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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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Fairbanks, Thaddeus President
Thayer, Rev. William W.  
Fairbanks, Horace  
Fairbanks, Rev. Henry  
Fairbanks, Franklin  
Fairbanks, Rev. Edward T.  
Fuller, Homer T. Secretary & Treasurer
Fuller, Rev. Homer T., A.M. Principal & Teacher of Latin, Greek, & Mental Science
Putney, Charles E., A. M. Teacher of Latin, Greek, and History
Brackett, Solomon H., A.M. Teacher of Natural Science, and Higher Mathematics
Colby, Miss L. Jennie Teacher of Latin, French, and English Literature
Cummings, Miss Mary E. Teacher of Mathematics & English
Montgomery, Miss Margaret Teacher of Geometry, History and Moral Science  
Marie, Madame Emma Teacher of French
Paddock, Miss Orris Teacher of Instrumental Music
Guy, Miss Tirzah M. Teacher of Drawing
Stiles, William M. Teacher of Penmanship
Warman, E. Barrett Teacher of Elocution
Students - Males
Senior Class Residence Rooms
Adams, Robert N. Island Pond C. B. Hadley's
Barstow, John Haverhill, NH Miss C. Thayer's
Dame, Arthur K. Newbury 27 South Hall
Dean, George E. Huntingville, PQ C. S. Dana's
Farwell, Albert L. Sherbrooke, P.Q. C. V. Eastman's
Gates, Owen H. St Johnsbury Rev. M. A. Gates'
Goss, Herbert I. Lower Waterford 6 Club House
Hale, Edson D. Stowe Rev. M. A. Gates'
Huntington, Bela S. Olympia, W. T. J. R. Batchelder's
Jewett, George E. Swanton St. Johnsbury House
Johnson, Perley A. St Johnsbury Wm. B. Johnson's
Lang, Paul Orford, NH D. Morrison's
Lines, Ernest H. Fredonia, NY P. D. Blodgett's
Mathewson, Charles F. Barton A. B. Mathewson's
Morrill, Charles A. North Danville 25 South Hall
Morse, Clarence S. South Danville 25 South Hall
Norton, James H. Harwich, MA C. S. Dana's
Parker, Edward T. East Derry, NH Rev. W. W. Thayer's
Porter, William G. Thetford Centre Mrs. A. G. Chadwick's
Puffer, William M. St Johnsbury Rev. W. R. Puffer's
Prouty, Harley H. Newport Mrs. J. Page's
Sargent, William H. St Johnsbury Cyrus Sargent's
Smith, Emerson H. North Tunbridge E. D. Harlow's
Smith, Hosmer W. St Johnsbury Mrs. A. J. Smith's
Stanley, Alfred Barnet Dr. H. C. Newell's
Streeter, Edward K. Waterford J. N. Chandler's
Tyler, William C. Natal, So. Africa Miss C. Thayer's
Wells, J. Henry Sugar Hill, NH J. R. Batchelder's
Whitcher, Lewis E. Wentworth, NH E. D. Harlow's
Wright, Fred B. Lunenburg Academy Boarding House
Middle Class Residence Rooms
Anderson, Jens K. St Johnsbury H. K. Anderson's
Balch, George A. Lunenburg 33 South Hall
Baldwin, Deo D. Sharon E. L. Wells'
Bigelow, William H. St Johnsbury B. S. Hastings'
Blake, George F. Athol, MA 23 South Hall
Bryant, Frank B. St Johnsbury A. N. Bryant's
Carpenter, Arthur H. Bath, NH J. W. Balch's
Chapman, Herman D. St Johnsbury D. Chapman's
Clarke, George R. St Johnsbury E. F. Brown's
Denio, Herbert W. St Johnsbury Horace Denio's
Dickey, J. Freeman Acworth, NH Mrs. J. Page's
Dodge, Willis E. Barton 33 South Hall
Drew, Holman A. Stewartstown, NH 31 South Hall
Gaines, John H. North Troy 39 South Hall
Griswold, Charles S. Haverhill, NH 1 Club House
Gulick, Edward L. Hanover, NH C. V. Eastman's
Ham, Judson B. Centre Sandwich C. E. Emerson's
Harvey, Richard S. New York City Dr. H. C. Newell's
Hudson, Henry B. Ludlow 31 South Hall
Ray, Edward Lancaster, NH P. D. Blodgett's
Robertson, Samuel W. Tullahasse, I. T. Mrs. I. P. Dana's
Sargent, Fred J. Enosburgh 33 South Hall
Smith, Charles O. Sandwich, NH C. E. Emerson's
Spencer, Carl M. St Johnsbury G. W. Spencer's
Stiles, William M. Montgomery Centre George Ranney's
Stone, Arthur F. St Johnsbury C. M. Stone's
Thrasher, Bennett M. Coventry 45 South Hall
Truax, Harry L. St Johnsbury L. H. Truax's
Upton, Warren H. Bakersfield 55 South Hall
Ward, Hiram Danville S. H. Ward's
Watson, Alfred E. Hartford C. B. Hadley's
Willard, Stephen A. St Johnsbury A. J. Willard's
Junior Class Residence Rooms
Adams, Charles S. St Johnsbury Mrs. C. E. Adam's
Alvord, George R. St Johnsbury J. M. Alvord's
Anderson, Hans P. St Johnsbury H. K. Anderson's
Andrus, George B. So. Strafford George Ranney's
Appleton, John A. Victory Club House
Armstrong, Arthur E. West Berkshire 41 South Hall
Austin, Herbert J. St Johnsbury Rev. H. F. Austin's
Barrett, William E. St Johnsbury M. E. Barrett's
Beattie, William W. Lawrence, MA 4 Club House
Bishop, Leslie I. St Johnsbury L. Bishop's
Bliss, William G. Constantinople, Turkey C. V. Eastman's
Blodgett, Herbert W. St Johnsbury E. D. Blodgett's
Brackett, Frank P. St Johnsbury S. H. Brackett's
Bradley, William W. St Johnsbury G. L. Bradley's
Brewer, Frederic A. West Concord L. Russell's
Brooks, Arthur R. St Johnsbury S. T. Brooks'
Carpenter, William Chelsea D. Carpenter's
Carrick, Bruce Barnet 33 South Hall
Coe, Orlo A. East Burke 35 South Hall
Coe, Willie W. Burke A. R. Hendrick's
Dana, Charles H., Jr. West Lebanon, NH Mrs. I. P. Dana's
Dewey, Frank O. New York City C. V. Eastman's
Dole, Charles S. Danville E. J. Dole's
Dole, Nelson A. Danville J. R. Dole's
Drew, Amie St Johnsbury George Marcott's
Drew, William L. North Danville 37 South Hall
Dutton, Walter A. South Walden 1 Club House
Fairbanks, Arthur St Johnsbury Rev. H. Fairbanks'
Farnham, Herbert H. Greensboro E. D. Harlow's
Felch, Bert M. St Johnsbury Chester Felch's
Folsom, Irving J. St Johnsbury J. D. Folsom's
Foster, Harry H. Cabot 39 South Hall
Gilfillan, Charles J. Passumpsic 37 South Hall
Hale, Edwin E. Orfordville J. L. Perkin's
Hamel, Edward P. St Johnsbury David Hamel's
Hancock, John E. St Johnsbury J. M. Hancock's
Hazelton, Lucius C. Strafford Homer Hazelton's
Herrick, Joseph T. Tirumangalu, S. Ind. Miss C. Thayer's
Hinman, Jason West Charleston F. O. Clarke's
Holmes, William H. Newport, RI W. K. Gordon's
Ide, George R. Philadelphia Mrs. A. L. Ide's
Kibling, George H. South Strafford George Ranney's
Kimball, Frank E. Newbury C. B. Hadley's
Knapp, Charles H. St Johnsbury B. D. Burnham's
Lane, Herbert E. West Derby C. V. Eastman's
Lund, Henry W. Granby 35 South Hall
Martin, Charles L. Montgomery Centre 29 South Hall
Mattocks, Samuel J. Danville J. B. Mattock's
Miller, David G. E. Braintree, Wisc. Rev. H. W. Jones'
Morrill, Elbert Danville Luther Morrill's
Morrill, Corliss W. North Danville 25 South Hall
Morrill, Curtis Stafford H. Hazelton's
Noyes, William H. St Johnsbury Rev. H. W. Jones'
Page, Frederic W. Haverhill, NH 23 South Hall
Patterson, Thomas N. South Albany 3 Club House
Peck, Charles E. Passumpsic W. E. Peck's
Pierce, Charles S. St Johnsbury Center Mrs. L. Clark's
Powers, William E. Lunenburg Academy Boarding House
Rand, Frank H. North Troy E. A. Hunt's
Stevens, Freeman E. St Johnsbury Center J. R. Stevens'
Stokes, Warren S. St Johnsbury O. S. Ladd's
Symonds, Irving J. Acworth, NH J. R. Batchelder's
Trask, Leland New York City Dr. S. T. Brooks'
Turner, Arthur R. Boston, MA S. H. Brackett's
Underwood, J. Clarence St Johnsbury Horace Underwood's
Walker, Wilbur S. St Johnsbury C. S. Walker's
Warden, Henry N. Passumpsic 35 South Hall
Webster, Henry S. Barton Landing N. P. Bowman's
Weeks, James S. St Johnsbury C. F. Weeks'
Wheatley, Irving N. East Brookfield N. P. Bowman's
Wilson, Homer C. Lyndonville S. J. Wilson's
Woodward, William A. West Concord H. C. Woodward's
Young, Willie F. North Troy E. A. Hunt's
Sub-Juniors Residence Rooms
Barnard, John St Johnsbury Center George Barnard's
Batchelder, James E. St Johnsbury J. R. Batchelder's
Brown, Dwight R. Lower Waterford 49 South Hall
Caswell, Charles A. Waterford Mrs. A. L. Ide's
Clark, Charles H. South Cabot 13 South Hall
Clark, Laureston L. South Cabot 13 South Hall
Curtis, Clarence E. Passumpsic 51 South Hall
Cutler, Henry R. West Glover C. H. Dwinell's
Dutton, Worthen S. South Walden 1 Club House
Fairbanks, Robert N. St Johnsbury Rev. Henry Fairbanks'
Gibson, Willie A. Ryegate Dr. H. C. Newell's
Gray, George M. Ryegate Dr. H. C. Newell's
Hovey, Edward E. East St Johnsbury F. Bingham's
Hovey, William C. East St Johnsbury J. G. Hovey's
Howe, Willie A. St Johnsbury Center W. Howe's
Mattocks, Willie D. Danville J. B. Mattock's
Parmenter, Charles N. Pittsfield George Ranney's
Peck, Clarence G. Danville Albert Winn's
Pike, Charles D. St Johnsbury A. D. Pike's
Randall, Frank L. St Johnsbury F. Randall's
Shedd, George A. St Johnsbury L. Packard's
Stanton, Edwin M. North Danville 37 South Hall
Stoddard, Frank J. Lower Waterford 49 South Hall
White, Willie C. Westmoreland, NH 49 South Hall
Students - Females
Senior Advanced Class Residence Rooms
Davis, Ellen L. Springfield 14 South Hall
Hancock, Nellie S. St Johnsbury J. M. Hancock's
Ingalls, Florence M. Greensboro C. V. Eastman's
Page, Flora R. Springfield 14 South Hall
Preston, Willametta A. Danville L. Graham's
Ross, Julia St Johnsbury J. Ross'
Senior Class Residence Rooms
Clarke, Ellen W. Norwich C. E. Putney's
Crossman, Addie R. St Johnsbury W. S. Hill's
Fairbanks, Agnes St Johnsbury Horace Fairbanks'
Fairbanks, Mary F. St Johnsbury Franklin Fairbanks'
Folsom, Nellie A. St Johnsbury Dr. J. D. Folsom's
Gates, Flora L. St Johnsbury Rev. M. A. Gates'
Houghton, Emily E. Lower Waterford John Clark's
Kinney, Helen C. Craftsbury H. W. Kinney's
Mason, Martha J. Waterford 38 South Hall
Morse, Annie S. St Johnsbury Center Mrs. J. Morse's
Moulton, Julia E. St Johnsbury A. Moulton's
Parker, Mary M. Sutton H. H. Parker's
Potter, Lizzie A. Worcester, MA R. W. Warner's
Randall, Bettie E. North Danville L. B. Flint's
Stone, Mary E. St Johnsbury C. M. Stone's
Trull, Addie I. West Burke D. Trull's
Middle Class Residence Rooms
Baker, Alida West Glover H. Paddock's
Bickford, Laura M. North Danville 22 South Hall
Brooks, Laura L. St Johnsbury Dr. S. T. Brooks'
Brown, Abbie P. St Johnsbury E. F. Brown's
Clark, Susie E. St Johnsbury B. B. Clark's
Darling, Mary R. Concord C. W. Thomas'
Denio, Ellen A. St Johnsbury Horace Denio's
Evans, Mary E. St Johnsbury J. B. Evan's
Fairman, Jennie E. Wolcott R. B. Flint's
Gordon, Mary M. St Johnsbury W. K. Gordon's
Hale, Abbie M. Passumpsic 40 South Hall
Hallett, Sarah F. East St Johnsbury Mrs. F. Griswold's
Hartshorn, Cora L. Lunenburg C. A. Sylvester's
Hibbard, Adalina P. St Johnsbury B. F. Hibbard's
Hinman, Jennie E. West Concord R. S. Hinman's
Johnston, Lizzie J. Ryegate John Clark's
Kilburn, E. Addie Littleton, NH A. O. Baker's
Knight, Ella S. Irasburgh 36 South Hall
Leach, Julia L. Irasburgh 36 South Hall
May, Jennie P. St Johnsbury George May's
Nelson, Lizzie B. Ryegate John Clark's
Root, Carrie A. North Craftsbury 26 South Hall
Ross, Helen E. St Johnsbury Henry Ross'
Stevens, Abbie C. St Johnsbury Center S. Stevens'
Stockwell, Irene A. West Concord 30 South Hall
Streeter, Caroline H. Waterford J. N. Chandler's
Sylvester, Nellie A. St Johnsbury C. A. Sylvester's
Thomas, Laura C. Stowe Dr. S. T. Brooks'
Underwood, Flora I. St Johnsbury E. L. Underwood's
Vaughan, Mary E. St Johnsbury Center John Bacon's
Woodbury, Sarah E. West Concord J. E. Woodbury's
Junior Class Residence Rooms
Baker, Cora E. West Glover C. Morrill's
Bartlett, Clara I. St Johnsbury S. S. Bartlett's
Bemis, Mabel C. Lyndonville I. W. Bemis'
Bevan, Mary East St Johnsbury Rev. J. P. Humphrey's
Bickford, Emma F. North Danville 22 South Hall
Brown, Julia A. St Johnsbury A. L. Bailey's
Bundy, Annie l. Coos, NH Mrs. A. L. Ide's
Carpenter, May C. West Waterford L. J. Cummings'
Chapman, Minnie R. St Johnsbury D. Chapman's
Cheney, Etta M. Lunenburg C. E. Putney's
Clarke, Kathie W. West Charleston Charles Clark's
Corley, Jennie A. Irasburgh 42 South Hall
Crosby, Addie E. St Johnsbury George R. Crosby's
Currier, Katie St Johnsbury A. W. Roberts'
Denio, Lizzie A. St Johnsbury H. Denio's
Drew, Katie A. St Johnsbury J. Drew's
Fairbanks, Mira T. St Johnsbury W. P. Fairbanks'
Felch, Ida O. St Johnsbury H. Russell's
Flint, Ella M. St Johnsbury R. B. Flint's
Foster, Rebecca W. Passumpsic 36 South Hall
Gage, Clara M. St Johnsbury L. L. Kendall's
Gibson, Emma J. Barnet 26 South Hall
Gibson, Eva L. Barnet 26 South Hall
Gilman, Carrie V. Morrisville Rev. M. A. Gates'
Goss, Florence S. Greensboro C. S. Dana's
Goss, Helen A. Lower Waterford 42 South Hall
Hale, Carrie B. St Johnsbury John O. Hale's
Hall, Agnes H. St Johnsbury Mrs. C. C. Hall's
Hallett, Carrie M. St Johnsbury R. Hallett's
Ham, Clara L. St Johnsbury Charles Emerson's
Harvey, Abbie L. Craftsbury Mrs. R. Underwood's
Harvey, Carrie A. St Johnsbury A. Harvey's
Haskell, Clara S. St Johnsbury J. W. Haskell's
Henderson, Capitola K. Ryegate W. K. Gordon's
Higgins, Alice M. St Johnsbury S. Higgins'
Houghton, Frances Fredonia, NY E. Hall's
Johnson, Lilly M. St Johnsbury N. M. Johnson's
Joslin, Ella E. West Concord H. A. Joslin's
Kidder, Alice L. Bethlehem, NH R. H. Kidder's
Knapp, Alice R. St Johnsbury U. Knapp's
Knight, Grace E. St Johnsbury Thomas Knight's
Ladd, Mary E. Waterford O. S. Ladd's
Lougee, Mary E. North Danville W. Palmer's
Marsh, Cornelia Littleton, NH George Cross'
Mason, Emily E. Waterford 38 South Hall
Nelson, Laura Norrisville 24 South Hall
Pearl, Alice E. St Johnsbury Mrs. L. E. Pearl's
Phelps, Fannie Chester Depot Mrs. R. Underwood's
Pierce, Sadie S. St Johnsbury Center C. O. Pierce's
Powers, Emily M. (deceased) St Johnsbury J. W. Powers'
Root, Lucia A. North Craftsbury 28 South Hall
Ross, Mattie St Johnsbury J. Ross'
Rounds, Ella D. Chester Mrs. R. Underwood's
Smith, Callie R. Passumpsic L. G. Smith's
Smith, Jennie E. Post Mills A. A. Annis'
Smith, Nellie G. Brunswick Mrs. A. L. Ide's
Spear, Mary L. Boston, MA C. V. Eastman's
Stanton, Carrie E. North Danville L. Graham's
Stanton, Clara E. North Danville L. Graham's
Stanton, Mabel A. North Danville L. B. Flint's
Stiles, Lois St Johnsbury Center N. Harlow's
Taplin, Carrie St Johnsbury G. H. Taplin's
Underwood, Lizzie L. St Johnsbury Mrs. R. Underwood's
Wakefield, Addie E. West Concord O. P. Wakefield's
Wakefield, Alice E. West Concord O. P. Wakefield's
Webber, Annie Troy, NY C. E. Putney's
Webster, Lora A. Lunenburg 30 South Hall
Weeks, Belle C. St Johnsbury Center Hiram Weeks'
Wilcox, Emily J. Troy, NY Mrs. A. L. Ide's
Willey, Hattie P. St Johnsbury D. Willey's
Sub-Juniors Residence Rooms
Adams, Annie F. St Johnsbury P. B. Adams'
Ayer, Nettie A. St Johnsbury Center Loren Ayer's
Carpenter, Edith Bath, NH J. Ross'
Clark, Carrie S. Danville A. W. Simpson's
Clifford, Nellie M. Danville 46 South Hall
Cone, Hattie A. Hartford C. B. Hadley's
Dean, Carrie M. St Johnsbury C. F. Dean's
Foss, Nellie E. Lyndonville L. F. Woodward's
Hale, Carrie E. Passumpsic 40 South Hall
Hall, E. Jennie St Johnsbury Mrs. N. M. Shorey's
Ide, Katie D. Passumpsic E. T. Ide's
Ladd, Hattie A. Waterford O. S. Ladd's
Magoon, Hattie E. St Johnsbury I. P. Magoon's
Miner, Carrie M. Lyman, NH B. S. Burt's
Montgomery, Sara H. Halifax, N. S. 32 South Hall
Morrill, Margaret E. Danville L. Morrill's
Murray, Dora G. Lyndonville G. W. Murray's
Noyes, Mary T. St Johnsbury Rev. H. W. Jones'
Peck, Cora E. Danville Simon Peck's
Peck, Emma A. Danville Simon Peck's
Peck, Ida E. Danville Simon Peck's
Peck, Ida M. Passumpsic W. E. Peck's
Peck, Mary J. Danville Simon Peck's
Ranney, May I. Pittsfield George Ranney's
Russell, Mary E. St Johnsbury H. Russell's
Sly, Lilla V. Boltonville 40 South Hall
Shorey, Agnes H. St Johnsbury Center Charles Frost's
Stevens, Corilla A. Danville A. W. Simpson's
Stevens, Mary F. North Danville Mrs. E. Hutchinson's
Stevens, Nettie E. North Danville Miss O. Paddock's
Story, Hattie J. Victory L. Farnham's
Watson, Olive R. Hartford C. B. Hadley's

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