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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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This cemetery was transcribed and compiled by

She has generously donated this listing
to the Northeast Kingdom Genealogy web page.

The term "Freeman" in Colonial days had nothing to do with servitude or bondsmen. Simply it meant you were
a full citizen of the Colony. Under the first Massachusetts charter, only Freemen had the right to hold public
office or vote in town meetings. Indentured servants and bonded servant were not eligible.

Windsor State Prison
Windsor State Prison
Windsor State Prison

Highlight keywords:
Vermont State Prison
Convicts in the state prison September 1st, 1870
Name Crime Where Born Date of Convicted Length of Sentence Age Where Convicted
Damon, Henry murder Woodstock Sept 1, 1839 life Note #1 33 Rutland
Pond, Sheldon murder Addison  June 15, 1855 life 28 Middlebury
Defoe, Theodore  horse steal (escaped 1864 recapt 1867) (2d sentence) Windsor Dec 13, 1861 7 years 18 Woodstock
Moore, Loyal murder New York March 20, 1863 life 19 Rutland
Burns, John  murder Ireland Oct 2, 1863 life Note #1 60 Burlington
Carr, Royal S. manslaughter New Hampshire Aug 13, 1864 8 years 24 Montpelier
Reed, Ellen manslaughter Strafford Dec 24, 1864 10 years 16 Woodstock
Curtis, William burglary Burlington June 18, 1866 7 years 42 Manchester
Cooney, Frank assault, with intent to commit rape Ireland Oct 4, 1866 5 years 19 Rutland
Gilman, William W. horse stealing (2d sentence) Shrewsbury Dec 25, 1866 10 years 38 Woodstock
White, George arson New York April 17, 1867 5 years 19 Burlington
Jenkins, Albert manslaughter Lyndon June 25, 1867 8 years 27 St. Johnsbury
Cunningham, John manslaughter Canada June 25, 1867 8 years 23 St. Johnsbury
Crafts, Lucius C. horse stealing Conn. Oct 7, 1867 4 years 25 Montpelier
Jones, John picking pocket Ireland Oct 11, 1867 6 years 28 Newfane
Annis, Chester burglary  (2d sentence) Maine Jan 14, 1868 8 years 34 Irasburgh
Comstock, Hosea burglary Richford May 21, 1868 3 years 18 St. Albans
Merritt, Joseph horse stealing Hyde Park June 8, 1868 3 years 25 Hydepark
January, George burglary (2d sentence) Vergennes June 15, 1868 5 years 20 Middlebury
Buckland, William F. burglary Brandon June 25, 1868 3 years 20 Manchester
Burke, Paul assault with intent to kill Ireland June 24, 1868 life 43 Manchester
Lewey, Frank larceny Barton July 14, 1868 3 years 21 Irasburgh
Davis, Norman robbing mail Hinesburgh Aug 12, 1868  10 years 19 Windsor
Fisk, Samuel larceny New York Sept 19, 1868 4 1/2 years 22 Newfane
Garner, Xavier larceny New York Oct 15, 1868 3 years 20 Rutland
Hakey, Henry larceny Canada Oct 16, 1868 3 years 19 St. Albans
Palmer, William attempt to maim & mutilate - nose New York Dec 10, 1868 5 years 25 Bennington
Cummings, Reuben W. assault with intent to kill Mass. Dec 12, 1868 2 years 18 Middlebury
Piper, Edward S. (alias O. B. Clark) uttering & passing forged & counterfeit bills Kentucky Feb 5, 1869 8 years 40 Rutland
Morrison, Charles stealing Lemington March 25, 1869 2 years 24 Guildhall
Narey, Peter arson Rutland April 1, 1869 10 years 19 Rutland
Dusthan, Thomas arson Rutland April 1, 1869 10 years 18 Rutland
Butterfly, William arson Rutland April 1, 1869 10 years 24 Rutland
Plumley, Horace R. murder Shrewsbury April 6, 1869 life 42 Rutland
Plumley, Ziba manslaughter New Hampshire April 6, 1869 life 69 Rutland
Plumley, Frederick Z.  manslaughter Shrewsbury April 6, 1869 20 years 29 Rutland
Shearer, George W. larceny Mass. April 20, 1869 6 years 21 Newfane
Mitchell, John burglary Mass. April 20, 1869 7 1/2 years 35 Newfane
Ravey, John rape Underhill April 27, 1869 3 years 22 Burlington
Laplant, Joseph breaking jail (2nd sentence) Vermont April 27, 1869 3 years 29 Burlington
Crepeau, Isaac theft Canada May 20, 1869 3 years 18 St. Albans
Ficket, Levi larceny Maine June 8, 1869 4 years 37 Chelsea
Merriam, James E. bigamy New York June 10, 1869 4 years 39 Middlebury
Tanner, Charles E. arson Montpelier June 16, 1869 5 years 28 Chelsea
Sawyer, George larceny Mass. July 6, 1869 3 years 22 Irasburgh
Brownson, Reuben grand larceny Alburgh Sept 3, 1869 2 years 23 North Hero
Brownson, John grand larceny Alburgh Sept 3, 1869 2 years 21 North Hero
McDonald, James manslaughter Alburgh Sept 3, 1869 10 years 44 North Hero
Duval, Isreal horse stealing (2nd sentence) Canada Oct 2, 1869 3 years 19 Guildhall
Kingsbury, Ebenezer manslaughter Jamaica Oct 15, 1869 10 years 27 Newfane
Kerfee, James rape Ireland Oct 15, 1869 20 years 35 Newfane
Phillips, Mary L. assault with intent to kill Canada Oct 15, 1869 6 years 31 Newfane
Bunker, Luther J. horse stealing (2d sentence) Hyde Park Oct 2, 1869 3 years 26 St. Albans
Potter, Charles poss. Burglary tools & implements Canada Nov 11, 1869 10 years 42 Montpelier
Potter, Adelia L. poss. Burglary tools & implements Williston Nov 11, 1869 7 years 40 Montpelier
Cutting, Josiah P. forgery New Hampshire Nov 22, 1869 2 1/2 years 27 Burlington
Marcott, Fleury impeding an officer  Canada Nov 22, 1869 1 year 27 Burlington
Dayton, Durrell larceny Mass. Dec 2, 1869 2 years 18 St. Albans
Gamo, Edward burglary & larceny Underhill Dec 11, 1869 3 years 16 Hydepark
Flanders, John receiving & concealing stolen goods Hartford Dec 16, 1869 3 years 24 Woodstock
Clifford, Charles H. stealing Canada Dec 17, 1869 1 year 18 Woodstock
Welcome, Henry murder Hinesburgh Jan 10, 1870 to be hung 17 Burlington
Mitchell, Clement larceny Burlington Jan 11, 1870 3 years 24 Chelsea
Lethbridge, John burglary Rutland Feb 4, 1870 1 year 16 Rutland
Bontahue, John (alias Boutahue Browning) grand larceny England March 19, 1870 2 1/2 years 42 Burlington
Stocker, Mary Ann larceny Ireland March 30, 1870 6 months 35 Rutland
Clifford, Mary Ann larceny Ireland March 30, 1870 6 months 35 Rutland
Sullivan, John larceny Ireland March 30, 1870 2 years 22 Rutland
Beaudry, Joseph larceny Canada April 6, 1870 1 year 27 Montpelier
Tacey, Peter larceny New York March 30, 1870 1 year 36 Rutland
Lucas, Adelbert obtaining money under false pretences Sandgate March 30, 1870 2 years 20 Rutland
Seymore, Alexander grand larceny Colchester April 18, 1870 9 months 18 Burlington
Coats, Albert L. bigamy New Hampshire June 4, 1870 3 1/2 years 47 Woodstock
Howe, John D. bigamy Penn. June 9, 1870 2 1/2 years 26 Woodstock
Mayo, George stealing Canada June 11, 1870 9 months 18 Woodstock
Andrews, Leonard A. larceny Mass. June 16, 1870 3 years 27 Chelsea
Frain, John burglary Ohio June 15, 1870 10 years 26 Middlebury
Hier, William burglary Middlebury June 15, 1870 8 years 19 Middlebury
Skinner, John H. forgery New Hampshire June 15, 1870 3 years 40 Middlebury
Peirce, Charles burglary Middlebury June 15, 1870 2 years 18 Middlebury
Colt, Peter larceny Monkton June 15, 1870 1 year 21 Middlebury
Bemis, Edward bigamy Baltimore June 15, 1870 1 year 35 Middlebury
Cane, Henry burglary Bennington June 17, 1870 2 1/2 years 37 Manchester
Knapp, Alvin burglary Woodford June 17, 1870 2 1/2 years 26 Manchester
O'Neil, John violating the neutrality laws Ireland July 30, 1870 2 years 38 Windsor
Brown, John H. violating the neutrality laws New Brunswick July 30, 1870 9 months 37 Windsor
Vermont State Prison
Convicts in the State Prison, August 1, 1871
Name Crime Where Born Date of
Sentence Age Where Convicted
Damon, Henry  murder Woodstock Sept 1, 1839 life Note #1 33 Rutland
Pond, Sheldon murder Addison June 15, 1855 life 28 Middlebury
Defoe, Theodore horse stealing  - 2nd Sentence Windsor Dec 13, 1861 7 years 18 Woodstock
Moore, Loyal murder New York March 20, 1863 life 19 Rutland
Burns, John murder Ireland Oct 2, 1863 life 60 Burlington
Carr, Royal S. manslaughter N Hampshire Aug 13, 1864 10 years 24 Montpelier
Reed, Ellen manslaughter Strafford Dec 24, 1864 10 years 16 Woodstock
Curtis, William burglary Bennington June 18, 1866 7 years 42 Manchester
Gilman, William W. horse stealing - 2nd Sentence Shrewsbury Dec 26, 1866 10 years 38 Woodstock
Jones, John picking pocket Ireland Oct 11, 1867 6 years 28 Newfane
Annis, Chester burglary - 2nd Sentence Maine Jan 14, 1868 8 years 34 Irasburgh
January, George burglary - 2nd Sentence Vergennes June 15, 1868 5 years 20 Middlebury
Burke, Paul M. assault w/intent to kill Ireland June 24, 1868 life 43 Manchester
Fisk, Samuel larceny New York Sept 9, 1868 4 1/2 years 22 Newfane
Piper, E. S. alias
   O. B. Clark alias
    E. S. Fairchilds
uttering & passing
forged & counterfeit bills
 of exchange
Kentucky Feb 5, 1869 8 years 40 Rutland
Butterfly, William arson Rutland April 7, 1869 10 years 24 Rutland
Nary, Peter arson Rutland April 7, 1869 10 years 19 Rutland
Duchan, Thomas arson Rutland April 7, 1869 10 years 18 Rutland
Plumley, Horace R.  murder Shrewsbury April 6, 1869 life Note #1 42 Rutland
Plumley, Ziba manslaughter N Hampshire April 6, 1869 life 69 Rutland
Plumley, Frederick Z. manslaughter Shrewsbury April 6, 1869 20 years 29 Rutland
Shearer, George W. larceny Mass April 20, 1869 6 years 21 Newfane
Mitchell, John burglary Mass April 20, 1869 7 1/2 years 35 Newfane
Ravey, John rape Underhill April 27, 1869 3 years 22 Burlington
Laplant, Joseph breaking jail - 2nd Sentence Vermont April 27, 1869 3 years 29 Burlington
Crepeau, Isaac theft Canada May 20, 1869 3 years 18 St. Albans
Fickett, Levi larceny Maine June 8, 1869 4 years 37 Chelsea
Merriam, James E. bigamy New York June 10, 1869 4 years 30 Middlebury
Tanner, Charles E. arson Montpelier June 16, 1869 5 years 28 Chelsea
Sawyer, George larceny Mass July 6, 1869 3 years 22 Irasburgh
McDonald, James manslaughter Ireland Sept 3, 1869 10 years 44 North Hero
Duval, Israel horse stealing - 2nd Sentence Canada Oct 2, 1869 3 years 19 Guildhall
Kerfee, James rape Ireland Oct 15, 1869 20 years 35 Newfane
Phillips, Mary L. assault w/intent to kill Canada Oct 15, 1869 6 years 31 Newfane
Bunker, Luther J. horse stealing - 2nd Sentence Hydepark Oct 2, 1869 3 years 26 St. Albans
Potter, Charles possession of burglar's tools Canada Nov 11, 1869 10 years 42 Montpelier
Potter, Adelia S. possession of burglar's tools Williston Nov 11, 1869 7 years 40 Montpelier
Cutting, Josiah P. forgery N Hampshire Nov 22, 1869  2 1/2 years 27 Burlington
Flanders, John receiving stolen goods Hartford Dec 16, 1869 3 years 24 Woodstock
Dayton, Durrell larceny Mass Dec 1, 1869 2 years 18 St. Albans
Mitchell, Clement larceny Burlington Jan 11, 1870 3 years 24 Chelsea
Boutabeau, John alias
    Boutabeau Browning
grand larceny England March 19, 1870 2 1/2 years 42 Burlington
Sullivan, John larceny Ireland March 30, 1870 2 years 22 Rutland
Lucas, Adelbert obtaining money under false pretense Sandgate March 30, 1870 2 years 2(  ) Rutland
Coates, Adelbert L. bigamy N Hampshire June 4, 1870 3 1/2 years 47 Woodstock
Horne, John D. bigamy Penn June 11, 1870 2 1/2 years 26 Woodstock
Andross, Leonard A. larceny Mass June 16, 1870 3 years 27 Chelsea
Fraine, John burglary Ohio June 15, 1870 10 years 26 Middlebury
Hier, William burglary Middlebury June 15, 1870 8 years 19 Middlebury
Skinner, John H. forgery N Hampshire June 15, 1870 3 years 40 Middlebury
Pierce, Charles burglary Middlebury June 15, 1870 2 years 18 Middlebury
Cone, Henry burglary Bennington June 17, 1870 2 1/2 years 37 Manchester
Knapp, Alvin burglary Woodford June 17, 1870 2 1/2 years 26 Manchester
Hale, Sylvester P. larceny Mass Sept 29, 1870 10 years 22 Newfane
Hale, Henry larceny Halifax Sept 29, 1870 10 years 26 Newfane
Rood, Stephen W. larceny Dover Sept 29, 1870 5 years 23 Newfane
Lajouer, Samuel alias
     Samuel Wheeler
   alias Jos Champaign
grand larceny Canada Oct 5, 1870 3 years 24 Burlington
Brunelle, Francis X. grand larceny - 4th Sentence New York Oct 5, 1870 2 years 46 Burlington
Jones, Charles larceny England Oct 8, 1870 1 year 24 St. Albans
Sartwell, Alexander larceny Sheldon Oct 8, 1870 3 years 21 St. Albans
Joy, Samuel larceny New York Oct 13, 1870 5 years 36 Rutland
Jenny, Myron larceny Fairhaven Oct 1, 1870 1 year 20 Rutland
Hagan, James larceny - 3rd Sentence Ireland Oct 1, 1870 2 years 51 Rutland
Tatro, Edward arson Vermont Oct 13, 1870 4 years 16 Rutland
Eubar, Anthony larceny - 3rd Sentence Canada Dec 21, 1870 2 years 32 Middlebury
Steinhouse, Clarke W. passing counterfeit money Irasburg Dec 31, 1870 2 years 22 St. Johnsbury
Sheldon, John P. horse stealing Mass Jan 3, 1871 2 years 19 Chelsea
Stay, Joseph burglary Canada Jan 8, 1871 3 years 29 Chelsea
Snell, Reuben rape England Jan 3, 1871 12 years 32 Chelsea
Handlin, Timothy burglary Vermont March 20, 1871 6 years 18 Montpelier
St. John, Alvaro burglary Canada March 20, 1871 5 years 2( 0) Montpelier
Cook, Edward H. A. larceny Penn March 20, 1871 2 years 26 Montpelier
Amelle, Actoria larceny Canada April 5, 1871 2 years 18 Rutland
Barton, Charles   Ireland April 26, 1871 safekeeping 40 Montpelier
Parkinson, Richard  theft England May 4, 1871 3 years 25 St. Albans
Burns, John arson Ireland May 4, 1871 2 years 25 St. Albans
Johnson, Isaac breaking jail Virginia May 4, 1871 1 year 21 Burlington
Bolden, William burglary & theft St. Albans May 8, 1871 2 years 21 St. Albans
Daniels, George theft Shrewsbury May 8, 1871 2 years 17 St. Albans
Bertrand, Alfred burglary & theft St. Albans May 8, 1871 2 years 15 St. Albans
Brady, Barney theft Canada May 8, 1871 1 year 44 St. Albans
Pillsbury, Richmond L. larceny Mass June 10, 1871 3 years 23 Chelsea
Parker, Israel B. larceny Vermont June 9, 1871 3 years 33 Middlebury
Elliott, Edward burglary Vermont June 9, 1871 1 year 18 Middlebury
Perkins, Edward horse stealing Rhode Island June 14, 1871 5 years 22 Chelsea
Smith, Frank horse stealing Brandon June 13, 1871 4 years 23 Chelsea
Pierce, Amos L. horse stealing - 3rd Sentence New York June 20, 1871 5 years 49 Chelsea
Fuller, Foster horse stealing - 3rd Sentence Brookfield June 20, 1871 6 years 23 Chelsea
Mayo, Charles H. passing counterfeit order New York June 22, 1871 1 year 30 Manchester
Dunn, Edwin J. larceny N Hampshire July 11, 1871 2 1/2 years 26 St. Albans
Vermont State Prison
Convicts in the State Prison, August 1, 1872
Name Crime Where Born Date of
Sentence Age Where Convicted
Damon, Henry  murder Woodstock Sept 1, 1839 life Note #1 33 Rutland
Pond, Sheldon murder Addison June 15, 1855 life 28 Middlebury
Burns, John murder Ireland Oct 2, 1863 life 60 Burlington
Carr, Royal S. manslaughter N Hampshire Aug 13, 1864 10 years 24 Montpelier
Curtis, William burglary Bennington June 18, 1866 7 years 42 Manchester
Gilman, William W. horse stealing - 2nd Sentence Shrewsbury Dec 25, 1866 10 years 38 Woodstock
Jones, John picking pocket Ireland Oct 11, 1867 6 years 28 Newfane
Annis, Chester burglary - 2nd Sentence Maine Jan 14, 1868 8 years 34 Irasburgh
January, George burglary - 2nd Sentence Vergennes June 15, 1868 5 years 20 Middlebury
Burke, Paul  assault w/intent to kill Ireland June 24, 1868 life 43 Manchester
Fisk, Samuel larceny New York Oct 15, 1868 4 1/2 years 22 Newfane
Piper, E. S. alias
   O. B. Clark alias
    E. S. Fairchilds
uttering & passing
forged & counterfeit bills
 of exchange
Kentucky Feb 5, 1869 8 years 40 Rutland
Nary, Peter arson Rutland April 1, 1869 10 years 19 Rutland
Dushan, Thomas arson Rutland April 1, 1869 10 years 18 Rutland
Butterfly, William arson Rutland April 1, 1869 10 years 24 Rutland
Plumley, Horace R.  murder Shrewsbury April 6, 1869 life Note #1 42 Rutland
Plumley, Ziba manslaughter N Hampshire April 6, 1869 life 69 Rutland
Plumley, Frederick Z. manslaughter Shrewsbury April 6, 1869 20 years 29 Rutland
Mitchell, John burglary Mass April 20, 1869 7 1/2 years 35 Newfane
Fickett, Levi larceny Maine June 8, 1869 4 years 37 Chelsea
Tanner, Charles E. arson Montpelier June 16, 1869 5 years 28 Chelsea
McDonald, James manslaughter Ireland Sept 3, 1869 10 years 44 North Hero
Kerfee, James rape Ireland Oct 15, 1869 20 years 35 Newfane
Phillips, Mary L. assault w/intent to kill Canada Oct 15, 1869 6 years 31 Newfane
Potter, Charles possession of burglar's tools Canada Nov 11, 1869 10 years 42 Montpelier
Potter, Adelia S. possession of burglar's tools Williston Nov 11, 1869 7 years 40 Montpelier
Mitchell, Clement larceny Burlington Jan 11, 1870 3 years 24 Chelsea
Boutabeau, John alias
     Boutabeau Browning
grand larceny England March 19, 1870 2 1/2 years 42 Burlington
Coates, Adelbert L. bigamy N Hampshire June 4, 1870 3 1/2 years 47 Woodstock
Andross, Leonard A. larceny Mass June 16, 1870 3 years 27 Chelsea
Fraine, John burglary Ohio June 15, 1870 10 years 26 Middlebury
Heir, William burglary Middlebury June 15, 1870 8 years 19 Middlebury
Cone, Henry burglary Bennington June 17, 1870 2 1/2 years 37 Manchester
Knapp, Alvin burglary Woodford June 17, 1870 2 1/2 years 26 Manchester
Hale, Sylvester P. larceny - 2nd Sentence Mass Sept 29, 1870 10 years 22 Newfane
Hale, Henry larceny Halifax Sept 29, 1870 10 years 26 Newfane
Rood, Stephen W. larceny Dover Sept 29, 1870 5 years 23 Newfane
Lajouer, Samuel alias
     Samuel Wheeler
alias Jos Champaign
grand larceny Canada Oct 5, 1870 3 years 24 Burlington
Sartwell, Alexander larceny Sheldon Oct 8, 1870 3 years 21 St. Albans
Joy, Samuel larceny New York Oct 13, 1870 5 years 36 Rutland
Tatro, Edward arson Vermont Oct 13, 1870 4 years 16 Rutland
Eubar, Anthony larceny - 3rd Sentence Canada Dec 21, 1870 2 years 32 Middlebury
Steinhouse, Clarke W. passing counterfeit money Sheldon Dec 31, 1870 2 years 22 St. Johnsbury
Sheldon, John P. horse stealing Mass Jan 3, 1871 2 years 19 Chelsea
Stay, Joseph burglary Canada Jan 8, 1871 3 years 29 Chelsea
Snell, Reuben rape England Jan 3, 1871 12 years 32 Chelsea
Handlin, Timothy burglary Vermont March 20, 1871 6 years 18 Montpelier
Cook, Edward H. A. larceny Penn March 20, 1871 2 years 26 Montpelier
St. John, Alvaro burglary Canada March 20, 1870 5 years 20 Montpelier
Amelle, Actoria alias
     Arthur Hamuelle
larceny Canada April 5, 1871 2 years 18 Rutland
Perkinson, Richard  theft England May 4, 1871 3 years 25 St. Albans
Burns, John arson Ireland May 4, 1871 2 years 25 St. Albans
Bolden, William burglary & theft Franklin May 8, 1871 2 years 21 St. Albans
Daniels, George theft Shrewsbury May 8, 1871 2 years 17 St. Albans
Bertrand, Alfred burglary & theft St. Albans May 8, 1871 2 years 15 St. Albans
Pillsbury, Richmond L. larceny Mass June 10, 1871 3 years 23 Chelsea
Parker, Israel B. larceny Vermont June 9, 1871 3 years 33 Middlebury
Perkins, Edward alias
     Edward Hande
horse stealing Rhode Island June 14, 1871 5 years 22 Chelsea
Smith, Frank alias
Frank Farmer
horse stealing Brandon June 13, 1871 4 years 23 Chelsea
Pierce, Amos L. horse stealing - 2nd Sentence New York June 20, 1871 5 years 49 Chelsea
Fuller, Foster horse stealing - 2nd Sentence Brookfield June 20, 1871 6 years 33 Chelsea
Dunn, Edwin J. larceny N Hampshire July 11, 1871 2 1/2 years 26 St. Albans
Owney, David Jr. larceny - 3rd Sentence New York Oct 3, 1871 4 years 25 Rutland
Ormsby, Edgar larceny Rutland Oct 3, 1871 4 years 22 Rutland
Duchene, Mary larceny - 3rd Sentence Canada Oct 2, 1871 1 year 17 Montpelier
Cook, Frank adultery Sheldon Oct 21, 1871 1 year 26 St. Albans
Beson, John alias
John B. Lessloe
horse stealing New York Oct 21, 1871 5 years 45 St. Albans
McCabe, Patrick arson Ireland Oct 25, 1871 10 years 73 Burlington
Watson, Isaac A. attempt to commit rape Florida Oct 25, 1871 10 years 38 Burlington
Sullivan, Patrick malicious mischief Ireland Oct 26, 1871 2 years 26 Rutland
Sawyer, James E. forgery Pittsford Oct 3, 1871 3 years 39 Rutland
Stinson, George W. horse stealing & larceny Mass Dec 11, 1871 4 years 23 St. Johnsbury
Robinson, Stewart rape New York Dec 22, 1871 5 years 19 Woodstock
Clifford, Charles H. larceny - 2nd Sentence Canada Dec 22, 1871 7 years 19 Woodstock
Garvin, John E. burglary Chelsea Dec 22, 1871 5 years 29 Chelsea
Collins, James adultery Colchester Dec 26, 1871 1 year 23 Middlebury
Morgan, Jeremiah arson Cornwall Dec 26, 1871 2 years 17 Middlebury
Carrigan, Thomas horse stealing New York Dec 26, 1871 3 years 20 Middlebury
McVee, John burglary Canada Jan 23, 1872 2 years 17 Middlebury
Dymond, James burglary Canada Jan 23, 1872 2 1/2 years 21 Middlebury
Ring, John A. manslaughter Huntington Jan 30, 1872 11 years 40 Middlebury
Sackett, Abner assault with intent to kill Mass Feb 17, 1872 10 years 50 Newfane
Stone, Cephas E. passing counterfeit fractional currency Chester March 11, 1872 1 year 41 Burlington
Thomas, Benjamin alias
Charles Edwards alias
Benjamin Thomas Braley
horse stealing Rhode Island April 8, 1872 4 years 26 Burlington
Casey, John larceny Mass April 12, 1872 4 years 20 Burlington
Hayes, Charles A. larceny New Mexico May 16, 1872 2 years 19 St. Albans
Watson, Frank larceny England May 16, 1872 1 1/2 years 19 St. Albans
Connell, Patrick grand larceny Ireland May 29, 1872 1 1/2 years 39 Burlington
Garrow, Jerome grand larceny Ferrisburgh June 3, 1872 9 months 17 Burlington
Stocker, Mary grand larceny - 2nd Sentence Ireland June 10, 1872 1 year 37 Burlington
St. Charle, Charles larceny Canada June 10, 1872 2 years 29 Middlebury
Devarrow, Geo. alias
Prof. White
receiving stolen goods England June 10, 1872 1 year 2(0) Middlebury
Nash, Edward larceny Canada July 4, 1872 1 year 16 Woodstock
Vermont State Prison
Convicts in the State Prison, August 1, 1874
Name Crime Where Born Date of
Sentence Age Where Convicted
Damon, Henry  murder Woodstock Sept 1, 1839 life 33 Rutland
Pond, Sheldon murder Addison June 15, 1855 life 28 Middlebury
Burns, John murder Ireland Oct 2, 1863 life 60 Burlington
Gilman, William W. horse stealing - 2nd Sentence Shrewsbury Dec 25, 1866 10 years 38 Woodstock
Annis, Chester burglary - 2nd Sentence Maine Jan 14, 1868 8 years 34 Irasburgh
Burke, Paul  assault w/intent to kill Ireland June 24, 1868 life 43 Manchester
Piper, E. S. alias
   O. B. Clark alias
    E. S. Fairchilds
uttering & passing
forged & counterfeit bills
 of exchange
Kentucky Feb 5, 1869 8 years 40 Rutland
Nary, Peter arson Rutland April 1, 1869 10 years 19 Rutland
Dushan, Thomas arson Rutland April 1, 1869 10 years 18 Rutland
Butterfly, William arson Rutland April 1, 1869 10 years 24 Rutland
Plumley, Horace R.  murder Shrewsbury April 6, 1869 life 42 Rutland
Plumley, Ziba manslaughter N Hampshire April 6, 1869 life 69 Rutland
Plumley, F[rederick] Z. manslaughter Shrewsbury April 6, 1869 20 years 29 Rutland
McDonald, James manslaughter Ireland Sept 3, 1869 10 years 44 North Hero
Kerfee, James rape Ireland Oct 15, 1869 20 years 35 Newfane
Phillips, Mary L. assault w/intent to kill Canada Oct 15, 1869 6 years 31 Newfane
Potter, Charles possession of burglar's tools Canada Nov 11, 1869 10 years 42 Montpelier
Fraine, John burglary Ohio June 15, 1870 10 years 26 Middlebury
Hale, Sylvester P. larceny - 2nd Sentence Mass Sept 29, 1870 10 years 22 Newfane
Rood, Stephen W. larceny Dover Sept 29, 1870 5 years 23 Newfane
Joy, Samuel larceny New York Oct 13, 1870 5 years 36 Rutland
Snell, Reuben rape England Jan 3, 1871 12 years 32 Chelsea
Handlin, Timothy burglary Vermont March 20, 1871 6 years 18 Montpelier
St. John, Alvaro burglary Canada March 20, 1870 5 years 20 Montpelier
Perkins, Edward alias
     Edward Hande
horse stealing Rhode Island June 14, 1871 5 years 22 Chelsea
Smith, Frank alias
Frank Jones
horse stealing Brandon June 13, 1871 4 years 23 Chelsea
Pierce, Amos L.  horse stealing New York June 20, 1871 5 years 49 Chelsea
Owney, David Jr. larceny - 3rd Sentence New York Oct 3, 1871 4 years 25 Rutland
Ormsby, Edgar larceny Rutland Oct 3, 1871 4 years 22 Rutland
Beson, John alias
 John B. Lessloe
horse stealing New York Oct 21, 1871 5 years 45 St. Albans
McCabe, Patrick arson Ireland Oct 25, 1871 10 years 73 Burlington
Watson, Isaac A. attempt to commit rape Florida Oct 25, 1871 10 years 38 Burlington
Stinson, George W. horse stealing & larceny Mass Dec 11, 1871 4 years 23 St. Johnsbury
Robinson, Stewart rape New York Dec 22, 1871 5 years 19 Woodstock
Clifford, Charles H. larceny - 2nd Sentence Canada Dec 22, 1871 7 years 19 Woodstock
Garvin, John E. burglary Chelsea Dec 22, 1871 5 years 29 Chelsea
Carrigan, Thomas horse stealing New York Dec 26, 1871 3 years 20 Middlebury
Ring, John A. manslaughter Huntington Jan 30, 1872 11 years 40 Middlebury
Socket, Abner assault with intent to kill Mass Feb 17, 1872 10 years 50 Newfane
Thomas, Benjamin horse stealing Rhode Island April 8, 1872 4 years 26 Burlington
Bryley, Samuel grand larceny Vermont Aug 28, 1872 5 years 44 North Hero
Hughs, William horse stealing Canada Sept 21, 1872 5 years 26 Irasburgh
Wood, George E. forgery Vermont Sept 30, 1872 5 years 28 Newfane
Manning, Robert assault with intent to kill Maine Oct 8, 1872 5 years 22 St. Albans
Jumbad, Jerome larceny Canada Oct 8, 1872 4 years 19 St. Albans
Maccau, Henry grand larceny Vermont March 10, 1873 5 years 21 Burlington
Manning, John arson Vermont April 12, 1873 4 years 24 Newfane
Smith, William B. larceny Vermont June 3, 1873 3 years 37 Hydepark
Ostager, Edward arson Vermont June 7, 1873 2 years 27 Middlebury
Gurram, Jerome grand larceny Vermont June 20, 1873 2 years 18 Burlington
Merrill, Charles W. burglary Vermont June 27, 1873 2 years 23 Chelsea
Kaufman, William grand larceny Germany Sept 10, 1873 2 ys 8 mos 20 Burlington
Ginney, Myron N. larceny Vermont Oct 4, 1873 2 years 23 Rutland
Collins, James larceny Ireland Oct 11, 1873 3 years 36 Newfane
Niles, Brawelle larceny Vermont Oct 11, 1873 3 years 41 Newfane
Fitts, John larceny Ireland Oct 11, 1873 4 years 54 Newfane
Crozier, James manslaughter Vermont Oct 11, 1873 10 years 62 Newfane
Robinson, Levi larceny Vermont Oct 15, 1873 3 years 38 Montpelier
Day, Harry adultery Vermont Oct 17, 1873 2 years 36 Montpelier
Beach, Eliza alias
      Mary Dusam
grand larceny - 5th Sentence Canada Nov 14, 1873 2 years 19 Burlington
Bowen, Maurice rape Nova Scotia Dec 15, 1873 15 years 30 St. Johnsbury
Hunton, George grand larceny Vermont Dec 9, 1873 1 y 6 mos 23 St. Johnsbury
Sexton, George burglary New York Dec 12, 1873 2 years 20 Middlebury
Bushey, Joseph horse stealing Vermont Dec 12, 1873 3 years 21 Middlebury
Persons, John B. horse stealing Vermont Dec 12, 1873 3 years 21 Middlebury
Donovan, John burglary England Dec 26, 1873 3 years 28 Woodstock
Hosmer, Bailey assault with intent to kill Vermont Dec 27, 1873 5 years 27 Woodstock
Hyde, Albert E. forgery Vermont Dec 27, 1873 4 years 24 Chelsea
Wiggins, Charles burglary Massachusetts Dec 29, 1873 6 years 23 St. Johnsbury
Carbo, Julia grand larceny Vermont Jan 26, 1874 1 year 17 St. Albans
Perkins, Isaac burglary Massachusetts Feb 12, 1874 1 year 36 Irasburgh
Shaw, George B. adultery Vermont March 20, 1874 2 y 6 mos 32 Rutland
Morris, Exive burglary & larceny New York April 6, 1874 3 y 6 mos 26 Burlington
Thomas, Frank grand larceny Nebraska April 7, 1874 1 year 17 Burlington
McDermot, John perjury Ireland April 8, 1874 3 years 40 Rutland
Anderson, Joseph burglary Central America May 2, 1874 2 years 32 St. Albans
Heyward, Anson arson Vermont June 11, 1874 20 years 38 Woodstock
Bailey, Edwin breaking jail Vermont June 13, 1874 2 years 31 Manchester
Grace, Michael burglary Vermont June 13, 1874 1 year 16 Manchester
Stockwell, Charles H. breaking jail Vermont June 13, 1874 1 year 23 Manchester
Godette, Lewis larceny Vermont June 15, 1874 2 years 18 Middlebury
Keefe, James larceny New York June 15, 1874 4 years 20 Middlebury
Wilson, Joseph highway robbery Middlebury June 15, 1874 5 years 20 Middlebury
Leavitt, Frank grand larceny New York June 12, 1874 1 yr 6 mos 23 St. Johnsbury
Snow, Jonas James murder Massachusetts June 30, 1874 life 63 St. Johnsbury
Vermont State Prison
Convicts in the State Prison, August 1, 1876
Name Crime Where Born Date of
Sentence Age Where Convicted
Burns, John murder Ireland Oct 2, 1863 life 54 Burlington
Burke, Paul M. assault with intent to kill Ireland June 24, 1868 life 43 Manchester
Neary, Peter arson Vermont April 1, 1869 10 years 19 Rutland
Dushane, Thomas arson Vermont April 1, 1869 10 years 18 Rutland
Butterfly, William arson Vermont April 1, 1869 10 years 24 Rutland
Plumley, Horace R.  murder Vermont April 6, 1869 life 42 Rutland
McDonald, James manslaughter Ireland Sept 3, 1869 10 years 44 North Hero
Keefe, James rape Ireland Oct 15, 1869 20 years 35 Newfane
Potter, Charles possession of burglar's tools Canada Nov 11, 1869 10 years 42 Montpelier
Fraine, John burglary Ohio June 15, 1870 10 years 26 Middlebury
Hale, Sylvester P.  larceny Vermont Sept 29, 1870 10 years 26 Newfane
Snell, Reuben rape England Jan 3, 1871 12 years 32 Chelsea
McCabe, Patrick arson Ireland Oct 25, 1871 10 years 73 Burlington
Watson, Isaac A. attempt to commit rape Florida Oct 25, 1871 10 years 38 Burlington
Clifford, Charles H.  larceny Canada Dec 22, 1871 7 years 19 Woodstock
Ring, John A. manslaughter Vermont Jan 30, 1872 11 years 40 Middlebury
Sacket, Abner assault with intent to kill Massachusetts Feb 17, 1872 10 years 50 Newfane
Bayley, Samuel larceny Vermont Aug 28, 1872 5 years 44 North Hero
Hughes, William horse stealing Canada Sept 21, 1872 5 years 26 Irasburgh
Wood, George E. forgery Vermont Sept 30, 1872 5 years 28 Newfane
Manning, Robert assault with intent to kill Maine Oct 8, 1872 5 years 22 St. Albans
Marcion, Henry larceny Vermont March 10, 1873 5 years 21 Burlington
Manning, John arson Vermont April 12, 1873 4 years 24 Newfane
Fitts, John larceny Ireland Oct 11, 1873 4 years 54 Newfane
Crozier, James manslaughter Vermont Oct 11, 1873 10 years 62 Newfane
Bowen, Maurice rape Nova Scotia Dec 15, 1873 15 years 30 St. Johnsbury
Donnivan, John burglary England Dec 26, 1873 3 years 28 Woodstock
Hosmer, Bailey assault with intent to kill Vermont Dec 26, 1873 5 years 27 Woodstock
Hyde, Albertie E. forgery Vermont Dec 27, 1873 4 years 24 Chelsea
Wiggins, Charles burglary Massachusetts Dec 29, 1873 6 years 23 St. Johnsbury
Morris, Exire burglary New York April 6, 1874 3 y 6 mos 26 Burlington
McDermott, John perjury Ireland April 8, 1874 3 years 40 Rutland
Heyward, Anson arson Vermont June 11, 1874 20 years 38 Woodstock
Wilson, Joseph highway robbery Vermont June 15, 1874 5 years 20 Middlebury
Snow, Jonas James murder Massachusetts June 30, 1874 life 63 St. Johnsbury
Greene, John larceny Vermont Sept 10, 1874 5 years 22 Irasburgh
Hunt, William larceny Ireland Sept 10, 1874 3 years 43 Irasburgh
Taylor, Oscar E. adultery Vermont Sept 11, 1874 3 years 39 Irasburgh
Hatch, George M. rape Maine Sept 11, 1874 4 years 25 Irasburgh
Miller, Charles burglary Massachusetts Sept 12, 1874 10 years 19 St. Albans
Colton, Addison E. robbery Canada Sept 30, 1874 4 years 18 Montpelier
Greeno, Peter larceny Vermont Oct 9, 1874 3 years 22 Burlington
Morrison, Jacob rape Vermont Oct 9, 1874 6 years 26 Burlington
Buchanan, George manslaughter Canada Oct 9, 1874 10 years 27 Burlington
McCauley, Patrick larceny Ireland Oct 12, 1874 3 years 26 Rutland
Sears, Joseph larceny Vermont Dec 16, 1874 2 years 21 Middlebury
Garra, Moses bigamy Canada Dec 17, 1874 3 years 27 Middlebury
Allen, John burglary New York Dec 22, 1874 8 years 44 Chelsea
Godfrey, Isaac adultery Vermont Dec 26, 1874 3 years 33 Hydepark
Hazard, William larceny Vermont Dec 29, 1874 2 years 22 Woodstock
Perkins, Charles E. larceny Connecticut Dec 29, 1874 3 years 17 Woodstock
Niles, David adultery Canada Jan 2, 1875 4 years 55 St. Johnsbury
Phair, John P. murder Vermont Feb 4, 1875 to be hung 29 Rutland
Simonds, Gilman horse stealing New Hampshire Feb 18, 1875 3 years 24 Irasburgh
Simonds, James horse stealing New Hampshire Feb 18, 1875 3 years 27 Irasburgh
McDonnel, John larceny England March 25, 1875 2 years 35 Montpelier
Clark, Alonzo horse stealing New York April 23, 1875 5 years 38 Burlington
Benor, Edgar larceny Vermont June 8, 1875 4 years 18 Middlebury
Eubar, Anthony larceny Canada June 8, 1875 4 years 40 Middlebury
Patterson, George E. larceny Vermont June 7, 1875 3 years 17 Middlebury
Allen, James Peter arson Scotland June 11, 1875 18 years 22 Chelsea
Bemis, Sidney F. larceny Vermont June 19, 1875 4 years 27 Woodstock
Wyman, Miles A. carnal knowledge Vermont June 19, 1875 12 years 27 Woodstock
Higgins, John burglary England June 29, 1875 3 years 20 Manchester
Phillips, Reuben S. arson New Hampshire June 29, 1875 4 years 47 Manchester
Strong, Peter larceny Vermont July 7, 1875 4 years 17 Woodstock
Houck, Lewis grand larceny Penn. Sept 14, 1875 4 years 37 Burlington
Hitchcock, Marcus A. adultery Vermont Oct 7, 1875 4 1/2 years 44 Rutland
Williams, Mrs. Lou A. keeping house of ill fame N. Carolina Oct 7, 1875 4 years   Rutland
Bissell, George A. R. adultery Vermont Oct 7, 1875 3 1/2 years 68 Rutland
Perry, Edward J. larceny Vermont Oct 6, 1875 4 years 21 Newfane
Jennings, John larceny Massachusetts Oct 1, 1875 3 years 16 Newfane
Cannedy, George E. rape Vermont Oct 1, 1875 6 years 21 Newfane
Daniels, John E. burglary Maine Oct 1, 1875 8 years 28 Newfane
Boyce, James assault with intent to rob Massachusetts Oct 1, 1875 10 years 18 Newfane
Largennesse, Joseph burglary Province Quebec Oct 11, 1875 5 years 20 St. Albans
Dupres, Francois grand larceny Province Quebec Sept 28, 1875 1 year 18 St. Albans
Lamoreaux, Alexis grand larceny New York Sept 28, 1875 1 year 24 St. Albans
Root, Nelson grand larceny Connecticut Nov 27, 1875 2 1/2 years 30 Burlington
Mumblow, William grand larceny New York Nov 27, 1875 26 months 21 Burlington
Tatro, Edward grand larceny Vermont Nov 27, 1875 18 months 19 Burlington
Whitmore, Frank grand larceny New York Dec 18, 1875 1 year 22 Burlington
Emery, Frank burglary New York Dec 16, 1875 3 years 21 Middlebury
Merrill, Charles burglary Vermont Dec 23, 1875 7 years 25 Chelsea
Williams, Aaron assault with intent to rape New York Dec 28, 1875 5 years 23 Bennington
Haley, Melvin burglary Vermont Dec 28, 1875 15 months 18 Bennington
Haley, Otis burglary Vermont Dec 28, 1875 1 month 16 Bennington
Sawyer, Joseph burglary New York Dec 28, 1875 13 months 19 Bennington
Smith, John burglary New York Dec 28, 1875 14 months 18 Bennington
Flood, Reuben A. larceny Massachusetts Dec 29, 1875 1 year 38 Woodstock
Ward, William obtaining goods under false pretense New York Dec 29, 1875 1 year 36 Woodstock
Cennalis, Dennis larceny Massachusetts Jan 19, 1876 2 years 23 Chelsea
Boyl, William larceny Ireland Jan 19, 1876 2 years 37 Chelsea
Ordway, Frank burglary Vermont Jan 21, 1876 2 years 19 St. Albans
Crown, Charles larceny Germany Jan 22, 1876 1 year 30 Burlington
Dickson, Henry larceny New York Feb 1, 1876 1 year 29 Rutland
Morey, George perjury Rhode Island Feb 7, 1876 2 1/2 years 30 Irasburgh
Lanya, Isaiah manslaughter Canada Feb 24, 1876 8 years 19 North Hero
Jubell, Frank attempt to commit arson Vermont March 1, 1876 6 years 19 Burlington
Randall, Isaac assault with intent to commit rape   March 27, 1876 5 years 32 Rutland
Miles, George burglary New York March 31, 1876 14 years 39 Montpelier
Ryans, Charles E. larceny New Hampshire April 21, 1876 2 years 19 Newfane
Thornton, John larceny New Hampshire April 21, 1876 15 months 21 Newfane
Bliss, Hiram B. larceny Vermont May 4, 1876 2 years 50 St. Albans
Woodworth, Frederick larceny Vermont June 9, 1876 1 year 22 Chelsea
Somers, George larceny Canada June 10, 1876 4 years 18 Woodstock
Farrington, Joseph B. larceny New York June 10, 1876 4 years 23 Woodstock
McCue, Michael burglary Vermont June 10, 1876 5 years 25 Woodstock
Somers, Daniel larceny Canada June 10, 1876 4 years 23 Woodstock
Bond, George W. larceny CT June 10, 1876 4 years 19 Woodstock
Hogan, James larceny Canada June 10, 1876 1 year 22 Woodstock
Plunkett, William larceny New York June 10, 1876 4 years 35 Burlington
Wood, Heber forgery Vermont July 11, 1876 2 years 32 Hydepark
Taylor, Henry bigamy New York June 10, 1876 2 years 35 Middlebury
Johnson, George burglary England June 24, 1876 7 years 19 St. Johnsbury
Gilman, William W. horse stealing Vermont July 11, 1876 10 years 48 Rutland
Thompson, William larceny Ireland July 11, 1876 15 months 38 Rutland
Vermont State Prison
Convicts in the state prison August 1, 1878
Name Crime Where Born Date of Convicted Length of Sentence Age Where Convicted
Burns, John murder Ireland Oct 2, 1863 life 54 Burlington
Burke, Paul M. assault w/intent to kill Ireland June 24, 1868 life 43 Manchester
Plumley, Horace R. murder Vermont April 6, 1869 life 42 Rutland
Keefe, James rape Ireland Oct 15, 1869 20 years 35 Newfane
Frain, John burglary Ohio June 15, 1870 10 years 26 Middlebury
Hale, Sylvester P. larceny Vermont Sept 29, 1870 10 years 26 Newfane
McCabe, Patrick arson Ireland Oct 25, 1871 10 years 73 Burlington
Watson, Isaac A. attempt to commit rape Florida Oct 25, 1871 10 years 38 Burlington
Ring, John A. manslaughter Vermont Jan 30, 1872 11 years 40 Middlebury
Bowen, Maurice rape Nova Scotia Dec 15, 1873 15 years 30 St. Johnsbury
Wiggins, Charles burglary Mass. Dec 29, 1873 6 years 23 St. Johnsbury
Hayward, Anson arson Vermont June 11, 1874 20 years 38 Woodstock
Wilson, Joseph highway robbery Vermont June 15, 1874 5 years 20 Middlebury
Snow, Jonas J. murder Mass. June 30, 1873 life 63 St. Johnsbury
Green, John larceny Vermont Sept 10, 1874 5 years 22 Irasburgh
Miller, Charles burglary Mass. Sept 12, 1874 10 years 19 St. Albans
Morrison, Jacob rape Vermont Oct 9, 1874 6 years 26 Burlington
Buchanan, George manslaughter Canada Oct 9, 1874 10 years 27 Burlington
Allen, John burglary New York Dec 22, 1874 8 years 44 Chelsea
Phair, John P. murder Vermont Feb 4, 1875 to be hung 29 Rutland
Clark, Alonzo horse stealing New York April 23, 1875 5 years 38 Burlington
Benor, Edgar larceny Vermont June 8, 1875 4 years 18 Middlebury
Eubar, Anthony larceny Canada June 8, 1875 4 years 40 Middlebury
Allen, James Peter arson Scotland June 11, 1875 18 years 22 Chelsea
Bemis, Sidney F. larceny Vermont June 19, 1875 4 years 27 Woodstock
Wyman, Miles A. carnal knowledge Vermont June 19, 1875 12 years 27 Woodstock
Phillips, Reuben S. arson New Hampshire June 29, 1875 4 years 47 Manchester
Strong, Peter larceny Vermont July 7, 1875 4 years 17 Woodstock
Houck, Lewis grand larceny Penn. Sept 14, 1875 4 years 37 Burlington
Hitchcock, Marcus A. adultery Vermont Oct 7, 1875 4.5 years 44 Rutland
Perry, Edward J. larceny Vermont Oct 6, 1875 4 years 21 Newfane
Cannedy, George E. rape Vermont Oct 1, 1875 6 years 21 Newfane
Daniels, John E. burglary Maine Oct 1, 1875 8 years 28 Newfane
Boyce, James assault w/intent to rob Mass. Oct 1, 1875 10 years 18 Newfane
Largennesse, Joseph burglary Province Quebec Oct 1, 1875 5 years 20 St. Albans
Emery, Frank burglary New York Dec 16, 1875 3 years 21 Middlebury
Merrill, Charles burglary Vermont Dec 25, 1875 7 years 25 Chelsea
Williams, Aaron assault w/intent to rape New York Dec 28, 1875 5 years 23 Bennington
Lanya, Isiah manslaughter Canada Feb 24, 1876 8 years 19 North Hero
Jubell, Frank attempt to commit arson Vermont March 1, 1876 6 years 19 Burlington
Randall, Isaac assault to commit rape Vermont March 27, 1876 5 years 32 Rutland
Miles, George burglary New York March 31, 1876 14 years 39 Montpelier
Somers, George larceny Canada June 10, 1876 4 years 18 Woodstock
Farrington, Joseph B. larceny New York June 10, 1876 4 years 23 Woodstock
McCue, Michael burglary Vermont June 10, 1876 5 years 25 Woodstock
Somers, Daniel larceny Canada June 10, 1876 4 years 23 Woodstock
Bond, George W. larceny CT June 10, 1876 4 years 19 Woodstock
Plunkett, William larceny New York June 10, 1876 4 years 35 Burlington
Johnson, George burglary England June 14, 1876 7 years 19 St. Johnsbury
Gilman, William W. horse stealing Vermont July 11, 1876 10 years 48 Rutland
Shannon, William larceny Canada Sept 15, 1876 2.5 years 19 Guildhall
Payne, Charles H. larceny New York Sept 30, 1876 5 years 25 Newfane
Fee, Henry assault w/intent to kill Ireland Oct 2, 1876 6 years 25 Rutland
Hannan, John assault w/intent to rob/kill Vermont Oct 2, 1876 5 years 21 Rutland
Kinney, William assault w/intent to rob/kill Vermont Oct 2, 1876 5 years 22 Rutland
Higgins, Daniel larceny Vermont Oct 4, 1876 3 years 24 Rutland
Cook, Joseph S. larceny New York Oct 3, 1876 2.5 years 32 Irasburgh
Booth, William A. larceny England Oct 3, 1876 2.5 years 20 Irasburgh
Wetherby, Parker larceny Canada Oct 3, 1876 2.5 years 19 Irasburgh
Poronto, Henry larceny New York Oct 3, 1876 3 years 25 Irasburgh
Taylor, Charles larceny England Oct 3, 1876 3 years 19 Irasburgh
Wood, Elwin larceny Canada Oct 3, 1876 2.5 years 20 Irasburgh
LaPlant, Joseph larceny Vermont Oct 5, 1876 3 years 35 Burlington
McNamara, John receiving stolen goods Ireland Oct 5, 1876 5 years 44 Burlington
Hayden, Edwin C. safe-keeping   Oct 9, 1876 safe keeping   Irasburgh
Kemp, Philander horse stealing Vermont Nov 22, 1876 7 years 59 Woodstock
Lee, Charles larceny England Oct 14, 1876 3 years 38 St. Albans
Michele, Pellegrino arson Italy Oct 14, 1876 3 years 33 St. Albans
Sprout, Wilfred D. arson Vermont Dec 19, 1876 10 years 18 Woodstock
Stiner, George burglary New York Dec 19, 1876 8 years 20 Woodstock
Rock, Frank rape Mass. Dec 13, 1876 10 years 24 Middlebury
Jackson, Oliver burglary Dist of Col. Dec 19, 1876 5 years 24 Middlebury
Rivers, Henry larceny Vermont Dec 18, 1876 5 years 22 St. Johnsbury
Caswell, John larceny Vermont Dec 18, 1876 2 years 40 St. Johnsbury
Larabee, Hinkley S. burglary Vermont Dec 27, 1876 3 years 21 Bennington
Abbott, Joseph burglary Canada Dec 28, 1876 3 years 22 Chelsea
Harris, Richard larceny New York Jan 2, 1877 2 years 28 Burlington
Campbell, Charles burglary Vermont Jan 13, 1877 5 years 27 Woodstock
Sanderson, Henry H. rape of a small child New Hampshire Jan 10, 1877 6 years 29 Woodstock
Arnold, William H. adultery Vermont Jan 17, 1877 5 years 48 Chelsea
Wilson, George uttering forged paper Rhode Island Feb 7, 1877 3 years 22 Irasburgh
Revers, Joseph breaking jail Canada Feb 14, 1877 2 years 36 Irasburgh
Sellers, Joseph D. breaking jail Mass. Feb 14, 1877 2.5 years 26 Irasburgh
Gravlin, Henry murder Canada Feb 28, 1877 to be hung 48 Woodstock
La Flam, James grand larceny New York April 3, 1877 2 years 25 Rutland
Townsend, Harrison M. arson Vermont April 6, 1877 20 years 33 Newfane
Stone, Edwin M. arson Vermont April 6, 1877 12 years 32 Newfane
Woolly, Solon S. murder in 2nd degree Vermont April 6, 1877 life 34 Newfane
Hurd, James larceny England April 6, 1877 2 years 27 Newfane
Burnes, Fredrick grand larceny Vermont April 10, 1877 2 years 18 Rutland
Patten, John manslaughter Ireland April 10, 1877 12 years 48 Rutland
Flood, Woster larceny Vermont April 20, 1877 4 years 40 St. Albans
Cassiston, Lewis burglary Canada April 9, 1877 2 years 53 St. Albans
West, Benjamin larceny CT June 19, 1877 2 years 17 Woodstock
Cole, Robart larceny Mass. June 19, 1877 1.5 years 18 Woodstock
Glynn, Joseph poisoning a swine Vermont June 16, 1877 2 years 78 Woodstock
Riley, John larceny Mass. June 11, 1877 3 years 20 Woodstock
Sullivan, James larceny Mass. June 11, 1877 3 years 20 Woodstock
St. Peter, Napoleon grand larceny Vermont June 19, 1877 1.5 years 33 Rutland
Sears, Joseph grand larceny Vermont June 19, 1877 1.5 years 24 Rutland
Jenne, Myron N. burglary Vermont May 21, 1877 2 years 23 Rutland
Higgins, John grand larceny New York June 25, 1877 2 years 23 Rutland
Wilson, George grand larceny Illinois June 25, 1877 2 years 19 Rutland
Snow, George A. forgery Mass. June 22, 1877 3 years 29 Manchester
Merriam, Samuel D. assault w/intent to rape Michigan June 28, 1877 5 years 37 Chelsea
McKay, Daniel burglary Mass. July 10, 1877 3.5 years 23 St. Johnsbury
O'Connor, John burglary Vermont July 10, 1877 2 years 21 St. Johnsbury
Whitney, William H. polygamy Maine July 15, 1877 2 years 36 St. Johnsbury
Dugan, William burglary CT July 19, 1877 3 years 23 Rutland
Kitridge, Benjamin grand larceny Canada Aug 7, 1877 1.5 years 17 Burlington
Mason, Joseph larceny Canada Sept 15, 1877 3 years 36 Irasburgh
Bullis, Alfred forgery Canada Sept 15, 1877 2.5 years 23 Irasburgh
Hall, Henry larceny New Hampshire Sept 15, 1877 1.5 years 24 Irasburgh
Hayher, Daniel burglary Vermont Sept 22, 1877 5 years 21 Rutland
Webb, Fred M. bigamy Vermont Sept 21, 1877 5 years 30 Guildhall
Sumner, Charles larceny Vermont Sept 29, 1877 2.5 years 25 Newfane
Carrol, Patrick larceny New York Sept 29, 1877 3 years 22 Newfane
Labadee, Joseph adultery Vermont Oct 13, 1877 2 years 37 St. Albans
Stockwell, Ari grand larceny Canada Oct 19, 1877 1.5 years 16 Burlington
Asher, Vetelle larceny of a horse New York Nov 14, 1877 3 years 29 Rutland
Ladue, Joseph grand larceny France Nov 13, 1877 3 years 30 Burlington
Magoon, Asa S. murder in 1st degree Vermont Nov 17, 1877 to be hung 57 Montpelier
Thurston, William rape Vermont Nov 30, 1877 5 years 27 Montpelier
Wright, William J. horse stealing Vermont Dec 18, 1877 3 years 45 Middlebury
Flanders, Charles H. arson Vermont Dec 21, 1877 3 years 24 Rutland
Peck, Sydney larceny Vermont Dec 25, 1877 3 years 18 Chelsea
Graham, William larceny England Dec 25, 1877 4 years 18 Chelsea
Perkins, Frank H. burglary New York Dec 28, 1877 5 years 22 Bennington
Grace, Michael burglary Vermont Dec 28, 1877 15 years 19 Bennington
White, George R. larceny Vermont Jan 1, 1878 3 years 27 Woodstock
Sears, George W. burglary Vermont Jan 1, 1878 5 years 21 Woodstock
Peck, Lyman A. burglary New York Jan 1, 1878 5 years 44 Woodstock
May, George E. burglary Vermont Jan 1, 1878 5 years 17 Woodstock
Hutchinson, Theodore incest Vermont Dec 27, 1877 5 years 42 St. Johnsbury
Underwood, Henry larceny Vermont Dec 27, 1877 5 years 25 St. Johnsbury
Brown, John threatening to burn CT Dec 27, 1877 1.5 years 26 St. Johnsbury
Tatro, Edward murder in 1st degree Vermont Jan 19, 1878 to be hung 21 St. Albans
McDonald, John horse stealing England Feb 22, 1878 4.5 years 18 Rutland
Patten, James horse stealing Canada March 23, 1878 3 years 27 Guildhall
Daley, John larceny Canada March 19, 1878 3 years 18 Montpelier
Lovell, Edward J. rape New Hampshire March 27, 1878 2 years 37 Rutland
Pike, Stephen M. burglary Vermont March 27, 1878 5 years 28 Rutland
Perkins, Loren forgery Vermont March 28, 1878 8 years 37 Rutland
O'Dell, Hylan rape New York March 29, 1878 8 years 24 Rutland
Kenedy, Michael robbery Vermont March 30, 1878 12 years 18 Rutland
Pecor, Frank robbery Vermont March 30, 1878 12 years 22 Rutland
Donders, Paul passing counterfeit money Italy May 8, 1878 2 years 19 Burlington
Eaton, James assault w/intent to kill Vermont May 8, 1878 15 years 22 Burlington
Godette, Lewis grand larceny Vermont May 8, 1878 1 year 23 Burlington
Levanway, John rape New York May 8, 1878 3 years 47 Burlington
Worden, Fred A. larceny New Hampshire June 5, 1878 4 years 20 Woodstock
Worby, William F. larceny Mass. June 5, 1878 8 years 21 Woodstock
Worden, Lizzie J. larceny Mass. June 8, 1878 3 years 18 Woodstock
Bryant, William larceny Vermont June 5, 1878 10 months 19 Woodstock
Robinson, Levi larceny Vermont June 13, 1878 3 years 44 Woodstock
Burnes, Patrick burglary New York Jan 14, 1878 3 years 18 Manchester
McGrath, James burglary Penn June 14, 1878 15 years 32 Manchester
Sawyer, Joseph burglary New York June 14, 1878 3 years 21 Manchester
Atwood, James M. assault w/intent to kill Vermont June 21, 1878 7 years 60 Manchester
Kent, Hiram concealing stolen goods Vermont June 21, 1878 1 year 29 Manchester
Dunbar, Edgar C. burglary New York June 21, 1878 4 years 20 Manchester
Woodward, Fred burglary Vermont June 21, 1878 7 years 18 Manchester
Carpenter, Eugene horse stealing Vermont June 10, 1878 2 years 22 Middlebury
Robinson, Tommy burglary Virginia June 19, 1878 1 year 37 Middlebury
Bullis, Ransom burglary New York June 19, 1878 1 year 18 Middlebury
Bartlett, David stoning passenger train car Vermont June 26, 1878 1 year 22 Manchester
Oderkirk, Henry larceny New York July 2, 1878 7 years 44 St. Johnsbury
O'Clair, Felix burglary Canada July 2, 1878 5 years 25 St. Johnsbury
Bishop, Michael burglary Canada July 2, 1878 5 years 36 St. Johnsbury
Goochee, Henry larceny New York July 2, 1878 4 years 27 St. Johnsbury
Eastman, Gilbert larceny Vermont July 2, 1878 4 years 49 St. Johnsbury
Smith, John larceny Michigan July 2, 1878 4 years 20 St. Johnsbury
Gerry, Michael arson Maine July 2, 1878 4 years 22 St. Johnsbury
Bean, Freedom larceny Canada July 2, 1878 3.5 years 27 St. Johnsbury
Drown, Carlos burglary Vermont July 2, 1878 2 years 26 St. Johnsbury
Note #1 = death sentence was commuted to life in prison

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