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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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This cemetery was transcribed and compiled by

She has generously donated this listing
to the Northeast Kingdom Genealogy web page.

The term "Freeman" in Colonial days had nothing to do with servitude or bondsmen. Simply it meant you were
a full citizen of the Colony. Under the first Massachusetts charter, only Freemen had the right to hold public
office or vote in town meetings. Indentured servants and bonded servant were not eligible.

To be admitted a freeman you must first fulfill the requirements.
- Must of Sworn Allegiance to the Crown.
- Must be a Male over 21 years of age.
- Membership in a duly recognized church.
- Own personal property generally valued at 40 pounds or 40 shillings per year.
- Must be of a quiet and peaceful manner.
- Other Freemen in the area endorsed him.

If all of the requirements are met then they were allowed to
take the Freemen's Oath at a meeting of the town's selectmen.
Being a Freeman brought certain duties and rights among others
- The right to vote in town meetings.
- The right to hold public office.
- The right to elect deputies to the General Assembly.
- Required to pay taxes.

Today, to register to vote in Vermont, you must be a U.S. citizen, be a resident of Vermont, and at least 18 years of age, and have taken the Freeman's Oath. On September 2, 1794, St. Johnsbury was administering its first Freeman's Oaths. According to the Vermont Constitution, every man 21 years or older who had resided in Vermont for one year and was a respectful citizen could take the Freemen's Oath and become an equal Vermont citizen. And so on this day, eleven men took the oath in St. Johnsbury, promising to take part in Vermont affairs with each agreeing to vote their conscience in the best interest of the state and her people.

Freeman's Oath

I, __________, being by God's providence an inhabitant and freeman within the jurisdiction of this Commonwealth, do freely acknowledge myself to be subject to the government thereof, and therefore do here swear ... that I will be true and faithful to the same.... Moreover, I do solemnly bind myself in the sight of God, that when I shall be called to give my voice touching any matter of the State ... I will give my vote and suffrage, as I shall judge in mine own conscience may best conduce and tend to the public weal of the body without respect of persons or favor of any man. So help me God...

Although modified slightly, today's Freeman's Oath can be taken by men and women at 18 years of age.
The current Vermont "Voter's Oath" echoes these sentiments in plainer language:

[I] solemnly swear ... that whenever [I] give [my] vote or suffrage, touching any matter that concerns the state of Vermont, [I] will do it so as in [my] conscience [I] shall judge will most conduce to the best good of the [state]
Highlight keywords:
Microfilm of early student lists from Irasburg, VT Town Clerk's office
Microfilm available at Middlesex Vital Records office, film F1490
[ my comments ]
Freeman's oath Nov 24, 1804    page 8
Hyde, Joseph Kittredge, Walter
Freeman's oath  March 6, 1805    page 12
Burton, (O l   n)  
Freeman's oath  Aug 13, 1805  
Utley, Elifha   [Elisha] Warner, Samuel
Freeman - voted  Sept 1807  page 27
Bachellor, Thom[as] Morrill, Jeremiah
Brewster, John Morrill, Sargent
Burroughs, Joseph Richardfon, James
Burton, Benj[amin] Rood, Ezra
Burton, Eber Rowell, Enoch
Burton, Jacob Silvesfter, Levi
Conant, Amos Skinner, Cyrus
Conant, Sam[ue]l Skinner, Joseph
Currier, Ezekiel Smith, John
French, Simon Tabor, Doct
Galufha, Daniel  [Galusha] Thatcher, Peter
Hardy, Asa Thom[p]son, Jonathan
Hardy, Benj[amin] Thomas, Seneca
Harl[ow], James Utley, Elisha
(Hay)land, James Utley, Levi
Hibbard, Silas Waldron, Isaac
Hyde, Joseph Walker, Benj[amin]
Kittredge, Walter Warner, Sam[ue]l
Leach, James Willey, Reuben
Mann, Robert Wright, D(eale)tion
Freeman's oath  Aug 20, 1808 page 34
Ailkins, Afaph Rowe, John
Harlow, Abner Rowell, Daniel
Harlow, James [F]lifield, Andrew
Johnson, Jofhua Southweck, John
Johnson, John Tilton, Samuel
Reachord, Ezra    [Record] Willey, Allen
Richardfon, Seripture  
Freeman - voted Sept 1809 page 44
Bachellor, Th[oma]s Leach, Caleb
Barrows, Moses Leach, James
Blood, Sam[ue]l Mann, Robert
Brewster, John Morrill, Jeremiah
Burton, Benj[amin] Morrill, Sargent
Burton, Eber Richard, Ezra  [Record prob]
Burton, Jacob Richardfon, Ja[me]s
Burton, Stephen Rolf, Jefse  [Jesse]
Conant, Charles Rood, Ezra
Conant, Sam[ue]l Rowe, Daniel
Dean, Nath[anie]l P. Rowell, Daniel
Derby, Walter Rowell, Enoch
Gale, Abram Sawyer, Elijah
Gale, Isaac Silvefter, Levi  [Sylvester]
Hardy, Asa Skinner, Joseph
Hardy, Benj[amin] Smith, Abner
Harlow, Abner Southwick, John
Harlow, James Thatcher, Peter
Hebart, Silas  [Hibbard] Thomas, Seneca
Hifield, Andrus  [Fiefield] Utley, Elisha
Hyde, Joseph Waldron, Isaac
Johnson, John Walker, Benj[amin]
Johnson, Joshua Warren, Sam[ue]l
Jones, Stillman Wilkins, Asaph
Killam, John Willey, Allen
Killam, Nath[anie]l Wyman, Jefse  [Jesse]
Freeman's oath  Sept 1809  
Barrows, Moses Jones, Stillman
Burton, Stephen Rolf, Jefse  [Jesse]
Conant, Charles Wyman, Jefse  [Jesse]
Harlow, James  
1810 Census  
Adams, Jo[hn] Jones, Stillman
(Bancroft), Moses Kidder, Jos[eph]
Barrows, Moses Killam, Nath[anie]l
B[urton], Eber Leach, Caleb
Blodget, Abial Leach, Ja[me]s
Blood, Sam[ue]l Little, Ezek[ie]l
(Brooks?) J. W.??? Mann, Rob[er]t
Broughton, Eben[eze]r Merrill, Hadazah?
Burton, Benja[min] Morrell, Jer[emia]h
Burton, Jacob (Prentis?), ?
Cheney, Paul Record, Elijah
Conant, Amos Richardson, Ja[me]s
Coolidge, Allen Rood, Ezra
Coolidge, Josiah Rowe, Dan[ie]l
Currier, Ezek[ie]l Rowell, Enoch
Darby, Nath[anie]l Sawyer, Elijah
Dean, Nath[anie]l P. Skinner, Jos[eph]
Derby, Walter Smith, Abner
Eddy, David Stowell, Elias
Fisher, Moses Sylvester, Levi
Fisher, W[illia]m Taylor, Joshua
Gale, Abr[aha]m Thatcher, Peter
Gale, Issac Thompson, Jona[tha]n
Hardy, Benja[min] Waldron, Isaac
Harlow, Ja[me]s Warner, Sam[ue]l
Hibbard, Silas Wayman[Wyman], Benja[min]
Horham, Dan[ie]l Wilkins, Asaph
Hyde, Jos[eph] Woodman, Jos[eph]
Johnson, Jo[hn] Wyman, Jesse
Johnson, Joshua  
Freeman - voted Sept 4, 1810 page 50
Barrows, Moses Jones, Stillman
Broughton, Ebenezer Killam, John
Brown, John Killam, Sabin
Burton, Benj[amin] Leach, Caleb
Burton, Eber Leach, James
Burton, Jacob Mann, Robert
Burton, Stephen Richardfon, James
Conant, Amos Rood, Ezra
Conant, Sam[ue]l Rowell, Enoch
Currier, Ezekiel Sauzer, Elijah  [Sawyer]
Deane, Nath P. Smith, Abner
Field, Zenas Smith, W[illia]m
Gale, Abram Sylvester, Levi
Gale, Isaac Thatcher, Peter 
Hardy, Asa Warren, Sam[ue]l
Hardy, Benja[min] Willey, Allen
Harlow, James Willey, Reubin
Horham, Daniel Woodman, Joseph
Johnson, John Wyman, Benj[amin]
Johnson, Joshua Wyman, Jesse
Freeman - voted Sept 4, 1810 page 51 
Barrows, Moses Leach, James
Blood, Sam[ue]l D. Mann, Robert
Broughton, Ebenezer Norbert, Daniel
Brown, John Richardson, James
Burton, Benj[amin] Rolf, Jesse
Burton, Eber Rood, Ezra
Burton, Jacob Rowell, Enoch
Conant, Samuel Sawyer, Elijah
Currier, Ezekiel Silvester, Levi
Darby, Nath[anie]l Skinner, Aaron
Deane, Nath[anie]l P. Skinner, Joseph
Eddy, David Smith, Abner
Gale, Abram S. Smith, William
Gale, Isaac Thatcher, Peter
Hardy, Asa Tomson, Jonathan [Thompson]
Hardy, Benj[amin] Waldron, Isaac
Harlow, James Warner, Sam[ue]l
H[ibbard], Silas Willey, Allen
Horham, Daniel Willey, Reuben
Johnson, John W(ing), Sam[ue]l
Johnson, Joshua Woodman, Joseph
Jones, Stillman Wyman, Benj[ami]n
Killam, John Wyman, Benjamin 2d
Killam, Sabin Wyman, Jesse
Leach, Caleb  
Freeman - voted Aug 17, 1811 page 59
Adams, John Killam, Sabin
Barrows, Moses Leach, Caleb
Benton, Al[exander] Leach, James
Benton, Eben Little, Ezekiel
Benton, Jacob Little, John
Broughton, Eben[ezer] Mann, Robert
Burton, Benj[amin] Merrill, Ira
Conant, Amos Morrill, Jeremiah
Conant, Samuel Richardfon, James
Currier, Ezekiel R[ol]f, Jesse
Darby, Nathaniel Rood, Ezra 
Dean, Nath[anie]l P. Skinner, Aaron
Derby, Abraham Skinner, Joseph
Hardy, Benj[amin] Waldron, Isaac
Harlow, James Warner, Samuel
Johnson, John Wills, Samuel
Kidder, Joseph Woodman, Joseph
  Woodman, Joshua S.
Freeman's Oath  Aug 17, 1811 page 59
Derby, Abraham Wills, Samuel
Kidder, Joseph Woodman, Benj[amin]
Little, Ezekiel Woodman, J. S.
Little, John  
Freeman - voted Aug 1812 page 73 & 74
Adams, John Leach, Caleb
Barrows, Moses Leach, James
Benton, Alexander Leavitt, Nath[anie]l
Benton, Eben Little, Ezekiel
Benton, Stephen Little, John
Blofs, Sam[ue]l Mann, Robert
Blofs, Zadoc Merrill, Ira
Blood, Sam[ue]l D. Parker, Thomas
Blood, Timothy Richardson, James
Broughton, Ebenezer Ro[l]f, Jesse
Burton, Benj[amin] Rood, Ezra
Conant, Amos Skinner, Jo[seph]
Conant, Samuel Smith, Abner
Coolidge, Josiah Smith, W[illia]m
Dean, Nath[anie]l P. (Sp)aulding, Thomas
Derby, Abraham Sylvester, Levi
Fisher, Timothy Taylor, Joshua C.
Hardy, Asa Thatcher, Peter
Hardy, Benj[amin] Tomson, Johathan [Thompson]
Harlow, Abner Warner, Samuel
Harlow, James Willey, Allen
Hyde, Joseph Williams, John
Johnson, John Wills, W[illia]m
Johnson, Joshua Woodman, Joshua 
Kidder, Joseph Wyman, Jesse
Killam, Nathaniel Wyman, Jesse Jr.
Killam, Sabin  Young, Nathan
Freeman -  voted Dec 7, 1812 page 76 & 77
Adams, Frederick W. Killam, Sabin
Adams, John Leach, Caleb
Barrows, Moses Leach, James
Benton, Eben Little, Ezekiel
Blofs[Bloss], Samuel Mann, Robert
Blofs[Bloss], Zadoc Merrill, Ira
Blood, Samuel D. Pomroy, Ebenezer
Broughton, Eben Richardson, James
Burton, Benj[amin] Rolf, Jefse  [Jesse]
Burton, Jedediah Rood, Ezra
Burton, Stephen Rowell, Daniel
Cady, Elisha Skinner, Joseph
Conant, Amos Smith, Abner
Conant, Charles Smith, W[illia]m
Cooledge, Josiah Sylvester, Levi
D[ea]n, Nathaniel Taylor, Joshua C.
Derby, Abraham Thompson, Bezer
Enos, Roger Tomson, Jonathan [Thompson]
Fisher, Timothy Warner, Samuel
Hardy, Asa Wells, Samuel
Hardy, Benj[amin] Wilkins, Aseph
Harlow, Abner Willey, Allen
Johnson, John Willey, Ruben
Johnson, Joshua Woodsman, Benj[amin]
Kidder, Joseph Woodsman, Joshua L.
Killam, John Wyman, Benj[amin]
Killam, Nathaniel Wyman, Jefse  [Jesse]
  Wyman, Jefse, Jr. [Jesse]
Freeman - voted  Aug  1813 page 85
Adams, John Levitt, Nathaniel
Barrows, Moses Levitt, Weaire
Blood, Samuel D. Lincoln, James
Blood, Timothy Lincoln, Simeon
Bloss, Orra Little, Ezekiel
Bloss, Samuel Merrill, Ira
Bloss, Zadok Merrill, Obediah
Broughton, Ebenezer Morrill, Jeremiah
Burton, Benj[amin] Pomeroy, Eleazer
Burton, Stephen Rolf, Jesse
Cady, Jonathan Rowell, Daniel
Conant, Amos Sanborn, Elijah
Conant, Charles Skinner, Aaron
Conant, Samuel Skinner, Joseph
Cooledge, Josiah Smith, Abner Jr.
Dean, Nath[anie]l Smith, W[illia]m
Enos, Roger Spalding, Chancy
Fisher, Joshua Stafford, Abel
Fisher, Timothy Stoal [Stowell], Elias
Hardy, Asa Taylor, Joshua C.
Hardy, Benj[amin] Thompson, Bezer
Hardy, Benj[amin] Jr. Thompson, Jonathan
Harlow, Abner Warner, Samuel
Johnson, Joshua Wells, Samuel
Kidder, Joseph Willey, Allen
Killam, John Woodman, Benj[amin]
Killam, Nath[anie]l Wyman, Benj[amin]
Killam, Sabin Wyman, Jesse
Leach, Caleb Wyman, Jesse Jr.
  Young, Nathan
Freeman - voted  May 31, 1814 page 97
Adams, John Killam, Nath[anie]l
Barrows, Moses Leach, Caleb
Blofs, Samuel Leavitt, Nathaniel
Blood, Limon [Lyman] Levitt, Weaire
Broughton, Ebenezer Little, Ezekiel
Broughton, John Little, John
Burton, Benj[amin] Lyman, Samuel
Burton, Jedidiah Lyncon , James   [Lincoln]
Cady, Jonathan Lyncon, Simon  [Lincoln]
Carlton, Eben[eze]r Merrifield, Parley
Conant, Charles Merrill, Ira
Conant, Ezra Morrill, Jeremiah
Conant, Sam[ue]l Sanborn, Elijah
Coolidge, Josiah Skinner, Joseph
Dean, Nathaniel P. Smith, W[illia]m
Enos, Roger Stafford, Abel
Fisher, Joshua Taylor, Joshua C.
Fisher, Timothy Wells, Samuel
Hardy, Asa Wilkins, Asaph
Hardy, Benj[amin] Wilkins, Jason 
Hardy, Benj[amin] Jr. Willey, Alan
Johnson, Joshua Wiman, Jefse   [Jesse]
Kidder, Joseph Wiman, Jefse, Jr.
Killam, John Woodman, Benj[amin]
Freeman - voted   Sept 6, 1814 page 99
Adams, John Killam, Sabin
Allen, Ira Leavitt, John
Barrows, Mofes Leavitt, Nath[anie]l
Blofs, Sam[ue]l   [Bloss] Leavitt, Weare
Blofs, Zadok  [Bloss] Little, Ezekiel
Blood, Sam[ue]l D. Little, John
Blood, Tim[oth]y     Lyman, James
Blood, Tim[oth]y Jun Lyman, Sam[ue]l
Broughton, Ebenezer Lyncon, Simeon [Lincoln]
Broughton, John Martin, Isaac
Burton, Benj[amin] Marvin, Sam[ue]l
Burton, Jedidiah Merrill, Ira
Burton, Stephen Morrill, Jeremiah
Cady, Jonathan Parker, Thomas
Carlton, Eben[eze]r Pomroy, Eleazer
Conant, Amos Rowel, Daniel
Conant, Charles Sanborn, Elijah
Conant, Ezra Skinner, Joseph
Conant, Sam[ue]l Smith, Abner
Dean, Nath[anie]l Smith, Abner, Jr.
Enos, Roger Smith, W[illia]m
Fisher, Joshua Spalding, Chauncy
Fisher, Tim[oth]y Stafford, Abel
Fisher, W[illia]m Stafford, Joseph
Hardy, Asa Steel, Elias (Stowell?)
Hardy, Benj[amin] Taylor, Joshua B.
Hardy, Benj[amin] Jun. Thompson, Bezer
Harlow, Abner Thompson, Jonathan
Harlow, James Wilkins, Asaph
Hodgman, Will[ia]m Wilkins, Ira
Hyde, Joseph Wilkins, Jason
Johnson, Joshua Willey, Allen
Kidder, Joseph Woodman, Benj[amin] Jun
Killam, John Woodman, Benjamin
Killam, Nath[anie]l Wyman, Jefse
  Wyman, Jefse Jun.
Freeman - voted -  Sept 6, 1814 page 101
Adams, John Leavitt, Nath[anie]l
Allen, Ira Leavitt, Weare
Barrow, Mofses Little, Ezekiel
Blofs, Samuel Little, John
Blofs, Tim[oth]y Lyman, James
Blofs, Zadok  [Bloss] Lyman, Sam[ue]l
Blood, Sam[ue]l D. Lyncon, Simeon [Lincoln]
Blood, Tim[oth]y Jun Marvin, Samuel
Broughton, Ebenezer Merrill, Ira
Broughton, John Morrill, Jeremiah
Burton, Benj[amin] Parker, Thomas
Burton, Jedidiah Pomroy, Eleazer
Burton, Stephen Rolf, Jefse
Cady, Jonathan Rowel, Daniel
Carlton, Ebenezer Sanborn, Elijah
Conant, Charles Skinner, Joseph
Conant, Sam[ue]l Smith, Abner
Coolidge, Josiah Smith, Abner, Jun
Dean, Nath[anie]l P. Smith, W[illia]m
Enos, Roger Spalding, Chauncy
Fisher, Joshua Stafford, Abel
Fisher, Timo[thy] Stafford, Joseph
Hardy, Asa Steel, Elias (Stowell?)
Hardy, Benj[amin] Jun. Taylor, Joshua B.
Hardy, Benjamin Thompson, Bezer
Harlow, Abner Thompson, Jonathan
Harlow, James Wells, Samuel
Hodgman, W[illia]m Wilkins, Asaph
Hyde, Joseph Wilkins, Ira
Johnson, Joshua Wilkins, Jason
Kidder, Joseph Willey, Allen
Killam, John Woodman, Benj[amin]
Killam, Nath[anie]l Wyman, Benj[amin]
Killam, Sabin Wyman, Jefse
Leavitt, John Wyman, Jesse Jun.
Freeman - voted Sept 5, 1815 page 119
Adams, John Killam, Nath[anie]l
Allen, Ira H. Killam, Sabin
Barrows, Aaron Leach, Caleb
Barrows, Moses Leavitt, Nat[hanie]l
Barrows, Sam[ue]l Leavitt, Weaire
Beals, Orra Little, Ezekiel
Blofs, Sam[ue]l  [Bloss] Little, John
Blofs, Zadok  [Bloss] Lync[on], Simeon  [Lincoln]
Blood, Benj[amin] Lyncoln, Samuel  [Lincoln]
Blood, Sam[ue]l D. Mann, Robert
Blood, Timothy    Martin, Isaac
Blood, Timothy Jr. Marvin, Sam[ue]l
Broughton, Eben[ezer] Merrill, Ira
Broughton, John Morrill, Jeremiah
Burton, Benj[amin] Parker, Thomas
Burton, Jedidiah Peck, John
Burton, Stephen Peck, Joseph
Cady, Jona[than] Pomeroy, Ebenezer
Chamberlain, Cyrus Rolf, Jefse  [Jesse]
Conant, Amos Rowel, Dan[ie]l
Conant, Sam[ue]l Sanborn, Elijah
Dean, Nathaniel P. Skinner, Joseph
Enos, Roger Smith, Abner
Fisher, Benj[amin] Smith, Abner Jr.
Fisher, Joshua Smith, W[illia]m
Fisher, Timo[thy] Spalding, Chauncy
Fisher, William Stafford, Joseph
Hardy, Afa    [Asa] Thompson, Bezer
Hardy, Benj[amin] Thompson, Jonathan
Hardy, Benj[amin] Jr. Wilkins, Asaph
Harlow, Abner Wilkins, Jason  
Harlow, James Willey, Allen
Hodgman, W[illia]m Woodman, Benj[amin]
Johnson, Joshua Jr. Wyman, Benj[amin]
Kidder, Joseph Wyman, Jefse
Killam, Kingsley Wyman, Jefse, Jr.
Freeman - voted -  Aug 20, 1816 page 132-33
Allen, Ira H. Killam, Sabin
Barrows, Aaron Leavitt, Jeremiah
Barrows, Moses Lincoln, Simeon
Barrows, Samuel Little, Ezekiel
Blof, Zadok  [Bloss] Little, John
Blofs, Sam[ue]l  [Bloss] Mann, Robert
Blood, Benjamin Merrill, Ira
Blood, Sam[ue]l D. Minor, Calvin
Blood, Timo[thy] Morrill, Jerem[ia]h
Blood, Timo[thy], Jun. Parker, Tho[ma]s
Broughton, Eben[ezer] Peck, John
Brown, Leonard Peck, John
Burton, Benj[amin] Peck, Joseph
Burton, Stephen Peck, Joseph Jr.
Conant, Ezra Richardson, Scripture
Conant, Sam[ue]l Roberts, Jeremiah
Cowles, Phinehas Rolf, Jefse  [Jesse]
Dean, Nath[anie]l P. Rowell, Dan[ie]l
Enos, Roger Sanborn, Elijah
Fisher, Benjamin Skinner, Joseph
Fisher, Timo[thy] Spalding, Chauncey
Fisher, Timo[thy] Stafford, Joseph
Hardy, Asa Thom[p]son, Bozer
Harlow, Abner Thom[p]son, Johnathan
Harlow, James Wilkins, Asaph
Johnson, Joshua Willey, Allen
Johnson, Joshua, Jun. Woodman, Benj[amin]
Kidder, Joseph Woodman, Johnathan
Killam, John Wyman, Benj[amin]
Killam, Jonathan H. Wyman, Jefse
Killam, Nath[anie]l  
Freeman - voted -  Sept 1816 page 135
Allen, Ira H. Killam, Nath[anie]l
Barrows, Aaron Killam, Sabin
Barrows, Moses Leavitt, Jeremiah
Blofs, Sam[ue]l Leavitt, Nath[anie]l
Blofs, Zadok  [Bloss] Lincoln, Simeon
Blood, [Timothy] Mann, Robert
Blood, Sam[ue]l D. Merrill, Ira
Blood, Timo[thy] Jr.  Minor, Calvin
Broughton, Eben[ezer] Morrill, Jeremiah
Brown, Leonard Parker, Thomas
Burton, Benj[amin] Peck, John
Burton, Stephen Peck, Joseph
Cady, Jonathan Peck, Joseph Jr.
Conant, Amos Pomeroy, Ebenezer
Conant, Ezra Richardson, Sereplure
Conant, Sam[ue]l Robert, Jeremiah
Cowles, Phinehas Rolf, Jefse  [Jesse]
Dean, Nath[anie]l P. Rowell, Daniel
Enos, Roger Sanborn, Elijah
Fisher, Timo[thy] Skinner, Joseph
Hardy, Asa Spalding, Chansey
Harlow, Abner Stafford, Joseph
Harlow, James Thom[p]son, Bezer
Johnson, Joshua Thom[p]son, Jonathan
Kidder, Joseph Woodman, Jonathan
Killam, John Wyman, Benj[amin]
Killam, Johna[than] H. Wyman, Jefse  [Jesse]
Freeman - voted Aug 1817 page 153
Allen, Ira H. Leavitt, Nath[anie]l
Bailey, Ephraim Little, Ezekiel
Barrows, Moses Little, John
Blood, [Timothy] Merrill, Ira
Blood, Samuel D. Minor, Calvin
Blood, Timo[thy] Jr. Nye, Salmon
Broughton, Ebe[neze]r Peck, Joseph
Brown, Leonard Peck, Joseph Jr.
Brown, Simeon L. Pomeroy, Eleazer
Burton, Benj[amin] Pomroy, Martin
Conant, Amos Rolf, Jefse [Jesse]
Conant, Ezra Rollins, Ichabod
Conant, Samuel Skinner, Joseph
Dean, Nath[anie]l Slack, Joseph
Enos, Roger Slack, Joseph (Jr.)
Fisher, Joshua Stafford, Joseph
Hardy, Asa Weed, Jona[than]
Hardy, Benj[amin] Wilkins, Asaph
Harlow, Abner Woodman, Benj[amin]
Johnson, Stephen Woodman, Jona[than]
Johnson, Stephen Woodman, Joshua S.
Killam, John Wyman, Harvey
Killam, Jona[than] K. Wyman, Jefse   [Jesse]
Killam, Nath[anie]l  
Freeman - voted - Aug 19, 1818 page 163
Blofs, Orra Little, John
Blofs, Zadock Mann, Robert
Blood, Benj[amin] Merrill, Ira
Blood, Timothy Morrill, Jeremiah
Blood, Timothy Jr. Norris, Benj[amin] H.
Burton, Benj[amin] Nye, Salmon
Burton, Stephen Peck, Jerod
Co[w]le[s], Phin[ehas] Peck, Joseph Jr.
Conant, Amos Pomroy, Eleazer
Conant, Ezra Rawlin, Ichabod  [Rollins]
Conant, Sam[ue]l Richardson, Horrace
Dean, Nath[anie]l Rolf, Jefse
Enos, Roger Rowel, Daniel
Fuller, W[illia]m Rowlins, Anthony  [Rollins]
Hardy, Afa   [Asa] Skinner, Joseph
Hardy, Benj[amin] Slack, Joseph
Harlow, Abner Smith, Abner
Harlow, James (Tharo), W[illia]m
Harlow, James Jr. Thompson, Jonathan
Johnson, Stephen [War]ner, Sam[ue]l
Kidder, Joseph Willey, Allen
Killam, Johna[than] Wood, Oliver
Killam, Kingsbury Woodman, Jonathan
Killam, Nath[aniel] Woodman, Joshua
Killam, Sabin Wyman, Harvey
Little, Ezekiel Wyman, Jefse  [Jesse]
Freeman's Oath Sept 1818 page 163
Fuller, W[illia]m Richardson, Horrace
Harris, Benj[amin] N. Wood, Oliver
Peck, Jerod  
Freeman's Oath  Aug 13, 1819 page 172
Blood, Lyman Sherman, Elijah
Gould, Jesse  
Freeman - voted - Aug 13, 1819 page 172 & 173
Bailey, Ephraim Kidder, Joseph
Blood, Benj[amin] Killam, Jonathan K.
Blood, Lyman Killam, Sabin
Blood, Samuel D. Little, John
Blood, Timothy Merill, Ira
Bloss, Orra C. Morrill, Jeremiah
Broughton, Ebenezer Nye, Geo[rge]
Broughton, John Nye, Salmon
Burton, Benj[amin] Peck, John
Burton, Stephen Philbrick, Jonathan
Burton, Thomas Pomeroy, Eleazer
Conant, Samuel Rawlings, Asa  [Rollins]
Cowls, Phinehas Rawlings, Ichabod  [Rollins]
Dean, Nath[anie]l P. Richardson, Horace
Enos, Roger Rowell, Daniel
Fiske, Nathan Sherman, Elijah
Fitz, Jonathan Skinner, Joseph
Gould, Jesse Slack, Joseph
Hardy, Asa Smith, Abner
Hardy, Benj[amin] Stearns, Nathan
Harlow, Abner Stevens, Levi
Harlow, James Thompson, Bezer
Harlow, James Jr. Thompson, Jonathan
Howard, Eleazer Warner, Samuel
Johnson, Stephen Willey, Allen
Kellam, John Woodman, Joshua S.
Kellam, Nathaniel Wyman, Harvey
1820 census  
Allen, Ira H. Kidder, Joseph
Bailey, Ephraim Killam, John
Barrows, Moses Killam, Jona[than] K.
Bean, Folsom Jr. Killam, Sabin
Blofs, Orra  [Bloss] Little, Ezekiel
Blofs, Zadock  [Bloss] Mann, Robert
Blood, Samuel D. Meade, Daniel
Blood, Timothy Merrill, Ira
Blood, Timothy Jr. Morrill, Jeremiah
Broughton, Ebenezer Nye, George
Bruce, Abner Pattee, John
Burton, Benjamin Peck, John
Burton, Stephen Philbrick, Jonathan
Cole, Phinehas  [Cowls] Pomroy, Eleazer
Conant, Amos Quimby, Benjamin
Currier, John  Rice, Horace
Dean, Nathan[iel] Richardson, Horace
Dodge, James Richardson, Sally
Enos, Roger Sanborn, Elijah
Fisher, Benjamin Skinner, Joseph
Fisk, Nathan Slack, Joseph
Fitz, Jonathan Slack, Joseph Jr.
Fuller, William Slack, Simeon
Grannis, Sidney Smith, Abner
Gregory, Alfred Stevens, Levi
Hardy, Asa Thompson, Beezer
Hardy, Benjamin Thompson, Jonathan
Harlow, Abner Warner, Samuel
Harlow, James Waterman, Zephaniah
Hayward, Ebenezer [Howard] Willey, Allen
Hollister, Nathaniel Willey, John
Huntington, John Woodman, Benja[min]
Johnson, Joshua Woodward, William
Johnson, Stephen Wyman, Jefse  [Jesse]
Freeman's Oath  Aug 18, 1820 page 178
Broughton, Isaac Mead, Daniel
Burton, John Silver, Ezra
Fitz, Jonathan Slack, Simeon
George, James Smith, Harry
Grannis, Evander Willey, John
Freeman - voted  Aug 18, 1820 page 178
Bailey, David Harlow, James
Bailey, Ephr[aim] Howard, Eleazer
Blood, Benj[amin] Johnson, Josh[ua]
Blood, Sam[ue]l D. Johnson, Stephen
Blood, Timo[thy] Kellam, John
Bloss, Orra C. Kellam, Jona[than] K.
Bloss, Zadock Kellam, Nath[anie]l
Broughton, Eben[eze]r Kidder, Joseph
Broughton, Isaac Little, Ezekiel
Broughton, John S. Little, John
Bruce, Abner Man, Rob[er]t
Burton, Benj[amin] Mead, Daniel
Burton, John Merill, Ira
Burton, Stephen Morill, Robert  (maybe Mcgill)
Conant, Amos Nye, Geo[rge]
Conant, Sam[ue]l Nye, Salmon
Cowls, Phin[eha]s Peck, John
Dodge, James Sandborn, Elijah  [Sanborn]
Enos, Roger Sherman, Elijah
Fisher, Benj[amin] Skinner, Jos[eph]   
Fisk, Nathan Slack, Joseph
Fitz, Jona[than] Slack, Simeon
Grannis, Evander Thompson, Bezer
Gregory, Alfred Willey, John
Hardy, Asa Woodman, Jona[than]
Freeman voted Sept 5, 1820 page 179
Allen, Ira H. Johnson, Joshua
Bailey, David Johnson, Stephen
Bailey, Ephr[aim] Kellam, John
Blood, Benj[amin] Kellam, Nath[anie]l
Blood, Sam[ue]l D. Kellam, Sabin
Blood, Timo[thy] Kidder, Joseph
Bloss, Orra C. Killam, J. H.
Bloss, Zadock Little, E.
Broughton, Eben Little, John
Broughton, Isaac Magill, Rob[er]t
Broughton, John S. Mann, Rob[er]t
Burton, Benj[amin] Mead, Daniel
Burton, John Merrill, Ira
Burton, Stephen Nye, Geo[rge]
Burton, Thomas Nye, Salmon
Conant, Amos Patee, John
Conant, Ezra Peck, John
Conant, Samuel Richardson, Horace
Cowls, Phin[eha]s Sandburn, Elijah  [Sanborn]
Dean, Nath[anie]l P. Sherman, Elijah
Dodge, James Silver, Ezra
Enos, Roger Skinner, Joseph
Fisher, Benj[amin] Slack, Joseph
Fiske, Nathan Slack, Simeon
Fitch, Jona[than] Smith, Abner
Fuller, W[illia]m Smith, Harry
Grannis, Evander Stanley, Joseph
Gregory, Alfred Thompson, Bezer
Hardy, Asa Tolman, Tho[ma]s Jr.
Hardy, Benj[amin] Washburn, Reubin
Harlow, Abner Willey, Allen
Harlow, James Woodman, Jona[than]
Harlow, James Wyman, Jesse
Howard, Eleazer  
Freeman's oath  Sept 4, 1821 page 183
Broughton, Daniel Grannis, Sidney
Bryant, Zimry Johnson, W[illia]m
Dodge, Amos [Al]den, David
Freeman - voted Sept 4, 1821 page 184
Alden, David Hardy, Benj[amin]
Allen, Ira H. Harlow, Abner
Bailey, David Harlow, James
Bailey, Ephraim Harlow, James Jr.
Barrows, Moses Howard, Eleazer
Blood, Benj[amin] Johnson, Joshua
Blood, Samuel D. Johnson, W[illia]m
Blood, Timothy Kellam, Jona[than] H.
Blood, Timothy Jr. Killam, John
Bloss, Orra C. Killam, Nath[anie]l
Broughton, Daniel Killam, Sabin
Broughton, Isaac Little, Ezekiel
Bryant, Zimry Little, John
Burton, Benj[amin] Magill, Robert  
Burton, John Mann, Robert
Burton, Stephen Mead, Daniel
Burton, Tho[ma]s Merrill, Jeremiah
Conant, Ezra Nye, Geo[rge]
Conant, Samuel Nye, Salmon
Cowles, Phin[ehas] Peck, John
Currier, Ezekiel Pomeroy, Ebenezer
Dodge, James Richardson, Horace
Fisk, Nathan Silver, David
Fitz, Jonathan Skinner, Joseph
Fuller, W[illia]m Slack, Joseph
Grannis, Sidney Slack, Simeon
Hall, Moses Smith, Harry
Hall, Timothy Warner, Samuel
Hardy, Asa Woodman, Jona[than]
  Wyman, Harvey
Freeman's oath  Feb 4, 1822 page 185
Barrows, Malachi Hollister, Perez
Fuller, Nath[anie]l Johnson, Joshua
Hall, Oran  
Freeman - voted Feb 4, 1822 page 185
Alden, David Harlow, James
Allen, Ira H. Harlow, James Jr.
Bailey, David Hollister, Perez
Barrows, Malachi Johnson, Joshua
Barrows, Moses Johnson, Stephen
Blood, Benj[amin] Kellam, Jona[than] K.
Blood, Sam[ue]l D. Kellam, Sabin
Blood, Timo[thy] Jr. Kidder, Joseph
Bloss, Zadoc Little, John
Broughton, Ebenezer Magill, Rob[er]t
Burton, John Me(rri)l, Ira
Burton, Tho[ma]s Mead, Daniel
Conant, Ezra Morse, Ahira
Conant, Sam[ue]l Nye, Geo[rge]
Cook, Jona[than] Nye, Salmon
Currier, Ezekiel Peck, John
Dean, Nath[anie]l P. Richardson, Horace
Dodge, James Skinner, Joseph
Enos, Roger Slack, Joseph
Fisk, Nathan Smith, Abner
Fuller, Nat[haniel] Stevens, Levi
Fuller, W[illia]m Sylvester, P. P.
Grannis, Sidney Thompson, Bezer
Hall, Oran Warner, Sam[ue]l
Hall, Timo[thy] Willey, Allen
Hardy, Asa Willey, John
Hardy, Benj[amin] Woodman, Jona[than]
Harlow, Abner Woodward, John
Freeman - voted -  Sept 5, 1822 page 189
Alden, David Harlow, James, Jr.
Allen, Ira H. Howard, Amasa
Bailey, David Howard, Eleazer
Bailey, Sam[ue]l Johnson, Joshua
Barrows, Moses Kellam, John
Blofs, Zadok Kellam, Jona[than] K.
Blood, Benj[amin] Kellam, Nathaniel
Blood, Samuel D. Kellam, Sabin
Broughton, Isaac Kidder, Joseph
Bryant, Stephen Little, Ezekiel
Burton, Benj[amin] Little, John
Conant, Samuel Magill, Robert 
Cook, Jona[than] Merrill, Ira
Cowls, Phinehas Nye, Geo[rge]
Currier, Ezekiel Nye, Salmon
Dean, Nath[anie]l P. Richardson, Horace
Enos, Roger Robinson, John M.
Fitz, Jonathan Skinner, Joseph
Grannis, Sidney Slack, Joseph
Hale, Abial Stevens, Levi
Hall, Oran Sylvester, Peter P.
Hall, Timo[thy] Willey, Allen
Hardy, Asa Woodman, Jona[than]
Hardy, Benj[amin] York, Parker
Harlow, James  
Freeman - voted Sept 15, 1822 page 190
Alden, David Harlow, James   
Allen, Ira H. Harlow, James Jr.
Bailey, David Howard, Amasa
Barrows, Malachi Howard, Eleazer
Barrows, Moses Johnson, Joshua
Bean, John Johnson, William J.
Blofs, Zadok  [Bloss] Kellam, Hiram
Blood, Samuel D. Kellam, John
Broughton, Isaac Kellam, Jona[than] H.
Bryant, Stephen Kellam, Nath[anie]l
Burton, Benj[amin] Kellam, Sabin
Burton, John Kidder, Joseph
Burton, Thomas Little, John
Cook, Jonathan Magill, Robert
Cowles, Phine[has] Man, Robert
Currier, Thomas Merrill, Ira
Enos, Roger Nye, Geo[rge]
Farrington, Ephraim Nye, Salmon
Fisk, Nathan Richardson, Horace
Fit[z], Jona[than] Robinson, John M.
Fuller, Nath[anie]l Skinner, Jos[eph]
Grannis, Sidney Smith, Abner
Hall, Abiah Smith, Harry
Hall, Oran Stevens, Levi
Hall, Timo[thy] Willey, John
Hardy, Asa Woodman, Jona[than]
Hardy, Benj[amin] Wyman, Harvey
Harlow, Abner York, Parker
Freeman - voted  Sept 2, 1823 page 194
Alden, David Howard, Sylvester
Bailey, Ephr[aim] Johnson, Joshua
Barrows, Malachi Kellam, Hiram
Barrows, Moses Kellam, John
Blofs, Zadok Kellam, Jona[than] K.
Blood, S. D. Kellam, Sabin
Broughton, John Kidder, Joseph
Bryant, Stephen Kidder, W[illia]m
Burton, Benj[amin] Kidder, W[illia]m
Burton, Tho[ma]s Killam, Nath[anie]l
Conant, Ezra Little, John
Conant, Samuel Merrill, Ira
Cowles, Phine[has] Morse, Ahira
Currier, Ezekiel Nye, Geo[rge]
Currier, Tho[ma]s Nye, Geo[rge]
Dean, Nath[anie]l P. Nye, Geo[rge] Jr.
Dodge, Amos Nye, Salmon
Dodge, James Richardson, Horace
Enos, Roger Skinner, Josep[h]
Farrington, Ephr[aim] Slack, Joseph
Fisk, Nathan Smith, Harry
Fuller, W[illia]m Stevens, Levi
Goodale, Shubael Stevenson, Ja[me]s
Hall, Abial Sylvester, P. P.
Hall, Oran Thompson, Bezer
Hall, Timo[thy] Thompson, Jona[than]
Hardy, Benj[amin] Willey, Allen
Harlow, Benj[amin] Woodman, Jona[than]
Harlow, Benj[amin] Wyman, Harvey
Harlow, Ja[me]s Jr. Wyman, Jesse
Harlow, James York, Parker
Howard, Eleazer  
Freeman - voted -  Sept 7, 1824 page 201
Allen, Ira H. Huntington, John
Babbitt, Jacob Jr. Jameson, Tho[ma]s
Bailey, David Jennes, Franklin
Bailey, Ephr[aim] Johnson, Josh[ua]
Bailey, Isreal Johnson, W. J.
Barrows, Mali[chi] Kellam, Hiram
Barrows, Moses Kellam, J. K.
Bloss, Sam[ue]l D. Kellam, John
Bloss, Zadock Kellam, Nath[anie]l
Broughton, Anson Kellam, Sabin
Broughton, Eben[eze]r Kimball, Moody
Bryant, Nath[anie]l Little, Ezek[iel]
Bryant, Steph[en] Little, John
Burton, Benj[amin] Mann, Robert
Campbell, Rufus Mead, (F  )[prob Daniel]
Church, Calvin Merrill, Ira
Clement, Amos Mosher, Zadok
Cleveland, Norman Moss, A. C.
Clough, David Nye, Geo[rge]   
Conant, Ezra Nye, Geo[rge] Jr.
Conant, Sam[ue]l Nye, Salmon
Cook, Jona[than] Peck, Israel
Cowls, Phin[eha]s Peck, John
Cunningham, Mark  Richardson, Horace
Currier, Eze[kiel] Robbins, Job
Currier, Jacob Scott, Isreal S.
Currier, Tho[ma]s Skinner, Jos[eph]
Dean, N. P. Slack, Joseph
Enos, Roger Smith, Abner
Fisk, Nathan Smith, Fred K.
Fitz, Jona[than] Smith, Harry
Fuller, W[illia]m Smith, Horace
Gilbert, Chester Stevens, Levi
Goodell, Shubael Thompson, Bezer
Gould, Jesse Thompson, David T.
Grannis, Sidney Thompson, Jona[than]
Hall, Oran Tinker, Geo[rge] A.
Hall, Timo[thy] Waterman, Zephr Jr.
Hardy, Asa Willey, Allen
Hardy, Benj[amin] Wood, Roswell
Harlow, Abner Wyman, Harvey
Harlow, Ja[me]s Jr. Wyman, Jesse
Howard, Eleazer York, Parker
Freeman's oath  Sept 7, 1824 page 202
Bailey, Israel Gilbert, Chester
Blood, Roswell Huntington, John
Broughton, Bryan Jameson, Tho[ma]s
Bryant, Nath[anie]l Peck, Isreal
Campbell, Rufus Smith, Frederick
Clough, David Smith, Horace
Cunningham, Mark  
Freeman - voted -  Sept 7, 1824 page 202 & 203
Allen, Ira H. Harlow, James Jr.
Babbitt, Jacob Jr. Howard, Eleazer
Bailey, Ephr[aim] Jameson, Tho[ma]s
Bailey, Isreal Jennes, Franklin
Barrows, Malchi Johnson, Joshua
Blofs, Zadock   [Bloss] Johnson, W[illia]m J.
Blood, F(rdk) Kellam, John
Blood, Roswell Kellam, Nath[anie]l
Blood, Sam[ue]l D. Kellam, Sabin
Broughton, Anson Killam, Jona[than] K.
Bryant, Stephen Little, Ezekiel
Burton, Benj[amin] Little, John
Campbell, Rufus Mann, Robert
Clough, David Nye, Geo[rge]
Conant, Ezra Nye, Salmon
Conant, Samuel Peck, Israel
Cowls, Phin[eha]s Peck, John
Currier, Ezekiel Skinner, Joseph
Currier, Jacob Slack, Joseph
Currier, Tho[ma]s Smith, Abner
Dean, N. P. Smith, Fred[rec]k
Fisk, Nathan Smith, Harry
Fitz, Jona[than] Smith, Horace
Fuller, W[illia]m Stevens[on], James
Gilbert, Chester Thompson, Bezer
Goodell, Shubael Thompson, D. T.
Gould, Jesse Thompson, Jona[than]
Grannis, Sydney Tinker, Geo[rge]
Hall, Oran Wyman, Harvey
Hall, Timo[thy] Wyman, Jesse
Hardy, Asa York, Parker
Hardy, Benj[amin]  
Freeman's oath  Sept 6, 1825 page 208
Bryant, John Kellam, Paschal L.
Clough, John Lang, Richard
Dewey, Chandler Locke, W[illia]m
Gibson, Nelson Moore, Sam[ue]l
Goodale, Abial Morrill, Jeremiah Jr.
Goodale, Tho[ma]s Skinner, Ralph P.
Johnson, Abraham  
Freeman - voted Sept 6, 1825 page 208 & 209
Alden, David Hardy, Benj[amin]
Babbitt, Jacob Jr. Harlow, Abner
Bailey, David Harlow, Ja[me]s
Bailey, Ephr[aim] Harlow, Ja[me]s Jr.
Bailey, Israel Howard, Eleazer
Blofs, Zadock  [Bloss] Howard, Sylvester
Blood, Benj[amin] Jameson, Tho[ma]s
Blood, Sam[ue]l D. Johnson, Abm  [Abraham]
Broughton, E[benezer] Kellam, Hiram
Bryant, John Kellam, John
Bryant, Nath[anie]l Kellam, Nath[anie]l
Bryant, Stephen Kellam, P. L.
Burton, B. Kidder, W[illia]m
Burton, John Kimball, Isaac
Church, Calvin Kimball, John
Cleveland, Norman Kimball, Moody B.
Clough, John Lang, Richard
Conant, Ezra Lathe, Asa
Conant, Sam[ue]l Little, Ezek[iel]
Cook, Jona[than] Little, John
Cowls, Phin[eha]s Locke, W[illia]m
Currier, Ezekial Mann, Rob[er]t
Currier, Tho[ma]s Merrill, Ira
Dean, N. P. Morrill, J., Jr.
Dewey, Chandler Nye, Geo[rge]
Enos, Roger Nye, Salmon
Fisk, Nathan Peck, John
Fitz, Jonathan Skinner, Joseph
Fuller, Nath[anie]l Skinner, Ralph B.
Gibbe, Cornell Slack, Joseph
Gibson, Nelson Smith, Fred[eric]k
Gilbert, Chester Stevens, Levi
Goodal, Tho[ma]s Stevenson, James
Goodale, Abial Thompson, Bezer
Goodale, Shubael Thompson, Jona[than]
Goodell, Clark Wells, Sam[ue[l
Hall, Oran Willey, Allen
Hall, Timo[thy] Wyman, Harvey
Hardy, Asa Wyman, Jesse
  Yetton, J. W.
Freeman's oath  Sept 5, 1826 page 215
Blood, Warner Locke, Simon K.
Clark, Eben[eze]r Mann, David
Currier, Barnard Massey, John
Jones, Giles Peabody, Andrew
Kelley, Richard Tabor, Pierce
Kidder, Jonas Waterman, Suel
Freeman - voted Sept 5, 1826 page 215
Babbit, J., Jr. Howard, Silvster
Bailey, David Huntley, Amasa
Bailey, Ephr[aim] Jameson, Alex
Bailey, Israel Jameson, Tho[ma]s
Barrows, Malachi Jones, Giles
Blodgett, Seth Kellam, Hiram
Blofs, Z Kellam, J. K.
Blood, (Frdk) Kellam, John
Blood, S. D. Kellam, John
Blood, Warner Kellam, Nathaniel
Broughton, Anson Kellam, P. P.
Broughton, E[benezer] Kellam, Sabin
Bryant, N. Kelly, Richard
Bryant, Stephen Kidder, David
Burton, Benj[amin] Kidder, Jonas
Burton, John Kidder, Joseph
Campbell, Rufus Kimball, Isaac
Carr, Timo[thy] Kimball, Mofes  [Moody?]
Clark, Eben[eze]r Lathe, Asa
Clement, Tristram Little, Ezek[iel]
Clough, David Lock, Simon H.
Conant, Ezra Lund, Jeremiah
Conant, S. Mann, David
Currier, Barnard Mann, Rob[er]t
Currier, Ezek[iel] Massey, John
Currier, Tho[ma]s Miller, H. W. W.
Cutting, Jonas Morrill, Jerem[iah]
Dean, N. P. Nye, Geo[rge]
Dodge, Amos Nye, S.
Enos, R. Peck, John
Farrington, E. Peck, Joseph
Fisk, Nathan Philbrick, Jona[than]
Fitz, Jona[than] Roberts, Jerm
French, Silas Skinner, Joseph
Fuller, Nath[anie]l Slack, Jos[eph]
Fuller, W[illia]m Smith, Ezra
Gibb, C. Smith, Lewis
Gilbert, C. Stevenson, Ja[me]s
Goodel, Shubael Tabor, Pierce
Goodell, Abial Thompson, Bezer
Goodell, Clark Thompson, D. T.
Hall, Oran Thompson, Jona[than]
Hall, Timo[thy] Waterman, Suel
Hardy, Asa Wells, S.,  Jr.
Hardy, Benj[amin] Willey, Allen
Harlow, B. D. Wood, Ros[well]
Harlow, Ja[me]s Woodman, Jona[than]
Harlow, Ja[me]s Jr. Wyman, Harvey
Howard, Eleazer Wyman, Jesse
  Yetton, J. W.
Freeman - voted  Sept 5, 1826 page 216
Babbitt, J. Jr. Huntley, A. A.
Bailey, David Jameson, Alex
Bailey, S. Jameson, Tho[ma]s
Blodgett, Seth Johnson, Abm [Abraham]
Blofs, Z. Johnson, Joshua
Blood, Ros[well] Jones, Giles
Blood, S. D. K(ing)man, Jason
Blood, Timo[thy] Kellam, H.
Blood, Warner Kellam, John
Broughton, Anson Kellam, Jona[than] K.
Broughton, Eben[eze]r Kellam, Nath[anie]l
Bryant, Nath[anie]l Kellam, Sabin
Bryant, Stephen Kelly, Richard
Burroughs, E. Kidder, D.
Burton, Benj[amin] Kidder, Jonas
Burton, John Kidder, Jos[eph] 
Campbell, R. Killam, P. P.
Carr, Timo[thy] Kimball, Isaac
Clark, Eben[eze]r Kimball, Isaac
Clement, Tristram Kimball, John
Cleveland, Norman Kimball, M. B.
Clough, Moses Lathe, Asa
Conant, (J. G.) Little, E.
Conant, E. Little, John
Conant, Sam[ue]l Locke, Simon H.
Cook, Jona[than] Locke, W[illia]m
Cunningham, Mark Lund, Jeremiah
Currier, Barnard Mann, David
Currier, Ezek[iel] Mann, Rob[er]t
Currier, Tho[ma]s Massey, John
Cutting, Jonas Merrill, Ira
Dean, N. P. Merrill, Jerem[iah]
Dewey, Chandler Miller, H. W. W.
Dodge, Amos Nye, Geo[rge]
Enos, Roger Nye, Salmon
Farrington, Eph[rai]m Peabody, Andrew
Fisk, Nathan Peck, John
Fitz, Jona[than] Peck, Joseph
French, Silas Philbrick, Jona[than]
Fuller, Nath[anie]l Roberts, Jeson
Fuller, W[illia]m Skinner, Jos[eph]
Gibb, Cornell Slack, Jos[eph]
Gilbert, Chester Smith, Ezra
Goodell, Abial Smith, Lewis
Goodell, Clark Stevenson, Ja[me]s
Goodell, Shubael Tabor, Pierce
Hall, Oran Thompson, Bezer
Hall, Timo[thy] Thompson, D. T.
Hardy, Asa Thompson, Jona[than]
Hardy, Benj[amin] Walton, ____
Harlow, Abner Waterman, Suel
Harlow, B. D. Wells, Sam[ue]l Jr.
Harlow, James Willey, Allen
Harlow, James Jr. Woodman, Jona[than]
Holt, _____ [Mr.]  (Ira?) Wyman, Harvey
Howard, E. Wyman, Jesse
Howard, S. Yetton, J. W.
Freemen - voted Dec 1826 page 217 & 218
Allen, Ira H. Hall, Timo[thy]
Babbitt, Jacob, Jr. Hanford, Francis 
Bailey, David Hardy, Asa
Bailey, Eph[rai]m Hardy, Benj[amin]
Bailey, Jesse Harmon, Argailus
Blodgett, Seth Harmon, Calvin
Blood, S. D. Howard, E.
Blood, Warner Huntley, A. A.
Broughton, (L.) Anson Hyde, Jared
Broughton, Eben[ezer] Jameson, Tho[ma]s
Broughton, Isaac Johnson, W. J.
Bryant, Steph[en] Jones, Giles
Burroughs, E. Kellam, Hiram
Burton, Benj[amin] Kellam, John
Burton, John Kellam, Jona[than] K.
Clement, Tristrum Kellam, Nath[anie]l
Cleveland, N. Kellam, P.
Clough, David Kellam, Sabin
Clough, John Lathe, Asa
Conant, Sam[ue]l Little, Ezekiel
Cowls, Phin[eha]s Little, John
Cunningham, Mark Mann, Rob[er]t
Currier, Ezekiel Massey, John
Currier, Tho[ma]s Merrill, Ira
Cutting, Jonas Miller, H. W. W.
Dean, N. P. Morrill, Jeremiah
Dexter, W. A. Nye, Geo[rge]
Dodge, Amos Nye, Salmon
Elliott, Benj[amin] Peck, John
Elliott, Benj[amin] Peck, Joseph
Enos, Roger Roberts, (Jerm)
Fi[sk], Nathan Skinner, Jos[eph]
Fo(rd), James 2 Smith, Sam[ue]l H.
Ford, Ja[me]s Starkweather, E. H.
Fuller, W[illia]m Stevens, Levi
Gilbert, Chester Stevenson, Ja[me]s
Goodale, Shubel Thompson, Jona[than]
Goodell, Abial Wells, Sam[ue]l Jr.
Goodwin, Richard Willey, Allen
Graves, Joseph Wyman, Harvey
Hall, Orlen   [Oran] Yetton, John W.  
Freeman's oath  Jan 22, 1827 Page 218
Caples, James Jr. Huntington, Benj[amin]
Clough, Moses Rowell, Jacob
Elliott, John Slack, James
Farmer, Bradley Woodman, Calvin
Freeman - voted Feb 25,  1827 page 218 & 219
Allen, I. H. Harlow, B. D.
Babbitt, J., Jr. Harlow, Jas
Bailey, Ephr[ai]m Harlow, Jas [Jr.]
Bailey, Jesse Hidden, D.
Barrows, Maluchi Howard, E.
Blodgett, Seth Howard, Sylvester
Blofs, Z. Huntington, Benj[amin]
Blood, Daniel Huntington, John
Blood, Ros[well] Huntley, Amasa
Blood, S. D. Jameson, Thomas
Blood, Timo[thy] Johnson, Joshua
Blood, Warner Johnson, W. J.
Broughton, Eben[ezer] Jones, Giles
Broughton, Isaac Kellam, Hiram
Bryant, Nath[anie]l Kellam, J. K.
Bryant, Stephen Kellam, John
Burrington, Ammi Kellam, Sabin
Burroughs, E. Kidder, Jonas
Burton, Benj[amin] Kidder, Joseph
Burton, John Kidder, W[illia]m
Carr, Timo[thy] Kimball, Isaac
Chamberlin, Aaron Kimball, M. B.
Chamberlin, E. Lang, Rich[ar]d
Chapells, Ja[me]s Jr.  [Caples] Lathe, Asa
Church, Calvin Little, Ezek[iel]
Clark, Eben[e]z[er] Little, John
Cleaveland, Norman Lock, W[illia]m
Clough, David Locke, S. H.
Clough, John Massey, John
Clough, Moses Merrill, Ira
Conant, Ezra Miller, H. W. W.
Conant, Sam[ue]l Nye, Geo[rge]
Cunningham, Mark Nye, Salmon
Currier, B. Peabody, Andrew
Currier, Jacob Peck, Israel
Currier, Tho[ma]s Peck, John
Cutting, Jonas Peck, Joseph
Dean, N. P. Priest, Josiah
Dexter, W[illia]m A. Roberts, Jerem
Elliott, Benj[amin] Rowell, Francis H.
Elliott, John Rowell, Jacob
Enos, Roger Skinner, Ralph
Farmer, B. Slack, Joseph
Farrington, Ephraim Slack, Joseph
Fisk, Nathan Starkweather, E. H.
Ford, Jos, 2nd Stebbins, (O.) L.
Gilbert, Chester Stevens, Levi 
Goodell, Abial Stickney, Sal(v or o)
Goodell, Clark Sylvester, P. P.
Goodell, Shubael Thompson, D. T.
Goodell, Tho[ma]s Thompson, Jona[than]
Hall, A. Wells, Samuel, Jr.
Hall, Moses Wiggins, John
Hall, Timo[thy] Willey, Allen
Hardy, Benj[amin] Woodman, Calvin
Harlow, Abner Wyman, Jesse
Freeman - voted - March 14,1827 page 220
Babbitt, J. Harlow, Ja[me]s Jr.
Bailey, David Huntington, John
Blifs, Pelihah  [Bliss] Jameson, Tho[ma]s
Blood, Timo[thy] Johnson, Abram
Bloss, Zadok Johnson, Joshua
Bryant, Nath[anie]l Kellam, Hiram
Burton, Benj[amin] Kellam, J.
Burton, John Kellam, John
Chamberlin, Aaron Kellam, P. P.
Clark, Eben[eze]r Kellam, Sabin
Clement, Tristram Kellam, Sam[ue]l?
Cleveland, N. Kellum, Nath[anie]l
Conant, Sam[ue]l Kidder, Jos[eph]
Cowls, Phin[eha]s Kimball, Isaac
Cunningham, M. Lang, Rich[ar]d
Currier, Ezek Locke, S. H.
Currier, Jac[ob] Merrill, Ira
Cutting, Jonas Morrill, Lereny?
Dewey, Chandler Nye, George
Farrington, Eph[raim] Nye, Salmon
Fisk, Nathan Peck, Israel
Hall, Oran Peck, Ja[me]s
Hall, Timo[thy] Peck, John
Hardy, Asa Priest, Josiah
Hardy, Benja[min] Skinner, Joseph
Harlow, Abner Starkweather, E. H.
Harlow, B. D. Wells, S., Jr.
Harlow, Ja[me]s  
Freeman's oath  Sept 4, 1827 page 224
Amey, Daniel M. Newton, Jona[than] L.
Elliott, Hiram Peck, James
Elliott, James Sturtevant, John
Fifield, Waram Willson, John
Freeman - voted  Sept 4, 1827 page 224 & 225
Amey, D. W. Harlow, Ja[me]s Jr.
Babbitt, J. Jr. Howard, Eleazer
Bailey, David Howard, S.
Bailey, Ephr[aim] Huntington, Benj[amin]
Bailey, Israel Huntley, A. A.
Bailey, Jesse Jameson, Alex
Bean, Folsom Jameson, Thomas
Bean, Reuben Johnson, Josh[ua]
Blofs, Zadok Jones, Giles
Blood, Benj[amin] Kellam, Hiram
Blood, Ros[well] Kellam, J. K.
Blood, S. D. Kellam, John
Broughton, Anson Kellam, Nath[anie]l
Broughton, Eben[eze]r Kellam, Sabin
Bryant, Nath[anie]l Kelly, Rich[ar]d
Burrington, Ammi Kidder, David
Burroughs, Elijah Kidder, Jonas
Burroughs, Isaac Kidder, Jos[eph]
Burton, Benj[amin] Kidder, W[illia]m
Burton, John Kimball, Isaac
Campbell, Rufus Kimball, Isaac
Carr, Timo[thy] Kimball, John
Church, Calvin Kimball, M. B.
Clark, Eben[ezer] Lang, Rich[ar]d
Clement, Tristram Lathe, Asa
Cleveland, Norman Little, John
Clough, John Locke, S. H.
Conant, Amos Locke, W[illia]m
Conant, Ezra Mann, David
Conant, Sam[ue]l Mann, Rob[er]t
Cook, Jona[than] Massey, John
Cowls, Phine[ha]s Merrill, Ira
Cunningham, Mark Moore, Sam[ue]l
Currier, Ezek[iel] Morrill, Jeremiah
Currier, Jacob Newton, J. L.
Currier, Tho[ma]s Nye, George
Cutting, Jones Peabody, Andrew
Daggett, Nath[anie]l Peck, Israel
Dean, N. P. Peck, James
Dewey, Chandler Peck, John
Dexter, W. A. Peck, Jos[eph]
Dodge, Amos Perry, Benj[amin]
Elliot, Benj[amin] Roberts, Jerem
Elliott, Hiram Skinner, Jos[eph]
Elliott, James Skinner, R. P.
Elliott, John Slack, Ja[me]s
Enos, Roger Slack, Joseph
Farrington, Eph[rai]m Smith, S. K.
Farrington, Jos[eph] Spencer, Luther
Fifield, Josiah Starkweather, E. H.
Fifield, Weram Stevens, Levi
Fisk, Nathan Stevenson, Ja[me]s
Fitz, Jona[than] Sturtevant, John
Ford, Ja[me]s 2d Tabor, Pierson [Pierce]
Fuller, Nath[aniel] Thompson, Beza
Fuller, W[illia]m Thompson, D. T.
Gilbert, Chester Thompson, Jona[than]
Goodell, Shubael Varney, Moses
Goodell, Tho[ma]s Waterman, Suel
Hall, Moses Waterman, Zeph
Hall, Timo[thy] Wells, S.
Hardy, Asa Willson, John
Hardy, Benj[amin] Woodman, Calvin
Harlow, Abner Wyman, Harvey
Harlow, Benj[amin] D. Wyman, Jes[se]
Harlow, Ja[me]s  
Freeman oath Sept 1828 Page 242
Barrows, Jesse Elliott, Ira
Blood, Justus Kimball, Carlton
Cooley, Moses  (Clough?) Stock, James
Freeman  - voted Sept 1828 Page 242
Allen, Ira H. Harlow, James Jr.
Ash, Asa    Howard, Eleazer
Barrows, Jefse   [Jesse] Huntley, Amasa
Bates, Daniel Jamieson, Thomas
Bean, Fulsom Johnson, Joshua
Bingham, Levi Kellam, John
Blofs, Ora   [Bloss] Kellam, Sabin
Blofs, Zadoc   [Bloss] Kidder, David
Blood, Justus Kidder, Jonas
Briant, Stephen  [Bryant] Kidder, Joseph
Broughton, Ebenezer Kidder, W[illia]m
Broughton, Isaac Killam, Hiram
Burrington, Ami Killam, Jonathan K.
Burrington, Edward Killam, Nathaniel
Burroughs, Elijah Kimball, Carlton
Burton, Benj[amin] Kimball, Isaac
Burton, John Kimball, John
C[lough], Moses   Kimball, Moody B.
Church, Calvin Lathe, Asa
Cleveland, Norman Little, Ezekiel
Clough, David Mann, David
Clough, John Mann, Robert
Cook, Jonathan Merrill, Ira
Daggett, Nathaniel Peabody, Andrew
Dean, Nathaniel Peck, Israel
Dewey, Chandler Peck, James
Dodge, Amos Peck, John
Dodge, Nathan B. R(owll?), Samuel
Elliott, Benj[amin] Sargent, Moses
Elliott, Ja[me]s Skinner, Joseph
Elliott, John Skinner, Ralph
Enos, Roger Slack, James
Fisk, Nathan Smith, Samuel K.
Fuller, W[illia]m Starkweather, E. H.
Goodell, Clark Stimson, James
Goodell, Shubael Thompson, Beza
Hall, Moses Thompson, David
Hall, Orren Thompson, Jonathan
Hall, Timothy Varney, Moses C.
Hardy, Asa Woodman, Calvin
Hardy, Benj[amin] Wyman, Harvey
Harlow, James    Wyman, Jefse
Freeman - voted - Sept 2, 1828 page 244-245
Barrows, Moses Jameson, Thomas
Bates, Daniel Johnson, Joshua
Bingham, Levi Kidder, David
Blofs, Ora C. Kidder, Jonas
Blofs, Zadoc Kidder, Joseph
Blood, Justus Killam, Hiram
Briant, Nathaniel  [Bryant] Killam, John
Broughton, Ebenezer Killam, Jonathan K.
Broughton, Isaac Killam, Sabin
Burrington, Ami Kimball, Carlton
Burrington, E. D. G. Kimball, Isaac
Burroughs, Elijah Kimball, John
Burton, Benj[amin] Lathe, Asa
C[lough], Moses Little, Ezekiel
Church, Calvin Lock,  Ran??
Cleveland, Norman Locke, Simon
Clough, David Mann, Robert
Clough, John Merrell, Ira
Conant, Samuel Morrill, Jeremiah
Dean, N. P. Nye, George
Dewey, Chandler Parsons, Theodore
Dodge, N. B. Peabody, Andrew
Elliot, Benjamin Peck, Isreal
Elliot, John R(owell), Samuel Jr.
Enos, Roger Skinner, Joseph
Fisk, Nathan Slack, James
Fuller, Nathaniel Slack, Joseph
Fuller, W[illia]m Smith, Samuel K.
Goodall, Shubel Starkweather, E. H.
Goodell, Clark Stimson, James
Hall, Moses Thompson, Bezer
Hall, Oran Thompson, David T.
Hall, Timothy Thompson, Jonathan
Har(low), Eleazer Varney, Moses C.
Hardy, Asa Wiggins, Joseph
Hardy, Benj[amin] Woodman, Calvin
Harlow, James Wyman, Harvey
Harlow, James Jr.  Wyman, Jefse
Huntley, Amasa A.  
Freeman - voted -  Sept 1829 page 259-60
Allen, Ira H. Hardy, Benj[ami]n
Baddock, Nathaniel Harlow, James
Bailey, David Harlow, James, Jr.
Bailey, Ephram Ho(ps)kins, I. F.
Blanden, Seneh? Howard, Sylvester
Brigg, Seth Jackson, Tho[ma]s
Briggs, Ebenezer Jamieson, Tho[ma]s
Briggs, Ebenezer Kellam, Moses C.
Briggs, Nath[anie]l Kellam, Sabin
Briggs, Nathaniel Kelly, Richard
Briggs, Seth Killam, John
Broughton, Eben[eze]r Killam, Johnathan H.
Bryant, Nath[anie]l Killam, Nathaniel
Bryant, Stephen Kimball, Isaac
Burrington, Ami Kimball, M. B.
Burrington, Edward D. G. Kimball, M. C.
Burton, Benj[ami]n Lock, Simon
Campbell, Rufus Lock, William
Church, Calvin Mann, David
Clark, Jacob Mann, Robert
Clough, David Mell____, Geo[rge]
Clough, David Jr. Moore, Samuel
Clough, John Nye, Geo[rge]
Cooley, Hiram Parsons, Theodore
Cowls, Charles Peabody, Andrew
Cushman, Gustavius G. Peck, Israel
Daggett, Nath[anie]l Jr. Peck, Israel W.
Dodge, Amos Peck, John
Elliot, James Peck, Joseph Jun.
Elliot, John Roberts, Jesie
Enos, Roger Sargent, Moses
Farrington, Eph[raim] Shattuck, Nathaniel
Fisk, Nathan Thompson, Stephen
Fuller, William Jr. Tyler, Persevl P. E.
Gilbert, Chester Wells, Samuel Jun.
Goodell, Shubell Wiggins, Joseph
Hall, Oran Wilson, John
Hall, Timo[thy] Wyman, Harvey
Hardy, Asa Wyman, Jesse
1830 census  
Allen, Ira H. Huntington, John
Bailey, David Jackson, Tho[ma]s
Bailey, Ephram Jameson, Alex.
Barrows, Jefse Jameson, Tho[ma]s
Bartholomew, Elisha Jones, Homer Y.
Bates, Josiah Kellam, Hiram
Bean, Fulsom Kellam, Sabin
Bennet, Mary Kelley, Richard
Bingham, Allen Kidder, David
Bingham, Levi Kidder, Jonas
Blandon, Levinch ?? Kidder, Joseph
Blodgett, Seth Kidder, William
Blofs, Zadock Kimball, Isaac
Blood, Benj[ami]n Kimball, John
Blood, Sam[ue]l D. Kimball, Moody B.
Blood, Timothy Lang, William
Bowman, Benj[ami]n Little, Ezekiel
Briggs, Eben[eze]r Lock, William
Briggs, Nath[anie]l Loveland, Asa
Broughton, Eben[eze]r Man, Robert
Broughton, Isaac Massy, John  
Bryant, Nath[anie]l Mathom?, Michiel
Bryant, Stephen McNeal, David
Bullock, Jesse McNeal, John
Burns, Frances Moore, Sam[ue]l
Burrington, Ami Morrill, Ira
Burrington, Edward C. Morrill, Josh 
Burton, Benj[ami]n Morrill, Josh Jr.
Campbell, Rufus Morrill, William
Caples, James Mussey, John
Chamberlin, Clark Nye, (Phipa Jr?)
Chapman, Joseph Nye, Geo[rge]
Clark, Eben[eze]r Parks, Sam[ue]l
Clark, Jacob Parsons, Theodore
Clark, John Peabody, Andrew
Clark, Joseph Peck, Isreal   
Clement, Trustan Peck, Isreal W.
Clough, David Peck, James
Cole, Phineas  [Cowls] Peck, John
Conant, Ezra Peck, Joseph
Conant, Sam[ue]l Peck, Joseph Jr.
Cook, Jona[than] Perry, Benj[ami]n
Cunningham, Mark Philbrooks, Jon[athan]
Currier, Jacob Pike, John
Curtis, Luthcufer W. Poffet, William
Curtis, Otis F. Priest, Josiah
Dagget, Nath[anie]l Prouty, Sam[ue]l
Dean, Nath[anie]l P. Ranny, Freeman
Dewey, Chandler Roberts, (Jesh/Jefse?)
Dodge, Amos Rockwell, Luther L.
Dodge, Nathan B. Sargent, Moses
Edwards, Kimball Shattuck, Nath[anie]l
Elliott, Benj[ami]n Skinner, Joseph
Elliott, James Smith, Mary
Enos, Roger Star[kwea]ther, Elisha H.
Farrington, Ephraim Stevens, Levi
Farrington, Joseph Stevenson, James
Fiske, Nathan Stockwell, Luther
Fuller, William Taylor, Daniel
Gilbert, Arial Thompson, Benjm  [Beza]
Goodell, Shubal Thompson, Eliz(r?)
Green, Calvin Warren, Joel
Haines, Trustum Waterman, Suel
Hall, Moses J. Webster, David
Hall, Timothy Wells, Sam[ue]l Jr.
Hanford, Francis Wells, Tho[ma]s
Hanford, Willard Wiggins, Joseph
Harding, Richard Willey, Allen
Hardy, Asa Williams, John
Hardy, Benj[ami]n Williams, Nath[anie]l
Harlow, James Wilson, John
Hayard, Eleazer  [Howard] Wright, Alanson
Hayward, Sylvester  [Howard] Wyman, Harvey
Healy, Stephen Wyman, Jesse
Hibbard, Joel  
Freeman oath Sept 1830 Page 268
Curtis, Luthcufer W. Haynes, Tristram
Clark, Jacob Kimball, Daniel W.
Hanford, Francis Perry, Stephen
Hanford, Willard Proughty, Samuel [Prouty]
Freeman - voted Sept 7, 1830 page 268
Barrows, Jesse (Hedlin), I.
Bingham, Levi Hibbard, Joel
Blanden, Lamah Howard, Elez[er]
Blodgett, Seth Jackson, Tho[ma]s
Blood, Benj[amin] Jamieson, Alex
Broughton, Isaac Jamieson, Tho[ma]s
Broughty, Samuel Jones, B. T.
Bryant, Nath[anie]l Kidder, Jonas
Burrington, Ami Kidder, Joseph
Burrington, Eber  [Edward] Killam, Hiram
Burton, Benj[amin] Killam, John
Burton, John Killam, Sabin
Campbell, Rufus Kimball, Daniel W.
Clark, Eben[ezer] Kimball, Isaac
Clark, Jacob Kimball, M. B.
Clement, Tristram Little, John
Clough, John Lock, Simon
Conant, Ezra Mason, Geo[rge] M.
Conant, Samuel Massy, John
Cook, Geo[rge] Merrill, Ira
Cook, Jonathan Morrill, Jese
Cunningham, Mark Mussey, Alden
Curtis, Luthcufer W. Mussey, John
Daggett, Nath[anie]l Jr. Nye, Geo[rge]
Dewey, Chandler Pearson, Theo
Dodge, Amos Peck, Israel
Dodge, N. B. Peck, Isreal W.
Edwards, Kimball Peck, John
Elliot, Ja[me]s Peck, Jos[eph]
Elliott, Benj[amin] Perry, Stephen
Elliott, John Philbrook, Jonathan
Enos, Roger Proughty, Samuel [Prouty]
Farrington, Eph[rai]m Rine, Freeman   [Ranny]
Fisk, Newton  [Nathan] Roberts, Jese
Gilbert, Ariel Rust, John Jr.
Goodell, Clark Skinner, Jos[eph]
Goodell, Shub[al] Stockwell, L. L. 
Green, Calvin Thompson, Beza
Hall, Timo[thy] Tyler, P. P. E.
Hanford, Francis Waterman, Suel
Hanford, Willard Wells, Tho[ma]s
Hardy, Asa Wiggins, Jos[eph]
Harlow, Ja[me]s Jr. Willey, Allen
Harlow, James Wyman, Jesse
Haynes, Tristram  
Freeman - voted Sept 7, 1830 page 269-70
Bailey, David Harlow, James
Bailey, David Harwener, Ebenezer
Barrows, Jesse Hibbard, Joel
Bingham, Levi Jackson, Thomas
Blandin, Samuel Jameson, Alex[ande]r
Broughton, Eben Jamieson, Thomas
Bryant, Nath[anie]l Jones, B. T.
Burrington, Ami Kellam, Sabin
Burton, Benjamin Kidder, Jonas
Burton, John Kidder, Joseph
Campbell, Rufus Killam, Hiram
Carrington, M. Killam, John
Chapman, Joseph Kimball, D. F.
Clark, Ebenezer Kimball, Isaac
Clark, Jacob Kimball, M. B.
Clement, Tristram Little, Ezekiel
Conant, Sam[ue]l Lock, Simon
Cook, Geo[rge] Mason, Geo[rge] M.
Cook, Jona[than] Massy, John
Cowls, Phinehas Merrill, Ira
Curtis, L. W. Mussy, Alden
Cutting, Davis Mussy, John
Daggett, Nath[anie]l Newton, Jona[than] L.
Dewey, Chandler Nye, Geo[rge]
Dodge, Amos Pearsons, Theo[dore]
Dodge, N. B. Peck, Israel
Edwards, Kimball Peck, Ja[me]s
Enos, Roger Peck, John
Farrington, E. Peck, Samuel W.
Fisk, Nathan Perry, Stephen
Gilbert, Ariel (Rivers), Freeman
Goodell, Clark Roberts, Jese
Goodell, Shubel Rust, John, Jr.
Granger, Geo[rge] Skinner, Jos[eph]
Hall, Timo[thy] Slack, James
Hamond?, Litvestn Stark, Joseph
Hanford, Francis Thompson, Bozer
Hardy, Asa Tyler, P. P. E.
Hardy, Benj[amin] Wiggins, Joseph
Harlow, Ja[me]s Jr. Wyman, Jessie
Freeman - voted Dec 6, 1830 page 271 & 272
Allen, I. H. Hardy, Asa
Bailey, D. Hardy, Benj[ami]n
Bates, Daniel - Glover Harlow, Edward B.
Benton, John Harlow, Ja[me]s Jr.
Blandin, L. Hibbard, Joel
Blofs, Alvin Howard, E.
Blofs, Z. Jameson, Alex
Briggs, Ebenezer Jamieson, Tho[ma]s
Briggs, Nath[anie]l Jones, B. T.
Briggs, Seth Killam, H.
Broughton, Eben Killam, John
Broughton, Isaac Killam, Nath[anie]l
Bryant, Stephen Killam, Sabin
Burton, Benj[ami]n Kimball, D. F.
Chamberlin, Clark Kimball, M. B.
Chapman, Jos[eph] Little, Ezekiel
Clark, E. Little, John
Clark, John Lock, W[illia]m
Clough, David Jr. Merrill, Hiram
Clough, John Merrill, Ira
Clough, Moses Mussy, Alden
Conant, Sam[ue]l Nye, Geo[rge]
Cook, Jona[than] Paine?, John
Cowls, Cha[rle]s M. Pearsons, Theo[dore]
Cowls, P. Peck, Israel
Crandall, Sam[ue]l - Albany Peck, John
Croffance, Alexander - Derby Peck, Joseph Jr.
Cunningham, M. Proughty, S.  [Prouty]
Curtis, L. W. Reed, B. H.
Daggett, Nath[anie]l Jr. Rowell, Conant - Albany
Dean, N. P. Rust, John Jr.
Dewey, Chandler Sargent, M.
Dodge, Amos Shattack, Nath[anie]l
Dodge, N. B. Skinner, David
Elliot, Benj[ami]n Skinner, Joseph
Elliot, James Skinner, R. P.
Enos, Roger Smally, H. S.- Albany
Farrington, Eph. Starkwether, E. H.
Fisk, Nathan Taylor, Daniel
Gaynes, T. Thompson, Bezer
Gilbert, A. Tyler, P. P. E.
Green, Calvin Webster, David
Hall, Timo[thy] Wells, Tho[ma]s
Hanford, Francis Wiggins, Joseph
Hanford, Willard Woods, Warner
Freeman - voted Jan 24, 1831 page 272-3
Allen, I. H. Jamieson, Tho[mas]
Bailey, David Kellam, John
Bailey, Eph[rai]m Kidder, Jonas
Barrows, Jesse Kidder, Jos[eph]
Blanden, L. Killam, H.
Blodgett, Seth Killam, Jona[than]
Blofs, Alain Killam, Nath[anie]l
Blofs, Alvin Killam, Sabin
Blood, Benj[ami]n Kimball, M. B.
Broughton, Eben Knight, Joseph
Broughton, Isaac Little, Ezekiel
Bryant, Nath[anie]l Little, John
Bullock, Jesse Little, Madison
Burrington, E. D. [G.]. Lock, Simon
Burton, Benj[amin] Massy, John
Burton, John Minot, W.
Chamberlin, Clark Moor, Sam[ue]l
Chapman, Joseph Morrill, Jesse
Clark, Eben Muzzy, John  [Mussy]
Clough, David Nelson, N. P.
Clough, John Nye, Geo
Clough, Moses Peabody, Andrew
Cory, Timo[thy] - Derby Peck, [Ah]iel
Cunningham, Mark Peck, H????
Currier, Jacob Peck, I. W.
Curtis, L. W. Peck, Israel
Daggett, Nath[anie]l Jr. Peck, John
Dewey, C. Proughty, Sam[ue]l [Prouty]
Dodge, N. B. Reed, B. H.
Enos, Roger Rugg, C. W.
Fuller, W[illia]m Sargent, M.
Fuller, W[illia]m Jr. Shattock, G. H.
Gilbert, A. Skinner, Jos[eph]
Goodell, S. Slack, James
Green, Calvin Starkweather, E. H.
Hall, Timo[thy] Tyler, P. P. E.
Hardy, Asa Webster, Albert
Hardy, Benj[ami]n Webster, David
Harlow, E. B. Wells, Sam[ue]l
Harlow, Ja[me]s Jr. Wells, Tho[ma]s
Howard, Eleazer Wiggins, Jos[eph] 
Jackson, Tho[ma]s Willey, A.
Jameson, Alex Willey, Allen
  Willey, Alpheus
Freeman - voted March 21, 1831 page 282-3
Bede, Daniel Jones, B. T.
Blofs, Zadock Kellam, Hiram
Blood, Benj[ami]n Kellam, John
Blood, Sam[ue]l D. Kidder, Jonas
Briggs, Ebenezer Kidder, Joseph
Briggs, Seth Kimball, John
Broughton, Eben[eze]r Kimball, Moody B.
Broughton, Isaac Knight, Joseph
Broughton, John S. Lang, Richard
Bryant, Geo[rge] Little, Ezekiel
Bryant, Nath[anie]l Little, James M.
Burton, Benj[ami]n Little, John
Campbell, Rufus Loveland, Asa
Chamberlin, Clark Mafsey, John [Mussey]
Chapman, Joseph Morril, Jeremiah
Clark, Eben[eze]r Mussey, Alden
Clark, Jacob Parsons, Theadore
Clough, Moses Peck, Israel W.
Conant, Sam[ue]l Peck, Isreal
Cowls, Phineas Peck, James
Cunningham, Mark Peck, Joseph
Currier, Jacob Prouty, Sam[ue]l
Daggett, Nath[anie]l Roberts, Jeremiah
Dean, Nath[anie]l P. Royse, H. B.
Dewey, Chandler Rugg, Calvin
Edson, _____ Rust, John
Flanders, Philip Sargent, Moses
Fuller, William Jr. Shattuck, Gardner H.
Gilbert, Arial Skinner, Joseph
Hall, Moses Taylor, Daniel
Hall, Timo[thy] Tyler, P. P. E.
Hall, William Webster, David
Hardy, Asa Wells, Sam[ue]l
Hardy, Benj[ami]n Willey, Allen
Howard, Eleazer Willey, Alpheus
Jameson, Alex  
Freeman - voted May 14, 1831 page 284 & 285
Allen, Ira H. Harlow, James Jr.
Baily, David Hoit [Hoyt], David E.
Bede, Daniel Howard, Eleazer
Benton, Royal Jameson, Thomas
Blanden, Lamach Kidder, Jonas
Blodget, Seth Kidder, Joseph
Blofs, Zadok Killam, Hiram
Blood, Benj[ami]n Killam, Sabin
Briggs, Nath[anie]l Killum, John
Briggs, Seth Killum, Nath[anie]l
Broughton, Eben[eze]r Kimball, Daniel F.
Broughton, Isaac Kimball, Isaac
Broughton, John S. Kimball, John
Bryant, Steven Kimball, M. B.
Burton, Benj[ami]n Knight, Joseph
Campbell, Rufus Little, Ezekiel
Chamberlin, Clark Little, J. M.
Chapman, Joseph Little, John
Clark, Eben[eze]r Lock, William
Clark, Jacob McNeal, D.
Clement, Tristum Mussey, Aldin
Clough, David Nye, Geo[rge]
Clough, David Jr. Parsons, Theadore
Clough, Moses Peck, Ahial
Conant, Sam[ue]l Peck, Israel Jr.
Cook, Jona[than] Peck, James
Cowls, Phineas Peck, Joseph
Culver, John Phillips, Geo[rge]
Curtis, Lathrop W. Prouty, Sam[ue]l
Daggett, Nath[anie]l Jr. Reed, B. H.
Dean, N. P. Roberts, Jeremiah
Dewey, Chandler Rugg, Calvin W.
Dodge, Amos Rust, John
Edson, _____ Sargent, Moses
Edson, Myron Shattuck, Gard[ner] H.
Eliot, Benj[ami]n Starkwether, E. H.
Enos, Roger Stevens, James
Fifield, Josiah Thompson, Bezer
Fisk, Nathan Tyler, P. P. E.
Flanders, Philip Warren, Joel
Gardner, Perez Waterman, Suel
Green, Calvin Webster, Albert
Hall, Timo[thy] Webster, David
Hardy, Asa Wiggins, Joseph
Hardy, Benj[ami]n Willey, Alpheas
Harlow, James    Wyman, Harvey
Freeman - voted Aug 1, 1831 page 287 & 288
Barrows, Jefse Kellam, Nath[anie]l
Bates, Josiah S. Kellum, John
Bede, Daniel Kellum, Sabin
Blanden, Lamack Kidder, Jonas
Blofs, Zadock Kidder, Joseph
Blood, Nelson Kimball, D. F.
Blood, Sam[ue]l D. Kimball, Isaac
Blood, Warner Knight, Joseph
Broughton, Ebenezer Lang, Jacob H.
Broughton, Isaac Little, Ezekiel
Broughton, John S. Little, J. M.
Brown, Alfred Little, John
Bryant, Nath[anie]l Merril, Ira
Burrington, Edward D. G. Morril, Jeremiah
Chamberlin, Clark Mussey, Alden
Chapman, Joseph Nye, Geo[rge]
Clough, David Peabody, Andrew
Clough, Moses Pearsons, Theadore
Cooper, Jefse Jr. Peck, Ahial
Cunningham, Mark Peck, James
Daggett, Nath[anie]l Peck, John
Dean, Nath[anie]l P. Peck, Joseph Jr.
Dodge, Nathan B. Prouty, Samuel
Enos, Roger Rugg, Calvin W.
Fisk, Nathan Sargent, Moses
Gilbert, Ariel Sawyer, P.
Green, Calvin Shattuck, Gardner H.
Hall, Moses Skinner, Joseph
Hall, Timo[thy] Sleeper, Daniel
Hall, William Sleeper, John
Hardy, Asa Starkwether, E. H.
Hardy, Benj[ami]n Taylor, Daniel
Harlow, James Tyler, P. P. E.
Hoit [Hoyt], David E. Webster, Albert
Howard, Eleazer Webster, David
Jameson, Thomas Wells, Thomas
Jones, Bela T. Wiggins, Joseph
Kellam, Charles Willey, Allen
Freeman - voted Aug 16, 1831 page 289 & 290 & 291
Allen, Ira H. Healy, Arnold
Baily, Ephraim Howard, Eleazer
Barrows, Jesse Hoyt, David E.
Bates, Josiah Huntington, William
Bates, Josiah S. Jameson, Alex
Bean, Folsom Jameson, Tho[ma]s
Bingham, Levi Jones, Bela T.
Blanden, Lamach Kellam, Charles
Blodgett, Seth Kellam, Sabin
Blofs, Elvin Kidder, Jonas
Blood, Nelson Kidder, Joseph
Blood, Sam[ue]l D. Killam, Hiram
Briggs, Ebenezer Killam, John
Briggs, Nath[anie]l Killam, Nath[anie]l
Briggs, Seth Kimball, Isaac
Broughton, Isaac Kimball, Isaac Jr.
Broughton, John S. Kimball, Moody B.
Bryant, Nath[anie]l Lang, Richard
Bryant, Steven Little, James M.
Burton, Benj[ami]n Lock, Simon
Campbell, Rufus Lock, William
Chapman, Joseph Merril, Ira
Clark, Joseph Morril, Jeremiah
Conant, Amos Morril, Jeremiah Jr.
Conant, Sam[ue]l Morril, W[illia]m
Cook, Jona[than] Mussey, Alden
Cooper, Jefse Mussey, John
Currier, Jacob Nye, Geo[rge]
Curtis, Lathrop W. Nye, Lucius S.
Dane, Geo[rge] M. Parry, Steven [Perry]
Dean, Nath[anie]l P. Peabody, Andrew
Dewey, Chandler Pearson, Theodore
Dodge, Nathan B. Peck, Ahial
Edwards, Kimball T. S. Peck, Israel
Eliot, Benj[ami]n Peck, Israel Jr.
Enos, Roger Peck, John
Farrington, Ephraim Peck, Joseph
Fifield, Josiah Peck, Joseph Jr.
Fisk, Nathan Prouty, Sam[ue]l
Fuller, W[illia]m Ranny, Freeman
Fuller, William Jr. Roberts, Jeremiah
Goodale, Clark  [Goodell] Royce, Horace B.
Green, Calvin Sargent, Moses
Hall, Moses Shattuck, Gardner H.
Hall, Timo[thy] Shattuck, Nath[anie]l
Hall, William Smith, Justus
Hardy, Asa Thompson, David T.
Hardy, Benj[ami]n Warren, Joel
Harlow, James Webster, David
Harlow, James Jr. Wells, Thomas
  Willey, Alpheas
Freemen - voted Oct 1831 page 294 & 295
___tington, Nemiah Jones, Bela T.
Allen, Ira H. Kellam, Hiram
Barnard, Milton Kellam, John
Bates, Josiah  Kellam, Sabin
Bates, Josiah S. Kellem, Nath[anie]l
Blodgett, Seth Kidder, Jonas
Blood, Benj[ami]n Kidder, Joseph
Blood, Sam[ue]l Kidder, William
Broughton, Eben[eze]r Kimball, D. F.
Broughton, Isaac Kimball, Isaac
Broughton, John S. Knight, Joseph
Burton, Benj[ami]n Little, Ez[e]k[ie]l
Campbell, Rufus Little, James M.
Chamberlin, Clark Little, John
Chamberlin, Franklin Mason, Will, Jr.
Chapman, Joseph Merril, Hiram
Clark, Eben[eze]r Merril, Ira
Clark, Joseph Miller, Albert
Clough, David Miller, Albert
Clough, Moses Mufsey, John  [Mussey]
Conant, Amos Mussey, Alden
Conant, Sam[ue]l Nye, Geo
Cook, Jona[than] Nye, Lucius S.
Cooper, Jefse Jr.  [Jesse] Peabody, A.
Cun[ningham], Mark Pearsons, Theodore
Curtis, L. W. Peck, Ahial
Daggett, Nath[anie]l Peck, Israel
Dane, Geo[rge] M. Peck, Joseph Jr.
Dean, Jacob Powers, Sargent
Dodge, Nathan B. Prouty, Sam[ue]l
Drew, Mark Rugg, C. W.
Eliot, Beryul  (Benj?) Sargent, Moses
Eliot, James Shattuck, G. H.
Eusan, Abidin Shaw, He(nry)
Fisk, Nathan Skinner, Joseph
French, J. L. Skinner, Ralph P.
Fuller, William Starkweather, E. H.
Gilbert, Areal Taylor, Daniel Jr.
Gorham, Erastus F. Thompson, Beza
Green, Calvin Thompson, David T.
Hall, Timo[thy] Wallbridge, Amos
Hardy, Asa Webster, Albert
Hardy, Benj[ami]n Webster, David
Hoit [Hoyt], David E. Wells, Thom[a]s
Howard, Eleazer Wiggins, Joseph
Jameson, Alexander Willey, Allen
Jameson, Tho[ma]s Willey, Alpheas
Freeman's oath   Oct 1831  
Bates, Josiah S. Miller, Albert
Freeman - voted -  Nov 9, 1831 page 296 & 297
Allen, Ira H. Howard, Eleazer
Blofs, Elvin W. Jameson, Thomas
Blood, Benj[ami]n Johnson, Stephen
Blood, Sam[ue]l D. Jones, Bela T.
Blood, Timo[thy] Kellam, John
Blood, Warner Kellam, Nath[anie]l
Broughton, Eben[eze]r Kellam, Sabin
Broughton, Isaac Kidder, Jonas
Broughton, John S. Kimball, D. F.
Bryant, Geo[rge] Kimball, John, Jr.
Chamberlin, Clark Knight, Joseph Jr.
Chamberlin, Sam[ue]l B. Little, Ezekiel
Chapman, Joseph Little, James M.
Clement, Tristum Little, John
Clough, Moses Lock, Simon K.
Colburn, J. Lock, William
Conant, Sam[ue]l Mann, David
Cook, Johnathan Morril, Jeremiah
Cooper, Jefse Jr. Morril, William
Cunningham, Mark Mussey, Alden
Curtis, Lathrop W. Nye, Geo[rge]
Daggett, Nath[anie]l Jr. Nye, Lucius S.
Dean, Nath[anie]l P. Peck, Israel
Dewey, Chandler Peck, John
Enos, Roger Peck, Joseph
Fisk, Nathan Peck, Joseph, Jr.
French, Norman Prouty, Sam[ue]l
Fuller, William Jr. Roberts, Jeremiah
Gilbert, [Ariel] Rugg, Calvin W.
Hall, Mofes  [Moses] Sargent, Moses
Hall, Timo[thy] Shattuck, G. H.
Hall, W[illia]m Shaw, Pleny
Handford, Willard [Hanford] Starkweather, Elisha H.
Harding, D. Taylor, Daniel
Hardy, Asa Thompson, D. T.
Hardy, Benj[ami]n Webster, David
Harlow, E. B. Wiggins, Joseph
Harlow, James, Jr. Willey, Alpheas
Freeman - voted - Jan 13, 1832 page 298 & 299 
Adams, Elijah Hardy, Benj[ami]n
Allen, Ira H. Howard, Ele[aze]r
Bingham, Levi Jameson, Thomas
Blanden, Lamach Jones, Bela T.
Blodgett, Seth Kellam, John
Blofs, Elvin W. Kellam, Nath[anie]l
Blofs, Zadok Kellam, Sabin
Blood, Benj[ami]n Kellum, Hiram
Blood, Sam[ue]l D. Kidder, Jonas
Broughton, Eben[eze]r Kidder, Joseph
Broughton, Isaac Kimball, D. F.
Broughton, John S. Kimball, Isaac
Bryant, Nath[anie]l Little, Ezek[ie]l
Bullock, Jesse Little, Ja[me]s M.
Clark, Eben Little, John
Cobb, Elis Little, William B.
Conant, Amos Lock, William
Connant, Sam[ue]l Merril, Ira
Cooper, Jefse Jr. Morril, Jeremiah
Cowls, Charles M. Morril, William
Cowls, Phineas Nye, Geo[rge]
Cunningham, Mark Nye, Lucus S.
Curtis, Lathrop W. Peabody, Andrew
Daggett, Nath[anie]l Jr. Peck, Ahial
Dean, Nath[anie]l P. Peck, Israel
Eliot, James Peck, John
Enos, Roger Peck, Joseph
Farrington, Ephraim Peck, Joseph Jr.
Fisk, Nathan Prouty, Sam[ue]l
French, Jacob L. Ranny, Freeman
French, Norman Shattuck, G. H.
Fuller, William Jr. Shaw, Pleane
Gilbert, Ahial Skinner, Joseph
Green, Calvin Smith, Justus
Griswold, Levi Sylvester, John
Hall, Mofes  [Moses] Waterman, Suel
Hall, Timo[thy] Webster, Albert
Hall, William Webster, David
Handford, Willard [Hanford] Wells, Tho[ma]s
Hardy, Asa Wiggins, Joseph
  Wilkins, Joseph
Freeman - voted - March 20, 1832 page 306 & 307
Adams, F. W. - Barton Huntington, W[illia]m
Allen, I. H. Jameson, Tho[mas]
Bailey, Ephraim Johnson, Stephen
Bailey, Josiah Kellum, Sabin
Barrows, Jesse Kidder, Jonas
Bean, Fulson Kidder, Joseph
Blanden, L. Kimball, Isaac
Blofs, E. W. Knight, Jos[eph]
Blood, Benj[amin] Lang, Richard
Blood, Samuel D. Little, E.
Blood, Timothy Little, John
Blood, W. Little, M.
Briggs, Eb[enezer] Little, W[illia]m
Briggs, Nath[anie]l Lock, Simon
Briggs, Seth Lock, W[illia]m
Broughton, Ebenezer Merrill, Ira
Broughton, Isaac Morrill, Jeremiah Jr.
Broughton, J. S. Mussey, Alden
Bryant, Nath[anie]l Nye, Geo[rge]
Chapman, Joseph Nye, L. S.
Cl[ark], Eben[eze]r Pearsons, Theo[dore]
Conant, Samuel Peck, [Ah]ial
Cook, Jona[than] Peck, Israel
Cooper, Jesse Jr. Peck, Israel W.
Cowles, Ch[arle]s M. Peck, James
Cunningham, M. Peck, John
Currier, J. Peck, Joseph
Curtis, L. W. Peck, Joseph Jr.
Daggett, N., Jr. Proughty, Samuel [Prouty]
Dodge, N. B. Rice, H. B.
Enos, Roger Roberts, Jeremiah
Farrington, E. Sargent, Moses
Fifield, Josiah Shattuck, G. H.
Fisk, Nathan Shaw, Plinee
French, Jacob Starkweather, E. H.
French, Norman Taylor, Dan[ie]l
Fuller, W[illia]m Jr. Thompson, David
Gilbert, A. Villam, John
Goodell, Clark Warren, Joel
Green, C. Webster, Albert
Hardy, Asa Webster, David
Hardy, Benj[amin] Wells, Tho[ma]s
Harlow, Ja[me]s Jr. Wilkins, Joseph
Howard, E. Willey, Alpheus
Huntington, B. Wright, A.
Huntington, John Wyman, Harvey
Freeman - voted - June 4, 1832 page 311
Allen, I. H. Harlow, Ja[me]s
Bates, Jos[iah] Huntington, John
Blenden, L. Huntington, W[illia]m
Blood, B. Hyde, H.
Blood, T. Jamieson, Alex
Broughton, Benj[amin] Jamieson, Tho[ma]s
Broughton, E. Johnson, S.
Broughton, Isaac Kellam, S.
Broughton, J. S. Kidder, Charles
Brown, J. Kidder, W[illia]m
Chapman, Jos[eph] Kiddier, Jos[eph]
Clark, E. Killam, John
Clark, J. Kimball, I. Jr.
Clement, E. Kimball, M. B.
Clough, D. Knight, Jos[eph]
Colby, Las Little, E.
Conant, E. Little, John
Conant, Sam[ue]l Little, W[illia]m
Cook, Jona[than] Lock, W[illia]m
Cooper, Jes[se] Jr. Merrill, H.
Cowes, C. M. Merrill, Ira
Cowls, P. Miles, David
Cunningham, M. Miles, John
Curtis, L. W. Mussey, John
Daggett, Nath[anie]l Jr. Nye, Geo[rge]
Dean, N. P. Nye, L. S.
Dodge, N. B. Pearsons, Theo[dore]
Elliot, B. Peck, [John]
Elliot, Ja[me]s Peck, Jos[eph]
Enos, Roger Proughty, Sam[ue]l  [Prouty]
Fifield, J. Rainey, F.  [Ranney]
Fisk, N. Sargent, M.
Fuller, W[illia]m Shattuck, G. H.
Fuller, W[illia]m Jr. Skinner, Joseph
Gleason, J. Sungrat, M.
Godfrey, Ira Thompson, D.
Hall, M. Webster, David
Hardy, A. Wiggins, Jos[eph]
Hardy, B. Willey, A.
Harlow, Ed. Willy, A.
Harlow, J. Jr. Wyman, H.
Freeman - voted - Oct 24, 1832 page 312
Allen, I. H. Harlow, E.
Barrows, J. Harlow, Ja[me]s
Bates, J. Harlow, O.
Bl(andin), L. Howard, E.
Blodgett, Seth Jamieson, A.
Blofs, E. W.  [Bloss] Jamison, T. Jr?
Blofs, Zadock   [Bloss] Johnson, S.
Blood, Benj[amin Kellam, H.
Blood, T. Kellam, John
Bowman, Benj[ami]n Kellam, S.
Briggs, Seth Kidder, Jonas
Broughton, E. Kidder, Jos[eph]
Broughton, J. S. Kidder, W[illia]m
Brown, E. Killam, Nath[anie]l
Burton, Benj[amin] Kimball, E. C.
Carpenter, Josiah Kimball, I.
Chamberlin, Sam[ue]l Kimball, I., Jr.
Chandler, C. Kimball, M. B.
Chapman, Jos[eph] Lang, R.
Clark, E. Little, W[illia]m
Clark, Jos[eph] Lock, S.
Clement, T. Lock, W[illia]m
Clough, D. Massy, J.
Cobb, Heman Merrill, Ira
Conant, E. Metcalf, Eli
Cooper, Jesse Jr. Morrill, Ira  Jr.?
Cowls, Cha[rles]s M. Nye, L. S.
Cowls, Phin Pearsons, T.
Cunningham, M. Perry, H.
Currier, J. Rice, C. W.
Daggitt, N. 2 Robinson, E.
Dodge, N. B. Sargent, M.
Drew, M. Shattuck, G. H.
Emerson, S. P. W. Skinner, Jos[eph]
Enos, R. Starkweather, E. H.
Fifield, J. Taylor, D.
Fisk, N. Thompson, D.
French, J. Tyler, P. P. E.
Fuller, Nath[anie]l Webster, A.
Fuller, W. Webster, D.
Godfrey, Ira Wells, T.
Green, Edwin Wheelock, Amos or Amasa?
Hall, M. Wiggins, Jos[eph]
Hall, W[illia]m Willey, A.
Hanford, W. Wright, A.
Hardy, A. Wyman, H.
Hardy, Benj[amin]  
Freeman - voted  Sept 2, 1834 page 325 & 326  (poor copy)
(Alad), W. F. Howard, W.
Allen, I. H. Huntington, W[illia]m
Bailey, E. Jameson, T.
Bailey, J. Jamison, A.
Bailey, L. Jenkins, B.
Barrows, J. Jones, B. T.
Bingham, L. Kellam, S.
Blodgett, S. Kennifson, B.
Blodgett, Seth Jr. Kidder, C. W.
Blofs, E.  [Bloss] Kidder, Jonas
Blofs, Zack  [Bloss] Kidder, Jos[eph]  
Blood, B. Kidder, W[illia]m
Blood, H. Killam, H.
Blood, N. Killam, John
Blood, S. D. Kimball, H.
Briggs, E. Kimball, I., Jr.
Briggs, N. Kimball, Isaac
Briggs, Seth Knight, J.
Brown, Jo[h]n Knight, O.
Bryant, Geo[rge] Knight, O.
Bryant, Geo[rge] R. Lang, R.
Bryant, N. Layton, D.
Bryant, S. Little, J  M.
Bullock, J. Little, W.
Burton, B. Lock, S.
Burton, J. Locke, W[illia]m
Caldwell, W[illia]m A. Loveland, A.
Chamberlin, Sam[ue]l Mann, D.
Chapin, I. Mann, R.
Church, L. Masey, J.
Clark, E. Massy, J.
Clark, I. McNeal, J.
Clark, J. I. Merrill, Ira
Clark, S. S. E. Metcalf, C. G.
Clement, T. Metcalf, E.
Clough, D. Morrill, J.
Conant, E. (Muse), Ja[me]s M.
Conant, Samuel Nye, Geo[rge]
Cook, Jona[than] Nye, L. S.
Cook, T[rueworthy] Paine, Geo[rge]
Cooper, Jes[sie] Peabody, A.
Cooss, A. E. Peabody, D.
Cowles, C. M. Peabody, N.
Cowles, P. Pearson, E.
Crandall, S. Pearson, T.
Cunningham, M. Pearson, Theo[dore]
Cunningham, Mark Peck, J.
Currier, J. Peck, Ja[me]s
Daggett, N. Peck, John
Dean, N. P. Perry, B.
Dewey, C. Perry, H.
Dodge, E. Priest, J.
Dodge, N. B. Rawmen, J. B.
Dodge, W[illia]m Reed, B. H.
Emerson, S. P. W. (Rowly), J.
Farley, L. Sargent, Moses
Fisk, Enos N. Shattuck, G. H.
Forsaith, H. Shattuck, N.
French, J. L. Sisco, B.
Fuller, J. Skinner, Jos[eph]
Fuller, N. Stockwell, E. H. [Starkweather]
Fuller, W[illia]m Stockwell, L. L.
Gilbert, A. Strowbridge, T.
Goodell, S. Sylvester, J. 
Hancock, J. Thompson, Cha[rle]s
Hanford, W. Tucker, D.
Hardy, A.  Warren, J.
Harlow, Ja[me]s Jr. Webster, A.
Harrington, E. Webster, D.
[Haw]kins, L. K. Wells, T.
Hawley, Geo[rge] West, Geo[rge] C.
Healy, S. W. Willey, A. A.
Howard, E. Willey, H. S.
Howard, E. Williams, Nath[anie]l
Howard, S. Worthington, Geo[rge]
Howard, S. H. Wright, A.
Freeman - Oath - Sept  1838 page 386 & 387
Blodgett, Frederick W. Kellam, John 2d
Bryant, William N. Knight, Roswell
Ceyo, Charles Lang, William
Edwards, William Pierce, William
Fisk, Edwin Thompson, John
Ford, William Tisdel, Joel
Jenness, Job Ware, Alanson C.
  Ware, Alonzo S.
Freemen - voted Sept 3, 1839 page 396 & 397
Al(very), B Jameson, T.
Bailey, E. Jenn[ess], J.    
Bailey, Israel Johnson, James
Bailey, L. Jones, B. T.
Barrows, Jefse  [Jesse] Jones, H. T.
Bates, H. M. Kidder, B.
Belknap, T. Kidder, C. W.
Blodget, F. W.  Kidder, J.
Blodgett, S. Kidder, Jonas
Blood, H. Kidder, S.
Blood, N. Kidder, W.
Blood, W. Killam, H.
Braley, D.  (Bailey?) Killam, J.
Briggs, E. Kimball, I.
Briggs, N. Kimball, M. B.
Briggs, S. Kimball, R. H.
Brooks, E. Knight, J.
Bryant, G. R. Knight, O.
Bryant, Geo[rge] Lang, R.
Bryant, N. Lang, W.
Bryant, Stephen Lathe, A.
Bryant, W. N. Lawrence, D., Jr.
Burton, B. Lewis, S.
Burton, J. Little, J. M.
Capels, James Lock, L. B?
Chamberlin, C. Lock, W.
Chamberlin, Cha[rle]s Locke, S.
Chamberlin, E. Locke, W. L.
Chamberlin, Geo[rge] Loveland, A.
Chapman, J. Mann, R.
Clark, I. Massey, J.
Clark, Jos[eph] Metcalf, C.
Clement, A. Metcalf, C. G.
Clement, J. Metcalf, E. S.
Clement, T. Metcalf, H.
Clough, D., Jr. Metcalf, J.
Clough, P? Morey, Benj[ami]n
Conant, Sam[ue]l Mufsey, A.    [Mussey]
Cook, J. Mufsey, P. L.  [Mussey]
Cook, T. Mussey, J.
Cooper, J. Nye, Geo[rge]
Cowles, C. M. Nye, L. S.
Crafts, Sam[ue]l C. Peabody, Aaron
Crandall, E. Peabody, D.
Crandall, Ezra S. Peck, Joel
Crandall, S. Peck, John
Currier, Jacob Perkins, S/L
Dagget, N. Perry, B.
Darrow, P. Persons, Tappan
Davison, D. Persons, Theodore
Dewey, Chandler Pierce, Aaron
Dodge, W. P. Prentifs, C. W.  [Prentise]
Drew, Mark Putnam, Geo[rge][
Edmunds, B. Ranney, Freeman
Edmunds, W. Ray, Geo[rge]
Emerson, S. P. W. Sabin, J.  (Sabin Killam?)
Enos, Roger Sanborn, Anson
Fairbanks, E. Sargent, Moses
Farley, J. Shatt[uck], G.
Farley, L. Shattuck, N.
Farrington, E. Skinner, J.
Fifield, J. Skinner, R. P.
Ford, S. Slayt[er], Sampson 
Ford, Stephen Spencer, L.
Ford, W. Sterling, D.
Foster, D. Sylvester, J.
Fuller, John Taplin, D.
Fuller, N. Taplin, D.
Fuller, W. Taplin, R.
Fuller, W., Jr. Taplin, W.
Garland, L. Tefft, T.
Gibbs, T. Thompson, B.
Goodale, Clark  [Goodell] Tisdale, Joel
Gorham, J. Trask, J. B/R
Guild, J. Tucker, D.
H[ardy], G. Ware, Alanson
Hardy, A. Ware, Alonzo
Hardy, Benj[ami]n Ware, J.
Harlow, E. B. Warren, J.
Harlow, J. A. Webster, A. A.
Harlow, James Webster, David
Hawkins, L. K. Webster, S. S.
Healy, S. W. Wells, T.
Hidden, P/O M. Wells, W.
Hill, M. K. West, G. C.
Hoffman, E. W. Whittle, J. F.
Howard, Eleazer Wiggins, John
Howard, S. Willey, A.
Howard, S. H. Willey, H. A.
Huntington, J.    Willey, H. S.
Huntington, J., Jr. Work, J.
Huntington, John, Jr. Worthington, Geo[rge] Jr.
Huntington, W. Wright, A.
Jameson, A. Wyman, H.
Freemen's oath Sept 1839  
Chamberlin, Cha[rle]s Huntington, John, Jr.
Crandall, Ezra S. Morey, Benj[ami]n
Ford, Stephen Taplin, D.
1840 census  
Allen, Alpha Jameson, Alexander
Allen, Ira H. Jameson, Thomas
Andrus, Elisha Johnson, James
Bailey, Levi   Jones, Bela T.
Barrows, Catherine Kellam, Deborah
Barrows, Jesse Kellam, Hiram
Bates, Henry M. Kellam, Sabin
Beard, Benjamin Kidder, Jonas
Belknap,Thomas Kidder, W[illia]m
Blodget, Seth Kidney, Edward
Blood, Harrison Kimball, Ebenezer C.
Blood, Susannah Kimball, Isaac
Briggs, Nathaniel Kimball, Jesse
Brooks, Eli Kimball, Moody B.
Brown, Stephen Kinaston, Noah [Kennason]
Bryant, George Knight, Joseph
Bryant, Nathaniel Lang, Richard
Bullock, Jesse Lang, William
Burton, Benjamin Lewis, Stillman
Cafs [Cass], Jehiel  Little, James M.
Cahoon, Mary Little, W[illia]m W.
Caples, James Lock, Simeon H.
Carrow, Pliny  (Cowls?) Lock, W[illia]m
Chamberlin, Erastus Loveland, Asa
Chamberlin, George Maher, Jeremiah
Chapman, Edward B. Mann, Robert
Chapman, Joseph Marcy, John  [Massey]
Clark, Ebenezer Merritt, Jesse
Clark, Isaac Metcalf, Amos
Clark, Joseph Metcalf, Cyrus
Clark, Simeon S. Metcalf, Cyrus G.
Clement, James Metcalf, Eli
Clement, Tristram Metcalf, Harvey
Coles, Elbridge  [Corliss] Metcalf, John
Colley, Joseph Miller, Elijah
Conant, Samuel Morey, Benjamin
Cook, Jonathan Nye, George
Cooper, Jesse Nye, Lucius S.
Cowles, Charles M. Peabody, Aaron
Crandall, Ezra Peabody, David
Crandall, Samuel Pearson, Theodore
Currier, Jacob Pearsons, Tappan
Daggatt, Nathaniel  Peck, Ebenezer
Dewey, Chandler Peck, John
Dodge, William Perry, Benjamin
Dow, William Perry, Henry
Drew, Mark Pierce, Aaron
Durham, Almon Pierce, Samuel
Edmonds, Benjamin Prentifs, Charles W. [Prentiss]
Emerson, S. P. W. Ranger, John
Enos, Roger Ranney, Freeman
Fairbanks, Emery Ray, George
Farley, John Redfield, Timothy P.
Farley, Luke Sargeant, Moses
Farrington, Ephraim Skinner, Ralph P.
Filker, David  [Felker] Slater, Sampson
Fofs, Nathaniel  [Foss] Smith, Almira
Ford, Reubin Smith, John
Forsaith, Hilas Smith, Stephen
Foster, David Spencer, Luke
French, Silas Sterling, Dudley
Fuller, John Stratton, Octive
Fuller, Nath[anie]l Sweatland, Isa A.
Fuller, W[illia]m Sylvester, John
Fuller, W[illia]m Jr. Talbot, Michael
Fyfield, Josiah  [Fifield] Taplin, Richard
Garland, Levi Taplin, Willard [William]
Goodell, Clark Thom[p]son, Beza
Gorham, Jonas  [James] Thorndyke, Richard
Guile, John  [Guild] Tucker, David
Hall, Anna Walker, W[illia]m
Hardy, Asa Ware, Alanson
Hardy, George W. Ware, Alonzo
Harlow, Edward B. Ware, James
Harlow, James Warner, John
Hawkins, Lewis K. Warren, Joel
Healy, Stephen Webster, Albert A.
Heath, Mary Webster, David
Hill, Moses K. Wells, William
Howard, Eleazer West, George C.
Howard, Sylvester White, Jacob M.
Huntington, John Willey, Allen
Huntington, W[illia]m Willey, Harvey S.
Hyde, Horace Worthington, George
  Wright, John
Freeman - voted  Sept 1, 1840 page 407 & 408
Allyn, Alpha Jenness, Job
Bailey, Levi Johnson, James
Barrows, Freeman Jones, B. T.
Barrows, Jesse Kellam, Sabin
Bates, H. M. Kenniston, Noah
Beard, Benj[amin] Kidder, Benj.
Belknap, Tho[ma]s Kidder, C. W.
Blodget, Seth Kidder, Jonas
Blodgett, F. W.    Kidder, Joseph
Blodgett, J. G. Kidder, W[illia]m
Blodgett, Seth Jr. Killam, Hiram
Blood, Harrison Killam, John
Blood, Nelson Kimball, E. C.
Briggs, N. Kimball, Isaac
Briggs, Seth Kimball, Isaac [Jr.]
Brooks, Eli Kimball, M. B.
Bryant, Geo[rge]    Knight, Joseph
Bryant, Geo[rge] R. Knight, Oliver
Bryant, N. Knight, Roswell
Bryant, Stephen Lang, Richard
Bryant, W[illia]m N. Lang, W[illia]m
Bullock, Jesse Lang, W[illia]m  
Burton, Benj[amin] Lewis, Stillman
Burton, Henry Little, J. M.
Burton, John Little, W[illia]m W.
Capella, James  [Caples] Locke, S. K.
Chamberlin, Erastus Locke, W[illia]m
Chamberlin, G. W. Locke, W[illia]m L.
Chapman, J. Loveland, Asa
Clark, Eben Mann, Robert
Clark, Isaac Massey, J. C.
Clark, Joseph Massy, John
Clarke, S. S. Merritt, Jesse
Clement, Amos Metcalf, Amos
Clement, James Metcalf, Cyrus   
Clement, T. Metcalf, Cyrus G.
Conant, Samuel Metcalf, Eli
Cook, Jonathan Metcalf, Harvey
Cook, Trueworthy Morey, Benj[amin] Jr.
Cooper, Jesse Nye, Geo[rge]
Cowles, C. M. Nye, L. S.
Cox, Aaron C. Peabody, Aaron
Crandall, Ezra Peabody, David
Crandall, Sam[ue]l Pearsons, Tappan
Currier, Jacob Pearsons, Theodore
Daggett, N. Peck, Ebenezer
Darrow, P., Jr. Peck, Freeman S.
Davis, Lorenzo Peck, Joel
Dewey, C. Peck, John
Dodge, W[illia]m P. Perry, Benj[amin]
Drew, Mark Perry, Henry
Dunkham, Almon  (Durham?) Pierce, Aaron
Edmunds, Benj[amin] Pierce, Sam[ue]l
Edmunds, W[illia]m Prentiss, C. W.
Emerson, S. P. W. Prentiss, J. H.
Enos, Roger Ranny, Freeman
Farley, John Ray, Geo[rge]
Farley, Luke Redfield, T. P.
Farrington, Ephraim Rowell, Sylvester
Farrington, Geo[rge] Sargent, Moses
Felker, David Skinner, R. P.
Fifield, J. Slater, Sampson
Fletcher, J. A. Smith, Stephen
Ford, Reubin Spencer, Luke
Forsaith, Hilas Sterling, Dudley
Foss, Nath[anie]l Stimson, Lewis
Foster, David Stratton, Octive
Fuller, John Sylvester, John
Fuller, W[illia]m Taplin, Daniel
Fuller, W[illia]m Taplin, Richard
Garland, Levi Taplin, W[illia]m
Goodale, Clark  [Goodell] Thompson, Beza
Gorham, James Thompson, John
Guild, John Tucker, David
Hardy, Asa Ware, Alanson
Hardy, Benj[amin] Ware, Alonzo
Harlow, E. B. Ware, James
Harlow, James Warren, Joel
Hawkins, L. K. Webster, A. A.
Healy, S. W. Webster, David
Hill, M. K. Webster, S. S.
Howard, Cha[rle]s Wells, W[illia]m
Howard, Eleazer West, Geo[rge] C.
Huntington, John White, J. M.
Huntington, John Jr. Whittle, J. F.
Huntington, W[illia]m Willey, A. A.
Hyde, Horace Willey, Allen
Jameson, Tho[ma]s Willey, H. S.
Jamison, A. Wright, John
Freeman - voted Sept 6, 1842 page 12 & 13  (book 2)
Allen, Ira A. Howard, Elea[ze]r
Allyn, Alpha Howard, Samuel
Bailey, Levi Huntington, John
Barrows, Jefse  [Jesse] Huntington, John
Bates, H. M.  Huse, Eliah R.
Belknap, Thomas Hyde, Horace
Blodgett, Seth Jamieson, Thomas
Blodgett, Seth [Jr.] Jamison, Nat?
Blood, H. Jones, B. F.
Blood, Nelson Jones, Bela T.
Brown, John Kellam, J. H.
Bryant, George R. Kellam, Sabin
Bryant, Nath[anie]l Kenniston, Noah 
Bryant, Stephen Kidder, Benjamin
Bryant, W[illia]m A. Kidder, Jonas
Bullock, Jefse  [Jesse] Kidder, Joseph
Burton, Benj[amin] Kidder, Josiah
Burton, John Kidder, W[illia]m
Caples, James Kidder, W[illia]m Jr.
Chamberlin, (Jmas) Kimball, E. C.
Chamberlin, Charles Kimball, Jefse  [Jesse]
Chamberlin, Erastus Kimball, M. B.
Chamberlin, Geo[rge] W. Knight, Roswell
Chapman, E. B. Knights, Alphero/new?
Chapman, Joseph Knights, Joseph
Chriss?, Wellman Knights, Oliver
Clark, Isaac Lang, Richard
Clark, Joseph Little, Ja[me]s M.
Clarke, Ebenezer Lock, Simon K.
Clem[ent], James Locke, W[illia]m
Clement, Amos Loveland, Asa
Clement, Tristane Mafsey, Alden  [Massey]
Cloud, Eli Mafsey, John C.  [Massey]
Collest, Geo[rge] Manchester, Elhannan
Colly, Nath[anie]l Merritt, Jefse  [Jesse]
Colton, John Metcalf, Amos
Conant, Sam[ue]l Metcalf, C. G.
Conant, Sam[ue]l D. Metcalf, Cyrus
Cook, ____ F. Metcalf, Eli S.
Cook, Jonathan Metcalf, Freeman
Cooper, Jefse  [Jesse] Miller, Elijah
Corlifs, Elbridge  [Corliss] Morey, Benjamin
Crandall, Ezra    Nye, Geo[rge]
Crandall, Sam[ue]l Nye, L. S.
Currier, Jacob Parley, Jefse N.  [Jesse]
Daggett, Nath[anie]l  Peabody, A.
Daniels, Ira? Pearce, Ch[arle]s
Darrow, P., Jr Pearson, Tappan
Dearborn, Edward Peck, John
Dearborn, Stillman Perry, Benj[amin]
Dewey, Chandler Perry, Henry
Dodge, William Perry, Stephen
Dow, N. M.  (A?M) Pierce, Sam[ue]l
Dow, W[illia]m W. Prentifs, John F.  [Prentiss]
Drew, Mark Ranney, Freeman
Dwyer, James J. Ray, George
Edmunds, Benjamin Redfield, Timo[thy] P.
Edmunds, W[illia]m Rudder, Ch[arle]s W.
Emerson, S. P. W. Sargeant, Moses
Farrington, Ephraim Shute/Streeter, Benjamin
Farrington, Geo[rge] Smith, John
Farrington, Milo Spencer, Luke
Felker, David Stanford, Josiah
Felker, David, Jr. Stanford, Sylvanus?
Felker, Jefse B.  [Jesse] Taplin, Rich[ar]d
Fifield, Josiah Taplin, W[illia]m
Fofs, Moses Thompson, Beser
Fofs, Nath[anie]l   [Foss] Thompson, John
Forsaith, H. Thompson, John B.
Foster, D. Tucker, David
Fuller, John Varey, W[illia]m  (Varney?)
Fuller, W[illia]m   Ware, Alanson
Fuller, W[illia]m, Jr. Ware, Alonzo
Garland, Levi Ware, James
Goodnow, Sylvester Warren, Joe[l]
Gorham, James Washburn, Alvin
Guild, John Webster, A. A.
Hardington, Ira? W[illia]m Webster, David
Hardy, Asa Weeks, (Sam'l) C.
Hardy, Benj[ami]n Wells, W[illia]m
Hardy, Geo[rge] W. Whipple, Tyler B.
Harlow, Edward B. White, J. M.
Harlow, Ja[me]s A. Whittle, John F.
Harlow, James Willey, H. S.
Harlow, Orra Willey, John
Healy, Stephen A. Worthington, Geo[rge] Jr.
Howard, (Wes) Wright, John
Freemen - voted Sept 1843 page 28 & 29  (book 2)
Bailey, Levi Howard, Charles
Baldwin, Ch[arle]s Howard, Eleazer
Barrows, Ira J. Howard, Sam[ue]l H.
Bates, H. M.  Howard, Syl[vester]
Belknap, Thomas Jamieson, Tho[ma]s
Blodgett, Seth Jr. Johnson, James
Blood, Warner Kellam, Hiram
Bryant, Geo[rge] R. Kellam, John H.
Bryant, George   Kellam, Sabin R.  
Bryant, Ira Kenneston, Noah
Bryant, Nath[anie]l Kidder, (Suchson)
Bryant, Stephen Kidder, Benj[amin]
Bryant, W[illia]m N. Kidder, Ch[arle]s
Cafs [Cass], Jehiel  Kidder, Crosby    
Caples, James Kidder, Jonas
Chadwick, P. M. Kidder, Joseph
Chamberlin, Charles Kidder, W[illia]m Jr.
Chamberlin, Erastus Kimball, E. C.
Chamberlin, Geo[rge] W. Kimball, M. B.
Chapman, Edward B. Knights, Jos[eph]
Chapman, Jos[eph] Knights, Oliver
Chase, Erastus Knights, Roswell
Clark, Eben Lang, Rich[ard]
Clark, Isaac Lang, W[illlia]m
Clark, Joseph Little, J. M.
Clement, Amos Little, W[illia]m W.
Clement, James Locke, Alldon
Clement, Tristum Locke, Simon K.
Coer, William Locke, W[illia]m S.
Collets, Geo[rge] Mafsy, Dan[ie]l  [Massy]
Colton, John Mafsy, John  [Massy]
Conant, Sam[ue]l Manchester, Elhannan
Conant, Sam[ue]l D. Merrill, John
Cook, Jonath[an] Merrill, Orin K.
Cooper, Jefse  [Jesse] Metcalf, Amos
Corlifs, Elbridge  [Corliss] Metcalf, Cyrus G.
Crandall, Ezra    Metcalf, Harvey
Crandall, Sam[ue]l Miles, David
Cutin[g],  J[onas] Miller, Elijah
D[earborn], Stillman Morey, Benj[ami]n, Jr.
Daggett, Nath[anie]l  Nye, Geo[rge]
Dewey, Chandler Nye, Lucius S.
Dexter, Geo[rge] M. Peabody, Aaron
Dodge, W[illia]m P. Pearson, Tappan
Dow, A. M.  (N? M) Pearson, Theo[dore]
Dow, Ja[me]s Peck, John
Dow, W[illia]m W. Perley, J. C.
Drew, Mark Perry, Benj[amin]
Edmunds, Benjamin Perry, Geo[rge]
Edmunds, W[illia]m Perry, Henry
Emerson, S. P. W. Pierce, Sam[ue]l
Farley, Luke Prentifs, Charles W. [Prentiss]
Farrington, Ephraim Prentifs, John H.  [Prentiss]
Farrington, John Ranney, Freeman
Farrington, Milo Record, Lyman
Felker, David Redfield, Timo[thy] P.
Fifield, Josiah Rufsell, Person   [Russell]
Fofs, Nath[anie]l   [Foss] Sargeant, Moses
Ford, W[illia]m Scott, Phineas
Forsaith, Hilas Smith, John
Fuller, John Spencer, Luke
Fuller, W[illia]m   Stanford, John
Fuller, William Jr. Stanford, Josiah
Garland, Levi Stanford, Sylvanus?
Goodale, Clarke  [Goodell] Stevens, W[illia]m
Goodnow, Syl[vester] Taplin, W[illia]m
Gorham, Ja[me]s Thompson, Beser
Guild, John Ware, Alanson
Hardy, Benj[amin]   Ware, Alonso
Hardy, Geo[rge] W. Warren, Joel
Harlow, Abner Washburn, Alvin
Harlow, Edward Webster, Albert A.
Harlow, James Whipple, Tyler B.
Harlow, Orra Whittle, John  
Hawley, A. M. Willey, H. S.
Headen, W[illia]m Willey, John
Hemmingway, Geo[rge] Worthington, George Jr.
Hovey, A. R. Wright, John
Freeman's Oath  1849 Page 132
Ash, Bishop Jamieson, W[illia]m
Caples, David Kellam, George
Coburn, Calvin Patno, Joseph
Colton, E. P. Priest, Waldo
Edmunds, Joseph R. Wells, Oliver M.
Freeman's Oath Sept 1850 Page 150
Bean, Jos Healy, W[illia]m
Brown, Geo[rge] G. Holbrook, Jos
Clark, Cha[rle]s E. Little, Arnold
Cofs, John P. Little, Cyrus P.
Connell, John Richardson, Otis
Crandall, Alonzo Stanford, Jona[than] E.
Currier, Tho[ma]s Taylor, Jacob
Hardy, Gilbert Webster, Franklin B.
Freeman's Oath Sept 1851 Page 166
Burnable, Edward Jameson, Tho[ma]s, Jr.
Dunning, John Judkins, Jeremiah
Edmunds, Cha[rle]s Lathe, ___
Howard, Sylvester, Jr. (Sect), John
Freeman's Oath  1852  
Currier, Dan Talman, W[illia]m C.
Delos(ier/ez), Mitchel Wallace, W[illia]m H.
McCue, Tho[ma]s Willey, Edward
Parks, Charles  

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