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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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ADAMS ALVIN W., contractor and builder, light-house keeper, h School.
Adams Frank H., clerk for Lane & Davis, bds 33 Main.
ALFRED FRANK E., (Crane & Alfred) notary public, commissioner for Mass., h 5 School.
Allen Charles E., carpenter and joiner, h First.
Andrews Dan, r 18, painter.
Atwell Benjamin W., Episcopal clergyman, bds 27 Main st.
Auringer William, r 18, laborer.
Austin Edgar H., law student with T. Grout, bds South.
Bailey Herbert R, wheelwright, bds Main.
Baker Arvesta, widow of Hollis, h Third.
Baker Edward C., laborer, h Main.
Baker Frederick H., express messenger, h Main.
Baldwin Johanna L., widow of Thomas, h South.
Barbin Octavus, laborer.
BATES FRANK E., r 18, proprietor of the Memphremagog veneer works, manufacturer of birch, beech, maple, ash, and basswood veneers, chair stock, butter tubs, berry baskets, and small wares, also three-ply veneer chair seats.
Bavineau Joseph, laborer, h First.
Bean Charles T., conductor on Passumpsic R. R., h 27 Second.
Bean Moses, laborer, bds First.
Bean Horace, prop. livery stable, dealer in horses, and farmer 70, h Third.
Bean Silas G., deputy collector, and inspector, of customs, h 25 Main.
Beauregard George, upper cutter for C. J. Hibbard, h Pleasant.
Beek Isaac P., porter at Memphremagog House.
Beebe Fred A., head clerk at Memphremagog House.
Belanger Edward, laborer, h Main.
Belanger Peter, laborer, h Main.
Beleveau Origene, laborer.
Bellavou John, laborer, h South.
BELLEVUE HOUSE, Emery Knowlton, prop., Main.
Benoit Joseph, laborer, h Main.
Benwa Josiah, laborer, h Main.
Bernoid Antoine, employ Passumpsic R. R., bds First.
Bernoid Antoine, mason, h R. R. Square.
Bernoid Israel, works at freight depot, h 10 First.
Bernoid Moses, laborer, h 13 First.
Bernoid Peter, railroad laborer, h First.
Bernoid Zoel, laborer, h First.
BETTERS JOHN B., merchant tailor, 31 Main, h First.
Bingham Samuel G., resident, bds 3 Third.
Bishop Aleda F. Miss, clerks for George C. Gilman, bds Third.
Blake Freeman, trader, and farmer 375, h South cor Third.
Blanchard David W., allo. physician and surgeon, 12 Second and cor South.
Blanchard Henry G., clerk for George C. Gilman, bds 12 Second.
Blanchard Herbert, son of Dr. David W., bds Second cor South.
Bonnett Leon W., switchman South Eastern & Passumpsic R. R. office, h foot of Main.
BOSTON CLOTHING STORE THE, Edward Foster, prop., ready-made clothing, gents' furnishing goods, hats, caps, and boots and shoes, Coburn Block.
BOWLEY ABNER G., deputy sheriff, farmer 26, h Coventry.
Bowley Eugene A., son of A. G., h and lot Main, h Coventry.
Bowman Orpha N., widow of Royal, h First.
Bowman William F., manager of Memphremagog House.
Boynton William, (West Derby) carpenter and joiner.
Brewster Fred H., son of Horatio S., h Main.
BREWSTER HORATIO S., prop. livery, sale and boarding stable, Memphremagog House, h Main.
Brewster Homer E., with H. S., bds Main.
Brigham Dennis, resident, h Third.
Brigham Julia M., dressmaker, h Third st.
Brooks Charles E., sawyer, h Main.
Brown Adolphus W. & Co., (A. W. B. & W. C. Whitney,) wholesale dealers in flour, grain, iron, salt, nails, coal, axles, springs, plows, lime and cement, and agent for the Walter A. Wood and Meadow King mowers, and the Howe scales Main.
Brown Adolphus W., (A. W. Brown & Co,) h cor Main and Second.
Bryant George W., carpenter and builder, h cor Main and First.
Burbank George W., painter for E. R. Scott & Son, bds 10 Third.
Burneau Antoine, laborer, b North.
Burneau J. Freeman, blacksmith apprentice, bds Main.
BUTLER LUCRETIA K., widow of Chester, resident, h First.
CAMP DAVID M., editor and proprietor of the "Express and Standard," and job printer, first selectman, Second st., h 19 do.
Carpenter Ephraim W., retired farmer, aged 89, residence with R. S. Root.
Carroll John, laborer, h off Main.
Cartwright Fred N., clerk on steamer "Lady of the Lake."
Caswell Henry H., capt. of the steamer “Newport,” owner of 3 barges, dealer and repairer of watches and jewelry, Main, h do.
Chaine [Cheney] Eli, laborer, h off Main.
Chaine [Cheney] George, laborer, bds off Main.
Chaine [Cheney] Joseph, shoemaker, h North.
Chamberlin Henry, dealer in stoves, cor Main and Third, h 22 Second.
Champagne John, blacksmith, h Coventry.
Chandler Flora A., book-keeper for International Co., bds Third st.
Chapman Charles T., butcher, and farmer 90 acres in Irasburgh.
Charland Cyrell, car repairer Passumpsic R. R., h foot of Main.
Clark Edward M., cook at Memphremagog House.
Clement Heman W., clerk for H. S. Root, bds do.
Clement Marshall, clerk for George C. Gilman, bds Third.
Clement Walter H., marker at Newport steam saw-mill, h Main.
Cleveland Charles B., commercial traveler, h Pleasant.
Cleveland Selly A., dealer in live stock, bds 4 Third st.
Cole Andrew Jackson, manuf. of wagons, general repair shop, and builder of row-boats, Main, h do.
Corrow Joseph, laborer, h North.
Cory Silas P., retired farmer, town agent, h Third.
CORY WILLIAM, agent for Monumental White Bronze Co., of Bridgeport, Conn., builder of fancy row and sail-boats, boats to let, saw filing and setting, carpenter and joiner, cor Bridge st., bds South st.
Cote George, shoemaker, h 16 Pleasant st.
CRANE & ALFRED, (Walter D. C. and Frank E. A,) attorneys and counselors at law, and insurance agents, Field's Opera House block.
CRANE WALTER D., (Crane & Alfred,) U. S. commissioner, notary public, State senator, h 26 Main.
Currier Marshall, laborer, h 18 Second.
CUTLER HARRY L., express messenger, h Third.
Daggett Almon M., painter, h Pleasant.
Daggett Helen E., widow of Almon, compositor, h Pleasant.
Dale Nellie M., (Mrs. George N.,) bds 8 Third.
Dane Olin S., clerk in South Eastern and Passumpsic R. R. office.
Dane Lucy Miss, teacher primary department Newport Academy and Graded school.
Daniels John H., dealer in watches, clocks, jewelry and notions, True block, h do.
Darling Harrison, carpenter and joiner, h First.
Darling John C., (West Derby) carpenter and joiner.
Davis Charles C., (Lane & Davis) h 10 Second.
DAVIS ELIZABETH B., (Mrs. Gardner,) dressmaker, h 10 First.
DAVIS FREDERICK P., teamster, truckman, h South.
DAVIS GARDNER, engineer for F. P. Bates, pilot on steamer “Lady of the Lake,” h 10 First.
DAVIS HARRIET, widow of Luke, h South.
Dickerman Jerry E., (Edwards, Dickerman & Young) h 28 Main st.
Doane Mary M., widow of Samuel, bds 29 Main.
Dorman Eben S., traveling agent, h 11 First.
Dorman Edward M., artist, son of Eben, bds 11 First.
Dorman Orrin S., dealer in horses, h 11 First.
Dorman Samuel M., teller of the National Bank of Newport, bds 11 First.
Downing Benjamin, repairer of boats, and jobber, cor Main and Third.
Drown Andrew, laborer.
DROWN C. S. MRS., canvasser, bds South.
Durgin Alexander C., laborer, bds Pleasant.
Dyke Albion, harness maker with J. A. Edmunds, h Pleasant.
Eaton Charles, sewing machine agent, h 15 First.
EATON LAETITIA E., (Mrs. Charles,) stamping and dresssmaking Horton's Block, 33 Main.
Edmunds Joseph A. & Co., harness makers, and carriage trimmers, and dealer in saddlery hardware, True block, h Pleasant.
Edwards, Dickerman & Young, (John L. E., Jerry E. D. and John Young,) attorneys and counselors at law, Field block, Main st.
Edwards John L., (Edwards, Dickerman & Young,) h 3 Third st.
“EXPRESS & STANDARD,” D. M. Camp, proprietor, Second st.
Fairbanks Horace K., carpenter and joiner, h Main.
Farr L. Dana, general blacksmith, First st., h North.
FARRANT JOHN, gardener for Emmons Raymond.
FARRELL JAMES, dealer in hemlock bark, h Main.
Farrell Kate R., dressmaker, h Main.
Field Leonard D., general blacksmith, First st., h do.
Field Louisa S., (Mrs. S. M.,) owner of Field's Opera Block, Main.
Field Solomon M., real estate dealer, and farmer 1,600, in Canada 100, h 30 Main.
Fleming Thomas, section-master S. E. R. R., h North.
Fletcher Henry T., manufacturer of tin ware and dealer in pumps and hardware, cor Main and third, h Second.
Flower Halsey R., dealer in dry goods, fancy goods, and ladies' boots and shoes, Field block, 32 Main, bds 19 Second.
Foster Chastina Mrs., widow of Andrew J., h North.
FOSTER EDWARD, proprietor Boston Clothing Store, h Main.
Foster Edwin D., clerk, bds Bellevue House.
Freeman Joseph, D. D., pastor of Baptist church, bds cor Main and Second, residence; Cavendish, Windsor Co., Vt.
French C. H., clerk at Memphremagog House.
Fuller Luther C., resident, h 6 Third.
Fuller Warren, dealer in and manufacturer of marble and granite, h Main cor Third.
GAFFNEY FRANK T., printer on “Boston Herald,” bds South.
Gale John F., conductor on Passumpsic R. R., h 29, Main.
Gardner Silas, car repairer for S. E. R. R., h off Main.
Garneau Celestin, car repairer Southeastern R. R. depot, h Main.
GRAY PROCTOR R., dealer in cattle, sheep, and live stock, and farmer, b Main.
Gibb Clarence, r 18, laborer.
Gibbs Emiline, (Mrs. David N.,) tailoress, h First.
GILBERT BROTHERS. (Otis R. and Charles E,) proprietors of railway dining rooms, fruits, cigars, confectionery, and ice cream, hay-scales near the depot, h Main.
GILBERT CHARLES E., (Gilbert Brothers,) gardener, b Main.
GILBERT OTIS R., (Gilbert Brothers,) hotel steward, h 29 Main.
Gilbert Stephen S., shoemaker, h 11 Second.
GILMAN GEORGE C., dealer in dry goods, fancy goods, millinery, boots and shoes, and ladies' underware, ribbons, laces, hosiery, and kid gloves, 14 Main, h 12 Third.
Gilman Isaac B., veneer worker, h cor Third and South.
Gilman Leander, carpenter and builder, h School.
Gilman Lizzie M., (Mrs. Geo. C.,) clerk for Geo. C.
Goekey Joseph, sawyer for International Co., h First.
Goff Luther L., marble worker, h 12 First.
GOODRICH CONVERSE G.. retired merchant, dealer in real estate, and broker, owner of tenement block, farmer 200, and in Coventry 47½, h cor Main and Second sts.
Grandy Cyrus E., foreman of the International Co., inventor of Granby's wood-splitter, and inventor and manufacturer of Granby's mill saw-set, h Second.
Granger Charles C., clerk for J. R. Hall, bds 16 Main.
Green Hiram B., clerk at Green's pharmacy and book store, and agent for the Bell telephone.
Green James Y., drugs, books, stationery, toys, fancy goods, periodicals, toilet articles, surgical appliances, Averill paints, alabastine, fruit, confectionery, cigars and tobacco, 23 Main, h do.
GRIFFIN CHARLES H., house painter, and leases of W. B. Holbrook, 60 acres.
GROUT THEOPHILUS, attorney and counselor at law, Field block, h School.
Hadley William H., (West Derby) master builder, carpenter and joiner.
Hale George H., clerk in Boston Clothing Store, bds 33 Main.
Hall James R., drugs, books, fancy goods, cigars, fruit, etc., 12 Main, h 16 do.
Hall Robert V., retired Congregational minister, aged 72, h First.
Hamel Joseph, station baggage-master Southeastern & Passumpsic R. R. office, h 12 First.
HAMILTON MERRILL T., dentist, Field block, gold fillings a specialty, gold, rubber and celluloid plates at reasonable rates, also silver or amalgam and all other fillings at prices to suit the times, h 6 South,
Hammond Will P., news agent on the Passumpsic R. R., and prop. eating house, foot of Main.
Hancock Horace, prop. meat market, cor First and Main, h Pleasant.
Harper Victor P., blacksmith and horseshoer, Main, h cor Main and Third.
Haslett George, sawyer, h Pleasant.
Haslett Stephen, laborer, bds cor Third and South.
Harvey Everett, clerk, Bellevue House.
Harwood Henry, laborer, bds 24 Main.
Hazeltine William H., hostler for H. S. Brewster, bds Main.
Hibbard Cleveland J., manufacturer of boots and shoes, and wholesale dealer, 38 Main, h 6 Second.
Hibbard Henry, fireman, bds First.
Hibbard Lucy E., widow of Joel, resident, aged 84, h 6 Second.
Hill Charles, employee of F. E. Bates, bds 13 First.
Hill Everett J., in marble business, bds 12 First.
Hill John, laborer, h North.
HINMAN MARY P., widow of Porter, resident, h 8 Third.
Hitchcock Louis, laborer, h North.
Hollingsworth John, retired mechanic, bds First.
Holt Edward B., commercial traveler, h South.
Holt Parley O., merchant, 25 Second.
Hopkins Charles W., works in J. B. Wardrow's meat market, bds First.
Horton Samuel B., sign, ornamental and landscape painter, h 31 Main.
House Lydia A., widow of Charles D., resident, h Main.
Hoyt George R., commercial traveler for A. Little & Co., Portland, Me., h Main.
Hubbard Byron, baggage-master S. E. R. R., bds First.
Hutchings Wilbur W., watchmaker and jeweler at Green's drug store, Main, bds at West Derby.
James Betsey, widow of Lot P., h Main.
Jenne Harland, carpenter and joiner, h Main.
Johnson Morris, Sr., laborer, h Main.
Johnson Morris, Jr., laborer, h Main.
Kay Loren F., village trustee, traveling salesman for C. J. Hibbard, h Pleasant.
Kelley Ernest, (West Derby) watchman, at Passumpsic R. R. engine-house.
Kellum Mary, widow of Hiram, resident, h 3 Third.
KELSEA CLARENCE G., job printer, office Main st. opposite post office, h 10 Second.
Kelsea George S., M. D., homeo. physician and surgeon, h Second.
Kendall Betsey M., widow of G. W. Kendall, bds Main.
Kendall Wallace J., clerk for Horace Lawrence, h Main.
Kendrick George, shoemaker, h off Main.
Kennedy Alex., r 18, laborer.
Kilburn Harry A., clerk, at Bellevue House.
Kimball Frank, shoemaker, h Main.
KIMBALL ISAAC, M. D., physician and surgeon, Main, h do.
Kirkpatrick John R., clerk and telegraph operator, S. E. R. R., bds South.
KNOWLTON EMERY, prop. Bellevue House, and livery, Main.
Knowlton Luke W., conductor, S. E. R. R., bds School.
Laflour Joseph, blacksmith, works for L. D. Field, First.
Lahar Frank, teamster, h North.
Lahar Jesse, teamster, h South.
Lahar Mary B., (Mrs. Jesse,) milliner and dealer in fancy goods, Main, h South.
Lahar William, teamster, h North.
Laline Peter, laborer, h First.
Lambert Jerry F., shoemaker h Pleasant.
Lamond Louis, laborer, h North.
Lane Seymour, (Lane & Davis,) bds Bellevue House, residence in Derby, owns gristmill in Derby.
Lane & Davis, (Seymour Lane and Charles C. Davis,) dealers in dry goods, groceries, butter, hardware, flour, corn and feed, Field block, 36 Main.
Langevin Dolphus, blacksmith and wheelwright, First.
L'Antoine Joseph, Jr., engineer, at Searls's veneer mill, bds First.
L'Antoine Michael, laborer, h Coventry.
La Pier Harvey G., night watchman, at Memphremagog House.
La Plant Joseph, (West Derby) laborer.
Larie Joseph, night, watchman, for P. R. R., h 13 First.
La Riviere Dennis, shoemaker, h Prospect.
LAWRENCE HENRY S., (Leonard & Lawrence,) asst. postmaster, dealer in groceries, hardware, flour, feed, lime, notions, etc., Lawrence block, h do.
LAWRENCE HORACE, prop. livery stable, and stock dealer, dealer in groceries, flour, corn, meal, salt, hardware, and canned fruits, foot of Main, bds at Bellevue House.
Leach Mortimer P., marble polisher, bds First.
Leach Phineas, laborer, h First.
Lee Benjamin W., carpenter, builder, and millwright. manuf. of refrigerators, h 27 Main.
Lee Sarah J., (Mrs. B. W.) keeps boardinghouse, h 27 Main.
Leonard George F., (Leonard & Lawrence) h 9 First.
Leonard & Lawrence, (G. F. Leonard and H. S. Lawrence,) props. Bay View Lime Works, and manufs. stone lime, Macoon's Point, P. Q.
Leroux Charles, blacksmith, bds R. R. Square.
Lewis Daniel Rev., M. E. clergyman.
Litchfield George, retired farmer, h 16 Pleasant.
Livingston Ruth A. Miss, resident, h cor Third and South.
Londerville Louis, laborer, h Main.
Longway John, laborer, h 16, Pleasant.
Lorrimer John, clerk for H. S. Root, bds Main.
Lyford Turner, laborer, r 18.
Lunt Samuel S., carpenter and joiner, h Second.
Mackdiarmid George L., office agent S. E. R. R.
MAGOON HENRY A., employee on "Lady of the Lake", farmer 40, bds at Bellevue House.
Majors Henry D., prop. barber shop Memphremagog House, h off Main.
Magoon William, engineer at Memphremagog House.
McAlister John, head waiter Memphremagog House.
McClary Orson R., dealer in hats and caps, boots and shoes, clothing, and furnishing goods, True block, bds at Bellevue House.
McCormick Burney, watchman at Passumpsic engine house, bds Coventry.
McDonald James, porter at Memphremagog House.
McGee Arthur A., r 18, laborer.
McKinney Henry W., baggage master S. E. R. R., bds First.
McLeod Alexander S., dealer in fancy horses, wholesale and retail dealer in carriages of every description, engineer, bds Bellevue House.
Memphremagog House, W. F. Bowman, manager.
Mero Albert, (West Derby) watchman at Passumpsic engine house.
Merrill George C., deputy collector, inspector and clerk of customs, h cor Third and South.
Merrill Peter, retired merchant, bds cor Third and South.
Miller Ara J., (Westfield) sawyer.
MILLER LEANDER C., foreman Newport steam mills, and owns h and saw-mill in Westfield, h Third
MILLER OSCAR C., (Prouty & Miller,) h Main.
Millett Frank, laborer and painter, h Main.
Morin Narcisse, watchman South Eastern R. R. depot, h North.
Morrill Frank, laborer, h First.
Mosher Clarence L., hostler for H. S. Brewster, bds Main.
Moss Herbert L., r 18, laborer.
Moss Stark, r 18, laborer.
MOULTON JOEL C., dealer in ice and wood, and prop. feed stable foot of Main, h do.
NATIONAL BANK OF NEWPORT, NEWPORT, VT., Elisha Lane, president; F. M. Sherman, vice-president; and Robert J. Wright, cashier.
NEWPORT ACADEMY AND GRADED SCHOOL, L. M. Jenne, principal; Clara H. Hopkins, grammar; Miss Etta M. Conal, intermediate; Lucy Dane, primary; School st.
Norris Emory H., painter and carpenter, h 7 Second.
NORTON MARTIN, r 18, veneer cutter, for F. C. Bates.
Norton Patsy, r 18, laborer.
Norton Thomas, r 18, laborer.
Nutter Simes, watchman, at Passumpsic engine-house, bds Coventry.
O'Conner Claude S., job printer, h Pleasant.
Oliver James B., carpenter, h Second,
Parker Lois F., widow of John B., bds Third.
Parker Samuel W., agent for organs and pianos, and sewing machines, First, h do.
Peavey Fitz, (West Derby) planer.
Peavey Thomas, (West Derby) laborer.
Peck Joel, retired farmer, bds First.
Pelchey [Pelkie] Edmond, shoemaker, h South.
Pelchey [Pelkie] Louis, shoemaker, h off Main.
Pelchey [Pelkie] Moses, watchman, for Passumpsic R. R.
Pender Samuel D., speculator, bds at Bellevue House.
Percy Thomas, clerk, for H. S. Lawrence.
Phelps Leslie, barber, bds Third cor South.
Phelps Leslie J., barber, bds Third.
Pond George, laborer, bds Main.
Pond George E., laborer, h North.
Porter Dennis, section hand Passumpsic R. R., h 13 First.
Porter Dennis, Jr., works for Passumpsic R. R., bds 13 First.
Porter Peter, harness maker, Main, h do.
Poucha Dennis, railroad laborer, h First.
Powers Margaret, widow of Charles, laundress, h 17 First.
PRATT GARDNER D., teamster, bds r 19.
Pratt Gilman W., dealer in West India goods, groceries, flour, salt, all kinds of produce, fruit in its season, dealer in coffins and caskets, and farmer 135, Pratt block, Main, h do.
Pratt Timothy B. retired farmer, aged 75, h 40 Main.
Pratte Celestin, sawyer, h Main.
Proulx David, watchman at Passumpsic engine-house, h South.
PROULX NORBERT Rev., Roman Catholic clergyman, h Pleasant.
Prouty Charles A., attorney and counselor at law, State's attorney, Coburn block, h 4 Second.
Prouty George H., son of John A., supt. of lumber mills, at Knowlton, Can.
Prouty Harley H., son of John A., supt. of lumber mill, at Boxton Falls, Can.
PROUTY JOHN A., (Prouty & Miller,) h Main.
Prouty Roswell, retired farmer, aged 73, the oldest person born in the town, h Main.
PROUTY & MILLER, (John A. Prouty, and Oscar O. Miller,) proprietors of the Newport steam saw-mill, also mills at Boxton Falls, and Knowlton, Quebec, spruce, hemlock, birch, beech, and maple lumber, factory floor plank planed, grooved and butted to exact length, off Main.
Provancher Dennis, fireman, bds First.
Provencher Henry M., engineer, h off Main.
Ranney Charles F., associate editor of the " Express & Standard," h 40 Main.
Rattigan Joseph H., night ticket clerk and operator Southeastern & Passumpsic R. R. office.
RAYMOND EMMONS, (Cambridge, Mass.,) president Passumpsic R. R., bds at Memphremagog House.
Reagan Barney, laborer, bds off Main.
Reagan Patrick, log driver, h off Main.
Reau Jock, laborer, h Main.
Revor Dennis, shoemaker, h South.
Richard Deerfield, drives ice cart for J. C. Moulton, h 31 Main.
Richardson Lizzie S., milliner for Geo. C. Gilman.
Richelieu David, laborer, h Main,
Richmond Kendrick, deputy collector and inspector of customs, h Pleasant.
Rivers Godfrey, laborer, h First.
Rivers Louis, laborer, h First.
Rivers Fred hostler at livery stable, bds Coventry.
Rivers John, laborer, h Coventry.
Rivers, John, Jr., laborer, bds Coventry.
ROBINSON GEORGE S., attorney and counselor at law, office over 12 Main, bds at Mrs. B. W. Lee's, 27 Main.
ROBINSON LUCY C. MRS., widow of Lucius, bds at Memphremagog House, resident.
ROBINSON OLIVE M., widow of Orville, h 7 First.
Robitille Joseph, carpenter, h Pleasant.
Roby Fred, laborer, h First.
Rocheleau Joseph, labor, h Main.
Root Henry S., town clerk and treasurer, agent for the United States & Canada express, dealer in furniture, carpets, paperhanging, crockery, glassware, hardware, window glass, paints and oils Main, h do.
Root Horace W., retired farmer, aged 76, h Third.
RUTHERFORD JOSEPH C., allo. physician and surgeon, president of board of U. S. examining surgeon for pensions, assistant surgeon of 10th Vt. Vols., and surgeon of 17th Vt., Regt. h Main.
Ryan Edward, laborer h First.
Ryder Orsamus W., (West Derby) mason.
Safford Warner D., insurance agent for the Vermont Mutual, h school.
Sargent M. George, shoemaker, Main, h Pleasant.
Scott Edward R. (E. R. Scott & Son,) h 10 Third cor Pleasant.
Scott Edward E., (E. R. & Son,) musician, bds 10 Third.
SCOTT EDWARD R. & SON, (Edward R. and Edward E.,) house painting, furniture painting, carriage and sign painting, and paper hanging.
Scott widow of Jesse, h Second.
Scott Franklin N., painter for E. R. & Son, bds 10 Third.
SEARLES JONATHAN H, proprietor of veneer mills, in Derby, and manufacturer of veneers, berry baskets, chair stock, etc., h Second.
Shorland Cyrell, car repairer Passumpsic R. R., h foot of Main. [Charland]
Sharp Thomas M., conductor Passumpsic R. D., h foot of Main.
SHAW RENONI E. dealer in fine gold and silver watches, fine gold chains and jewelry, diamonds, silver and plated ware, clocks, etc., toilet goods, sporting goods, cigars, fruit, confectionery, etc., Main, h Third.
Sheldon John, baggage-master on Southeastern R. R.
Sherburne Wright, watchman at Passumpsic engine house, h Third.
SHERMAN FRANCIS M., vice-president of the National Bank of Newport, station and ticket agent of the South Eastern & Passumpsic R. R., h Main.
SKINNER DANIEL, book-keeper for International Co., h 2 School.
Slee Sidney, painter, h First.
Sleeper Asa C., foreman in J. H. Searl's veneer miles h 11 Second.
Smith George W., express messenger, h South.
Smith John S., works in meat market, first child born in Newport village, h South.
Smith Melvin J., commercial traveler, h Second.
Somerville William C. Rev., Presbyterian clergyman, bds School.
Sparks Martin A., porter Bellevue House.
SPAULDING VAN NESS, owner of Crystal Lake House, Boston.
Stiles John S., teamster, bds at restaurant.
Stiles Maynard F., 2d clerk at Memphremagog House.
STEVENS ISAAC L., engine inspector Passumpsic engine house, h Coventry.
STEWART EDWARD A., general insurance agent for the Niagara German, American, and the Vermont Accident Association of Rutland, Vt. and conveyancer, cor Main and School.
Stewart John C., clerk for H. S. Lawrence, bds Main.
STOCKWELL BURT E., barber at Bellevue House, bds do.
Stone Diana V. Miss, resident, bds 7 First.
Stone Martha S., widow of Nathan, bds 7 First.
Stone Simon, baggage master S. E. R. R., bds South.
St. Peter Charles, shoemaker, h South.
St. Pierre Charles, shoemaker, h Prospect.
Strohan Hubert, Sr., laborer, Main.
Strohan Hubert, Jr., teamster, Main.
Strohan Joseph, laborer, Main.
Sullivan Timothy J., porter at Memphremagog House.
Sweet Lester W., laborer, h Main.
Sweet Sidney, r 18, laborer.
Taylor Felix A., shoemaker h 13 First, shop do.
Taylor G. H., clerk Bellevue House.
Taylor G. H. Mrs., house-keeper Bellevue House.
Taylor Sarah, (Mrs. Felix,) tailoress.
Thatcher A. M., cook Bellevue House.
Thatcher A. M. Mrs., cook Bellevue House.
Thayer Lawrence E., photographer, and dealer in frames, moldings, coffins and caskets, and prop. butter-tub factory in Lowell, True's block, h cor Third and South.
Thibadeau Edmond, laborer, h South.
Thibadeau George, laborer, h South.
THRASHER HOMER, dealer in ready-made clothing, gents furnishing goods, blank books and stationary, Root's block, Main st., h 14 Second, cor South.
Thrasher John R., works for Passumpsic R. R. Co., h 4 South.
THRASHER JOSEPH O., (Mrs. Homer) millinery and fancy goods, h 74 Second cor South.
Thrasher M. Bennett, clerk at post office, h 4 South.
Tinkham Francis S., clerk in South Eastern & Passumpsic R. R. office.
Tracy Edson L., employee Passumpsic R. R., h South.
Tracy Lizzie F., (Mrs. Edson) dressmaker, h South.
Tracy Sarah Mrs., widow of Tolman, resident, h South
Vigneau Edward, laborer, h North.
Vigneau John, laborer, h 15 First.
Vigneau Joseph, car repairer South Eastern R. R. depot, h North.
Wallace Elmer, brakeman for Passumpsic R. R., h First cor Main.
Ward Ann Mrs., widow of Michael, h First.
Warden Henry, store-keeper, at Memphremagog House.
Waters Thomas, r 18, laborer.
Watkins Benjamin, car repairer Passumpsic R. R. Co. h Third cor South.
Welcome Lucius W., jobber, h cor Main and Third.
West Martha, widow of Dwight L., h Main.
West Mary E. Mrs., widow of Dudley, bds Main.
Whitaker Eva E., (Mrs. Eugene E.,) dressmaker, Gilman's block, bds cor School and Main.
Whitaker Eugene E., homeo. physician and surgeon. cor Main and School, h do.
White Ai J., manuf. of sash, doors, blinds, moldings, all kinds of house finishings, etc., Main, h in Derby.
White Louis M., (Stanstead, Quebec,) carpenter and joiner.
Whitney William, C., (A. W. Brown & Co.) h 3 First.
Wild Edward P. Rev., Congregational clergyman, h 21 Second.
Woodbury Joseph P., parlor car conductor, h School.
WOODROW JOHN B., butcher and meat peddler, Root's block, and farmer 75 on r 18.
Wright George, brakeman S. E. R., R., h North.
WRIGHT ROBERT J., cashier of National Bank of Newport, h School.
Young Frank H., (West Derby) night watchman.
Young John, (Edwards, Dickerman & Young,) bds Memphremagog House.

The figures following the letter r indicate the number of the road on which the party resides, and will be found by reference to the map in the back part of this work. Where no road number is given the party is suppossed to reside in the village.

Figures placed after the occupation of acres owned or leased.

The word street is implied.

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