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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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This cemetery was transcribed and compiled by

She has generously donated this listing
to the Northeast Kingdom Genealogy web page.

The term "Freeman" in Colonial days had nothing to do with servitude or bondsmen. Simply it meant you were
a full citizen of the Colony. Under the first Massachusetts charter, only Freemen had the right to hold public
office or vote in town meetings. Indentured servants and bonded servant were not eligible.

To be admitted a freeman you must first fulfill the requirements.
- Must of Sworn Allegiance to the Crown.
- Must be a Male over 21 years of age.
- Membership in a duly recognized church.
- Own personal property generally valued at 40 pounds or 40 shillings per year.
- Must be of a quiet and peaceful manner.
- Other Freemen in the area endorsed him.

If all of the requirements are met then they were allowed to
take the Freemen's Oath at a meeting of the town's selectmen.
Being a Freeman brought certain duties and rights among others
- The right to vote in town meetings.
- The right to hold public office.
- The right to elect deputies to the General Assembly.
- Required to pay taxes.

Today, to register to vote in Vermont, you must be a U.S. citizen, be a resident of Vermont, and at least 18 years of age, and have taken the Freeman's Oath. On September 2, 1794, St. Johnsbury was administering its first Freeman's Oaths. According to the Vermont Constitution, every man 21 years or older who had resided in Vermont for one year and was a respectful citizen could take the Freemen's Oath and become an equal Vermont citizen. And so on this day, eleven men took the oath in St. Johnsbury, promising to take part in Vermont affairs with each agreeing to vote their conscience in the best interest of the state and her people.

Freeman's Oath

I, __________, being by God's providence an inhabitant and freeman within the jurisdiction of this Commonwealth, do freely acknowledge myself to be subject to the government thereof, and therefore do here swear ... that I will be true and faithful to the same.... Moreover, I do solemnly bind myself in the sight of God, that when I shall be called to give my voice touching any matter of the State ... I will give my vote and suffrage, as I shall judge in mine own conscience may best conduce and tend to the public weal of the body without respect of persons or favor of any man. So help me God...

Although modified slightly, today's Freeman's Oath can be taken by men and women at 18 years of age.
The current Vermont "Voter's Oath" echoes these sentiments in plainer language:

[I] solemnly swear ... that whenever [I] give [my] vote or suffrage, touching any matter that concerns the state of Vermont, [I] will do it so as in [my] conscience [I] shall judge will most conduce to the best good of the [state]
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     A return of every person liable to enrollment, between the ages of eighteen and forty-five,
 in the town of Barton who are not members of Uniform Companies, or Bands of Music. 
Certified by Horace Pierce, lister of the Town of Barton  
May 28, 1847 May 31, 1848
Buswell, J. C. Graves, W[illia]m Buswell, J. C. Skinner, Simeon
Salisbury, Willis Graves, Dan[ie]l Leland, Geo[rge] W. Chapman, Cha[rle]s
Leland, Geo[rge] W. Barnard, Edward Leland, Jos[eph] T. Bartlett, S. T.
Leland, Jos[eph]  Nye, Norman Leland, Albert Humphrey, Abel
Leland, Albert Roundy, Silas Bemis, Seymour Gould, James F.
Martin, Job Dexter, S. P. Ellis, Charles P. Bean, Eldad P.
Bemis, Seymor Fulson, Dana Newton, Isaac H. Cutler, Henry
Evans, Ch[arle]s Kimball, T. W. Cafs, Orace Varney, Tho[ma]s
Newton, Hilan Church, Calvin Skinner, Alvah R. Gilman, Edward S.
Newton, Carlos Chaney, H. L. Sturtevant, C. W. Smith, Richard
Cass, Oran Humphrey, H. Smith, Geo[rge] Drew, Geo[rge]
Pierce, Cha[rle]s T. Ellis, Ch[arle]s P. Jennis, John Mason, Almon L.
Skinner, A. R. Barnard, Milton Foster, John Brown, Jos[eph] F.
Sturtevant, C. W. Brown, Edw(ard?) Teel, Albert H. McNeal, Isaac
Smith, Geo[rge] Wright, W[illia]m Wiggins, W[illia]m P. Fisk, Roswell
Jenness, John Leonard, Geo[rge] E. French, Norman Gillson, Geo[rge] W.
Clark, John Wiggins, Jesse Colley, Jos[eph] Owen, Dan[ie][l
Philbrick, David Willey, W[illia]m Emerson, Hiram Owen, Jos[eph] Jr.
Foster, John Thurston, Dan[ie]l Richardson, W[illia]m M. Goodnow, Jefse
Farley, Franklin Allyn, Orra Stimpson, Lewis Kimball, S. S.
Teel, Albert Colby, Nath[anie]l Willey, W[illia]m Mansfield, Timothy
Teel, B. G. Hyde, Jared Allen, Orra Willis, Jos[eph]
McNabb, Carlos Fofs, Oscar Colley, Nathaniel Stafford, Cha[rle]s
Wiggins, W. P. Chase, L. A. Hyde, Jared Willson, Oscar
French, Norman Skinner, Simeon Kimball, T. C. Willson, O.
Colby, Jos[eph] Chapman, Ch[arle]s Felker, David Jr. Eaton, Albert
Dean, R. M. Heath, Benja[min] Felker, Joel Bigelow, Amasa
Emerson, Hiram Bartlett, S. T. Felker, Jefse B. Stewart, Alex
Wilson, W[illia]m Garland, Ch[arle]s Fair, Jefferson Spencer, John B.
Richardson, W[illia]m Humphrey, Abel Sturtevant, Ira Spencer, Eben
Brooks, Eli D(rew), Thad Mansfield, M. Mann, Daniel
Raney, Geo[rge] Gould, James Jewett, Samuel Gould, W[illia]m
Stimpson, Lewis Bean, E. P. Barnard, Edward Colborn, Luther
Jilson, George W. Cutler, Henry Nye, Norman Woodman, Charles
Knight, Roswell Varney, Tho[ma]s Roundy, Silas Kimball, Azna
Owen, Dan[ie]l Gilman, Edward Fulsom, Dana Kimball, Arson
Wilson, D. F. Hall, Sam[ue]l Fulsom, Nat Drew, Isaac
Kimball, L. S.?? Smith, Richard Church, Calvin P. Thompson, James
Goodman, Jesse Drew, Geo[rge] Humphrey, Hiram Bartlett, Kendall
Mansfield, Timo[thy] Mason, A. (L.) Kimball, Phil Jr. Page,____
Woodman, J. L. Brown, Jos[eph] F. Harding, Caleb Walbridge, Henry
Kimball, T. C. McNeal, Isaac Harding, Daniel Martin, Alvin
Felker, David Jr. Hall, Abram Gould, Geo[rge] Norris, Amos
Edwards, A. S. Fisk, Rouell  (Roswell) Stanton, H. Maynard, M.
Abbot, Tho[ma]s Hartly, A. W. Peck, Joel Blanchard, Lyman
May, W[illia]m P. Stafford, D. McDonald, Alex D(ick), R.
Fair, Jefferson Kimball, Phil, Jr. Fofs, Oscar Smith, D. B.
Sturtevant, Ira Harding, Caleb    
Dudley, Timothy Gould, Geo[rge]    
Pearson, Leonard  Colby, John    
Salisbury, Geo[rge] Stanton, H.    
Burnham, M. Peck, Joel    
Gates, Geo[rge] Hyde, Tho[ma]s    
Mansfield, M. Yelton, Jesse    
Jewett, Sam[ue]l McDonald, Alex    
Stimpson, S. N. Bea(mis), Geo[rge]    
B(rewer), Alanson Brown, Dan[ie]l O.    
Benton, Ch[arle]s Willis, Jos[eph]    
Graves, John Haines, R. M.    

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