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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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Name Town Issue Date
____, Mr., remains from hospital, buried Catholic cem, bro of Mrs. John Scott Bloomfield at Portland, ME 4/13/1900
____, Mrs., 12th inst, mother of Mrs. S. Moody of W. Concord Hardwick 5/18/1900
Adams, Cephas G., Dr., born 1830 Derby, died last Fri.  (obit) I. Pond at Portland, ME 4/19/1901
Aldrich, __, Mrs., age 33, last Fri., w/o Lum Aldrich, of typhoid pneumonia (item) Island Pond 10/10/1902
Aldrich, Dan, recently, dau is Mrs. Fred Thomas of W. Concord (item) Lowell, MA 2/2/1900
Aldrich, Herbert, Sat., sister is Mrs. Orange Blood, of consumption Lunenburg 4/20/1900
Allyn, Rachel H., MD., July 11, born 1810 Charleston, d/of Abner Allyn  (obit) E. Charleston 7/17/1903
Amadon, Betsy (Davis), died Nov 21, 1874, buried Burke Hollow  (husband's obit) East Haven 5/18/1900
Amadon, J. Q., born April 13, 1825, died May 5, married Betsy Davis 1845 (obit) East Haven 5/18/1900
Amadon, J. Q., Sat., feeble for some time East Haven 5/11/1900
Ames, __, Mrs., 21st inst., w/o Hazen Ames Norton 12/5/1902
Ames, Jessie E. Guilmette, Nov 21, w/o Hazen Ames, died suddenly (obit) Island Pond 12/5/1902
Andrews, Mary, Mrs., about 76, last Thurs. Canaan 5/18/1900
Applebee, J. T., age 73, Feb 15, dau is Mrs. B. F. Davis, blind (item) East Charleston 2/23/1900
Applebee, Mary (Ferrin), age 7 y 5 m 3 d, Feb 28 Island Pond 1/11/1901
Applebee, Mary F., Mrs., age 70 y 5 m, Jan 28, sons Burton & James (item) Jefferson, NH at I. Pond 2/2/1900
Bacon, Judd, 2nd inst., buried Bickford Corner Norton 1/11/1901
Bailey, C. J., Oct 29, leaves 5 children  (updated item) Island Pond 11/9/1900
Bailey, C. J., Sun., leave wife & 4 children, died suddenly at night  (item) Island Pond 11/2/1900
Bailey, Curtis J., age 42, Oct 29 Island Pond 1/11/1901
Bailey, Robert S., Sunday, died in his sleep, heart trouble  (item) West Concord 4/24/1903
Balch, Alden, age 73, Feb 7, not married  (item) Lunenburg 2/13/1903
Balch, Florence, Fri., d/o M/M Will Balch, died Brightlook Hospital (item) Lunenburg 10/5/1900
Balch, Marjorie, age 18 mos, Thurs., of pneumonia Lunenburg 12/12/1902
Balch, Will, funeral last Sun., Gardner Balch of Lunenburg attending Scotts 9/23/1904
Ball, infant child, Dec 11, of Harlon Ball, died suddenly Lunenburg 12/18/1903
Ball, Mary, April 21, w/o W. E. Ball, d/o Wm Douglass, of consumption  (item) West Concord 4/27/1900
Ball, Nancy, Miss, age 73, May 11, at poor house West Concord 5/18/1900
Barker, __, Mrs., Sept 28, w/o Frank Barker, d/o Mr. H. C. Woodard Springfield, MA 10/5/1900
Barker, John C., recently, member of 15th VT., buried West Concord Hartford, CT 6/22/1900
Barnard, Mrs., funeral last Sat/Sun., Mrs. Homer Walker of Concord, NH attending Island Pond 11/6/1903
Barnard, Mrs., Oct 30, w/o Levi Barnard, daus Lotie & Emma Barnard & Lilla Renfrew (item) Island Pond 11/6/1903
Barnes, Grace Agnes (Hopkins), age 18, 6th inst, from childbirth, baby died (item) Island Pond 9/16/1904
Barney, Eva Cloud, age 23, Aug 11, w/o Glen Barney  (item) East Charleston 8/17/1900
Bartlett, Alvin, age 66 y 10 m 21 d, Oct 5 Island Pond 1/11/1901
Bartlett, Alvin, born Nov 15,1833, died Oct 6, married Sarah Buchanan (obit) Island Pond 10/12/1900
Bass, George, funeral Monday Stratford Hollow 6/22/1900
Batchelder, infant, Jan 8, of Ed Batchelder East Charleston 1/19/1900
Bates, little son, last Wed., of M/M J. D. Bates, died Berlin, NH  (item) Island Pond 9/12/1902
Bean, __, Mrs., Mon., w/o Luther Bean, after long illness, buried Dixville Norton 5/6/1904
Bean, Abner, age about 52, July 19 (also listed 20th), lumberman (item) Colebrook 7/27/1900
Bell, Adino N., Jr., about 4, Sat., of M/M A. N. Bell, operation for appendicitis Lunenburg 3/13/1903
Bell, Eliza J. (Strong), age 73, Sept 8, sis Mrs. Mary Thurston of MA  (obit) I. Pond at Somerville, MA 9/23/1904
Bell, John, last Thurs., ill some time & invalid several years Lunenburg 11/16/1900
Bickford, J. M., Mrs., age 78, Aug 21, mom of Mrs. J. C. Fogg (item) Crystal, NH per I. Pond 8/31/1900
Bishop, John, recently, worked on RR from Newport, buried Dixville, Que (item) Norton 9/11/1903
Bishop, Lindall, Jan 17, father of Leslie I. Bishop, buried St. Johnsbury Lunenburg 1/22/1904
Blaisdell, Edward, last Mon., killed in railroad train crash  (item) Gorham of Portland 3/15/1901
Blake, A., Mr., last Thurs?, George Pierce attending from E. Charleston Derby Line 3/4/1904
Blanchet, Mr., 20th, conductor on rr, fell off train, died soon  (item) Island Pond 1/29/1904
Blay, __, Mrs., 9th inst, w/o Charles Blay, leaves 5 children, of diphtheria (item) Norton 1/16/1903
Blodgett, Albert, age 82, funeral June 25, born Lemington, of asthma  (item) Lemington 7/3/1903
Blodgett, Craig, age 33, Feb 5 Lemington 2/16/1900
Blodgett, Frank B., last week, of Thomas & Mary Blodgett, killed at RR crossing Canaan at NYC 1/25/1901
Blodgett, M. R., age 52, last Sat., died at dau's in Columbia, NH Bloomfield 7/18/1902
Blood, Mellville G., about Nov 21, bro is C. E. Flood of Charleston  (item) Lowell, MA 12/4/1903
Blood, Mr., last week, father of C E. Blood of E. Charleston, died Lowell, MA E. Charleston at MA 5/16/1902
Boneau, George, Wed., drowned when he fell from a boat breaking ice  I. Pond at N. Stratford 3/13/1903
Bonette, John M., Aug 7, very suddenly after working in hay field all day West Concord 8/14/1903
Bonette, Silas, Jan 9, bro-in-law is Arthur Baker, of typhoid fever  (item) West Concord 1/18/1901
Bonneau, George, young man, drowned several weeks ago, buried Island Pond North Stratford 4/24/1903
Bosworth, Augustus W., born May 18, 1819 Ohio, died Aug 1  (obit) Island Pond 8/5/1904
Bosworth, Mr., father of A. W. Bosworth, being taken & buried in Wisconsin  Island Pond 8/5/1904
Bourasault, Narcisse, age 40, June 3 Island Pond 1/11/1901
Bourassa, Narcisse, last Sun., died suddenly of hypertrophy of heart (item) Island Pond of Montreal 6/8/1900
Bowker, __, Mrs., May 21, w/o James Bowker, bro Frank Smith, of pneumonia  (item) Lunenburg 5/29/1903
Bowman, N. P., Mrs., Sunday, w/o Major Bowman I. Pond at St. J 6/17/1904
Boyce, N. S., Dr., last Fri., leaves widow & a dau, ill a long time  (item) Guildhall 6/1/1900
Brainard, Julia, recently, d/o Mrs. J. H. Wolcott, buried E. Charleston (item) E. Charleston at Lowell, MA 4/8/1904
Brainard, S., Mrs., recently, dau is Mrs. Albert Stoddard, buried Jan 28 E. Charleston at W. Burke 2/5/1904
Bramhall, Cornelius, age 80 y 2 m 29 d, April 12 Island Pond 1/11/1901
Brigham, R. S., funeral Sun.  (item) West Concord 6/15/1900
Brooke, Jennie/Jane, Miss, 13th inst, sis Mrs. Reeve, d/o late Wm Brooke (item) I. Pond at Hatley, Que. 10/16/1903
Brown, infant, Dec 9, of Mr. & Mrs. Bert Brown Lunenburg 12/21/1900
Brown, John Tromps, age 72, of Abraham & Elizabeth Brown of England, married 1857 (obit) Island Pond 10/14/1904
Brown, John, age 74, Tues., ill many years, leaves widow, 2 dau 1 son (item) Island Pond 9/23/1904
Bruce, M. Wilma, Jan 12, w/o Rev. R. L. Bruce, died Cedlands, CA  (item) Island Pond at CA 1/29/1904
Brunelle, Delia, age 51, died Dec., w/o S. T. Brunelle, buried Wed  (item) I. Pond at Claremont, NH 5/1/1903
Bryant, Burrill, Oct 1, of M/M William Bryant, of kidney & spinal trouble Lemington 10/9/1903
Buck, infant, buried Tues., of M/M John Buck East Charleston 5/18/1900
Bullock, Alice Atherton, Mrs., last week, of heart disease, buried Mass. (item) Colebrook, NH 2/2/1900
Bullock, Gerald, funeral last week, George E. Adams & wife of I. Pond attending Coaticook 1/1/1904
Bunker, William, last Wed., suddenly, leaves 5 children & sis Mrs. Ordway (item) Carroll, NH & Newark 6/8/1900
Bunneman, A. C., Mrs., last Mon., died St. Louis  (item) I. Pond at MO 2/19/1904
Burt, Martin, June 16, cancer of the stomach Lunenburg 6/20/1902
Busky, dau, 7th inst, little dau of Henry Busky, of whooping cough Westmore 5/11/1900
Buzzell, George N., about 35, recently, of late Samuel Buzzell (item) Granby & E. Burke 12/7/1900
Buzzell, Silas, aged over 90, recently, former resident of Granby Washington Cty 3/8/1901
Cabana, Theodore W., age 10 mos, Sept 5, of M/M E. A. Cabana, of meningitis Island Pond 9/12/1902
Campbell, J. C., Dr., Sat?, former resident of Island Pond Attleboro, MA 4/1/1904
Canning, Rolf E., age 8, died last July 4, youngest child of M/M Canning, of burns Brownington 7/31/1903
Canning, Rolf E., hurt last June, tortured by 3 boys, made to run through fire (item) Brownington 7/31/1903
Capen, George (item) fell off horse and got crushed, still alive Lemington 7/3/1903
Carleton, Louise, Sept 30, w/o Jesse Carleton, dau is Mrs. C. E. Lewis West Concord 10/5/1900
Carpenter, Amos, age 86, April 26, of pneumonia, wife & son died 5 weeks ago (item) Waterford 5/6/1904
Carroll, Thomas, 23d inst, cripple since birth, helpless last 7 years Island Pond 3/27/1903
Carter, Mr., last week Tues?, father of Rev. W. T. Carter of Colebrook Quincy, MA 3/23/1900
Causebrook, William B., age 46, Nov 16, leaves widow & son  (item) I. Pond at Brattleboro 11/23/1900
Chaplin, Daniel, Sept 4, of paralysis Island Pond 9/11/1903
Charland, Bridget O'Hern, Mrs., age 62 y 5 m, 25th ult, of cancer  (item) Norton 10/2/1903
Chase, C. M., born Nov 6, 1829, died Sat, heart failure  (obit) Lyndon 11/7/1902
Chase, Jane, age 78, Sept 27, wid/o Elmore Chase, son is Geo Chase (item) W. Concord & St. J. 10/5/1900
Chase, Jane, Mrs., funeral Sunday, aunt of D. C. Howard of E. Haven E. St. Johnsbury 10/5/1900
Cheney, __, Mrs., recently, w/o James Cheney, died at Lewiston Lunenburg 12/21/1900
Cheney, Charles, age 81 y 9 m, last week, buried Lunenburg  (item) Randolph, NH 8/31/1900
Cheney, William, over 70, Oct 12, leaves widow, dau & son I. Pond at Milford, NH 10/19/1900
Chesney, __, Mrs., Jan 12, w/o Spencer Chesney, sis-in-law Mrs. Homer Ducharme (item) Norton 2/5/1904
Chittenden, Lucius E., Hon, born May 24, 1824, Sun., of Giles Chittenden (obit) Burlington 7/27/1900
Church, Widow, Aug 18, wid/o Winchester Church, d/o Josiah Gregory (item) West Concord at Kirby 8/24/1900
Clark, C. E., Col., funeral last Thurs Bradford 10/23/1903
Clark, Jeremiah, Feb 18, of paralysis, of Franklin Falls Lunenburg 3/1/1901
Clay, Mark W., recently, uncle of James B. Moody of E. Charleston (item) Hutchinson, Minn 2/22/1901
Cloud, Laura Olds, age 70, March 19, wid/o Andrew Cloud, of pneumonia (obit) East Charleston 3/23/1900
Coe, Abner, age 85 y 5 m, 23d inst, ill 2 weeks, dau is Mrs. Henry Albee (item) Island Pond 5/30/1902
Coker, A. M., funeral last Sat, early resident, Mrs. Nelson of Norton attending Saco, ME 5/27/1904
Coker, A. M., May 20, M/M E. J. Parsons attending, buried Alna, ME  (item) Saco, ME 5/27/1904
Colby, Frank, last week, of Charles Colby, of pneumonia Colebrook, NH 3/30/1900
Colby, Mary, age 87 y 7 m, Sun., w/o Amos C. Colby Lunenburg 12/26/1902
Cole (Family reunion) Hollis Cole, Calvin Cole, Homer Collins, Charles Lawson etc Island Pond 8/14/1903
Cole, A. F., body brought to I. Pond Sept 20, buried here, sis Mrs. M. C. Davis Waterbury 9/23/1904
Cole, Daniel, young man, Wed, of typhoid fever, buried Lunenburg (item) Lunenburg of Littleton 1/9/1903
Conway, John Patrick, about 30, killed in woods, buried in Sherbrooke (item) Halifax, NS at Norton 2/23/1900
Conwell, Russell H., (history)  born Feb 15, 1843 Worthington, MA   5/23/1902
Corliss, Allen, Dr., recently, age 35, grandson of Silas Wheeler & Jane Grow (obit) St. Johnsbury 12/26/1902
Cota, child, about 10 mos., March 23, child of Richard Cota, of pneumonia Island Pond 4/1/1904
Coyne, John, last Fri, buried Lancaster, NH in Roman Catholic cemetery Guildhall 1/12/1900
Coyne, Peter M., last week, killed in rr accident at Waterville, ME  (item) Guildhall & Maidstone 1/2/1903
Cree, Will, buried Friday, uncle is Algernon Cree, of pneumonia Colebrook, NH 5/11/1900
Crow, infant son., Fri., of M/M Norris Crow, weighed 2.5 lbs East Charleston   1/19/1900
Crow, William, about 72, last Thurs., thrown from wagon, hit head (item) Morgan 8/3/1900
Crowe, William, age 73, July 26 Island Pond 1/11/1901
Cummings, Jotham, Dec 15, of pneumonia, at Portland hospital  (item) W. Charleston 12/21/1900
Currier family reunion, Leander, George, Elbridge, Moses & more named Charleston 8/24/1900
Currier, Clarinda, Mrs., age 87, Oct 15, dau is Mrs. B. M. Dale Island Pond 10/17/1902
Currier, George M., age 24, Feb 1, of M/M George W. Currier  (item) Island Pond 2/6/1903
Currier, Lizzie, July 2, w/o Joseph Currier, buried Waltham, MA  (item) I. Pond at Frankford, PA 7/8/1904
Currier, Mrs., Friday, of pneumonia, buried Derby, son is F. A. Turner (item) Lunenburg 3/1/1901
Currier, Sarah, Mrs., born March 4, 1839, died Feb 9, w/o Wm Currier (obit) Island Pond 2/15/1901
Currier, William M., age 67 y 3 m 13 d, March 31 Island Pond 1/11/1901
Currier, Wm. M., born Dec 18, 1832 Brighton, of Amos & Lucinda Currier (obit) Island Pond 4/6/1900
Currier, Wm., Capt., funeral last Tues., mother age 90 still alive (item) Island Pond 4/6/1900
Curtis, Helen, Mrs., funeral last Tues., buried Northumberland, NH  (item) Guildhall at Eureka, KS 1/18/1901
Cushman, Mabel, age 37, July 31, w/o Dr. J. B. H. Cushman  (obit) East Charleston 8/14/1903
Cutting, Orlando, funeral Sat., died in NH, buried Graves Cemetery (item) Concord 7/8/1904
Dale, B. M., killed June 20, 1892 when train tracks washed out near Compton (item)   6/20/1902
Dale, George N., age 69, Jan 29  (full obit) Island Pond 2/6/1903
Dale, George N., age 69, Jan 29, leaves widow, son & dau, died suddenly  (obit) Island Pond 1/30/1903
Damon, __, Mrs., recently, w/o Joseph Damon, died Stanhope, Que  (item) Norton at Que. 2/5/1904
Damon, Richard, age 18, Feb 1, son of late Joseph Damon  (item) Norton 2/12/1904
Danforth, W. S., Mrs., age 49, last Fri, d/o Charles Andrews & Sarah Slater (obit) Holland & I. Pond 7/8/1904
Daniels, infant dau., Nov 25, of M/M John Daniels, of pneumonia Norton 12/5/1902
Daniels, Josephine, April 14, w/o Edgar F. Daniels, of tb, buried Stanhope, Que. (item) Norton 4/26/1901
Darling, Mr., funeral last Thurs Concord Corner 7/20/1900
Davis, __, Mrs., June 23, w/o Herbert Davis, formerly of Island Pond (obit) N. Stratford, NH 6/27/1902
Davis, Laura Reed, born Woodstock July 12, 1810, died March 6 (obit) Island Pond 3/16/1900
Davis, Laura, Mrs., almost 90, last Tues., leaves 3 sons, buried E. Charleston (item) Island Pond 3/9/1900
Davis, Mrs., last Mon?, mother of E. J. Parsons of Island Pond Boston 3/16/1900
Day, son, age 2 yrs, last Wed, of Harry Day, of meningitis of the brain Lunenburg 7/4/1902
Dee, Andrew, funeral last week West Concord 6/22/1900
Denison, Elias Bemis, age 73, Feb 24, leaves widow, 3 sons 1 dau  (item) I. Pond at Portland, ME 3/6/1903
Dickson, Frank, Tues., of brain tumor, bro is Edward Dickson of I. Pond Lancaster, NH 6/13/1902
Dixon, __, Mrs., Wed?, w/o Rev. John A. Dixon, buried Island Pond (item) Island Pond at Hardwick 11/7/1902
Doane, Irena P. (Williams), age 80 y 6 m 14 d, Nov 19, leaves dau & 2 sons (item) Morgan Center 12/2/1904
Dodge, J. M., Oct 3, leaves wife & dau Mrs. Julian Bell  (item) Lunenburg 10/9/1903
Dodge, John M., born Sept 19, 1828 Bath, NH, married #1 Mar 14, 1854 Maria Rice (obit) Lunenburg 10/9/1903
Dodge, Lucy A. (Brooks), died Dec 5, 1880, wife #2 John M. Dodge Lunenburg 10/9/1903
Dodge, Maria (Rice), died Feb 1, 1870, w/o John M. Dodge Lunenburg 10/9/1903
Dolloff, Levi, age 61, June 19, of John C. & Melissa Dolloff, born Lowell, MA (obit) Lisbon, ME 7/3/1903
Dolloff, Levi, Esq., recently, resident 1840-1870, buried Island Pond (item) Denver, CO at ME 6/26/1903
Douglas, Etta, Dec 10, w/o Willie Douglas, d/o M/M Wm Houston, of typhoid fever (item) West Concord 12/18/1903
Douglas, Grace age 12, funeral Sun., dau of Mrs. Carrie Douglas, buried Grove Cem West Concord 7/24/1903
Dow, William G., age 82, 20th inst, dau is Mrs. Nellie Smith, buried Coventry (item) Island Pond 2/27/1903
Dowd, Mike, Thurs., ill several weeks Island Pond 1/4/1901
Dowse, Charles, age 48, Oct 25, of T. H. B. & Ann Dowse  (item) West Concord 11/2/1900
Drew, __, Mrs., June 30, w/o Augustus Drew of Maidstone Guildhall 7/11/1902
Dudley, __, Mrs., Dec 17, w/o Samuel T. Dudley, ill a long time West Concord 12/18/1903
Dufour, Andre, about 32, last Sat., killed working in rr yard, of Island Pond  (item) Bromptonville, PQ 4/8/1904
Dunham, Frank, recently, died in Boston, buried Guildhall Guildhall 8/12/1904
Dunton, Ellen L., age 63, April 20, d/o Calvin & Lucy Dunton, invalid 38 yrs (item) East Charleston 4/29/1904
Dyer, Amos, age 82, Jan 25, father of M. L. Dyer & Mrs. Myra Cheney (item) Wilmington, ME 2/9/1900
Dyer, Charles M., age 62 y 2 m, Jan 18, born Westbrook, ME of Alford Dyer (obit) Island Pond 1/22/1904
Dyer, Charles M., funeral Jan 21, list of tributes of flowers & donor, buried Portland Island Pond 1/29/1904
Eaton, George R., last Sat., died suddenly, leaves widow & 3 daughters Lancaster, NH 2/16/1900
Edmonds, Mr., funeral last week Sat., bro is Fred Edmonds of Canaan Westfield 2/22/1901
Edmonds, Perley, last week, bro is T. Edmonds of Canaan  (item) Norton at Westfield 2/22/1901
Elliott, David, last Fri., brakeman found dead on rr tracks, buried Island Pond (item) E. Deerfield, MA 3/18/1904
Ellis, infant son, April 24, of M/M Len Ellis, buried Island Pond I. Pond at Berlin, NH 5/1/1903
Ellis, Kenneth, infant, April 28, of M/M Lindsay Ellis  (item) Island Pond 5/3/1901
Emery, Dana, last Fri., ill a long time Guildhall 6/20/1902
Enman, James, recently, shot by Mr. Belanger, leaves wife & 2 children (item) Lemington 12/14/1900
Evans, Henry J., Monday, burned to death in fire  (item) N. Stratford, NH 7/17/1903
Evarts, William M., recently   3/8/1901
Farmer, Clayton H., age 7 days, Aug 24 Island Pond 1/11/1901
Farmer, Laura A., age 17, last Sun., d/o M/M John Farmer  (item) Island Pond 3/8/1901
Farmer, son, age 7 mos, last Sun., of M/M John Farmer Island Pond 9/14/1900
Farmer, Susan Jenkins, about 52, March 14, w/o A. C. Farmer  (item) I. Pond & E. Burke 3/25/1904
Farr, Anna Joy, age 46, Sept 25, d/o Arba Joy, w/o Charles Farr, of typhoid (obit) Island Pond 10/3/1902
Farrell, F. T., Tues, former resident of Island Pond Waterbury 12/4/1903
Fellows, Andrew, Aug 3, leaves widow & dau, of St. Vitus' Dance Colebrook, NH 8/10/1900
Feltch, St. Clair, age 80, Sun., buried Brownington Center, ill several weeks Westmore 3/27/1903
Fickett, __, Mrs., Tues., w/o conductor George Fickett Portland, ME 5/27/1904
Finnegan, Clara, Miss, about 24, Sun., of consumption, leaves widowed mother Island Pond 9/9/1904
Finnegan, Eddie, age 31, Sun., buried Oct 9, caught cold & consumption (item) Island Pond 10/12/1900
Finnegan, Edward, age 30, Oct 7 Island Pond 1/11/1901
Finnegan, Willie, funeral last week, leaves wife Island Pond 5/9/1902
Fisher, Charles, last Sun Bloomfield 1/19/1900
Fisher, James, March 8 East Concord 3/15/1901
Fitzgerald, Betsey Nye, about 90, March 4, w/o George Fitzgerald  (items) Island Pond 3/11/1904
Fitzgerald, George H., age 68 y 7 m, Sept 30, buried Lakewood Cem (obit) I. Pond at Boston 10/7/1904
Fitzsimmons, John, Wed., killed when train engine blew up  (item) Berlin, NH 1/23/1903
Fletcher, Everett, Hon., last Sat., of Hiram Fletcher  (item) Lancaster, NH 8/24/1900
Flint, __, Mrs., age 60, Wed., w/o Henry Flint, leaves husband & son (item) Island Pond 3/18/1904
Foley, Thomas, about 75, Sat., leaves 2 daus & 3 sons  (item) Island Pond 12/26/1902
Folsom, John, killed in rr accident in Lennoxville  (item) Newport at Que 3/18/1904
Ford, infant son, Oct 20, of M/M Frank Ford, found dead in bed Guildhall 10/30/1903
Ford, Olin, age 72, Aug 10, feeble for years West Concord 8/24/1900
Ford, Orrin, Jan 8th, buried W. Concord, died at dau's in Manchester, NH Manchester, NH 1/16/1903
Foregraves, Lucina, age 74, June 8, wid/o John Foregraves, buried Dixville, Que  (item) Norton 6/17/1904
Foss, Mary E. (Stevens), age 32 y 2 m 6 d, Dec 10 Island Pond 1/11/1901
Foss, Mary E., age 32, Dec 10, w/o C. Eugene Foss, of xerostemia (item) Island Pond 12/14/1900
Foster, Joel, 18th inst, surveyed for town water systems Montpelier 2/27/1903
Fowler, Frank, recently, of consumption, died at Norfolk, VA Island Pond 10/3/1902
Fox, Hiram, age 67, recently, son is Gaylord Fox of E. Brownington  (item) Westmore 1/30/1903
French, __, Mrs., March 2, w/o Carlos French Guildhall 3/8/1901
French, George A., buried last Thurs, s/o George F. French  (item) Lunenburg at Portland 5/29/1903
French, J. D., about 85, Nov 28, dau is Mrs. J. H. Beattie Brunswick 12/7/1900
French, John D., aged citizen, Nov 28, son in law is Hon. James Beattie (obit) Brunswick   12/7/1900
French, Katherine, Mrs., age 93 y 8 m last Wed, wid/o Judge Waldo French (obit) Lunenburg at Portland 12/19/1902
Frye, __, Mrs., about 87, Feb 21, wid/o Eben Frye, sons Elisha, Dennis & Harry May (item) West Concord 2/27/1903
Fuller, Elizabeth, Mrs., 5th inst, buried Island Pond beside son David (item) Groveton, NH 11/11/1904
Fuller, son, age 2, last Mon., of Melvin Fuller Bloomfield 1/19/1900
Fuller, W. G., age 78, born Dec 1822, died Sun., grandfather Hezekiah Fuller (obit) Stratford   6/29/1900
Gale, Herbert L., recently, bro is Rev. E. J. Gale, consumption, buried Barre (item) Alva, FL 5/3/1901
Gardner, __, Mrs., last week, w/o Ezekiel Gardner Brunswick per Bloomfield 3/9/1900
Gardner, Albert, about 61, last Sun., of dropsy  (item) Island Pond 4/8/1904
Garland, Asa B., almost 80, last Wed/Thur, married 1853 Elsie Kimball  (obit) Portland, ME of I. Pond 1/23/1903
Garland, Asa B., buried last Sat in Island Pond, sons E. T. & George Garland Portland, ME 4/24/1903
Gerrish, Emma, last week, w/o John H. Gerrish, dau/o late Mrs. Geo Fitzgerald Island Pond 3/11/1904
Gibeau, Michael, about 20, June 22, drowned working logs, buried Fitchburg, MA (item) I. Pond at Livermore, ME 7/1/1904
Giberson, George, age 24, Sun., of hemorrhage  (item) Norton 2/19/1904
Gilchrist, Ellen, Mrs., last Friday, buried McIndoes Falls Colebrook, NH 10/19/1900
Gilfillan, John, age 81, 8th inst  (item) Westmore 2/16/1900
Gleason, dau, Wed., age 18 mos, of M/M Michael Gleason, buried Paquetteville, Que. Canaan 1/22/1904
Gleason, Hattie, Miss, recently Granby 9/18/1903
Gleason, Michael J., Sat., brakeman squeezed between cars at ME (item) Warwick 6/13/1902
Godette, infant son, last Fri., of Mrs. Joseph Godette Norton 9/18/1903
Gonya, __, Mr., died last July, sons Jerome, Sylver, Fred & Orville I. Pond at ME? 7/8/1904
Gonya, __, Mrs., last Oct., w/o Sylver Gonya I. Pond at ME? 7/8/1904
Gonya, Absalom J., age 66, July 22, leaves 4 sons & 2 daus, Mrs. died 1889  (item) I. Pond at Rumford, ME 7/31/1903
Gonya, Jerome L., age 4, s/o M/M Orville G. Gonya, cerebro meningitis  (item) I. Pond at ? 7/8/1904
Goodale, Hosea, funeral last Mon, uncle of Lyman Hight of Lunenburg Lancaster, NH 7/31/1903
Goodall, Harvey L., age 63, March 28, native of Lunenburg  (obit) Chicago 4/6/1900
Goslin, Marie, little dau, last Fri., of M/M Joseph Goslin Norton 2/19/1904
Goss, Homer, about 10, last Tues., of M/M Irving Goss, after short illness Lunenburg 3/6/1903
Goulet, Marie Bernardet, infant, last Sat., of M/M Felix Goulet Island Pond 5/30/1902
Goyette, youngest child, Jan 11, of M/M Amadee Goyette, of whooping cough Norton 2/5/1904
Gray, Charles H., old resident, Jan 4, ill several years, widow, 4 sons, 1 dau (item) East Charleston 1/8/1904
Gray, Charlie, age 23, 12th, of H. A. Gray, bro Oscar Gray of Lowell, MA East Charleston 2/23/1900
Gray, Ella (Wiggett), Nov 22, born Apr 5, 1877 Hatley, PQ, w/o Elmer Gray  (obit) Northampton, MA at Canaan 12/4/1903
Green, __, Mrs., about 80, May 11, wid/o Charles Green  (items) Canaan 5/18/1900
Griffin, John, about 52, last Sat., took horse medicine by mistake for a cold (item) I. Pond at Hastings, ME 4/15/1904
Griffin, twins, age 4 mos, dau Wed, son Mon, of M/M Thomas Griffin, buried I. Pond Lowelltown, ME 9/21/1900
Grout, Nancy, Miss, age 91, May 7 West Concord 5/15/1903
Grout, Selim E., April 29 West Concord 5/6/1904
Grout, William W., Gen., Oct 7, ill some time, not able to eat  (item)(item 10-17) E. St. Johnsbury 10/10/1902
Hackett, Fred H., age 45, funeral Sept 2, killed in rr collision, funeral at Compton  (item) Richmond, Que. 9/9/1894
Hackett, Fred H., Wed., killed in train collision, married Ethel Sadlier of I. Pond Richmond, Que. 9/2/1904
Hall, __, Mrs., funeral Tues., w/o Frank Hall, also infant, mom is Mrs. Eli Joice Groveton, NH 7/17/1903
Hall, Austin H., age 60, April 24 Island Pond 1/11/1901
Hall, Austin H., born Oct 31, 1839 of Ransom & Annie Hall, died April 21 (obit) Island Pond 5/4/1900
Hall, H. S., Sat., uncle of Miss Ethel Smith, leaves wife & adopted son (item) East Haven at Burke 3/30/1900
Hall, infant dau, about 8 mos, last Fri., of M/M Fred Hall Guildhall 6/15/1900
Hall, James O., 15th, of Rev. Thomas Hall, member of Co E. Ninth Inf  (item) I. Pond at Pekin, China 8/31/1900
Hall, James O., age 27, Aug 15, 2nd son of Rev. Thomas Hall Pekin, China 10/12/1900
Hall, Mrs., last week, sister of Timothy Powers Lunenburg 8/28/1903
Hall, Sarah A., Mrs., last Tues, dau is Mrs. Charles Chase, son Fred Hall (item) Guildhall 9/11/1903
Hall, Thomas, recently Island Pond 6/5/1903
Hall, William P., age 26, Aug 9, 3rd son of Rev. Thomas Hall [error 11-9] Deadwood, SD 10/12/1900
Hammond, Agnes, last weeks, effects of a fall a few weeks ago Colebrook, NH 7/20/1900
Hand, __, Mrs., Monday, w/o Will Hand, leaves mother, 3 daus & 2 sons (item) East Charleston 11/9/1900
Hand, little child, last Fri., of M/M Will Hand, of pneumonia East Charleston 5/18/1900
Hannan, Ann, Aug 23, dau Miss Julia Hannan, former resident of I. Pond  (obit) Charlestown, MA 8/28/1903
Hannan, Annie L., Nov 15, of James & Susan B. Hannan, died Jamaica Plain, MA Island Pond at MA 11/20/1903
Hanno, James, recently, buried at West Concord Fitchburg, MA 6/15/1900
Hanson, Emmeline, Mon., wid/o Hi Hanson - Mr. died in Minn. 3 yrs ago (item) Charleston 2/26/1904
Harris, infants, during past 2 years, of Mr. & Mrs. Ed Harris  (item) Island Pond 5/29/1903
Harris, L. W., Rev., about 88, last week, formerly of Colebrook, NH Sherman, ME 7/6/1900
Hartshorn, Carrie, Mrs., Oct 12, from pneumonia Lunenburg 10/24/1902
Hartshorn, Coburn, last Sat., suicide by arsenic, family troubles Lunenburg 5/8/1903
Hartwell, Philander, Dec 2, died at Burlington hospital Lunenburg 12/7/1900
Hartwell, Philander, funeral Thurs., buried Baptist Hill Cemetery Lunenburg 12/14/1900
Haseltine, John P., age 62, Nov 19, of heart disease, photographer  (obit) I. Pond of Lancaster, NH 12/2/1904
Hastings, __, Mrs. Wm C. (Smith), age 64 y 8 m, Oct 26, of blood poison (item) Lunenburg 11/13/1903
Hastings, Moses, 1st inst., bro of Horace Hastings, dau Mrs. Underwood West Concord 9/7/1900
Hastings, Mrs., last Mon., ill over a year Island Pond 11/6/1903
Hayes, Ed., last Sat., at asylum Lunenburg at Waterbury 10/26/1900
Hayes, Fred, about 40, last Fri., adopted son of John Haynes, suicide, was arsonist (item 9-19) Island Pond 9/26/1902
Haynes, __ Mrs., last Wed., killed in explosion, d/o Capt. Dunlap, w/o Edward Haynes I. Pond at Westboro 9/30/1904
Haynes, Edward D., last Wed., of S. A. Haynes, killed in dynamite explosion (item) I. Pond at Westboro 9/30/1904
Haynes, Lucille M., age 11 mos, Sept 5, of M/M George A. Haynes, of cholera Island Pond 9/12/1902
Haynes, Marion, last Wed, killed in dynamite explosion w/parents M/M Edward Haynes I. Pond at Westboro 9/30/1904
Haywood, Beulah, age 14, buried March 26, dau of Will Haywood of Sutton Westmore 4/3/1903
Hennesy, Hattie (Cameron), last week, leaves young husband, formerly of Stanhope Norton at Calais, ME 7/24/1903
Henshaw, Joshua, born 1828, recently, son of George Henshaw  (item) Montreal 12/28/1900
Hibbard, David W., funeral last Thurs at St. J., buried Concord  (item) Concord 11/18/1904
Higgins, John, age 78, last Fri., son is Edward Higgins Lunenburg 2/2/1900
Hilbbard, Caroline, Miss, Jan 11, of late M/M Asa Hibbard  (item) West Concord 1/18/1901
Hill, __, Mrs., recently, w/o Stephen Hill, died CA, buried W. Concord W. Concord at CA 3/13/1903
Hill, Alice, Mrs., age 43, last Mon., of pneumonia, leaves husband & 2 kids (item) Norton 3/8/1901
Hill, Dyer H., funeral last Sun, died St. Johnsbury, buried Concord  (item) Concord 11/18/1904
Hill, Harley, little son, Nov 28, of M/M Frank Hill, of bronchitis Morgan Center 12/2/1904
Hill, Leo N., age 33, Tues., photographer, leaves wife & 2 small children (item) I. Pond at Lancaster, NH 7/15/1904
Hinman, __, Mrs., last Fri., w/o George Hinman, after long illness Bloomfield & N. Stratford 12/21/1900
Hinman, Dr., funeral Monday East Charleston 2/15/1901
Hinton, James, aged resident, Feb 20, dau is Mrs. Kate Fuller  (item) Westmore 2/26/1904
Hodsden, Mrs., March 16, son is Carl Hodsden Troy 3/29/1901
Hoffman, Geo. W., Dr., Mon/Tues., of Ezra Hoffman, shot by escaped prisoner (items) I. Pond & Stockbridge 5/4/1900
Holbrook, Charles R., age 37, Sept 14, of typhoid fever, leaves widow & 6 kids (item) Lemington 9/23/1904
Holbrook, Marial C. (Lyman), age 57 y 11 m 8 d, Jan 19, w/o A. T. Holbrook, of Bright's disease (item) Lemington 1/25/1901
Holbrook, Schuyler, funeral last Fri., cousin is Mr. A. T. Holbrook Bloomfield 10/12/1900
Holmes, Wash, last Fri., colored man, worked for lumber co., overdose (item) Canaan 2/5/1904
Holt, Charles E., Dec 28, of heart & Bright's disease Guildhall 1/1/1904
Holt, Ira Earl, age 13, 18th inst., drowned in Ct River  (item) Guildhall 7/29/1904
Horegan, Hileno, age 84, Sept 26 Island Pond 1/11/1901
Howard, George S., 3rd inst., of Wm S. Howard, leaves widow, dau & sister (item) West Concord 3/8/1901
Hoyt, Mr., recently, bro of Mrs. Clark Royce of E. Charleston Lyndon 4/13/1900
Hubbard, __, Mrs., Dec 27, M/M Henry Bailey of Berlin, NH attending funeral Guildhall 1/8/1904
Hubbard, __, Mrs., Dec 27, w/o George A. Hubbard, of heart disease Guildhall 1/1/1904
Hubbard, __, Mrs., Thurs., w/o George Hubbard Guildhall 8/12/1904
Hubbard, Ezekiel, age 66, last Sat., killed by falling tree  (item) Lunenburg 5/3/1901
Hudson, __, Mrs., Fri., w/o Milo Hudson, of cancer  (item) East Haven   4/6/1900
Hudson, Mrs., Aug 29th, mother of Jerome Hudson East Charleston 9/5/1902
Huntington, O. C., 10th inst Island Pond 3/16/1900
Huntington, O. C., age 59 y 4 m 14 d, March 10, of strangulated hernia Ferdinand 3/16/1900
Huntington, Oscar C., age 59 y 4 m 14 d, March 10 Island Pond 1/11/1901
Hurlbut, S. G., last Fri., suicide by hanging Guildhall 3/20/1903
Hutchinson, __, Mrs., recently, w/o George Hutchinson, of consumption (item) Colebrook, NH at ME 2/2/1900
Hutchinson, Hiram N., Tues., Mrs. Smith & son Percy attending S. Kirby & Concord 10/28/1904
Hyland, George, Dec 1, from diphtheria & stroke of paralysis  (item) Island Pond 12/9/1904
Hyland, Maude, Miss, age 19, Nov 22, of diphtheria Island Pond 12/2/1904
Jackson, Dennis, Thurs, of pneumonia, leaves widow, dau & sons Lunenburg 3/8/1901
Jackson, J., 10th, baggage master, leaves widow & son, buried Richmond Norton 1/19/1900
Jameson, infant dau, funeral Sun., of C. H. Jameson Colebrook, NH 6/1/1900
Jewell, __, Mrs., last Thurs., w/o Edgar Jewell, of Bright's disease Lunenburg 2/13/1903
Jewell, Maggie Emery, Mrs., recently, bro is George E. Emery Granby 2/13/1903
Johnson, Leon, age 23, last Sun., of N. M. Johnson, killed by train (item) Bloomfield at Gorham, NH 12/21/1900
Johnson, Ransell, aged citizen, April 9, son is Dr. R. T. Johnson  (item) West Concord 4/13/1900
Jordan, Gladys, age 6 mos, last Fri., of Mrs. Wm Jordan, buried next to father in Dixville Norton 3/13/1903
Jordan, Mildred, age 18, Oct 13, d/o John & Sarah Jordan, typhoid fever (item) Lemington 10/19/1900
Jordan, Riley, Mrs., funeral last Tues Columbia 10/5/1900
Jordan, William, age 33, last Wed, of brain fever, leaves widow & 2 daus (item) Norton at Stanhope, Que. 2/20/1903
Joslyn, __, Mrs., last Sun., w/o Frank R. Joslyn, of heart problems West Concord 11/13/1903
Judd, Thomas P., age 74, last Sun Canaan 12/14/1900
Keazer, __, Mrs., last week, w/o Joseph Y. Keazer, died suddenly in RR station (item) Colebrook at Natick, MA 3/30/1900
Kelley, Mr., last week, bro of Rev. Mr. Kelley of Canaan  (item) NY 6/8/1900
Kelley, Mrs., March 19, mother of Stephen Kelley of Lunenburg New York 3/25/1904
Kellogg, Amos, recently, died at insane asylum, buried W. Concord W. Concord   3/13/1903
Kelsie, Gertie Isabelle (Chase), Mrs., age 34, Nov 15, of diphtheria Island Pond 12/2/1904
Kilpatrick, Robert, June 8, buried Island Pond, leaves wife & 3 sons  (item) Lawrence, MA 6/17/1904
Kimball, Frank D., Wed., veteran of civil war, leaves widow & large family (item) Island Pond 10/2/1903
Kimball, Harry, Tues., died at asylum, inmate several months Island Pond at Waterbury 3/20/1903
Kimball, W. F., killed in rr wreck, wife's parents are M/M S. Bean (item) E. Charleston at Lewiston 10/7/1904
King, Henry, last Sat., heart trouble, accidental overdose of chloroform (item) Island Pond 10/5/1900
King, infant, last Fri., of M/M Alex King Island Pond 2/20/1903
Lachance, Rev. Ph. E., age 44, May 19, of stomach ulcers, buried St. Helene, PQ  (item) Island Pond 5/27/1904
Ladd, __, Mrs., Wed., w/o Luther Ladd, son is Harry J. of Rumford Falls, ME I. Pond at ME 8/5/1904
Ladd, Clark (history) born 1823, married Susan Mason 1846, had 11 children Danville & Dorchester 3/20/1903
Ladd, Eleanor, Mrs., Oct 26, mother of Wm Ladd, buried Stanstead Plain, PQ Colebrook, NH 11/6/1903
Ladd, Luther, age 71, Aug 17, old resident  (item) Island Pond 8/24/1900
Ladd, Luther, age 73, Aug 17 Island Pond 1/11/1901
Ladd, Luther, born 1829 Danville, married 1855 Martha Ewell  (obit) Island Pond 8/24/1900
Ladd, Martha E., age 72, Aug 3, w/o Luther Ladd, buried Island Pond (item) Rumford Falls, ME 8/12/1904
Ladd, Mrs., run over some years ago while saving dau Cora of Hillhurst (item) Island Pond 12/9/1904
Ladd, Susan Comfort Mason, age 80, Dec 26, w/o Clark Ladd, married 1846 (obit) Island Pond 12/30/1904
Lamere, Jule, age 72, dau is Mrs. Courchesne, died at L'Abbey du Febvre Island Pond 1/30/1903
Lamkin, Maria S., Mrs., Oct 21, leaves husband & 3 daus, buried Guildhall (item) Maidstone 10/28/1904
Lane, Albert, died last winter, interred last Friday Lunenburg 5/18/1900
Lang, Charles, Sept 20 Monroe, NH 10/5/1900
Lang, Janet, age 66, July 6, d/o John & Melissa Dolloff, w/o Andrew Lang (obit) East Charleston 7/24/1903
Lavature, Louis, last Sat., ill for a while, buried St. Johnsbury Lunenburg 8/19/1904
Lawrence, Horace, recently, father of Mrs. Selden Banister of Colebrook Island Brook, Que. 3/30/1900
Lee family reunion, brothers Asa & John Lee and others named St. J & Waterford 8/24/1900
Lee, Martin, age 64, Tues., resulted from a fall, leaves widow & 3 daus & 3 sons (item) Island Pond 2/13/1903
Lee, Martin, born Ireland, lost parents early, fought in war (full history) Island Pond 2/27/1903
Lefebvre, Beatrice, age 17 days, 23d inst, of M/M Charles Lefebvre Island Pond 3/27/1903
Letarte, Francis, age 77 y 8 m, 12th, dau is Mrs. L. F. Moreau, buried  I. Pond (item) I. Pond at Portland, ME 4/19/1901
Lindsay, Alva Morse, age 18, Sun., w/o Harry S. Lindsay, after childbirth (item) Island Pond 8/26/1904
Lofgren, Nils Johnson, age 73, Jan 4, leaves widow & son  (item) Island Pond 1/11/1901
Lord, Samuel, Feb 24, father of Mrs. I. L. Cobb  (item) Morgan 3/6/1903
Lougee, Mrs., Sat., mom of N. B. & Henry Lougee of Island Pond, of apoplexy Compton, Que 1/15/1904
Lund, Grace Loverin, Mrs., married 13 mos ago, leaves husband and babe (item) Colebrook, NH 8/24/1900
Lund, Mary (Shores), old resident, recently Granby 4/6/1900
Lurvey, Amanda, Mrs., last week, from a shock Bloomfield 12/28/1900
Lyman, C. C., about 75, June 19, of asthma at Battle Creek, Mich Colebrook, NH 6/29/1900
Lyndon, Margaret, 4th inst, d/o James Webster, w/o John Lyndon, invalid (obit) Island Pond 10/17/1902
Lyons, Charles, March 31, murdered (long item) Bloomfield 4/8/1904
Macfarlane, Henry, age 79, last Fri., RR bridge inspector, leaves wife & son Geo Island Pond 12/11/1903
Mansur, __, Mrs., age 58, last Mon., w/o O. L. Mansur, died suddenly (item) I. Pond at Lynn, MA 1/12/1900
Mansur, Mehitable (Tibbetts), age 57 y 6 m 24 d, Jan 8 Island Pond 1/11/1901
Maroney, John, age 9, Jan 5 Island Pond 1/11/1901
Maroney, Johnnie, age 9, last Mon., mom died recently Island Pond 1/19/1900
Marsh, Hazel, age 10 on May 13, died June 13, of diphtheria  (item) Norton of Stewartstown 6/17/1904
Marsh, Hazel, age 10, 12th inst, of M/M Robert Marsh, of diphtheria Canaan 6/24/1904
Marsh, Robert L., age 20 days, May 3 Island Pond 1/11/1901
Marsh, Simon, old resident, last week, of pneumonia, son is Wm Marsh East Charleston 2/12/1904
Marsh, William, Oct 30, leaves widow & 3 children, buried Holland  (item) East Charleston 11/11/1904
Marshall, Abbie P. (Royal), age 28, last Fri., w/o Fay Marshall, of Bright's disease (item) Lemington 7/17/1903
Martin, Adelard, about 25, Sat., epileptic fit after large supper I. Pond at Ferdinand 11/18/1904
Martin, Joseph N., Jan 23  (item) I. Pond at Portland, ME 2/5/1904
Martin, Nellie, Mrs., last Tues., of M/M Chester Shoff, buried Laconia, NH Guildhall 1/18/1901
Mason, Marvin M., June 28, neuralgia of the heart, died Somerville, MA (item) I. Pond at MA (buried Barton?) 7/11/1902
May, Dennis E., funeral Sun., of St. Johnsbury, buried West Concord West Concord 7/24/1903
McCloud, Maggie, Mrs., funeral Sun, sister of Patsy Donahue of E. Haven St. Johnsbury 10/5/1900
McFarland, __, Mrs., recently, wife of Nelson McFarland, died in Chicago Percy, NH at IL 10/3/1902
McFarlane, Ola, Mrs., last week, dau of Milo Gray, buried East Charleston Westmore 12/18/1903
McGinnis, Lucy (Boutwell), Mrs., age 82, May 2 Granby 5/11/1900
McGinty, __, Mrs., last Wed., w/o Hugh McGinty, of diphtheria, leaves husband & 7 kids (item) Lemington 12/18/1903
McGinty, Nellie, little dau., Dec 28, of Hugh McGinty, of diphtheria Lemington 1/8/1904
McKay, James, 22d, after long illness, leaves widow & 2 daus & son (item) Westmore 4/27/1900
McLeod, Margaret Donahue, born 1869, died Fri., w/o Charles McLeod (item) St. Johnsbury 10/12/1900
McNamara, Edward, age 42, June 27, bro of Mrs. Mark Holland, buried E. Charleston (item) Westmore 7/6/1900
McNamara, Katherine, age 67, July 16, mom of Mrs. M. J. Holland, buried Charleston (item) Berlin, NH 7/20/1900
McNeil, Mr., March 25?, son is Rev. Mr. McNeil of Lunenburg NYC 3/29/1901
McQueen, Alexander, 3d inst., leaves son Geo M. McQueen, fought in Civil War (item) North Concord 8/10/1900
Meacham, Pliny, Jan 11, ill 3 weeks, leaves widow & 1 dau (item) Guildhall 1/19/1900
Mears, __, Mrs., recently, w/o John Mears, died Littleton, NH  Island Pond at NH 1/11/1901
Merrill, Mrs., last Sun., dau is Mrs. James Hammond, of paralysis Colebrook, NH 12/7/1900
Miller, __, Mrs., funeral Thurs., sis Mrs. Gould of Passumpsic, Horace Miller attending Lunenburg 12/16/1904
Miller, Louise, age 67, Dec 8, w/o A. J. Miller, ill two years, buried Passumpsic (item) Lunenburg 12/16/1904
Moffett, ____ (McElroy), Mrs., age 62 y 6 m, July 21, w/o Joseph Moffett (obit) Island Pond 7/27/1900
Moffett, Mary (McElroy), age 67 y 6 m, July 22 Island Pond 1/11/1901
Moisse, young child, about 1 yr, Dec 14, of M/M Moisse, buried W. Concord Hardwick & W. Concord 12/21/1900
Moody, __, Mrs., age 55, funeral May 3, w/o James B. Moody   East Charleston 5/13/1904
Moody, Mary E., Mrs., age 42, May 31, of bronchitis, died at Bellows Falls (item) East Charleston 6/6/1902
Morancy, Agnes, Miss, Sept 6, granddau of Mrs. F. Letters, cousin of late Clara Finnegan Island Pond 9/9/1904
Morrill, Charles E., age 63, Jan 9, leaves widow  (item) Barton 1/16/1903
Morrison, Hattie, age 40, Oct 11, w/o H. S. Morrison, d/o late John Gilman (item) Lemington 10/19/1900
Morrison, Hattie, Mrs., funeral on Sunday Colebrook, NH 10/19/1900
Morse, David, Aug 6, of heart trouble, leaves widow & 3 sons  (item) East Charleston 8/10/1900
Morse, Dearborn, almost 83, April 6, leaves widow & son & dau by 1st wife (item) Island Pond 4/15/1904
Morse, William Olin, March 3 East Concord 3/15/1901
Munch, E. C., Mr., Tues., killed when train engine blew up  (item) Berlin, NH 1/23/1903
Munn, __, Mrs., March 1, w/o Joel Munn, buried Canaan Guildhall 3/8/1901
Munn, Cyphus, March 23 Guildhall 3/29/1901
Murphy, Henry, recently, of typhoid fever Westmore 5/4/1900
Nadeau, Orise, Miss, about 20, Wed., of quick consumption  (item 11-20) Island Pond 11/13/1903
Nagle, dau., recently, of M/M William Nagle Island Pond 1/18/1901
Nagle, Parker W., July 22, father of Wm B. Nagle, of heart failure  (item) Sherbrooke 8/3/1900
Nelson, W. G., about 50, June 6, leaves wife & 2 dau's & son  (item) Norton 6/8/1900
Nelson, W. G., recently Norton 6/8/1900
Nelson, Wilmot Greenleaf, recently, married Aug 7, 1874 Cora Libbey (obit) Norton 6/15/1900
Newton, Margaret M., 5th inst, wid/o John Newton, mom of Mrs. W. E. C. Jones I. Pond at Sherbrooke 2/12/1904
Nichols, Horatio, Feb 28, after long illness, buried in Concord Lunenburg 3/11/1904
Norcross, son, about 14 mos, Sun., only child of Dr. & Mrs. E. F. Norcross (item) Island Pond 2/6/1903
Norris, George (item) [thrown] off train by circus men after being robbed (item 1/8/04 & 3/25/04) Island Pond 7/31/1903
Norris, George (item) fell off train and broke his back, alive, mom is Mrs. Steve Hopkins Island Pond 7/24/1903
O'Dowd, __, Mrs., about 29, last Sun., w/o Mike O'Dowd, of consumption Bloomfield 7/18/1902
O'Dowd, infant, recently, of James O'Dowd Bloomfield 12/7/1900
O'Mara, M., Mr., Monday, fell off train and was killed Bethel, ME 1/23/1903
O'Neil, Ellen, Miss, age 65, last Sat., of softening of the brain Lemington 1/4/1901
Ordway, Joel, age 42, March 21, of cancer, leaves widow & 3 children (item) Island Pond 3/27/1903
Orne, son, age 3, Sunday, of Frank Orne, drowned in barn water tub Westmore 5/18/1900
Owen, C. S., Mrs., last week Sat?, bro's wife to Albert E. Owen of W. Concord Boston 2/27/1903
Paquette, Frank Sr., (history) to I. Pond 1858 age 17, married at 18, had 9 children Island Pond 4/10/1903
Paquette, sister, funeral Monday, sister of Frank Paquette Sr. of I. Pond Berlin, NH 11/23/1900
Parker, Susan (Gilman), age 91, last Mon, born Keene, NH, leaves son Albert (item) Island Pond 10/24/1902
Parks, Ellen, Mrs., about 68, recently, leaves brother, sister & daughter (item) Colebrook at Washington, DC 7/6/1900
Parris, George W., last Sun., many ailments, buried Grove cemetery (item) West Concord 11/6/1903
Paschal, Ralph, about 72, recently, on visit to son William in Jefferson, NH (item) Brunswick per Bloomfield 2/2/1900
Patton, Mary, Miss, age 69, last Wed., helpless past 13 yrs Island Pond 11/6/1903
Paul, Lucille A., age 3 mos, Sept 7, of M/M Peter Paul, of cholera infantum Island Pond 9/12/1902
Pelletier, Nellie, age 16, Wed., burned in hotel fire Norton 5/6/1904
Penfold, W. H., last Tues., former resident of Island Pond, after lingering illness South Paris, ME 7/6/1900
Penniman, L. L., recently, very suddenly I. Pond at Quebec 6/3/1904
Perry, Alby Alonzo, infant, last Sat., of M/M J. H. Perry, buried E. Charleston Island Pond 10/30/1903
Peterson, Nelson, 17th, killed by falling tree Canaan 1/26/1900
Phelps, E. J., Hon., 9th inst, of pneumonia, formerly of Burlington (item) New Haven, CT 3/16/1900
Phelps, Samuel, June 26, born Lunenburg April 9, 1829, of Samuel & Susan Phelps (obit) Lunenburg 7/13/1900
Phelps, Samuel, June 26, ill some time, leaves widow and a son (item) Lunenburg 7/6/1900
Philbrick, Lucy H., Mrs., age 83 y 1 m 20 d, last Mon Island Pond 4/13/1900
Philbrick, Lucy, age 83 y 1 m 20 d, April 9 Island Pond 1/11/1901
Philbrick, Martha, Mrs., April 9, interred in Brownington Center (item) Island Pond 5/18/1900
Phillips, __ Mrs., young woman, last Fri., w/o Bert Phillips, died suddenly Colebrook, NH 11/9/1900
Pierce, Alfred, born Aug 18, 1841, died Dec 31, married Betsy Blake (obit) East Charleston 1/11/1901
Pierce, Alfred, Dec 31 East Charleston 1/4/1901
Pike, Andrew J., aged man, Sat., buried Claremont, NH  (item) West Concord 7/11/1902
Pillsbury, Mrs., last Sat., mom of Mrs. James Virtue West Concord 1/29/1904
Pond, infant dau, last Friday, of M/M Will Pond Lunenburg 5/13/1904
Poole, __, Mrs., Sat., w/o John Poole, buried Northumberland, NH Guildhall at ? 4/1/1904
Pottle, A. Q., Dr., funeral Sun, leaves widow and dau, buried near his home (item) Canaan 5/6/1904
Pottle, Dr., this Thurs., had surgery for appendicitis last Sun Canaan 4/29/1904
Powers, __, Mrs., last Sat., w/o Fred Powers, sis Miss Lola Wentworth  (item) Lunenburg 2/12/1904
Powers, Henrietta, age 88, Feb 18, wid/o Benj Powers, bro is Alonzo Colburn (obit) Lyndon 2/26/1904
Quimby, Ira, 15th inst, of late Daniel Quimby, buried E. St. Johnsbury (item) West Concord 1/26/1900
Quinn, Bridget, about 90, last Sun., husband deserted her  (item) Island Pond 3/20/1903
Ramsdell, Agusta, age 74, April 8, w/o John Ramsdell, 6 sons, buried McIndoes Falls (item) Lunenburg 4/15/1904
Ramsey, T. A., Mrs., Sunday Colebrook, NH 12/14/1900
Raymond, Mary J. Shatney, born Sept 8, 1837, 11th inst, w/o Thomas Raymond (obit) Averill 3/18/1904
Reavy, Mary, age 68, Nov 21, w/o Charles Reavey, d/o Mr. Kerrigan (obit) W. Concord & St. J. 12/7/1900
Reed, Charles, last Friday, formerly of Canaan Pittsburg, NH 6/29/1900
Reed, Fanny (Davis), age 89 y 8 m March 6 Island Pond 1/11/1901
Reed, Geo S., killed June 20, 1892 when train tracks washed out near Compton (item)   6/20/1902
Renell, Albert E., age 1 y 1 m, Sept 22 Island Pond 1/11/1901
Renell, Martin V., age 61, Sun., typhoid fever, mbr 1st VT Cavalry Co D (obit) Island Pond 12/12/1902
Renell, son, age 13 mos, Mon., of M/M Martin Renell, of cholera infantum Island Pond 9/28/1900
Rice, John, aged citizen, last Sat., buried Island Pond Island Pond at Newark 6/12/1903
Richardson, W. A., Mr., Friday, buried West Concord  (item) Littleton 6/22/1900
Richardson, William A., age 54, June 15, born Concord, VT  (full obit) Littleton 6/22/1900
Ricker, David A., about 50, March 14, cripple since boyhood, suicide (item) West Concord 3/23/1900
Rivers, Frank, age 21, Tues., sis is Mrs. A. J. Moye, of typhoid fever  (item) I. Pond at Dalton, NH 2/5/1904
Robertson, F. H., last Tues., killed in railroad train crash  (item) Gorham of Maine 3/15/1901
Robinson, Belle, Miss, young lady, Tues., ill several months  (item) I. Pond at Newport 10/3/1902
Robinson, Calvin, last Sun., buried Montpelier, ill a long time East Charleston 2/22/1901
Roby, Mary, Mrs., age 62 y 10 m, Oct 30, w/o Godfrey Roby, leaves 8 sons 5 daus  (item) Norton 11/11/1904
Rossi, child, about 1 yr, buried last Sun., of M/M Antonio Rossi  (item) S. Kirby & W Concord 6/13/1902
Rossi, son, about 10 yrs, 6 mos ago, of M/M Antonio Rossi S. Kirby & W Concord 6/13/1902
Rounds, B. L., May 30, sister is Mrs. J. C. Fogg, of typhoid fever  (item) Rumford, ME 6/6/1902
Rowe, Caroline, Mrs., about 88, Aug 12, prev wid/o G. W. Beebe, bro G. W. Lang (item) East Charleston 9/9/1904
Rowe, Thomas, age 50, March 7, of measles Lemington 3/16/1900
Royeur, Emma, age 14, Mon., of consumption Island Pond 4/10/1903
Rundlet, Roy, about 21, Mon., killed while working as rr brakeman (item) I. Pond at Mansfield, MA 12/23/1904
Rush, Fanny, Mrs., age 93, Oct 6, buried old cemetery Guildhall 10/16/1903
Rush, James, Monday, from a shock Guildhall 3/6/1903
Russell, Emily, Mrs., age 70, last week, son is H. W. Duff, dau Mrs. Williams (item) Canaan 8/12/1904
Russell, Hector, March 6 Gallups Mills 3/20/1903
Russell, L. W., Mrs., last Sat., ill several months West Concord 3/4/1904
Scholes, Daniel, infant, Nov 27, of M/M Eddie Scholes, born Nov 26 Island Pond 12/2/1904
Scholes, Jennie (Reilly), age 27, June 5, w/o Joseph Scholes, of hemorrhage (item) Island Pond 6/12/1903
Scott, A. W., MD, funeral Sun., former MD of Groveton, NH  (item) (item 11-18) Bakersfield 10/7/1904
Scott, infant dau., last week, of M/M Edward Scott Colebrook, NH 3/16/1900
Scott, infant, last week, of M/M Edward Scott, buried Bloomfield Colebrook 3/9/1900
Shannon, Mary, July 14, w/o John Shannon, leaves blind husband 4 sons 2 dau (item) E. Charleston at Derby 7/29/1904
Sharon, Lucy, Miss, last Fri?, niece of Mrs. Ed. Gleason of Island Pond (item) Portland, ME 2/23/1900
Shedd, Lewis, recently, son is John Shedd, buried W. Charleston Hollis, NH 7/27/1900
Sheridan, Phillip W., Sat., killed in RR accident, married last June, sis Mrs. John Sloane I. Pond at Worcester, MA 12/11/1903
Silsby, Eliza, Mrs., last week, buried Lunenburg Lancaster, NH 11/2/1900
Silsby, Susan Powers, age 79, March 7, wid/o Hon. Levi Silsby Lunenburg 3/16/1900
Silver, Relief, Mrs., age 79, Sun., of heart failure, dau is Mrs. Edson Holden (item) Bloomfield 2/22/1901
Sloan, Louisa, age 24, July 21, of David & Mary Sloan, of Bright's disease Island Pond 7/25/1902
Small, Howard M., killed June 20, 1892 when train tracks washed out near Compton (item)   6/20/1902
Smith, __, Mrs., last Thurs., w/o Abner Smith, died suddenly (item) West Concord 5/23/1902
Smith, Bernard, little boy, Dec 11, of O. W. Smith, of typhoid fever, buried E. Burke (item) Boston of I. Pond 12/18/1903
Smith, Gardner, last week, died North Woodstock, NH Canaan   12/18/1903
Smith, Juba, this week, uncle of Mrs. Eugene Buck of E. Charleston West Burke 8/3/1900
Smith, Lewis, age 60, last Sat., died at Groveton, buried Island Pond Groveton & I. Pond 10/10/1902
Smith, Mary, Mrs., May 30, sis of Mrs. Levi Barnard of Lunenburg (item) Portland, ME 6/15/1900
Smith, Michael, age 43, Oct 2 Island Pond 1/11/1901
Smith, Michael, age 43, Tues, of typhoid fever, leaves wife & 5 children Island Pond 10/5/1900
Smith, Mrs., last Wed., funeral held at Selden Smith's house Lunenburg 3/25/1904
Smith, Nelly M., age 47, Sun., w/o Osman W. Smith, of bilious fever  (item) Island Pond 2/13/1903
Smith, Solomon G., 4th inst East Concord 2/9/1900
Snow, Nelson P., age 72, Nov 23, of Bright's disease, former resident of Bloomfield (item) Lemington 12/4/1903
Spencer, Frank, last week, nephew of Mrs. Martha Davis of E. Charleston West Burke 4/6/1900
Spencer, Rollin, funeral last Mon W. Stewartstown 4/6/1900
Spiller, Julia (Butters), age 67, Oct 23, w/o Isaac Spiller, born Lowell, ME (obit) Island Pond 10/31/1902
Springer, Eliza, Fri., w/o H. T. Springer, died NY  (obit) I. Pond at NY 4/26/1901
Squires, Elizabeth, Mrs., age 84, 4th inst, dau is Mrs. Geo Moye (item) Bury, Que 4/12/1901
Stacy, Mr., recently, bro of C. L. Stacy of West Concord Boston 6/8/1900
Staples, John, about 67, buried Sunday, had been feeble some time Island Pond 5/1/1903
Stearns, L., Mr., age 82, Thurs., crossing rr tracks, was deaf, hit by train (item) Island Pond 9/26/1902
Steele, Amanda Irish, age 78, June 30, wid/o George C. Steele  (obit) Island Pond 7/4/1902
Stern, Mrs., recently, sons Dan & Julius Stern of Island Pond Germany 4/10/1903
Stetson, A. M., Mr., about the 19th ult, old summer resident of Norton Boston 3/4/1904
Stevens, __, Mrs., age 56, April 14, w/o Calvin Stevens, typhoid fever (item) Island Pond 4/19/1901
Stevens, Chester, Mon?, of R. P. Stevens, died in Philadelphia  (item) East Charleston in PA 1/12/1900
Stevens, Marguerite, age 11 m 23 d, Nov 18, of M/M A. M. Stevens, of spinal meningitis Island Pond 12/2/1904
Stevens, Martha M. (Hall), died 1865, wife of Roswell Stevens, no children Island Pond 10/23/1903
Stevens, Roswell P., age 76, Oct 15, of paralysis, leaves widow, 2 sons & dau (item) Island Pond 10/23/1903
Stevens, Roswell P., born Dec 1, 1826 St. J, married #1 1851 Martha Hall (obit) Island Pond 10/23/1903
Stevens, Susanna, Sept 26, d/o Oney Aldrich, wid/o Warren Stevens (obit & photo) Island Pond 10/2/1903
Stevens, Warren, died Dec 21, 1852, left widow & 5 young children Island Pond 10/2/1903
Stewart, E. A., Hon., age 65, June 2  (item) Newport 6/8/1900
Stockwell, Bernice, March 9 East Concord 3/15/1901
Stoddard, Betsy, Mrs., age 93, Dec 8, w/o late Joseph Stoddard  (item) East Charleston 12/14/1900
Stoddard, Frank, age 11, May 3, of Edgar & Helen Stoddard, of typhoid fever South Canaan 5/11/1900
Stone, Dimond, about 85, Feb 23, former resident of I. Pond  (item) Rutland 3/11/1904
Stone, Simon, last Tues Guildhall 4/13/1900
Stowell, Simon, age 71 y 8 m, 1st inst., dau is Mrs. Muzzy at ME, buried I. Pond (obit) I. Pond at S. Paris, ME 5/8/1903
Stuart, __, Mrs., funeral Sun., w/o Wesley Stuart  (item) Lunenburg 8/19/1904
Sweetser, Mrs., Friday, w/o station agent at South Lancaster, heart trouble Lunenburg 12/5/1902
Taylor, Nelson, about 74, 29th ult, leaves widow, 3 sons & 1 dau  (item) Brunswick per Bloomfield 2/2/1900
Taylor, Orin, Judge, Dec 16, dau is Mrs. Charles Hinman, died San Diego, CA Island Pond at CA 12/18/1903
Tewksbury, Henry, last Tues Colebrook, NH 10/5/1900
Thayer, __, Mrs., Jan 30, w/o Otis Thayer, of pneumonia  (item) East Charleston 2/2/1900
Thibodeau, Wilfred, age 1 y 2 m 3 d, Nov 15 Island Pond 1/11/1901
Thomas, Evelyn, last Fri., only child of Prof & Mrs. O. G. Thomas, pneumonia Island Pond 3/25/1904
Thompson, Joseph, about 75, 15th inst, of dropsy, bro Robert Thompson of I. Pond (item) Pittsburg, NH 12/23/1904
Titus, __, Mrs., March 25, w/o H. F. Titus, of the grip, buried Jay  (obit) Jay & I. Pond 3/29/1901
Tolland, Frank, age 23, last week, died at St. Louis, of pneumonia, buried Bloomfield Bloomfield at MO 2/22/1901
Tripp, Alex, last week, bro is B. F. Tripp of E. Charleston Barton 3/22/1901
Tripp, Julia Melvin, age 75, Dec 8, w/o B. F. Tripp, invalid from early years (obit) East Charleston 12/26/1902
Trudeau, Florence, Mrs., age 64, last Sat., mom of James E. White of I. Pond (item) Tupper Lake, NY 3/11/1904
Tucker, Booth, Mrs., recently Island Pond 11/6/1903
Turgeon, Ada C., age 7 y 2 m, Nov 1 Island Pond 1/11/1901
Turgeon, Treffle, last Fri., killed by train, leaves widow & 1 child (item) Sherbrooke of I. Pond 6/6/1902
Turner, __, Mrs., Sun., w/o Fred Turner    Lunenburg 3/25/1904
Turner, Edna A., born Jan 1855, March 21, w/o Hon. Fred Turner, d/o Moses Day (obit) Lunenburg at Canaan 4/1/1904
Turner, Edwin R., age 75, Jan 31, leaves widow & 2 sons & dau  (item) North Concord 2/8/1901
Turner, Ira, young son, last Monday, of M/M F. A. Turner, drowned Lunenburg 9/28/1900
Vance, __, Mrs., last Thurs., w/o Martin Vance, bro Gardner Balch, from rheumatism (item) Lunenburg 1/9/1903
Wallace, little dau, age 6 mos, Mon, of M/M Herbert Wallace Island Pond 4/22/1904
Walter, Amasa, recently, buried Oct 9 Island Pond 10/12/1900
Walter, Hiliman, Mrs., funeral Sun, Hosea Walter & Dolly Hudson attending West Burke 7/20/1900
Warner, George W., age 89, 12th inst, wife died 1876, to Wisc in 1871 (item) Plover, Wisc. 3/20/1903
Warner, Nellie, age 51, last week, w/o George Warner, bro is Albert Parker (item) I. Pond at Plover, Wis. 4/12/1901
Warner, Nickerson, age 80 y 10 m 17 d, Oct 4 Island Pond 1/11/1901
Warner, Nickerson, born Dec 21, 1819 Montreal, died Oct 4 (obit) Island Pond 10/12/1900
Warren, J. C., last Fri., son is Frank Warren, feeble for some time Lunenburg 6/27/1902
Webber, little dau, of Mrs. George Webber formerly of Stanhope Montreal 7/24/1903
Webster, Mr., several weeks ago, of typhoid fever Westmore 1/4/1901
Weeks, John, Hon., recently, died at Buffalo, NY Lunenburg 8/15/1902
Welch, __, Mrs., April 3, w/o Sherman Welch, leaves husband & young son (item) West Concord 4/13/1900
Welch, Charles, age 30, last Sat., fell from train, buried Coaticook  (item) Norton 2/23/1900
Wells, Orange Burton, about 61, 19th, of George & Anna Wells  (obit) Granby at W. Burke 8/28/1903
Wells, Sidney, Feb 25, of pneumonia, died Berlin, NH, buried Hereford (item) Canaan 3/4/1904
Wetherell, Henry C., funeral last Fri. East Charleston 8/31/1900
Wheeler, Silas (history) wife Jane Grow, 4 children, moved to LaGrange, IL  East Charleston 12/26/1902
Whitcomb, Moses, Dr., born 1819, last week, married 1862 Elvira Kimball (item) Bloomfield 9/7/1900
White, Edward A., last Thurs?, s/o John B. White of I. Pond, suicide (item) Augusta, ME 9/4/1903
Whitney, F. M., May 14, previously lived in NH, of a shock West Concord 5/23/1902
Wiggin, Mary, born 1869, Dec 16, w/o J. M. Wiggin, d/o G. W. Kinney, buried I. Pond (obit) Boston 1/2/1903
Wiggins, May, Mrs., last week, d/o Orpha Kinney, niece of Jacob Farmer, gastric fever (item) Island Pond 12/26/1902
Willard, A. W., age 60, Dec 2, sister is Miss Bertha Willard of Lowell, MA East Charleston 12/14/1900
Williams, J. R., recently, suicide by gas, unemployed & despondent  (item) I. Pond at Battle Creek, Mich 2/12/1904
Williams, L. T., about 56, 15th inst, from New Brunswick about 1875 (item) Bloomfield 5/23/1902
Wilson, Caroline, Miss, about 84, April 20, sis/o Mrs. Brigham Underwood (item) West Concord 4/29/1904
Wilson, Charles A., Feb 2, of pneumonia, 1/2 bro of Mrs. J. E. White  (item) Portland, ME 2/9/1900
Wilson, Charles A., recently, story in "A Notable Deed" column Island Pond 7/20/1900
Wilson, Eliza Allyn, age 71, Aug 16, w/o Wm Wilson, born Ireland, buried Charleston (obit) Island Pond & Westmore 8/19/1904
Wilson, Horace, last Wed., ill for a year, brother Thomas Wilson (item) Lunenburg 12/14/1900
Wilson, John, age 17, Dec 18, s/o M/M George Wilson, of appendicitis  (item) Island Pond 12/18/1903
Wilson, Mr., young man, crushed to death in mill, from Groveton Lunenburg 12/4/1903
Wilson, Seth, Sat., of consumption, buried Danville, Que Island Pond 7/25/1902
Wing, Robert Irving, age 9 y 5 m 15 d, Jan 19, of M/M Fred L. Wing (item) East Brighton 1/26/1900
Wing, Robert, age 9, Jan 19 Island Pond 1/11/1901
Wood, A. J., Mon., brakeman, knocked off train (item) I. Pond at Percy 1/12/1900
Wood, John A., age 24, Jan 7 Island Pond 1/11/1901
Woodard, John, last Wed, ill several weeks, buried Northumberland, NH Guildhall 6/27/1902
Woodbury, Elisha, aged citizen, Feb 22 West Concord 3/2/1900
Woods, __, Mrs., Tues, after long & painful illness Lunenburg 5/27/1904
Woods, Fred, possibly drowned as clothing & watch found Lunenburg 8/28/1903
Worth, John (reunion) grandmother Mrs. Lois Barnes, mother Mrs. Webber (more) Island Pond 9/16/1904
Worthen, Edward, March 30, of M/M C. F. Worthen, of consumption  (item) East Charleston 4/8/1904
Wright, Mrs., funeral Sun., mother of Mrs. Haskell A. Tilton, buried Grove Cem West Concord 7/24/1903
York, __, Mrs., age 42, last Mon, w/o Robert York, d/o Ephraim Danforth (item) I. Pond at N. Raymond, ME 9/14/1900

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