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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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Copyright ©         All Rights Reserved

The figures following the letter r indicate the number of the road on which the party resides, and will be found by reference to the map in the back part of this work. Where no road number is given the party is suppossed to reside in the village.

Figures placed after the occupation of acres owned or leased.

The word street is implied.
Highlight keywords:
All parties in business are designated by an asterisk (*). The Post Office address is given when it differs from the name of the town. Where no Post Office address follows a name the Post Office is Concord.
Adair Ellery W. (Juanita), farmer, h
" William M. (Myra), gen store E Concord, h do
Adams J. H., farmer, h E Concord
Anderson Harmon (Isabel), lab, h E Concord
Ash Eli P. (Alma), lab, h
BAILEY CORA MRS., h Leola Forsaith
Baird Archie (Mrs.), lab, h N Concord
Baker Alban S. (Cleona T.), emp Trout Brook Creamery, h Main
" Arthur E., teamster, h
" Erne A. (Mrs. Orville W.), clk Trout Brook Creamery, h Main
" Henry A., lab, r
" Micah C. (Mary), farmer, h Concord Corner
" Orville W. (Effie A.), treas-mgr Trout Brook Creamery, h Main
" Orville W. Jr., bkpr Trout Brook Creamery, r Main
Ball D. Tracy (Katherine), lab, h E Concord
Barrett Harry E. (Edith), lab, h R D 1
Barrows Parkie (Dora), lab, h E Concord
Bazin Ellen A., wid E. H., h Pleasant
Bean Harriett, hskpr R. M. Parker, r do
Bedell Harry M., lab, r C. H. Lewis
" Ward M. (Jean), carp, h Main
Belden Jennie, h Main
Bellerose Arline, dom O. W. Baker, r do
Bennett George (Carrie E.), farmer, h Royalston Corner, R D
Blodgett Wesley D. (Emma A.), clk, h
Bombard Clyde C. (Helen F.), lab, h
" Leigh (Ruth), h
" Loren, r
" Nela (Lydia), farmer, h
Bona Vittavio (Mrs.), farmer, h N Concord
Bordeau Homer 0. (Maude A.), farmer, h Miles Pond
Bouchard J. R. (Dolores), groceries and dry goods Main, h Main
Boutwell George E. (Angie), farmer, h E Concord
Bradshaw Merlin W., farmer, h
Brewer Fred A. (Susie H.), surveyor, town clerk, town treas, town-agent and judge Probate Court, h Main
Briggs Allie (Bessie), lab, h E Concord
" Benjamin F. (Ann), farmer, h E Concord
" Horace C, farmer, h E Concord
" Ralph (Mrs.), h E Concord
Brooks Edith M., wid George W., h
Brown Irwin, farmer, h Miles Pond
" Ithamar H. (Carrie), farmer, h P O Miles Pond
" Roy H., r Miles Pond
" Willie M. (Mrs.), h Miles Pond
Buckminster Earl (Gertrude), painter, h
Burroughs Helen A., wid Daniel C, r W. L. Reed, Main
Burt Nelson A. (Gertrude), retired, h Main
Butler Myrtis, cook, r
" Wilbur (Olive), lab, h E Concord
CALACCI ANTONIO (Rose), (Keach & Calacci), h Main
" Carlo, student, r Main
" Leah, student, r Main
" Miro, student, r Main
" Olga, r Main
Caledonia Mills, flour, feed and grain nr Depot
Chaplin Clara A., wid Orrin S., r G. H. Hastings, Folsom av
Chapman Harold L., granite cutter, r High
" Louise M., mgr New England Tel & Tel Co, P O Box 93
" Mary, wid George, r
" William J. (Eunice C), granite quarryman, h High
Church Roy (Nellie), farmer, h
Cobleigh Ariel F., teacher Gilman, Vt, r High
" Carroll, lab, r High
" Frank M. (Bertha), sta agt M C R R & Ry Exp Agency, b High
Cole Grace Mrs., h
" Mary A. Mrs., h E Concord
Concord Garage, Patrick J. Martin prop, auto repairing Main
" town of, auditors, Mrs. Helen Folsom, Mrs. Bertha P. Cobleigh, Mrs. Lilla S. Streeter
" town of, constable and tax collector, Fred E. Hastings
" town of, dist supt of schools, Sidney S. Harding
Concord town of, health officer, F. Russell Dickson, M D
" town of, justices of the peace and notaries public, Mrs. Helen
Folsom, Elmer Reed, W. M. Rich, W. H. Fuller
" town of listers, C. E. Joslyn, F. H. Keneson, W. P. Streeter
" town of, overseer of poor, Ellery W. Adair
" town of, school directors, Frances J. Lillicrap, Harry P. Streeter
" town of, selectmen, O. W. Baker, F. M. Hastings, C. K. Hodge
" town of, town agt, Fred A. Brewer
" town of, town clerk, Fred A. Brewer
" town of, town hall
" town of, town treasurer, Fred A. Brewer
Cooper Richard (Annie), emp Gilman, h E Concord
Corey - - - see Covey
Cote E. J. (Mrs.), farmer, h
Covey Earl, r E Concord
" Ralph, farmer, h R D 1
" Royal (Mrs.), lab, r 1 E Concord
Crawford Arline, r E Concord
" Norman (Mrs.), h E Concord
" Robert B. (Rita), mgr C. A. Smith, h Main
" Sherman, h E Concord
Crofton Grace E., r Main
" Kate E. Mrs., h Main
" Mildred S., r Main
Cross Daniel B., cabinet mkr, r
" Robert D., farmer, r
Crowell Clyde A. (Gertrude), road patrolman, h Main
Currier Harry E. (Irena), poultry fancier Main, h do
Cutting Clarence F. (Lola M.), prop Q. B. Cutting & Son, h Main
" Lois B., wid Oliver B., h Main
" O. B. & Son, Clarence F. Cutting prop, patent medicines and paints Main
DAVIS CLINTON C. (Rebecca), farmer, h N Concord
" George H. (Mary), farmer, h
" Herman I. (Sabra M.), truck driver, h Main
" Olive C, teacher, h N. A. Burt
Dickson Frederick R. (Hazel B.), physician Main, h do
Dodge John, farmer, P O Waterford
Donaghy Harvey, r
Douglas Harley (Mae E.), farmer, h
Drown Arthur, farmer, h
Duval William J. (Mrs.), miller, h
EMERY WILLIS V. (Kate), farmer, h E Concord
Episcopal Church, Main, pastor supplied from St Johnsbury
" Demie R., h E Concord
Fisher Harry, P O E Concord
" Hattie, h E Concord
" Lemuel H., lab, P O E Concord
" Lilla, r E Concord
" Roy (Mrs.), lab, h E Concord
Folsom John I. (Helen), general store and saw mill, POE Concord, h do
" Ross (Myra), h E Concord
Fontaine Louis (Josephine), h
Forbes Daniel (Mrs.), blacksmith, h
Ford Daniel, farmer, h R D 2
Forest Joseph, r
Forrest Victor F., farmer, h 3 miles south Concord P O
Forsaith Leola I., teacher Athol, Mass, h Main
Fortin George (Lona), farmer, h
French Alice E., wid George B., h
" H. F. (Lucy V.), field rep State Chamber of Commerce, h
Fuller Alex E. (Fuller Bros), and postmaster, h Miles Pond
" Bros (William H. and Alex E. Fuller), general store Miles Pond
" William H. (Fuller Bros), h Miles Pond
GLEASON ELLA, wid Benj C, h
" Walter H., farmer, r
Goodall Curtis (Ella), lab, h E Concord
Goodreault Alfred, farmer, h 1 mile east of Concord P O
" Alfred A. (Rose), farmer, h
Gordon Nellie Mrs., r E Concord
Grant Eldora, wid Ira, h E Concord
" Elmer E, r
" Ernest B., r
" M. B. (Lizzie), farmer, h
Grow Clara J., retired, h
HARTSHORN DAN (Mrs.), h E Concord
Harvey Walter C. (Rose), farmer, h
Hastings Evelyn, student, r Main
" Frank (Rachel), farmer, h Concord Corner
" Fred E. (Ada H.), Sheriff Essex County, h Main
" George H. (Lilla), farmer and coal dealer Gilman, h Folsom av
" Mildred, clk, r Folsom av
" William E. (Myrtie), farmer, h R D 1
Hatch Bert E. (Leona F.), barber, h
" Ralph W., r
Hayiland Stephen C, baggage master M C R R, h High
Heins John (Mrs.), h
Heywood Myrtis, wid Frank, h
Higgins George W., lab, h R D 1
Hill Nettie, wid Emmett, h Main
Hodge Charles K. (Mary), meats and groceries Main, h do
Holton Abby, wid Lyman F., retired, h Main
Howard Susann, wid George, h Main
Hull Grace M., clk P O Concord, r Mrs. M. Southgate
Hunt H. M., farmer, h R D 2
Hunter Annie M., wid Thomas J., h
ISHAM GUY, h E Concord
" Leonard H. (Bessie), farmer, h E Concord
JACQUES J. P. (Mrs.), h Miles Pond
Jock David (Julia), lab, h R D F 1
Jolain Joseph, section hand M C R R, h
Joslin Edward R., farmer Royalston Cor R D 1, h Main
" Edwin W., farmer, h
" Susan, r E. R. Joslin
Joslyn Clarence E. (Lou), farmer, hPO Waterford
" Earle, r
KEACH WILLARD (Helen) (Keach & Calacci), h Main
" & Calacci (Williard Keach and Antonio Calacci), granite mfrs near Depot
Kendall H. Gordon (Mildred), h
Keneson Carl H. (Lenna), r F. H. Keneson
" Frank H. (Mollie), farmer, h R D 1
King Frank, lab, r E Concord
" Fred, r E Concord
" George, farmer, h E Concord
LADD GEORGE (Martha B.), farmer, h N Concord
Lamere Clarence R. (Gladys M.), farmer and emp M C R R, b Main
Lamphier C. A. (Marjorie), farmer, h
Landry John (Myra), farmer, h
Lavature Arthur L. (Mrs.), h E Concord
" George (Eliza), millhand, h E Concord
" Lula, wid Alphonse, h E Concord
Lavoie Charles (Annie), farmer, h
LeBeau Regis (Mrs.), farmer, h
Lee Ernest D. (Edith), lumber dealer, h Main
" Henry (Iva), farmer, h
Levesque Charles, farmer, h N Concord
" Delina, r N Concord
" Thomas (Rosa), farmer, h N Concord
Lewis Cyrus H. (May), farmer stock buyer, h
" Fred A., lab, f Mrs. Mettie Hill, Main
Lillicrap Clarence W. (Mrs.), (E Lillicrap & Sons), h
" E. & Son, granite workers and dealers
" Francis (Lillian), h
" Fred (Pearl), granite cutter, h
" Harry (Ethel), granite cutter, h
Lillicrap Rose J., wid Emanual, h
Lincoln David (Mrs.), h E Concord
Lunnie Almira R., wid D. J., h
" Elsie C, teacher, r Main
" Harold W. (Ruth), rural mail carrier, h
" John (Katie), h Main
" Pearl, h
"Lynaugh Arthur, fanner, h N Concord
" Harlan (Mrs.), lab, h N Concord
" J. G. (Maggie), farmer, h N Concord
Lyon Milton, E Concord
MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD, Frank M. Cobteigh sta agt, stations Concord, E Concord and N Concord
Mann Robert (Emma), janitor, h Main
Martin M. Eugenia, student, r Main
" Mary (Mrs. Patrick), restaurant Main, h do
" Patrick J. (Mary), prop Concord Garage, h Main
" Paul E., auto mech Concord Garage, r Main
McDonald Harry (Mrs.), h E Concord
" John, farmer, h E Concord
McFarlin Walter T. (Laura), carp, h Main
McGinnis C. Henry, asst judge Essex County, r N. A. Burt
McLain A. A. (Jennie B.), h N Concord
McPherson Alfred C. (Hepsibeth A.), sta fireman Trout Brook Creamery, h Main
Merrill Hazel M., r J. Lunnie
Meserve Estella Mrs., E Concord.
Methodist Episcopal Church, Main, Rev. Cyrus D'Arcy pastor. Services 10:45 a m and 7:30 p m, Sunday School 12 m, prayer service Wed 7:30 p m
Miltimore Luther M. (Emma), grocer and filling sta, Main, h do
Montgomery Drury L. (Mrs.), h
" Morrill Addie Mrs., h
" Hollis W. (Mrs.), farmer, h E Concord
" Mary, wid George M., h E Concord
Morrison Florence, wid John, dom, r Mrs. May West
Morse Lucretia I., wid Ellen, h E Concord
Morton David H. (Carrie E.), farmer, h 1 1/2 miles out
" Harry H. (Iva), farmer, h
Moyse Alice L., r
" John, granite wkr, h
" Nellie, r
NADEAU F. K. (Mrs,), h N Concord
"Nelson George W. (Nora), lab, h
New England Telephone & Telegraph Co, Louise M. Chapman mgr, Main, Concord
Newick Thomas W., farmer, h
Nichols Harry (Marcie), h E Concord
Nichols Lemuel A., farmer, h E Concord
" Lewis (Clytie V.), lab, h E Concord
" Maurice (Helen), lab, h E Concord
" Walter A., farmer, h R D 1
Noble John (Erma), farmer, h N Concord
" Leon, h N Concord
Nolan Dennis, farmer, h N Concord
O'BRIEN CHARLES (Rosalie), h
O'Keefe James, h
Osgood Robert H., student Lyndon Institute, r Folsom av
" Sidney M., student Northfield, Mass, r Folsom av
" Thomas H. (Gertrude), emp Trout Brook Creamery, h Folsom av
Owens Albert E. (Josie R.), market gardener and ins agt, h Main
PARADIS MORRIS, student, r Folsom av
" Wilfred (Dora), sec foreman M C R R, h Folsom av
Parker Ada Mrs., hskpr F. A. Brewer, r do
" John S., lab, r C. A. Crowell
" Roscoe M., farmer, h R D 1
Parks Myron F. (Mrs.), lab, h E Concord
Partridge Solon (Helen F.), lab, h N Concord
Perkins Fannie M. Mrs., h E Concord
" F. H. (Stacia), emp Gilman, h
" Howard, lab, h E Concord
" Milo H. (Mrs.), carpenter and farmer, h E Concord
" Perley C. (Luva), h E Concord
Petrie Mattie, wid Don, h Main
" Robert, student, r Main
" Zylpha, r Main
Phillips Alden, farmhand, R D 1
" Lewis L., lab, h
Pierce Frank (Marion), h
Pooler B. W., farmer, h
" Harry, farmer, h
Post Offices: Concord, postmaster, Mrs. Margaret Southgate; E Concord, postmaster, Mrs. Mary E. Morrill, N Concord, postmaster, William M. Rich; Miles Pond, postmaster, Alexander E. Fuller
Powell Clarence (Grace), emp M C R R, h
Powers E. C. (Carrie), farmer, h White's Corner
" Frank G., painter, h E Concord
Prew Louis, lab, h Miles Pond
Proctor George M., r Miles Pond
QUIMBY HERBERT A. (Flora I.), farmer, h
RAILWAY EXPRESS AGENCY, Frank M. Cobleigh agt Depot
Rainey L. W. (Mrs.), farmer, h N Concord
Ralston John R. (Mary), emp Creamery, h
Rancour Felins (Matilda), blacksmith, h
Ranney Harry A. (Ina), farmer, h N Concord
" Jennie P., farmer, h R D 2
" Nellie M., h R D 2
Raymond Samuel M. (Almira), farmer, h E Concord
" William F. (Delia F.), farmer, h
Reed Ellen, h Folsom av
" Elmer (Ella R.), farmer, h
" Mary E., asst librarian St Johnsbury, r Elmer Reed
" Reginald R. (Aris B.), farmer, h
" William L. (Gertrude), farmer, h Main
Remick G. S., lab, h
" William (Mabel), truckdriver, h
Rich William M., postmaster, general store and station agent N Concord, h do
Richards Alice L., wid Oliver, h
" Carl F. (Lena), rural mail carrier R D 2, h Folsom av
" Dorothy, student, r 2 Pleasant
Rivers Dana (Lizzie), farmer, h P O Concord, R D 1
" David (Emma), farmer, h
Robillard Henry J. (Mrs.), farmer, h
" Omer, farmer, R D 2
Rogers Mame L., wid Fred, E Concord
Rollins May, wid Alfred, h
Rook Charles (Louise), stone cutter, h Main
" Winifred C, phone oprNET&T Co, r Main
Russell Philip (Linda), h E Concord
Rutlege Hazen, farmhand, r
" Henry (Dorothy), farmer, h
" J. Abner (Florence), farmer, h R D 1
" Willard, farmhand, h
SAMPSON ADELAIDE, wid David B., h Miles Pond
" Gara, teacher, r
Sargent Frank, lab, h
" Genevieve, teacher, r
" H.H. (Mrs.), farmer, h
" Homer (Hazel), farmer, h R D 2
Sayers Fred, farmhand, h E Concord
Scales John E. (Bertha), farmer, h E Concord
Schmidt Leroy (Lena), lab, h E Concord
Shaw Eugene (Natalie), farmer, h
Silsby Harley (Mrs.), h E Concord
Simonds B. Frank, h
Smith Allen (Minnie A.), retired, h Main
" C. A., grocers and grain dealers, Robert B. Crawford mgr, Main
" G. A. (Mrs.), h E Concord
Smith Grover J. (Adelaide), farmer, h E Concord
" Irvin W. (Etta), h E Concord
" John B., retired, r Dr. F. R. Dickson
" Loren E. (Minnie E.), granite cutter, h
" Ralph W., h
Southgate Margaret Mrs., postmaster Concord, h do
Spaulding Fred J. (Gladys), lab, h Folsom av
" Mark J. (Frances E.), lab, h Folsom av
Stacy Viola Mrs.,h
Steere Henrietta, wid Clark, h E. C. Concord
Stockwell Louis D. (May), farmer, h E Concord rd
Streeter Adelbert (Mary), gen store Main, h do
" David Mrs., farmer, h
" Doris, teacher, r
" Harry P. (Lilla A.), lab, h E Concord
" Stephen (Margaret), emp E & T F & Co, St J, h Main
" William P. (Cora), farmer, h R D 1
Strout Linus (Jennie), lab, h N Concord
Stuart Henry (Arline), lab, h
" Luther (Mrs.), farmer, h Folsom av
" Nora R., wid John R., r
" Robert (Pansy), farmer, h
Sweet Luella Mrs., h E Concord
Tatro Marshall M. (Hazel), retired, h R D 2
Thompson Leon H., lab, r E Concord
Tilton Frank, r
" Nellie W., wid Hascall, h
Towle Mark M. (Mabel), foreman Trout Brook Creamery, h High
" Sybil Mrs., hskpr S. C. Haviland, r do
Town Hall, Main
Trout Brook Creamery (Inc 1896), Main n M E Church, pres, H. E. Currier; treas-mgr, Orville W. Baker; clk, Mrs. Eme A. Baker
True William H., farmer, h
Turner Frank H., retired, h
UNIVERSALIST CHURCH Concord, pastor supplied from St Johnsbury
Virtue George, r
" James A. (Etta I.), h
" James A., farmer, h
WALKER JOHN (Amelia), E Concord
Warren Arthur (June), farmer, h
" Carl R. (Lottie), farmer, h
Warren Dewey C. (Lou), farmer, h
Webb Addie, wid William, h E Concord
" Edson I., farmer, h R D 1
Welcome Frank (Carrie), farmer, h
Wells Charles A., h Main
" Myrtie C. (Mrs. Neil P.), sten Trout Brook Creamery, h Main
" Neil (Myrtie), draftsman E & T P & Co, h Main
West May Emma, wid Frank G., h Main
Wheaton Thadeus E. (Bessie), com trav, h Main
Whipple Fred A. (Rose), lab, h E Concord
" George E. (Mary A.), retired, h Main
Williams Clarence, lab, r
" Flora M., dom, r G. E. Whipple
" Mabel, r
" Minnie Mrs., h Concord Corner
" William Jr., farmer, R D 2
Wilson H. T., farmer, h
" J. C. (Clara), emp Creamery, h
Woodbury Charles E. (Nellie), farmer, h
" H. O. (Mabel), truck driver, h
" Harvey (Esther), h
" Lester (Ruby K.), truck driver, h Folsom av
" Vianna, wid Philip S., r
" Willard, r
Wyatt Benjamin F. (Mrs.), h E Concord
YOUNG RAY (Myrtle), farmer, h

ab, above; agt, agent; ave or av, avenue; b or bds, boards; bel, below;
bet, between; bldg, building; com, commission; do, ditto; E, east;
ex, express; F V, Fairbanks Village; ins, insurance; h, house; n, near;
N, north; opp, opposite; prop, proprietor; P V, Paddock's Village; r, rear;
RR, railroad; S, south; sq, square; st, street; S, Sommerville;
W, west; MCRR, Maine Central Railroad;

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