 300.
Bean Charles M., r 22, house painter, paper hanger, farmer 90.
BEAN DEXTER F., carriage painter, lives W. Main.
Bean George, farmer, aged 77.
Bean Nathan, teamster, farmer 10, h W. Main.
Bell Adino N., (S. Lunenburgh) deputy postmaster and farmer, with his father, Franklin.
Bell Franklin, (S. Lunenburgh) postmaster, general merchant, 16 cows, 15 head young stuck, 30 Cotswold sheep, farmer 350.
BELL GEORGE C., r 9, 450 sugar trees, 10 cows, 15 head other stock, farmer 160.
Bell James F., (S. Lunenburgh) farmer with his father, Franklin.
Bell Wilbur M., clerk for H. A. Cutting.
Bell William R., (S. Lunenburgh) r 38. ferryman and farmer 40.
Blakesly Linus, formerly farmer, lives with S. Phelps.
Blood Burt, farrner with his father, Royal.
Blood Orange O., r 22, farmer 91.
BLOOD ROYAL, r 4, 300 sugar trees, 100 apple trees, 6 cows, 15 head young stock, 16 sheep, farmer 250.
Bowker Frank S., salesman for M. D., farmer 52.
BOWKER JAMES MRS., resident.
Bowker M. D., dealer in dry and fancy goods, groceries, flour, hardware, boots, shoes and produce, meat market, farmer 10, and owns with Harry Hartshorn 350, Main cor Church, h Main.
Briggs Alden, laborer.
Briggs Benjamin, laborer, h W. Main.
Briggs Henry, r 39, laborer.
Brock Thomas, r 27, farmer 50.
Brooks J. H., laborer.
Brown A!bert L., r 36, 500 sugar trees, farmer 180.
Brown Lorenzo B., r 26, farmer 30, soldier Co. D. 1st Vt. Cavalry.
Buckley John F., r 31, blacksmith for George S. Belch & Son.
Burt Isa E., r 30 school teacher, daughter of Martin A.
BURT MARTIN A, r 30, 1,500 sugar trees, 100 apple trees, 6 cows, 10 head young stock, 20 sheep, farmer 100.
Carbre Adelbert, r 9, 300 sugar trees, lives on Curtis Spaulding farm, owns with his father, Edward, 137 arces.
Carbee Edward, r 9, owns with Adelbert r37 acres.
Carbee Elbridge, laborer, son of Nelson.
Carleton Amasa B ,(Lancaster, N. H.) r 18, 300 sugar trees, farmer 175.
Carleton Sereno D., (Lancaster, N. H.) r 18, 300 sugar trees, 10 cows, farmer 400.
Carpenter Ira, r 20, farmer.
Carr Allen, (Miles Pond) r 18. farmer 23.
Carr Benjamin, (E. Concord) resident, soldier Co. A, 10th Vt. Vols.
Carr George A, (E. Concord) farm laborer.
Carr Page, laborer.
Carr Warren H., (E. Concord) teamster and farmer 50.
Chandler Fred H., cooper, owns cider-mill with his father, William.
Chandler James B. S., r 17, surveyor, carpenter and joiner, bds Lunenburgh Heights House.
CHANDLER WILLIAM, wheelwright and repair shop, farmer 10, prop. cider-mill, capacity 400 barrels annually.
Chase John, r 29, laborer.
CHEENEY CORDELIA, widow of Nelson, h North Church.
CHENEY ETTA M., daughter of Nathan C., dealer in fancy goods, W. Main.
CHENEY MARANDA, widow of Nathan C., who was lieutenant Co. K, 8th Vt. Vols.; killed Oct. 19, 1864, at Cedar Creek, h W. Main.
Coburn Howard, r 8, sawyer, emp. Joshua Silsby.
Colby Clark A., r 9, 350 sugar trees, farmer 260.
Colby Frank E.: r 4 cor 5, farmer 100.
Colby George L., eclectic physician and surgeon, Main, h do.
COLE CHARLES H., r 10, 350 sugar trees, 10 grade Jersey cows, 8 head other stock, farmer 166, soldier Co. E, 15th Vt. Vols.
Cole Frank, r 10, clerk at H. A. Cutting's store.
COLE JOHN H., r 10, farmer with his father, Charles H.
COREY ENOS B., r 5, 5 cows, 10 head other stock, farmer 115.
Crawford Frank G., (E. Concord) farmer 35.
Crawford Henry, (E. Concord) farmer 10.
Currier Frank, (S. Lancaster, N. H.) carpenter and joiner, farmer 45.
CUTTING HIRAM A., postmaster, physician, sec'y state board agriculture, dealer in general merchandise, prop of grist mill and farmer 75.
CUTTING MARANDA T., milliner, and dealer in fancy goods, Postoffice block, W. Main. (Died 1886.)
Cutting Stephen, resident.
Davison Frank P., r 33, teacher and student, son of John P.
DAVISON JOHN P., r 34 cor 33, 500 sugar treeq, 100 apple trees, 8 cows, 10 head young stock, 20 sheep, farmer 160.
DAVISON MERRILL E., r 33, farmer with his father, J. P.
Day Harry M.. r 15. farmer with his grandfather, Moses.
DAY MOSES, r 15, 5 cows, farmer 75.
DERBY NELSON I., r 26, 300 sugar trees, farmer 165.
DERBY NELSON MRS., resident.
Dexter George L., blacksmith, W. Main, h do.
Dodge Albert J., r 33, farmer with his father, Dan A.
Dodge Almeda, (E. Concord) off r 37, widow of Hazen, 800 sugar trees, farmer 300.
DODGE W. CHESTER, 7 cows, farmer 125, h W. Main.
DODGE DAN A., r 33, 200 apple trees, 8 cows, 20 head young stock, 25 sheep, farmer 125, wood land 50.
Dodge Eugene S., r 20, farmer with his father, John.
Dodge George N., r 17, 500 sugar trees, 200 apple trees, 8 cows, 15 head young stock, farmer 170.
Dodge Henry J., r 19, 10 cows, farmer 243.
Dodge James N., r 17, farmer with his father, George N.
Dodge John, r 20, 800 sugar trees, farmer 165.
Dodge John F., r 33, farmer with his father, Dan A.
Dodge John M., dealer in cattle, farmer 100, E. Main.
DODGE MIRANDA C., r 18, (Mrs Moses) resident.
DODGE MOSES, (Miles Pond) r 18 cor 23, 800 sugar trees, 300 apple trees, 10 cows, 20 head other stock, apiarist 13 swarms, farmer 201.
Dodge Stephen, r 20, 400 sugar trees, farmer 125.
Downer Charles O., r 31, farmer and laborer, h and lot.
Downer Thomas, formerly tanner, h W. Main.
Downer Thomas, Jr., laborer.
Eastman Charles W., r 21, farmer 40 and works on shares Aldridge farm 30.
Farr Horat10 N., (S. Lunenburgh) r 38, farmer 40.
Fisher Goodell, (E. Concord) farmer, leases school lot.
Fisher Harry W., (E. Concord) farmer 65.
Fisher Ira L., (E. Concord) farmer 15.
Foster George W., r 5, farmer, with his father, J. H.
Foster John H., r 5, farmer 100.
Frost Edward C . salesman. with M. D. Bowker.
Gleason George, r 19, farmer, with Fred Silsby.
Goodell Abram, farm laborer, h W. Main.
Goodell Curtis, laborer, son of Abram.
Goodwin Harvey S., r 8, book-keeper for Joshua Silsby.
Gordon George S., r 11, farmer 30.
Gordon Hebert F., farm laborer, h W. Main.
GRAY ALBERT, r 31, 300 sugar trees, 9 cows, 10 head other stock, farmer 150.
GRAY BRITANN M., r 31, (Mrs. Albert) daughter of Daniel Snow.
Gray David, retired farmer, aged 80.
Greenlief Alfred, r 30, shoemaker.
HAGAN JAMES, r 7, 250 sugar trees, 300 apple trees, 5 cows, 10 head of young stock, farmer 100, soldier in Co. F, 2d N. H. Vols, served 3 years, member Howard Post, G. A. R.
Hagan James B., r 8, farmer, with his father, James.
Hagan John O., r 8; farmer, with his father, James.
HALE FRANK D., att'y at law, senator, farmer. with Sprague T.
HALE SPRAGUE T., 1,000 sugar trees, 10 cows, 15 head other stock, farmer 130.
Hall Albert, r 3, farmer 100.
Harriman David, laborer, h W. Main.
Harris Leonard, pastor Cong church, h E. Main.
Hartshorn Eugene S., r 31, 350 sugar trees, farmer 100.
Hartshorn Guy C , farmer 60.
HARTSHORN HARRY C., postmaster, owns with Bowker & Wright 200, with M. D. Bowker 300.
Hartshorn Henry, r 30, laborer, with H. A. Cutting.
Hartshorn Henry, Jr., laborer.
Hartshorn James, carries on E. G. Lawson's farm 154.
HARTSHORN JOHN W., farmer 153, owns with M. S. Pebbles 150,
Hartshorn Mary, r 31, widow of Alanson.
Hartshorn Vernon E , r 14, carries on Enos Lamson's farm 150.
Hartwell Philander, r 33, laborer.
Hartwell Sylvester, laborer.
Hastings William C., off r 24, farmer 213.
Hayes Edward, laborer, h W. Main.
HILL GEORGE W., r 24, 200 sugar trees, 800 apple trees, 12 grade Jersey cows, 15 head other stock, 20 sheep, dealer in cattle and horses, farmer 200.
Houston William H., r 21, farmer 30.
HOWE ELLEN A, widow of Henry H., S. Church.
Hubbard Enoch, (S. Lunenburgh) r 38, section boss B. & L. R. R , station agent, h and lot.
Hubbard Ezckicl, 500 sugar trees, filrtner 100.
Hudson Simeon, (Miles Pond) r 19, farm laborer.
Jackson Dennis, r 29, laborer, h and lot.
Jackson Peter Mrs., r 31, basket maker.
Jewell Edgar, r 5, farmer with his father, William H.
Jewell Levi, resident.
Jewell William H., r 5, 300 sugar trees, 10 cows, farmer 200, soldier Co. K, 8th Vt. Vols.
Johnson Alonzo, (S. Lunenburgh) r 37, farmer with his father, Caleb.
JOHNSON CALEB, (S. Lunenburgh) r 37, 6 cows, farmer 100.
Johnson James, r 12, farmer 75.
Keith Daniel, laborer.
Keith Daniel Mrs., milliner, Main.
Kenniston 'Thomas, (E. Concord) farmer 27.
Kimball David, r 8, emp. of Joshua Silsby.
Kimball Herbert E., r 25, farm laborer with G. F. Temple.
King Charles C., r 8, salesman for M. D. Bowker.
KING CHARLES W., r 8, 250 sugar trees, treasurer Brown's Lumber Co., of Whitefield, N. H., member legislature 1874 and 1875, in Senate 1878 and 1879, supt. school 14 years, selectman several years, and farmer 122.
King Willard G., farmer with his father, C. W.
Knapp Uriah, r 25, 400 sugar trees, 15 head young stock, farmer 83.
Lamson Enos, r 14, 2,000 sugar trees, farmer 150.
Lane Frank E., fartner with Sylvanus.
Lane Harrison, (S. Lunenburgh) r 29, 300 sugar trees, 10 cows, 15 head young stock, farmer 315.
Lane Splvenus. r 24, formerly farmer, now with G. W. Hill.
Lane William B., r 24, carpenter and builder.
Lavatour Lewis, farmer 65.
Lewis Alfred A., r 31, farmer 17.
Lewis. Charles, r 30, farmer 24.
Lewis Ed., r 5, farmer.
Lewis Furva, laborer, h W. Main.
Lute Fred I., deputy postmaster, farmer 50.
LUNENBURGH HEIGHTS HOUSE, William A. White, prop., livery attached. (For sale.)
Lyon Merrill, r 33, 300 sugar trees, farmer 150.
LYON WARREN, r 20, 400 sugar trees, hardware peddler, farmer 210.
McIntosh William, r 41, farmer, works for E. S. Hartshorn.
MAPLE GROVE HOTEL, Stephen J. Powers, prop., Main.
McGaff James, r 14, laborer, farmer 4.
McGraw William, r 9, farmer 130.
McLaughlin Joseph, r 5, farmer with his father.
MCLAUGHLIN PATRICK, r 7, 400 sugar trees, 15 head young stock, 16 sheep, 6 cows, farmer 350.
McLaughlin William J., r 5, farmer 100.
Miller Alexander, retired farmer.
Miller Archibald J., r 31, laborer, apiarist 50 swarms, h and lot.
MONAHEN JOHN, r 15, prop. saw and shingle-mill, Cats Paw brook, farmer 13.
Monahen Patrick, r 9, 20 sheep, 8 cows, 15 head other stock, farmer 250.
Morgan Albert, r 25, farmer 4 1/2.
Morrison John, r 10, farmer with C. H. Cole.
Morrison Michael, r 5, farmer 75.
Morse Irving, blacksmith, h Main.
Morse James, retired farmer, h and lot.
Moulton Eugene, (E. Concord) farmer 45.
Newman Albert J., farmer with his mother, Mrs. J. M., 125.
Newman Betsey, widow of James M., farmer 125,
Newton Myron C ! r 27. laborer, carries on C. Hartshorn's farm 177.
Nichols Alvin. (Miles Pond) r 19, 10 cows, 10 head other stock, farmer.
NICHOLS HORATIO H., r 23, 300 sugar trees, 100 apple trees, 10 cows, 15 head other stock, farmer 200.
NICHOLS LUTHER A., (S. Lunenburgh) r 28, 10 cows, 15 head young stock, farmer 140.
Nichols Luther A. Jr.,(S. Lunenburgh) r 28, farmer, works with his father.
Olcott Erastus, r 33, farmer with his son, Judson A., aged 83.
Olcott Judson A., r 33, 300 sugar trees, farmer 130.
Parker Alonzo, farmer.
PEASE ELMER C., mill hand and farm laborer, dealer in horses, h W. Main.
Peebles Albert O., (S. Lunenburgh) farmer with his father, Seth H.
Peebles Charles H., (S. Lunenburgh) farm laborer, son of M. F.
Peebles Munro F., (S. Lunenburgh) 500 sugar trees, farmer 130.
Peebles Seth H., (S. Lunenburgh) farmer 100.
Perkins Hanson, laborer.
Phelps Benjamin H., retired farmer 8.
Phelps Clinton L., r 17, farmer with his father, Gilbert A.
Phelps Gilbert A., r 17, 400 sugar trees, 150 apples trees, farmer 163.
Phelps James, 9 cows, farmer 130.
Phelps Lester, r 5, farmer 100.
Phelps Nellie, school teacher.
Phelps Samuel. farmer 125.
Phelps Willie, r 5, farmer with Lester.
Phillips Charles, r 33, laborer.
Pierce Elden E, r 11, farmer with his father, Ezra S.
PIERCE EZRA S., r 11, 450 sugar trees, 11 cows, farmer 100, woodland In Guildhall 120, soldier in Co. K, 8th Vt. Vols.
Pierce Franklin, r 11, farmer 55.
Pierce Laura D., widow of Artemas, h Main.
POND MARTIN J., stone cutter, mason, and farmer, h W. Main.
Pond Willie, laborer.
POWERS ARCHIBALD C., (E. Concord) 1,000 sugar trees, 11 cows, 25 head other stock, farmer 360.
Powers Daniel, (E. Concord) r 34, farmer 200.
Powers Eugene C., r 33, farmer with his father, Timothy.
Powers James, tends Union bridge. (toll bridge to Lancaster N.H.)
Powers Henry. (E. Concord) r 35, 500 sugar trees, 25 sheep, farmer 175.
POWERS ORINDA. r 24, widow of Joseph, 500 sugar trees, 100 apple trees, farmer 120.
POWERS STEPHEN B., r 32, supt. of schools, 100 sugar trees, 1,000 apple trees, 15 grade Jersey cows, 15 head young stock, farmer 250, woodland 50.
Powers Timothy, r 33, 300 sugar trees, farmer 140.
Prouty John P., r 19. farmer 171.
Ramsdell Chester, r 2, farm laborer.
Reed Mark, r 29, farmer 60.
Richardson George C., (E. Concord) r 40, farmer 162.
Sevine Eunice, r 4. farmer 100.
SILSBY BENJAMIN, r 33, carpenter, 300 sugar trees, 5 cows, farmer 175.
Silsby Edward A., r 8, mill hand and farmer, with his mother, Sophronia, 45.
Silsby Fred, r 19, farmer 155.
Silsby George C., r 8, son of Joshua.
SILSBY HARRIET P., resident.
Silsby Herbert T., r 8, teamster and student, son of Joshua.
Silsby James H., r 8, son of Joshua.
Silsby John H., r 8, emp. of his father, Joshua.
SILSBY JOSHUA, r 8, prop. steam lumber mills, dimension timber, shingles, lath, plaining, capacity of mill 2,000,000 feet annually, emp. 30 hands, farmer 2,000.
Silsby Levi, retired farmer 20.
SILSBY MITCHELL, r 8, blacksmith, horse and ox shoeing, general repair shop, 350 sugar trees, 8 cows, 6 ncad young stock, farmer 75, and timber land 100.
Silsby Sophronia, r 8, widow of Lewis, farmer 45.
Silsby Walter S., r 8, foreman in mill for his father, Joshua.
SIMONDS W. L., r 24, 200 sugar trees, 100 apple trees, 7 grade Jersey cows, 10 head young stock, 10 sheep, farmer 100.
Smith Allen, r 33, farmer, owns with his father, Asa, 150.
SMITH ABNER W., (E. Concord) r 40, 150 sugar trees, farmer 80, h and lot, farm East Concord 23.
Smith Asa, r 33, 800 sugar trees, farmer 150.
Smith Baxter R., r 14, farmer 130.
SMITH CALVIN, r 14, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 50, and pasturage and woodland 100.
Smith Cornelius A., r 11, 10 cows, farmer 175.
Smith James W., r I 7, farmer with his father. R. 0.
Smith Porter, r 14, 300 apple trees, 2,500 sugar trees, 50 head neat stock, 25 sheep, farmer 192, and in Guildhall 120.
Smith Ransom 0., r 17, 300 sugar trees, 10 head stock, farmer 150.
Smith Willard, r 24, farmer.
Smith William, laborer, son of Asa.
SNOW DAMON D., r 14, 800 sugar trees, 200 apple trees, 10 cows, 15 head young stock, 25 sheep, farmer 145.
SNOW DANIEL P., retired farrmer and shoemaker, resides with his daughter, Mrs. Albert Gray, aged 81. (Died 1886.)
Snow Daniel F., formerly manuf. of furniture, farmer 8, aged 78. (Dead.)
Snow Zenas, r 14, born in town in 1801, farmer 100. (Died 1886.)
Spalding Charles, r 27, farmer with his father, Curtis R.
Spalding Curtis R , r 27, 400 sugartrees, 20 cows, 30 head young stock, farmer 225, and pasturqe 200.
Spalding Fred D., r 27, farmer with his father, C. R.
STEARNS PARISH L , (Miles Pond) r 19, 400 sugar trees, 200 apple trees, apiarist 15 swarms, 19 head cattle, 5 horses, 15 sheep, farmer 123.
Stevens Henry E., 10 cows, 20 head young stock, 40 sheep, farmer 300.
Stockwell. Sumner, r 25, formerly millwright, farmer 20.
Stone Horace, r 18, 9 cows, 50 head other stock, farmer 300. (Died 1886.)
Stowell Calvin, r 8, 500 sugar trees, farmer 100 (Died 1886.)
Stowell Harrison, r 8, farmer with his father, Calvin.
Stowell Irving, r 8. stationary engineer.
STUART CHARLES W., r 9, 800 sugar trees, 100 apple trees, 11 grade Jersey cows, 10 head other stock, farmer 200.
Sunbury Silas, (E. Concord) farmer 91.
Taplin Caleb P., pastor M. E church.
TEMPLE GEORGE F., r 25, 700 sugar trees, 12 cows, 40 head other stock, 35 sheep, owns with his son, George G., farm 225, pasturage and timber land 200.
TEMPLE GEORGE G., r 25, farmer, owns with his father, George F., 225.
Thomas Charles W., painter, h W. Main.
Thomas Chester, r 33., 200 sugar trees, farmer 65, member legislature 1878.
THOMAS DAVID H., (E. Concord) r 34, carpenter and joiner, farmer 30.
Thomas Hosea S., r 24, 500 sugar trees, farmer 90.
Thomas John S., r 33, farm laborer, son of Chester,
Thomas Martin D., farm laborer.
Thomas Susan B., dressmaker, W. Main.
Thompson Alvin, r 29, farmer 100.
Thompson Stephen, carpenter and joiner.
Tolland Hugh, r 5, farmer 60.
TURNER FRED A., r 15, 10 grade Durham cows, 20 head young stock, 30 sheep, farmer 150, pasturage 35.
Tyler Henry, r 2, farmer with his father, Martin.
Tyler Jesse J., r 2, farmer 60. mountain land 100.
Tyler Martin H., r 2, 300 sugar trees, farmer 100.
Valley Ammi, r 8, farmer 90.
Valley Frank M., farmer 100.
Valley Leon, r 8, farmer 100.
VANCE MARTIN V. B., mail contractor Lunenburgh to South Lancaster, express agent, farmer 13, soldier, Co. D, 1st Vt. Cav., 4 years, was in 47 engagements, E. Main.
Vance Warren E., r 30, shoemaker, farmer 3.
Warren Frank C., r 8, 10 cows, 10 head other stock, farmer 175.
Warren Henry F., r 8, 10 cows, farmer 125.
White Arthur, farmer.
White Dora, (Mrs. Arthur) teacher.
WHITE WILLIAM A, prop. Lunenburg Heights House and livery, farmer 17.
Whiting Stephen A., r 2, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 175.
Wilson Horace, carpenter and joiner, h S. Church.
WRIGHT THERON N., town clerk, town treasurer, 500 sugar trees, 100 apple trees, 30 head young stock, farmer 151, timber land 245.

ab, above; agt, agent; ave or av, avenue; b or bds, boards; bel, below;
bet, between; bldg, building; com, commission; do, ditto; E, east;
ex, express; F V, Fairbanks Village; ins, insurance; h, house; n, near;
N, north; opp, opposite; prop, proprietor; P V, Paddock's Village; r, rear;
RR, railroad; S, south; sq, square; st, street; S, Sommerville;
W, west; MCRR, Maine Central Railroad;

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